Monday, September 30, 2013

Healthy Lifestyle As a Natural Gout Cure - Avoiding Purine-Rich Food As a Cure For Gout

Perhaps the most painful of all rheumatic conditions, gout is a condition that affects the joints in the body. Finding the best natural form of gout cure is a combination of proper medication and lifestyle changes which includes avoiding purine-rich food. Healthy lifestyle is, thus, a must.

Gout afflicts more or less 840 out of 100,000 persons and it accounts for 5 percent of all arthritis cases. Because of the sizeable number experiencing the pain, many have tried searching for ways to avoid having a gout attack.

Gout is a condition that happens when the uric acid accumulates in the joint's fluids due to an excess of purine. When this happens, merely moving the joint is extremely painful. Purines are vital proteins to the body. In fact, it is within every tissue and this compound is even present in most of our daily diet. However, in the case of gout prevention, purine should be kept at the minimum and must be avoided in all cases to rid of gout attacks. It is therefore very advisable to know which foods are rich in purine.

The American Medical Association identified the following food to be rich in purine: yeast, organ meat like kidneys, liver, and sweetbreads, beer and other alcoholic drinks, anchovies, sardines in oil, fish roes, herring, legumes like dried beans and peas, meat extracts, consomme, gravies, mushrooms, spinach, asparagus, and cauliflower.

With the trigger of the gout attack, the pain usually tends to start in the big toe and proceed to the other joints. This will likely affect the heel, knees, elbows, and ankles. This pain from gout is due to the uric acid crystal accumulation in the joints.

These crystals are normally within the fluid in the joints and cause swelling and extreme pain. The one suffering this condition may not be able to walk during the gout attack. Hence, it is so important for a gout sufferer to fully recognize the foods to avoid for one to prevent these painful attacks.

Foods rich in purine must be avoided as much as possible. Recommended to include in the gout patient's diet are the following: dark berries to reduce inflammation, tofu from soybeans as meat alternative, and certain fatty acids in olive oils, salmon, nuts, and flax for anti-inflammatory benefits.

It is equally important, nonetheless, to take prescribed medications by your physician. As a reminder, those enjoying very rich daily diet with mostly red meat are exposing themselves to high risk for gout in the near future.

What Are the Joint Pain Causes?

There are many causes of joint pain, though the majority is from illnesses. Joint discomfort can also be felt from injuries, infections and some allergic reactions to medications. Treatment for joints will depend on the unique cause and situation. You may need to have joint replacement surgery, need to switch medications, or just take immune suppressant's. Most joint pain is destructive and degenerative, so you may need to change your activities or lifestyle to accommodate or find relief for the joint discomfort, depending on the severity.

Joint discomfort can be associated with pain, your nervous system, head symptoms, muscle symptoms, swelling, movement symptoms, skin symptoms, muscle weakness, fever, body temperature, stiffness, and fatigue. Some of these causes are very easy to treat while others cannot actually fix the cause, but allow you to function with the joint problems. Finger joint pain not only causes discomfort, but debilitation in some more serious cases.

Viral infections, the common cold, the flue and other bacterial infections all can cause joint pain. The many types of arthritis cause joint pain, from light pain to very sever and debilitating pain. The list of arthritic causes is extensive. Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatism, Reiter's syndrome, psoriatic arthritis, gonococcal arthritis, and inflammatory bowel syndrome are common culprits.

Some other common causes for aching joints are African sleeping sickness, east African trypanosomiasis, optic neuropathy, anterior ischemic, and West African trypanosomiasis. Severe joint pain causes are avascular necrosis, bartonella infections, bertonellosis, haemoglobin S/haemoglobin Lepore, Boston, Hemoglobin S/haemoglobin ), Arab, and Hemoglobin SC. Charcot joint pain, which is the degeneration of a stress bearing joint, such as your knee, is caused by repeated trauma, chronic haemarthrosis, chondrocalcinosis, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Joint redness, painful joints, joint inflammation, joint swelling and other joint symptoms are all associated with arthritis. Some causes of arthritis are acrodysostosis, Behcet's disease, Blau syndrome, Caplan's disease, Ciproflaxin, Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hypertostosis, Escherichi coli, Farber's disease, Bone fracture, Hemophilia type A, Hepatitis A, Kawasaki disease, Mayaro virus fever, Methimazole, mixed connective tissue disease, Mycoplasma pneumonia, obesity, PAPA syndrome, pituitary tumor, rheumatic fever, rubella, sickle cell disease, Streptococcus suis, raised Urid acid levels, West Nile fever, and Winchester. And that's just naming a few.

Gout related arthritis is a joint condition associated with the accumulation of urate crystals in the joints. It can be caused by familial juvenile hyperuricemic nephropathy, juvenile gout, Kelley-seegmiller syndrome, lesch-nyhan syndrome. Rheumatoid arthritis which causes quite sever joint pain is caused by cartilaginous deafness syndrome, chromosome 22q deletion, chromosome 22q11.2 deletion syndrome, felty syndrome, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, human adjuvant disease, hyperprolactinemia, large granular lymphocyte leukaemia, systemic juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and X-linked agammaglobulinemia.

It is important to remember that painful joints are a symptom of many different causes. You need to diagnose and recognize, rather than target the symptoms of joint troubles. This will help in determining why you are experiencing the discomfort in joints. Joint problems are commonly found in those 45 years of age and older. Most commonly rest, exercise, massage, stretching and warm baths can effectively treat nonarthritic joint issues. There are also anti-inflammatory medications that can relieve any swelling and inflammation. There is also special physical therapy for muscle and joint rehabilitation. You may need to have fluid removed from your joints to get rid of painful joints.

Without a doubt joint pain plaques millions of individuals. In some cases treatments or medication are effective in treating this problem. In other cases a more aggressive approach may be necessary. Regardless, new developments and technologies are making treatments more and more successful.

Arthritis Symptoms You Should Know About

Many people have arthritis symptoms and don't realize it. It takes a while to get full blown arthritis. It's something that gradually builds up and before you know it, you have arthritis and are seeing your doctor for medication. Any medication you take does not address the cause of arthritis and will not improve your condition.

If you show any arthritis symptoms, then expect to have arthritis 4-10 year down the road. Typically when people have symptoms, they just ignore them and actual don't recognize them as arthritis symptoms.

Here is a list of arthritis symptoms that you need to look out for. Each person will show different symptom because of the nutritional make up will be different.

* Dry scalp with dandruff
* Dry skin which shows a whitish in different parts of the body
* Ear has no ear wax
* Fingernails that are brittle or splitting
* Premature color change to gray
* Skin wrinkles in the neck area
* Ringing in the ears
* Complexion color is pale
* Stretch mark which appear after losing weight
* Rectum itching
* Accumulation of dried flakes at the corners of the eyes
* Nose is constantly itching
* Feeling stiffness when getting up in the morning
* Hands and legs get cold and clammy
* Bleeding gums
* Teeth have etch lines
* Varicose veins in the legs
* Being sterile

From this list of arthritis symptoms, you can see that many symptoms relate to your body being dry. One of the causes of arthritis is the lack of essential oils. If you lack oil in your body, you will have dryness throughout your body. You will lack the oil that provides the lubrication to the body joints.

You can have one or many of these arthritis symptoms. If you do, you can start at any age using the oils good for preventing arthritis. You can start eliminating those foods that are detrimental to your joints and health. Some times it takes awhile to eliminate specific foods from you eating habits. So the sooner you start the better.

Without the proper oil reaching your joints, your joints will slowly degrade. The cartilage of your joints will be dry and this causes friction. This friction causes heat that will help in the slow degradation of your joints. Because the cartilage has no blood vessels, nutritional oils cannot be directly delivered its cells. Oils have to be absorbed into the cartilage by osmosis.

Look over this list of arthritis symptoms and decide if you have one or more. Remember, arthritis takes many years to appear after the symptom does.

How An ACL Knee Brace Can Help Your Knee Injury

The ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) connects the femur and the tibia bone. This is a thigh bone and a shin bone respectively. The ligament connection gives stability to the knee joint. The ACL is made up of bands of tissue which are flexible and connect these upper and lower leg bones together. An ACL knee brace is designed to protect this ligament from injury which occurs when it is torn.

How injury to the ACL can occur

These bands of tissue may be injured in the course of participating in a sport like football or basketball. These sports exert pressure on the ACL ligament which can lead to tear, thus causing injury. Pressure is exerted when you jump, twist without moving your feet, pivot, or change directions suddenly.

In case your knee joint extends farther than normal, it can injure the ACL. A torn ligament leaves your knee joint feeling loose and ready to give way. There will also be intense pain when you injure the ligament.

A crack or pop sound in the knee joint may indicate this injury. Swelling may occur either immediately or later depending on the extent of the injury. The knee joint area will also have a sore feeling. ACL injury will leave your knees feeling weak and unstable.

How to prevent an ACL injury

The sensitivity of this ligament needs to be noted by all those involved in intensive activities like sports. The aftermath of a knee injury is pain and in severe cases, surgery. To prevent such unfortunate occurrences, ACL knee braces should be used. These are braces that are specifically designed to protect the ACL from injury.

There are ACL braces that are worn once injury to the ligament has occurred. These protect the ligament from further injury and facilitate quick healing.

How to choose the best ACL knee brace

Look for a knee brace that has a low profile design and is light in weight. A heavy brace will only subject unwanted pressure on an already injured ligament. Heavy designs are also uncomfortable to wear.

Choose a brace that has moldable cuffs. This allows for a custom fit since people have different knee shapes. These cuffs hold on to your lower leg and thigh to give a more perfect fit. This feature would suit those who have a thin calf and a bigger thigh size.

ACL knee brace is suitable for all types of people. These braces are easily available online or in knee brace shops. Their variety in the marketplace helps you choose the one that best suits you.

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome - Signs, Symptoms and Treatment Methods - Knee Braces That Help

1.) What is Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome?

The knee is the largest and one of the most used joints in the human body. There are a number of things that can go wrong with the knees, but one of the more common knee injuries is called Patellofemoral Pain syndrome or PPS for short.

The exact causes of PPS are unknown, but it's thought that it has to do with the way the kneecap moves along the groove on the femur (called the trochlea). Pain caused by PPS usually originates in the front of the knee, and commonly occurs in people who are either overweight or are athletes. It also tends to strike teenagers.

2.) Symptoms of PPS include:

Pain usually occurs when the knee joint is being used. - Squatting, jumping or going down stairs are prime examples of when PPS pain may occur

A buckling at the knee. - The knee may refuse to support your weight causing it to buckle beneath you

A popping sound or grinding sensation may occur when you use your knees to do mundane every day things, such as walking

3.) Treatment Options

The best way to treat PPS is to stay away from activities that cause you pain. - Stay away from anything where you have to use a bent knee position, such as kneeling. Not avoiding these situations can make the symptoms worse.

Anti-inflammatory Drugs

Anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Ibuprofen can be used to treat PPS as well. When symptoms are at their worst, resting the knee is a good idea. Providing your knee with as much rest as possible is one of the best ways to treat PPS. You should also consider losing weight if you're overweight. This will help lessen the amount of pressure that is exerted on your knee on a constant basis.


Applying ice to the knee will usually help bring any swelling down, bringing you relief from some of the symptoms of PPS.

4.) A Well Designed Knee Brace

Bracing the knee whenever possible, in order to provide the knee with more support and help prevent it from buckling is another great way to treat PPS. Bracing the knee helps stabilize the kneecap and helps prevent the symptoms from worsening.

If all else fails and your symptoms begin to worsen, surgery may be unavoidable. If you notice any of the symptoms listed above, you'd be wise to start bracing the knee as soon as possible. Rest your knee, and avoid doing activities that aggravate the knee joint. Losing weight and staying in shape is also a good idea.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Benefits Of A Whole Body Vibration Machine

Neuromuscular training is offered by a vibration machine to improve muscular strength, power and balance. There is a platform on the machine for standing and sitting. The user can control the frequency of the vibrations (speed level) and length of time used according to his fitness level and particular needs. The vibrations' intensity increases with higher frequency levels. The un-weighted strength exercises like push-ups and squats can be performed while using the machine.

Muscular Strength

There is an increase in the muscle growth by performing isometric exercises on the vibration machine, as seen on the exercise chart and video. Everyone, including seniors can benefit greatly from this. If you have knee osteoarthritis, you can increase your muscle strength by doing exercise positions such as lunges, dips, and squats for 60-90 seconds as little as 3 times per week.

Special Requirements

For people with various disabilities, who are unable to undergo regular strength training exercise, whole body vibration can offer them a great deal. They can strengthen their muscles, as well as receive many other exercise benefits, with little impact on their joints or stress on their cardiovascular system. People who have multiple sclerosis or suffer from Parkinson's disease can also take advantage of this machine to increase strength and stability, balance and flexibility. Even the very elderly can use and benefit from vibration exercise training. Users in their 90's are improving their quality and quantity of life by safely using whole body vibration 3 or more times per week.


Vibration training increases flexibility. Synovial fluid is released into the joints within 90 seconds, resulting in lubrication that enhances movement. Also, the stiff muscles resulting from stiff joints are relaxed and loosened up to move more freely. As the circulation pumps oxygenation into the damaged joints, healing can take place. That is why there are several ways in which whole body vibration increases flexibility, range of motion and decreases joint pain. Osteoarthritis is one of the conditions that can greatly benefit.

Bone Density

As we know, bone density decreases in post-menopausal women, but that doesn't have to be the case.Studies show that with whole body vibration training, the deterioration can be thwarted. This reduces the chance of the occurrence of osteoporosis as a risk of post menopause.


Muscle recovery is another benefit of the whole body vibration machine. Exercisers can recover from an intense physical workout by using the machine afterward, to prevent stiffness and soreness the next day. A relaxing way to massage those tired leg muscles after a long period of standing or sitting is to lay on the floor and rest the calves right on the rapidly moving platform. Ahhh, what relief!

Health and Anti-Aging

Vibration exercise greatly increases the lymphatic drainage, which results in cleansing the toxins from the body. The blood circulation is increased with the rapid muscle contractions, thereby increasing oxygenation to all the cells to repair and regenerate. Oxygenation plays a significant role in the prevention of disease and aging.


Vibration Exercise results in elevated HGH (human growth hormone) levels. If you have undergone a surgery or suffered from an injury, healing is enhanced through these elevated levels. Athletic injuries are also treated with sports massage by using the vibration machine. Whole Body Vibration also makes neuromuscular reduction possible in various situations such as stroke, CP and MS.

Ways to Strengthen Your Knees

The muscles that surround the knee being the quadriceps in front of the leg, the hamstrings in the back of the thigh and calf muscles all are involved in having a strong and functional knee. if one of these groups are not doing their job it can lead to muscle imbalance and associated knee pain or fatigue.

In this article I will mention just a several of the exercises that an older adult can do that will assist in strengthening their knees. Strong muscles act as a supportive brace for your knee. If that support has been weakened either through a previous injury or lack of physical activity the knees will either buckle upon standing or cause some discomfort when walking. If your orthopedist has ruled out a knee injury or severe osteoarthritis then muscle weakness could be the main issue.

For simplicity sake There are three exercises that will strengthen you entire leg and the muscles that support your knees.

1. Calf raises. Standing on a flat firm surface using a counter top or other non-moveable object stand up as up as high as you can on your tip toes and hold that position for a slow count of five. Complete 10 repetitions to start with working your way up to 20. These are also excellent for your standing balance.

2. Short-arc quadriceps exercises. Lie flat place either a rolled pillow that is high and firm or take a five gallon bucket and place it under your knees. Place either a rolled up blanket or pillow inside the bucket if the weight of your legs buckles the bucket. Lift your feet up in the air making sure the back of your knees do not lift off the bucket. Hold your feet in the air for a slow count of five. This will place direct emphasis on your thigh muscles. Complete 10 repetitions to start with working your way up to 20.

3. Straight Leg Raises. Lie down on a firm surface. Take one of your legs and straighten it out. take your opposite leg and bend your knee. Take both your arms and place them by your side. Lift the straightened leg up even with your opposite knee and hold that position for a slow count of five then lower slowly. Again start out with 10 repetitions and work your way up to 20.

Follow these exercises from one to two times a day. If your are consistent with these exercises you should see some results. As you get stronger then you graduate to more complicated exercises.

There are many exercises out there that will strengthen your knees and your entire leg. Find the ones that work for you and give them a serious try. Strong legs are needed for a strong foundation no matter what your age.

Body Weight Exercise - Utilizing Your Body to Obtain Tremendous Strength and Fitness Gains!

You are probably wondering how in the world you can create a knock-out fitness and strength program without using any weights, machines, or by having to buy a gym membership. Remember that no matter your goals you absolutely have to increase your level of physical exertion in order to achieve optimal strength and muscular development. In order to do this you have to incorporate certain body movements that involve the overall tension and action of multi-joint exercise. Remember that if I want to work my chest muscles then why do a fly movement when I can do a push-up. This way I not only work my chest muscles, but target my shoulders, abdomen, triceps, and hips all from this single movement.

Lets start out by you asking yourself a question. How many exercises can you think of right now that involve using nothing but you and your living room floor or front yard? How ever many you came up with that number is a good start for this body-weight strength program. Also, thinking in this way will cause your program to be better because you have to get more creative in order to challenge yourself and to get to greek-god status! Now I'm going to start by helping you think in a creative way like a "strength and conditioning specialist" would think.

I have always thought of ways to challenge the athletes and clients I work with because a true strength and conditioning program has to be ever-changing and highly innovative. Lets look at the age old exercise that we know as the Push-up. Now you might not be capable of doing a single push-up, you might be able to do 10 or 20, or you may even be able to do a 100 push-ups! Nonetheless all levels can be improved. For instance, the individual that is not capable of a push-up should be. He or she can practice lower intensity drills like doing them on their knees or with their hands elevated on a bench putting more force on the feet instead of the upper body. As they get better at these they can eventually progress to the floor to execute ordinary push-ups. If we look at the person that can do 10 or 20 then he or she can start into practicing more intense one arm drills like the one-arm push-up. They can start their practice in ways like the no push-up group mentioned above by starting with one-arm on a bench with having more weight distributed to their feet until they are ready to go to the floor. Looking at the third group that is capable of doing a 100 push-ups we can still challenge their abilities by including even more intense drills like the very dynamic dive-bomber push-up or the one-arm one-leg push-up! These are both intense and impressive my friend.

Next, lets think of a way that you can challenge more of your legs and cardiovascular system. Here you can perform a normal standing squat. Just like the push-up you are familiar with the squat. You may not be capable of executing a proper squat, you may be able to do 10 or 20, or you may be capable of doing a 100 standing squats. Just like the push-up drills we can learn the basic squat and once mastered we can learn and execute other more intense variations of squats. For the person that isn't capable of a proper squat we can learn this technique with the use of a wall. We'll use the wall to incorporate a drill I like to call a "form drill." First, you need to walk up and face a wall with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width. You should only be about 3 to 4 inches from the wall. From here execute the form drill by squatting and lowering your body in a controlled manner down the wall. The key here is to not "frog" the knees or "bow" them out. You must descend in a controlled manner or you will bump the wall with either your face or your knees. You should feel the muscles in your spine tension. This is a proper "form squat." You want to progress by going as low as possible. Just like the push-up drills the people that are capable of doing 10 or 20 squats at a time can move on to practicing single leg squat drills with the aid of a chair or bench. You can do this by lifting a leg in front of you and then on one leg lower your rear to touch the bench or chair before standing up. From here you can lower the bench until you progress to eventually going all the way to the floor. For the people that can do a 100 squats we can incorporate similar drills and continue to challenge them with the inclusion of more dynamic movements like squat jumps and single leg squat jumps!

I think you get the picture. Hopefully you understand that the basic exercises of the push-up and squat can be utilized to create more results for you than any other method of training you have ever done. You now should understand that a basic push-up or squat can be manipulated into many variations to continually challenge you for explosive results! Think like a "strength and conditioning specialist!"

Understanding Arthritis in Fingers and How It Can Affect You

Arthritis in fingers begins from pain and swelling that leads to deformity. It can seriously affect the way a person lives due to the fact that it easily get in the way to some of the simplest day-to-day activities. The pain it causes can be unbearable and the stiffness can lead to loss of movement.

People suffering from arthritis in the fingers often find difficulty in gripping because of reduced strength in their fingers. They are unable to grip objects tightly even the simplest of opening a jar or turning a key is no longer a simple task. With this, the wrist joint is can also be affected and obstruct with the movement of the arms.


Symptoms of this condition can develop noticeably. These can include stiffness, swelling, bending of the fingers, inflammation, persistent pain, and joint ache.

Stiffness of the fingers is usually the first symptom associated with this condition. It goes along with pain and swelling. In bending of the fingers, it turns out to be a complex task while inflammation causes joints to not work properly. This leads to the restriction of the movement of the fingers. With all of these, a person with arthritis in fingers may experience unrelenting pain.


Anti-inflammatory medications are the most generally used treatment for arthritis in fingers. It aims to offer temporary relief from swelling and inflammation that causes unbearable pain. However, overuse or prolonged usage can cause gastrointestinal problems such as ulcers.

Non-medicinal options can be done to treat the condition. One of these methods is the use of heat and cold. This method aims to relieve tension and stiffness, and a fast way to bring down swelling.

Hand therapy can also be an option for treating this condition. However, this should be done under the supervision of a professional. They use different movements to improve movements and strengthen the muscles.

There are also herbal remedies available to deal with arthritis in fingers such as turmeric and ginger extract. These two are anti-inflammatory agents that reduce swelling and pain while permitting patients to move their fingers freely.

Arthritis in fingers seldom develops rapidly. It usually takes time to build up and make drastic changes in one's life. However, this condition shouldn't hinder your day-to-day activities, or take away your ability to function properly. Consult a doctor the first time you notice some symptoms affecting the movement of your hands and fingers so that immediate medical care can be provided. With the number of treatment and remedies available nowadays, it is easier to combat this condition accompanied by proper care of your hands and fingers.

Knee Joint Pain - It Can Be Helped!

Most of us who have had more birthdays than we care to admit (and others who have experienced nasty sports injuries or overuse) have had the following experience.

After sitting for hours behind the wheel, climbing out of your car is not as easy as it once was - and may even turn into "crawling" out. The eye-opening situation is often attributable to some knee joint pain or some other body ache or stiffness.

Needless to say, this can be a humbling experience, particularly when it takes a small army to remove you from your vehicle and try to get you walking. The only good news is that it usually doesn't take too long for you to walk it off. But wouldn't it be nice if that debilitating knee joint pain didn't occur at all?

The painful truth (literally) is that as we get older, our bodies simply do not produce enough of the substances we need to maintain our bone and joint functioning they way we did when we were younger. Our aging joints just get stiff and do not cooperate with us as we'd like to. Add a few minor (or major) injuries or simply years of use and abuse, and you can find yourself with chronic knee joint pain, and other kinds of pain.

Luckily, there are some very simple, but effective things you can do to help reduce knee joint pain.

To begin with, think about taking a dietary supplement that helps replace the things your body now lacks. There are a selection of joint dietary supplements combining a mixture of glucosamine, chondroitin and MSM. These are the main substances that your joints need, and by including them, you can significantly scale back or even cease the pain you might have gotten accustomed to. But don't expect results the next day. It is going to take a few weeks to get the complete impact of the supplements.

Second, you have to really use those joints. Consistent exercise of some variety will provide help to keep knee joint pain and lots of other types of pain away. But start out slow. Try a 30-minute walk 4 times per week; then increase by 5 minutes every week until you are walking forty five-minutes to an hour.

Beside reducing your joint pain, you will find that you get pleasure from the way you feel so much, you will want to start exercising each day. However again, keep it up! Do not expect to be an expert exerciser on Day 1.

The proper nutritional supplements and a consistent exercise program will help keep your joints flexible and vastly improve or even eradicate knee joint pain and different joint pains.

So isn't it time you took care of that pain? Now is the time!

Osteoarthritis of the Knee - Focus on Treating the Cause

One of the most common forms of knee pain that people experience is osteoarthritis in the knee. Arthritis pain is very common for people who age. As you get older, your body begins to wear down. One particular thing that can happen inside your knee is the wearing down of your cartilage. Once your cartilage is reduced, you will often find that you will have swelling and pain that is in your knee.

People who have osteoarthritis pain in their knee should focus on trying to strengthen the surrounding muscles. By building up the muscles around your knee, you can help the knee stabilize. This will often work to reduce some of the pain that you are experiencing. Your quadriceps muscles in particular are very effective in stabilizing your knee.

A good exercise to strengthen your quads is the stationary bike. It is a good way to build strength, while at the same to taking the pressure off of your knees. People who focus on exercise as a way to cure there knee pain will often find it very effective in relieving some of the pain symptoms.

If you are looking to find relief for osteoarthritis of the knee, you need to ensure that you use a comprehensive program that treats both the cause and the symptoms of your pain. Getting a good program together can usually result in drastically reducing the amount of pain that you experience in your knee area. It can also allow you to become more active with less pain in your knee joints.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

How to Treat your Arthritis Naturally

How to Treat your Arthritis Naturally

Arthritis is pain in the fingers, knees, elbows, hips jaw-any place in
the body where there is a joint between bones. It can be very painful. This
because joints are surrounded by many nerves and the nerves are needed to make
the complicated joints work properly. There are many forms of arthritis like
Osteoarthritis or Rheumatoid; to name just two, but we are not going into that
now. What we are looking at here is natural remedies.

A lot of arthritis sufferers very often turn to natural herbal remedies
and botanical methods to gain release from their symptoms. But do these
natural alternatives do what they promise? Can you find relief from herbal
supplements? There are many herbs and such like that has shown some promise in
helping treat the symptoms of Rheumatoid arthritis and we will just look at a
few of them:.

Thunder god vine

A supplement that is derived from a perennial vine that is
native to Asia, also in areas of China, Korea, and Japan. The root is peeled
away to make this herbal supplement and is by tradition, been used to treat
autoimmune illnesses and inflammatory conditions. It has been find by research
that thunder god vine does indeed contain anti-inflammatory activity, and some
immune-boosting activity has also been discovered. One clinical trial carried
out at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center found that roughly
80 per cent of those patients who were given a high dose of the plant
supplement found that their Rheumatoid arthritis symptoms got better
considerably. However, researchers have found that this and other studies are
too small to prove the true efficacy of this plant-derived supplement.


To take away the pain of gout, eat 6-8 cherries per day. They can be
tinned, frozen or fresh. This is a Japanese treatment, which they have used
for centuries. They also boil the cherries down into a syrup which makes a
strong sweet drink. The cherry is a very good source of magnesium (which is a
natural painkiller) and potassium. The potassium acts as a diuretic, reducing
inflammation by ridding tissue of fluid.

Dandelion leaves

One of the best remedies for treating arthritic conditions probably
grows right in your backyard: fresh young dandelion leaves. Because of the
high vitamin A and C content, when eaten raw in salads, these greens help the
body to repair damaged tissues and help the liver clear toxins out of the
blood. European herbalists have used these anti-pain dandelion recipes for
many years. Older leaves should be steam or sauté - like spinach, this is
because they are too tough to eat raw. You can also improve the taste by
cooking with garlic or add olive oil for a tasty dish. Dandelion can also be
made into a tea: Steep, just 1 teaspoon of dried leaves or 3 teaspoons of
fresh leaves in 1 cup of boiling water. Or make a coffee-like, but
bitter-tasting, beverage by boiling, and then straining, 4 ounces of fresh
root in 2 pints of water. Taken daily, this is a good guard against winter

Desert devil Devil's-claw

An ominous-sounding cure - comes from the Kalahari Desert of South
Africa. For at least 250 years, the Hottentots, Bantus, and Bushmen (all
native tribes of this region) have treated arthritis pain with this large
claw-like fruit that can trap and injure livestock. The tribesmen's favourite
method is to draw an extract from the root and brew it into a tea.
Alternatively, devil's-claw can be dried, powdered, and taken in tablet form.
Recent French and German studies found that the pain-relief of devil's-claw is
similar to that of cortisone. The root acts mainly as an anti-inflammatory, an
effect of harpagoside, its active ingredient. Preparations using the whole
plant work even better because it contains additional compounds, such as
flavonoids, that enhance the anti-inflammatory effect. Devil's-claw is
available in many forms through most mailorder herb companies and health food


The British, known for their fondness for sweets, swear by crude
blackstrap molasses dissolved in water. When taken every morning, they say
this preparation eases and even eliminates pain in the joints. This is some
feat in England! (Cold, damp climates usually aggravate a case of arthritis.)
The molasses is an excellent source of minerals, including iron, potassium,
and magnesium. It is also a concentrated sweet. So it is important to rinse
your mouth out or brush your teeth after using this treatment. Otherwise, you
may be trading one pain (arthritis) for another - a toothache!

Cooper bracelets

This does vindicate old wives. Until recently, Western doctors dismissed
as folklore the idea of wearing copper bracelets as a way of treating
arthritis. Indeed, there are many doctors who are still sceptical. Researchers
in Australia, however, have found that copper, when coupled with aspirin, is
more effective than aspirin alone in treating the pain of arthritis. Since
many substances are absorbed through the skin, there may be some truth in this
old wives' tale. Cooper bracelets are available all over the net.


Ginger is very effective in the treatment of arthritis and a host of
other ailments. Recent medical research in Holland has indicated that this,
too, is much more than just myth. Eating ginger does, according to the Dutch
doctors, help alleviate arthritis pain. Use the ginger with anything...soups,
sauces, or salads.

Bee Stings

An arthritis therapy that may sound more like a punishment was used
2,000 years ago by Hippocrates - bee stings. Once considered to be the leading
cure for rheumatism, arthritis, and gout, bee stings were used for centuries
by ancient Europeans.Based on this traditional therapy, scientists in
Switzerland, France, Germany, and Great Britain devised a treatment that
employed a series of injections of the venom- using either a hypodermic needle
or a live bee! The bee venom, like many noxious substances, stimulates the
immune system to release inflammatory substances. This is known as the counter
irritation theory.

Saint Hildegard's Ointment

Hildegard was a mystic from 12th century Germany whose wisdom still
holds true to day. She said " Detoxify, purify, and regenerate the whole
organism." Hildegard's recipe for an arthritis ointment was to take 4 parts
vermouth, 2 parts deer fat, and 2 parts deer marrow, and mix it into a salve.
This ointment was massaged on the painful joints while the sufferer sat in
front of an elmwood fire. The warmth of the fire and the stimulation of blood
flow from the massage were really the important parts of the treatment. So if
you cannot get your hands on any deer fat. goose fat is a much better option
and is available all over the net. To get rid of the rheumatic toxins that
caused pain, Hildegard prescribed eating fragrant, raw quince. The fruit can
be cooked in water or wine, baked in a cake or pie, or made into jellies and
candy ( this is popular today during holiday seasons). Hildegard's advice to
gout sufferers was to slowly chew (before breakfast) 1 to 3 teaspoons of
celery seed powder mixed with spices such as rue, cloves, and saxifrage. For a
better taste, the celery powder can be sprinkled on bread with quince jelly.
Celery is a diuretic, and the loss of excess fluid can reduce the inflammation
associated with the arthritis. Rue contains ruin, which can strengthen blood
vessels (preventing them from leaking fluid into tissue and thus preventing
inflammation).Warning: Don't use rue during pregnancy. It can bring on

Aloe Vera

Aloe, by its self does not cure or heal anything; it is the
beneficial effects of over 200 different nutritional constituents and the way
they react to help reduce inflammation and pain which promote healing. Aloe
Vera gives a great boost to the immune system and energy levels. So, In other
words.....Aloe Vera provides the body with the right agents to take care of
itself and to restore and repair body functions and the body's own healing

Many people think that because they are taking an herbal supplement or
botanical-based drug therapy, there will be no side effects. The truth is that
herbal supplements can be quite powerful and can have strong side effects.
Many if not most of all conventional drug therapies are derived from plants
and herbs.

The bad news is that there is not enough sufficient research to
conclusively prove the efficacy of many of these herbal supplements and
botanical-based drugs. Before you try any herbal supplement, it is
important that you discuss its use with your doctor.

NFL Football Practice Basics - Ball Control, Security, and Safety

Constant motion drill to increase ball handling skills

Ball handling is one of the most vital skills that a player can have on the field, and this drill's goal is to help players get a better feel and control for the football. The secret to this drill is having the ball constantly moving around and from hand to hand. The drill is simple and starts by having the player pass the ball around their head, torso, arms, knees, and even between their feet from one hand to another in constant motion.

Coaches can mix up the drill by shouting out body parts that the players will have to start circling with the football; they can also reverse the direction that the ball is traveling by calling, "reverse". Changing the direction of the football ensures that they don't form a habit, and that they remained focused on the ball and controlling the movement.

We recommend that you end this drill by doing several football drops. The player will drop the ball and quickly pick it up again. They also should rotate which hand they are using to pick it up so that you can increase ball handling with both.

Gauntlet Drill for Ball Security

Ball security has to be the most important aspect of a strong offensive team. This of course is even more important for wide receivers and running backs as they handle the ball more than most. A great drill called the gauntlet practices ball security. This drill is set up with one ball carrier, there objective is to run through a group of opponents that try to knock the ball out. A coach can set up short fast runs or longer relays with several obstacles and defenders prying at the ball. To be effective with this drill have the ball carrier run the drill holding the ball in several different positions.

Protecting the football as you run

A team that prevents fumbles is a team that wins. Nothing is worse for your offensive team then turning it over carelessly to the other team in a fumble. Basic ball security can be broken down into four steps. The claw position is the first point, meaning that you grab the football clawing at the point of the football with your fingers. The second point is making sure that your forearm is wrapped tightly on the outer rim of the football. The third point is securing the other point of the football with your bicep making sure that it is right up against it. Last point is to hold the back of the football right up against the ribcage and as you run keep it high and tight. Practice holding the football and having defensive players try and knock out the football by any means possible. In this way you can practice great defensive moves to force a fumble, and also focus on offensive ball protection.

Running Drills are a big help

Endurance is the name of the game when it comes to football, and running will help you endurance grow. Though dull and sometimes boring, these running drills will help you play your hardest until the end of the game. Even with all of these benefits you will notice that most of the complaints in practice come from running drills. Because in the end, the team or players that are the fastest are the ones that win the championships. Running has a final help to your team, and that is learning how to push beyond your limits, you will be surprised how often that happens in football, and in life

MCL Injury From Football - Treatment Options - Knee Braces Will Help

The Medial Collateral Ligament or the MCL is one of the two important collateral ligaments. It is located on the inside of the knee joint and associates the femur or thighbone with the shinbone or the tibia.

The MCL may get torn when the knee is bent in a wrong way while landing or when something hard hits the knee forcefully. This type of injury usually occurs mostly when one is engaged in skiing and American football. In American football, the guards and center players get this injury because of their cleats, a US boot that is worn before playing football and baseball. To reduce the number of MCL injuries, companies are now trying to develop better cleats.

According to sports doctors, the PRICE protocol should be followed immediately after an injury occurs. PRICE stands for Protection, Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. For protection, use cohesive bandages. These bandages stick to themselves and help in reducing the swelling. Rest is highly recommended as well; avoid engaging in any sports activity while still injured.

Ice packs should also be used for twenty minutes after the injury, and repeated after every six hours. It will cool down the tissues which will reduce the pain and prevent further damage to the tissues. Air cast Knee Cryo/Cuff is a method for ice therapy and can be used to reduce the pain and swelling by providing cold water and compression for six hours. This method is used for home treatment.

The last is elevation, which means that your knee should be elevated.

However, if over 10 percent of tissues have been damaged, then rehabilitation under the supervision of a licensed physiotherapist may be required to prevent the recurrence of the injury. When the MCL is completely torn and other ligaments are also injured, surgery may be recommended. Arthroscopic surgery may also be required in cases of serious injuries. It uses a camera placed in the knee to enable the surgeons to view the damaged structures directly.

Most of the patients who have this kind of injury are asked to use a knee brace for support and to limit the knee's movements.

After injury the patient may feel weakness; it is normal. He can perform proprioception exercises while recovering; it will help in healing the injury soon. Wobble Board is a tool that can be used at home to continue proprioception exercises.

Do not try to diagnose the injury or heal the pain or swelling by yourself. In case of any injury to your knee, immediately consult your physician.

Degenerative Knee Changes - The Creature That Torments You - Support Those Painful Knees!

Are you tired of knee pain?

You should be. Let's talk about some ways to get help you get rid of it!

Degenerative knee changes are associated with knee osteoarthritis, which is the most common type of arthritis affecting approximately 20 million Americans. This debilitating condition is characterized by progressive and slow deterioration of the knee causing irreversible damage to your hyaline articular cartilage. It can accompanied by excruciating pain and can lead to an eventual deformity in the affected knee. This deformity can also be problematic for your knee's alignment.

Osteoarthritis is also predicated by other symptoms including joint stiffness and impairment in your normal range motion. Its incidence is influenced by age, weight problems and injuries caused by accidents or other anomalies that affect normal knee functions.

Primary Treatment Options for Degenerative Knee Changes

1.) Exercise: Exercise may be one of the single most important element of your treatment regiment for degenerative knee changes. The appropriate exercise routines can help maintain normal joint motion and reduce the common symptoms associated with arthritis. These exercise routines are generally low impact, non-weight bearing routines designed to maintain muscle support along the knee joint (Speak with your physician about your specific exercise program).

2.) Injections: Injection procedures are primarily performed to help relieve the pain associated to the knee to help restore function. These procedures are generally simple and relatively painless. The beneficial effects of this procedure will last for a few days to a few weeks depending on the severity of the problem. An arthritic patient may receive 3-5 injections a year.

3.) Medication: Your orthopedic physician may also prescribe anti-inflammatory medications to manage the pain that is associated with osteoarthritis.

4.) Knee Replacement: Knee replacement will only be considered as one of the treatment options for degenerative knee changes when the other options have proven to be ineffective or have stopped giving satisfactory results. Moreover all patients who have pain are not considered suitable candidates for surgery.

5.) Arthroscopy: Arthroscopy is a less invasive surgical alternative to knee replacement. Alternatively referred to as knee scope, this procedure is done primarily to relieve the pain associated with arthritis. The procedure would involve small incisions around the knee where instruments and a camera are inserted to "clean the knee."

6.) Knee Braces: Well designed knee supports are also an effective element of the treatment regimen for degenerative knee changes. These braces, known as unloader braces, or OA braces and are designed to transfer the stress away from the affected point of the knee. This action "unloads" the knee and helps to maintain proper alignment. These supports should never be over looked because you can get them very quickly and they are extremely affordable these days. (Especially, when you compare their cost to an invasive surgical procedure.)

These all can be effective treatment options, but you should also talk with your physician about your specific medical treatment. Either way, knee supports among these other listed items can really be helpful because of the meaningful support that they provide. If you want to take your knee stability to the next level then you should check out a knee support today. You can get one quickly and they can be the turning point for your knee pain relief.

The Important Facts That Everyone Should Know About Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment

If you suffer with aches and pains that seem to persist and intensify, stiffness in your joints such as when you sit, stand, or use your hands, joints that are swollen and painful or inflamed, and other symptoms like these, then it could be that you are suffering with rheumatoid arthritis.

Of course, determining whether this is the case or not will require a medical professional. However, if you find that your aches and pains tend to worsen depending on the weather, you can count yourself along with more than 80 million people in the US, Australia, and England who go through the same thing.

Unfortunately for most of these people, they will come to the decision that this is simply the way things are. They will resign themselves to a life of pain and discomfort. What they do not know is that, over time, the pain will get worse, as will the other associated symptoms, making this a very difficult and debilitating condition to live with.

What rheumatoid arthritis treatment is known to be effective?

If you have decided that you refuse to simply accept the pain, and you want to do something about it, look no further than the green-lipped mussel found in the waters off the coast of New Zealand. Most of us know that nature has the answer for many of life's ailments and other health issues. Many of us have benefitted from the medicines that are derived from nature. Homeopathic medicine has long been the choice of many over conventional drugs, because they are natural and safe. Natural remedies also do not produce any unwanted or unpleasant side effects.

Why the green-lipped mussel?

This New Zealand mussel will not only help your discomfort that results from the arthritis. Your skin, immune system, and your nervous system will also benefit.

But the question is why?

The green-lipped mussel happens to be a complete food. Even more astounding is the fact that the minerals that the mussel contains are very similar to the minerals one would find in a healthy human being. Of course there is more to it but space does not permit too much detail here.

Should you use a product that contains the green-lipped mussel?

The answer is a resounding 'Yes!' if the research is anything to go by. However, whether you choose a product that contains this intriguing ingredient, or some other type of treatment, be sure to give the homeopathic avenue serious consideration. While we have a lot to thank the world of science for, the fact remains is that medications produce side effects. Also, while a medication might benefit you in one way, it might be doing damage to another part of your body.

"The green-lipped mussel is a complete food that aids in the relief of arthritic pain and discomfort."

Relief From Knee Pain - Know the Top Tips

Knee pain is a common and yet frustrating problem. Unless dealt with it at an early stage it can cause much damage. The knee joint has many components including bone, ligaments, cartilage, fluid, tendons and muscles that facilitate movement. Hurting or injuring any part can cause tremendous problems and needs at times proper medical attention with some seeking knee surgery.

Causes of Knee Pain

• Knee pain may arise from overuse or sudden twisting and turning of the knee joints.
• Various categories of people are more prone to knee pain, especially athletes. Often their rigorous physical activity may create the problem.
• Elderly people, too, are at risk, many getting an osteoarthritis condition which leads to knee pain. This may require surgical intervention and is a serious condition.

However in most cases knee injuries are not serious and minor home remedies such as treatment with cold and hot pads can cure it. Be sure to take preventive measures right at the onset or else it can be a potential big problem.

How to Prevent Knee Pain:

• Specialized exercises help to fortify the muscles that sustain the knee thus reducing the stress on the knee joint.
• To get pain relief protect your knee from further trauma with the help of padding. Knee pads help you to control the pain and prevent the joint from suffering repetitive injury.
• Giving your knee some rest can be an effective measure by giving it sufficient time to recover from the injury.
• One can also opt for a wrap or a brace that compresses the knee. Compression allows you to reduce the swelling and keeps the knee cap aligned. Do not wrap the brace firmly as it may reverse the effect and leads to more swelling of the knee. Remember, the use of knee brace will not help you to recover from the knee injury; rather it is one of the means to get relief from pain.
• Elevating the knee also assists in reducing the inflammation and swelling. This mechanism works on the principle of gravity to help fluid flow to the central circulation that would have otherwise built up within the knee.

Finally if you are already suffering with knee pain here are some strategies to cope:

• Support your leg up when you're sitting. You can probably also elevate the injured area on a cushion or pillow while applying ice.
• Instant pain relief sprays and rubs are also a good solution to get relief.
• Always consult your doctor before opting for any of the measures to prevent knee problems.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Knee Braces 101

I understand from personal experience that choosing your first knee brace can be a confusing experience. The most important consideration when choosing braces is the type and severity of your injury. If the wrong support is selected you can do more damage to an already injured knee. Consequently it really is advisable to get your medical professional's advice before selecting any knee support. The level of support you need is also an important factor because not enough support might cause more damage and too much support can weaken your body's natural knee support system. The last item to consider in choosing knee supports is the cost. In my opinion if I find a brace that allows me to function as normally as possible, the cost isn't much of an issue. Knee supports may be categorized in many ways, but I like these:

Hinged Knee Braces contain metal or alloy reinforcements on the sides for maximum lateral or medial stability and support. The hinges range from a basic single hinge to more elaborate multiple hinges to deliver more normal knee motion. Other feature may include stop pins to regulate just how much the knee is allowed to flex. The hinged knee support is suitable for moderate to bad knee joint injuries and it is often used in high-impact/ high movement sports. Hinged knee supports can cost from $30 to many hundred dollars based on type of hinge and construction of the brace.

Stabilized Knee Braces don't have solid metal hinges but may have additional features to provide some extra support than just a basic elastic sleeve. On the low end you would have a neoprene knee brace that provides heat and circulation benefits usually having a opening to keep the patella in place and free from pressure. Many stabilized knee supports have flexible steel springs sewn in the material at the side or have elastic straps that may be adjusted for additional support. These braces are popular to treat knee injuries like meniscus tears, tendinitis, bursitis, arthritis or patella problems.

Wrap Around Supports are simple to use because it's not necessary to slide them on the knee. They simply wrap around around your knee and may be easily adjusted for comfort and support. Usually they don't offer same level of support as a sized knee support however they have the benefit of adjustable compression for minor knee sprains, arthritis and patella tracking. Some manufacturers have enhanced the wrap around knee brace support levels significantly so that you get the benefits of a stabilized knee brace with the ease of a wrap around knee brace.

Basic Knee Braces are usually simple elastic sleeves that pull over your knee and provide minimum support. You can find these simple knee braces in any drug or convenience store.The padded knee support versions are primarily used for protection from contact. Magnetic knee supports provides the added advantage of embedded magnets which some think have unique healing powers.

Orthopedic Shoe Inserts - What They Are And How They Can Help Your Foot Pain

Your feet are the foundation of your body. When they are not properly aligned with other joints and limbs it has a negative knock-on effect on other areas of your body. Experiencing discomfort in your knees, ankles, lower back and legs is very common for people who suffer from foot pain.

Majority of people experience foot problems due to poor biomechanics. This can lead to ailments such as: Plantar Fasciitis, Ball of Foot Pain, Achilles Tendonitis, metatarsalgia and Morton's Neuroma. That is what has prompted medical professionals to start prescribing orthopedic shoe inserts as an effective therapy to treat various foot problems.

Orthopedic shoe inserts are devices which are placed on the inside of your shoe and their aim is to move the foot to its neutral position, thereby restoring normal foot function. They are effective because they distribute the weight across the foot equally. This provides relief by taking the pressure off the spots where people tend to experience most pain: ball of the foot, heel, bunions and corns.

Over-pronation of the feet is the main reason people experience foot problems. Scientifically speaking, it causes the lower leg to rotate inwards which in turn makes the pelvis tilt forward. This places a lot of strain knees, lower back and legs. Orthopedic shoe inserts correct the degree of over-pronation and thus decrease internal rotation of the leg and forward pelvic tilt.

Orthopedic shoe inserts differ in many ways to ordinary shoe insoles. While they may be relatively comfortable when one starts wearing them, regular shoe insoles are mostly meant to provide shock absorption and cushioning for the foot. In other words, they do not address any of the biomechanical issues that cause one to experiences foot problems in the first place.

Orthopedic shoe inserts on the hand are made exclusively for functional purposes, i.e. they correct biomechanical function of feet. While some manufacturers produce regular shoe insoles that provide arch support, they are mostly insufficient as they are most often made from soft materials.

Many people have questioned the effectiveness of orthopedic shoe inserts as a means of correcting foot function. However, various studies have proven that most people show more than 50% improvement in terms of pain alleviation in ankles, feet and knees after wearing orthopedic shoe inserts.

Orthopedic shoe inserts are mostly inexpensive. So buying a pair can be a very worthwhile investment that doesn't require you to dip into your life savings.

The main goal of orthotic insoles is to make foot function better and prevent future injuries. Most importantly, they will make you feel better and enable you to live a pain-free life.

Innocent-Resentments (Of All Men) (Part II)

St. Paul, Minnesota-2005

Narration by the Person Behind

Chapter Seven

(A Week later) Carla Lawson (who has, since her divorce from her husband some fifteen-years prior, taken back her maiden name) sits back in a wooden chair by her window looking out it, down three floors. Eyes drooping, remembering her years of marriage, her husband's drinking, and staying out late, the years he was in the Army, in Germany, and when she had joined him. The number of times she ran away from him, then came back, her hospital visits, her medications.... "I can't love them boys like I love my daughter, I'm scared of the boys now, they terrify me," she says out loud to herself, mumbling, motionless. Then moving her head in circles, as if to draw circles in the cloud she sees outside, lights up a cigarette-as often she does, one after the other-she's not supposed to smoke in her room, but she does, everybody does she tells the visiting nurse. She sees her ex-husband entering the room, remembers his shape, handsome, rigid, he enters the room, and slips through her day-dream so fast she's trying to backtrack and bring him back into her dream, but other intervening thoughts enter the path he was on before he reaches her window-and he vanishes. His high drunken faces come back to her in burps, fragmented images, pale eyes, high-blooded face. "I told her you weren't a bad father," she said staring out the window, "shut up!" seeing someone peeking into her conversation; she says, continues to look out the window, staring and not seeing, quieter than a mouse, "you got no affection or gentleness, you never had any" she says, then looks around to see if that peeping tom is still peeping inside her head, "You could have been better!" she tries to explain. She rubs her eyes, puts her hands on her knees, she says hardly, savagely, in silence-not one spoken word: it's getting ready to rain, and I got to go downstairs and give account to those damn board members, I should never had elected to be the treasure.

She wakes up from her sleep; she dozed off for a moment. Last time he called, Christopher Wright called her, was a year ago, talking about Natasha and Boris hitting the kids too much, and the state would not intervene. And the last time she called him was a year before that, trying to convince him to tell Natasha to call her because they were fighting and she wanted to make up she even told him "Natasha's the only one I care about." This now was fading in her mind, as she gained her composure sitting in that chair.

She now glances behind her to see if the peeping tom has manifested himself to a physical being, somewhere in her three-hundred and fifty square foot apartment, "Well......" she says, it's not real after all, awry she stands up as if to gain the rest of her composure to go downstairs to meet the board members of the establishment.

"I wonder what he's doing now?" she questions, in a mumble.


St. Paul, Minnesota-

2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011

Narrated by Carla Larson

Chapter Eight

I wonder what he's doing now.

I wonder what he's doing now.

I wonder what he's doing now.

I wonder what he's doing now.

I wonder what he's doing now.

I wonder what he's doing now....


Lima, Peru, 2010

Narrated by Christopher Wright

Chapter Nine

"When I was poor, we were all knitted together like bees in a honeycomb, once I became rich and tried to help, they all flew away, thinking they were all innocent with their resentments: and it was time for me to pay for my sins."


Minnesota, 2004

(A phone conversation between Delilah and her sister Mini, in 2010 between Minnesota and Huancayo, Peru...)

Narrated by Delilah Wright

(Step-mother to the three children)

Chapter Ten

Did you know, a day in late summer of 2004, Christopher checked out one of his apartments Boris had worked on-he was his one of three of his handymen, putting in a new kitchen floor of tiles, there was small cracks between the tiles showing, consequently, a job done too fast, and overlooked-in essence, not well done at all. Within the hour, he had called his daughter up; they lived across the street from us back then, in one of our apartment buildings. That is, Christopher owned six buildings at that time-since Boris was a handyman, caretaker of two of his buildings, this one in question, being the one we lived in ourselves and the apartment was next to ours on the second floor.

Natasha had two boys, one eight, the other six, Christopher's grandchildren, we saw them quite often in those days and they took quite a liking for their grandfather, and he them, the youngest Willie, would ask his dad, often asked his dad, perhaps too often: "Why does grandpa work so hard and you just lie around?" I used to laugh at that, Boris being such a large man, and lazy as the day is long, pert near, or close to, two-hundred and seventy-five pounds, let's say, almost six-foot. And when Christopher explained to his daughter it was a bad job, she took offense, told her husband, "He yelled at me, and said you did a very bad job," and Boris came over like a mad elephant and tried to kill my husband, tried to break his ribs, I jumped on his back, and then I said, "Give me the key to the cellar room, you can still wash your cloths here, but you'll have to ask you father for the key from now on, I no longer trust your intentions." And had it been up to me I would have called the police and had him arrested for assault, but Christopher insisted he didn't want to, I think the reason being, the kids would have no father for a while, and he understood that better than anybody-because he never had a father, and a lazy no good for nothing father, one that loved his kids even if he slapped them in the back of the head too often, was better than no father at all, as long as he didn't damaged the kids none. He didn't drink any, and he didn't beat the kids to pulp, he just slapped the back of their heads too often too much. But that never hurt the kids all that much; it just gave them better reflexes, so it appeared.

"You'll never see your grandkids again," said Boris to Christopher, in a near whisper, as he left the house, walking down those wooden stairs like a lopsided elephant, with a smirk on his face.

I didn't know he had said that until Christopher, until he told me a year or so later, sometime later, and from thereon, they never spoke to us again, and if the kids tried to greet their grandfather, either Boris or the daughter, would slap the kids on the back of the head to apparently stop them.

"What did I do," asked my mother-in-law, one day, Teresa to her son, because they wouldn't speak to her either. And Christopher simple said, "It's all right, you didn't do anything, you didn't need to do anything."

It was like Boris and Natasha had to knock everything down in front of them, like they couldn't stand just anything that had to do with us thereafter, except giving bloody noses-passing through our yard to get to the nearby bar and visit their friends, and smirk some more if they saw us on the porch. Not sure why they even cross over that way. For the first year they walked around the house to get to Rice Street, or the local bar, now it was through the yard as if they were going to inherit it, and the daughter was simply notifying us of that. Boris was more apprehensive of doing it, so it looked on his face. But somehow I always think daughters no matter how much they tell everyone they hate their fathers, they don't mean it, they say it to make a point to someone impress someone else - maybe I'm wrong. They weren't sorry for a thing, and I wondered why Christopher didn't get Boris on an assault, he said, "If I did, the kids would never forgive me, nor ever really understand, and it's better for the kids, they'll learn someday by accident." And so that's what he said, and that's kind of what I figured.


Columbus, Ohio, 1998 (Now 2010)

Narrated by Sergei Wright

Chapter Eleven

"Once a bastard, always a bastard," that's what my brother said father was. That's what I told everybody he said, about my dad back then and what I tell them now if they ask me. I even tell them "You're lucky if you don't know him." I told him, my father, "I'm grown up now, you can't fool me anymore," and he didn't understand what I meant by saying fool him anymore, I suppose what I meant was I didn't have any more faith in him, I didn't believe a word he was saying even if he wasn't saying a word, but just thinking of saying a word, and not saying one. But what he said, he said, back in 1998, what Pavlenko said he said to dad was: "I'm a Marine now, and just as tough as you." And pa said "Prove it!" And Pavlenko resented that. And I knew, and pa knew he was on medication, like mother was on medication for twenty-years or more, the same debilitating illness. And Pavlenko said, "This is the last time you'll ever see me," because he didn't want to prove it, not sure why, he had actually built up a current, and their voices were high, and he meant it, but he didn't back up his word, and maybe father knew he wouldn't, or couldn't, but he created the devilment and perhaps got embarrassed he couldn't pull through it. He put pa in the corner, and as pa used to say "If you ever put someone in the corner he's got to fight or run like hell, or melt right there, you don't give him many choices, so it's best you leave a little room for both of you to wiggle out of..." and neither one left that inch to wiggle out of. And he told pa, I hated him just as bad as he hated him, and pa asked me, "Do you hate me like Pavlenko hates me?" And I said "No," but that was a lie too. Maybe not a complete lie not likes his lie mine was a white lie, a distortion-no, a generalization-no, I just left something out didn't say the whole thing: a deletion that's what it was. I didn't hate him; I simply resented him for thinking he was so innocent.

And paw told me, "If you spent more time teaching your daughter how to spell, than on the computer looking for a wife over in the Philippines, and riding on that motorcycle of yours, she'd be able to spell "Get," the proper way, not like she does now: "Git", and that infuriated me, and I told him to apologize to her, and now she doesn't want talk to Grandpa anymore because he won't apologize and I made an issue out of it. And grandpa isn't going to say he's sorry because he's not sorry, and doesn't understand why he should be sorry for correcting her-he wrote me and said: "That's a grandfather's job...!"

I told him then that I got my bad spelling from him and she got it from me, although he doesn't spell that bad anymore, he must have practiced, or he carries a dictionary around with him nowadays, since he got his Doctorate in Education, he can't afford to be a bad speller anymore, not to say he isn't, he just can't afford to show it like I do, and my daughter does. I don't blame her for not talking to dad, and I'm not sure if I blame him, but if I don't blame someone I got to blame myself, and I don't feel guilty. But perhaps that's my sin-no one else.

Then I got thinking: So what, so he did what he did, other father's have done worse, he has to pass through them gates to get to heaven just like I got to, just like everyone has to, God is no respecter of men: my father's own words, and that even Christ Himself, will not take a sinner in unless they've asked for, forgiveness, and have also forgiven another person, forgiven everybody who has ever done them wrong, and not forgiving is just as bad as about any sin I know of, and father knows that better than anyone I know of, and so he's taking that route to heaven I bet. Gee I thought I'd never understand why, but now I'm beginning to, believe that maybe I do. And that is all I'm thinking of at this moment.

I can just see us three kids now, when we were young, in that time, and day, we all followed him, trusted him, anyway followed him because we were supposed to, into hell or hi waters, we would have followed him, for the reason that he was who he was, then we came home, then we went back to our foster homes, then we grew up. Certainly, why not blame him now; because we can. I can remember if I didn't think about pa taking us, and just eating, it was off my mind. For a while anyhow: and Grandmother Teresa, never seemed to care much one way or the other, if she did she only showed it in giving us gifts, he was like her, he didn't want the responsibility, couldn't deal with it I suppose. But it's all right, I got used to it in time, I even expected it.

____________?_________ _

Lima, Peru, 2010

Narrated by: Delilah Wright

Chapter Twelve

Christopher, had come to the point, realizing that Pavlenko, who now lived in St. Louis, Missouri, with his daughter, he had never seen, never been told her name, unknown wife's name, and Natasha, her two boys of whom he had a very good relationship with until Boris took care of that, they still lived in St. Paul, Minnesota, in the same apartment building Christopher once owned, and he sold it, and told the new owner to leave the rent the same as it was, $450 dollars for four months, because he wanted to raise it to $750, of which, Boris only paid $100-dollars of the $450 anyhow because of the little work his son-in-law did and daughter did, said she did, but seldom did like cleaning up the hallways, and then we'd get a call from the tenants, to clean the hallways; and Sergei, now living in Ohio, and his son Sergei Jr, who lived in Florida, and his daughter who lived with his second divorced wife, in Florida, he had simply reached the point where it was utterly hopeless to try to put back any kind of a relationship with any of them, So here he was, "I'm tired of trying to fix up something I don't know anything about, old resentments, wounds that turned to scars, scars that healed but in the wrong places, where one can see them every day and maul over them. My mother was in an orphanage, and she never hated my grandfather for it, and I was in a foster farm because my mother had to work for and save money for three years, and here the children are in foster homes for six-years, and they hate me, and their ill mother. That's just fine. If anything they are downright honest about their feelings, coming out with them in the bright sunlight. They just don't know the circumstances, and likely never will; the only one here that is up to date is me. If they ever will be; one is just as wrong as the other. They got half of it right. But by and large, they aint got a thing to complain about."

I told Christopher, "Calm down, Christopher, you'll have another heart attack. Go to bed, rest you'll feel better." He read a disturbing e-mail from his son Sergei, scolding him again.

"I can't," he said. "I tried." He looked at me. "I'm the father, not him, and he's treating me like I was his son, it's better we have no communication than this?" he questioned, it was more a statement-question, one not to be answered but, thought through.

"Of course you're the father," I said. "Certainly, he is the son," I added. Not really knowing what in the world I was talking about, just trying to reconfirm, he was who he knew he was.

"No," he said "I don't feel like a father, and don't want to be one anymore if that is how it is; it is just as best we part even part that part."

"Yes," I said, "Do you want me to write him and say never to write again if he can't write something decent?"

"Yes," he told me. Then he said, "I'm tired," and went to bed.

The following day, I said: "It's all said and done, all open now between you and Sergei." And then I told myself to keep my mouth shut, stay out of it, although I objected to Sergei's insults on the internet to his father, and I wrote him and told him so. And it was then, he invited all the church members over to our house, and the nuns from the convent, and had ten papers made up, and had them all sign it, leaving them everything, two houses, three bank accounts, $100,000-dollars in books, and antiques, everything from shoe laces to diamond rings.


Interlude, 2005

Narrated by: the Person Behind

Chapter Thirteen

As for Christopher a simple and easy choice would be to mend fences or you don't mend fences and wash your hands good and clean of it all. And then there are those folks who say you want to mend them, or tell other people you want to, would like to mend fences, just for telling sake. And this is what Sergei was telling people, implying he'd like to do with his father...but? Yes, he had questions, too many. You might say it was to his advantage with his son, he looked good, giving him a tender and gentle heart, who's to say it couldn't melt over night? But that was faith and a lie and I mean, Sergei Jr, was a thousand miles away, but Christopher wrote Sergei one day said, "You better hope your emulating isn't picked up by your son," which never proved much because he never got an answer back. But he had not stopped giving his father advice on how to be a good father, and I doubt, Delilah, if anybody was happy about that.

It was in the winter of 2005 the unthinkable took place. Hate that was still under the bridge came out, enough to fill up the Mississippi River. And if his daughter didn't want anything to do with it, she was outvoted by John, the old caretaker, Christopher fired for stealing, everything he could get his hands on, and now living with Boris and his daughter across the street on Albemarle Street. Or maybe it didn't even take a vote, maybe she wanted to go along for the ride-that's to say? They knew Christopher was moving to Peru, he had sent them a Postcard, that took three days to get to them that would have taken three minutes to deliver to them across the street, but they were not talking to Christopher.

"I'll deliver it to them," said Delilah.

"No," said Christopher, "never mind that. I forgot how to talk to them nowadays." The bridge that was destroyed by them had become uncrossable, even for Delilah-but somehow she was willing to attempt to walk through fire to get to them for her husband. If it could have been it would have been, that Delilah would have sent fireballs down their chimney. All the efforts to settle things had come to a halt. Mike Hides, had even started a rumor with the neighbors, that Old Man Wright, was telling fibs of the lady next door, about her wanting to go to bed with him, and he extended that to other gossip in the neighborhood. You feel sadness over this, as Christopher did, a sadness that rises from the death of a child-will a literal death but close to it, a merciless separation that is forced upon you. In a world and in a sphere that one has only so many days to count until his last day approaches. If the kids forgot anything, it was one thing for sure; they created a conspiracy, a scheme, a plot, with the salamander, not realizing they can go on living in rain-soaked stumps. He may be the outcast, but they go on surviving. They are capable of regenerating lost limps. And Christopher knew himself better than most men know their bad habits. And so he didn't seek revenge that is why he gave his daughter reduced rent even after he sold the house, made a deal with the new owner. He knew revenge destroyed two, not one person in the overall picture; in this case a whole family was being on a Pilgrimage to the Village of Hades.

But he had been doing this for awhile, Mike had been spreading rumors for awhile, and when confronted by Christopher, saying, "If you're talking about me, tell them all I've done for you, already done for you, not your troubles, and your painless resentment and conspiracy toward me, and that, that you don't like me. And that you don't know why you don't like me, perhaps because your children admire me, and you less, or perhaps because the house you live in belongs to me, but tell them it is the house I wanted to give to you, the four-plex, but you was too lazy to take it, accept it, because you didn't want the responsibility of collecting the rent, and paying the rest of the house mortgage, which after you collected the rent you'd live free-so I told you and showed you. You didn't tell them that, did you? Of course you didn't, you're slow but not that dense, just resentful and revengeful and disrespectful and you'd rather accept the butts you father throws on the floor, than doing an honest day's work for me, that's called pride. You'll take the money alright but not the responsibility."

His wife would say, "My husband gives you vacations and cheap rent and money, and gifts, and all your father gives you Boris, are his old cigarette butts, and you respect him more, why?"

"I can say what I want to say," he'd say to Delilah, and she'd just shake her head; but the unbelievable took place that winter of 2005, but I guess they ain't the first critters to come up with such diabolical scheme, or schemes on their parents.

At this juncture Christopher was worn out, exhausted but still he restrained himself from wanting to close the door completely on their relationship, leaving it ajar for reconciliation.

John was the caretaker of Christopher's nine-plex, and overall handyman of the six properties. Knowing his ex employer, the one that was going to give him a free house also, if he proved to be loyal, but with Boris -and alleged daughter, they tried to set the house on fire, via the garage, setting several brooms together, and pouring gasoline on them, and on the cement, soaking into the cement, all the way to the car, lit it on fire, and ran like hell. It was 4:00 a.m., in the morning,

For what? For $450,000-dollars of liquid free assets; His will had not been altered yet: but it soon would be.

In time, Christopher would find out this supposed secret, of it being them who tried to set the fire in the garage, Boris had babbled it already to everyone in the neighborhood. It just happened to beDelilah heard a voice while they were sleeping; it sounded like Teresa's voice-her mother in laws, "Wake up, wake up, wake up..." an everlasting echo. And it woke Delilah up, and she woke her husband who was ill with a debilitating neurological disease, to escape the impending fire in the garage. Delilah then put it out with a wet towel. The footsteps outside in the Minnesota snow looked like Boris' that let up to the opened garage, and then it downed on Christopher Boris still had the garage key, and the neighbor indicated-had said " was a big man," that it could have been Boris: but it remains an unsolved mystery-for the police, because Christopher never would allow himself to crystallize such a theory to the point of involving the police for his own reasons: "Had the fire connected with the upper part of the inside garage," said the Fire Chief, "the whole house would have went up in a matter of minutes."

The Dumbbell Squat - Build Mass Without The Risks

As I'm sure you already know, squatting is often referred to as 'the king of exercises' for building mass. Many assume that this title is earned in reference to the squat's ability to build huge leg muscles. However, as well as being the #1 exercise for building the quads & glutes, squats also help stimulate growth in all the major muscle groups.

I could go on about the numerous reasons why every bodybuilder should include squats in their routine but hopefully you don't need convincing.

If you want to get big - squat- it's as simple as that.

However, for some, loading a heavy bar onto the shoulders and squatting till you feel dizzy can present a bit of a safety issue. For those that train at home or indeed without a training partner then squatting can be viewed as somewhat dangerous.

There's significant risk of running out of steam and struggling to rerack the bar.

For the lone trainer, heavy barbell squats are something that should only be attempted with a good quality power rack with safety bars. Too many times in the gym I've witnessed some poor guy struggling to get the bar back onto the rack after completing one rep too many.

Even with suitable equipment, if you fail to make the squat and drop the bar, there's still a risk it could go wrong and you end up inuring yourself. At the very least, you're gonna have to unload, lift the bar back onto the rack and reload. If that's ever happened to you then you'll know how much this can knock the steam out of the preceding squats sets.

A fantastic and much underrated alternative to the barbell squat is the dumbbell squat. It's often seen as the poor cousin to the barbell 'king' but for some, it can actually be the superior exercise.

For the newbie, home trainer or the experienced trainer without access to a spotter or suitable power rack, the dumbbell squat makes a superb alternative to the barbell squat.

With the dumbbell squat, you have pretty much all of the mass building aspects of the barbell squat minus the safety issues. The exercise begins and ends with the weights on the floor, a far safer alternative to the' top loaded' barbell squat.

With the dumbbell squat, if you find yourself struggling to make the final rep then it's far easier and safer to simply end the rep and return the weights to the floor.

Performing The Dumbbell Squat

  • Take a pair of medium weight dumbbells and align them in parallel, either side of you

  • Position your legs a little over shoulder width apart

  • Point feet directly forward or slightly out

  • Kneel down and take a grip of each dumbbell

  • Once you're happy with your grip, push up with your legs, keeping you back straight

  • Once completely upright, pause momentarily before lowering back to the start position

I've scoured the net to find you a video that best demonstrates the dumbbell squat and found the short demo below. I'm a little camera shy myself but perhaps one day I'll do my own video demonstration.


  • Ensure your back remains at a constant angle to your body during the squat. You want the power to come from your quads (and hip flexors) not your back.

  • When lowering, your knees shouldn't extend ahead any further than the end of your toes.

  • Make sure your feet point either directly ahead or slightly outwards but never inwards. In inward turn can place disproportional stress on your knees

  • Whatever foot angle you find most comfortable, it's imperative that you maintain the same angle for both feet. Different angles can place uneven load on one knee - not good.

  • Rather than try to lift the bar, focus on pushing your legs down into the ground. You'll find this actually makes the lift 'seem' easier. Plus, this approach also help you maintain proper form with a straight back by thinking about your legs pushing rather than your body lifting.

  • Given the similarity with the deadlift, you may feel a tendency to lean back slightly at the top of the movement as many people deadlifitng do. Please don't do this. Arching backwards places unnecessary stress on the lower back. Arching back is performed by power lifters in competition to satisfy the judges that a full standing position was reached. Unless you're a competitive power lifter, please don't lean back.

I hope this article has revealed to you the many safety advantages of the dumbbell squat over the traditional barbell squat, especially for lone trainers. Remember, when it comes to weight lifting, your ability to avoid injury is one of the biggest factors in determining your progress.

Knee Pain & Arthritis

This week I had an interesting discovery regarding Knee Pain & Arthritis.

I asked a friend of mine who is a medical doctor about Knee Pain from Arthritis and what it looks like when an MRI is taken at a hospital.

Now this is my interpretation and the picture that I was looking at resembled almost "corrosion" of the joint and the way the disease was "eating away" at the joint of the knee.

So then I started thinking about this book I read by an Iranian doctor named F. Batmanghelidj, M.D. who did extensive research on the subject of pain and chronic dehydration. His studies show when we the body maintains a state of chronic dehydration it does not have the proper PH Balance (7.4) to continue normal body functions. As a result of this acidic state in the body it would go to show that this acidic state would then begin to "eat" or "rot" away the joints depending on the tension pattern that the body is holding onto. You could think of an analogy of a slow moving meandering stream as opposed to a fast moving river.

Anyhow, based on this type of understanding in the body and a tension pattern holding in the body causing the acidic state to be lodged in the knees. This acidic state could begin to develop into a condition like arthritis. Dr. B in his book, "You Are Not Sick You are Thirsty," indicated that the initial stages of dehydration that causes this acidic state in the body begins to irritate the nerve ending in the joints causing the experience of pain.

With this information and getting the body to the place free of excess tension in addition to drinking more water, I believe could begin to un-due the effects cause by Arthritis...

Knee Replacement and Reversing Muscle Atrophy After Surgery

Once your knee replacement surgery or knee surgery in general is completed and you have gone through your physical rehabilitation program, you are encouraged to continue some sort of exercise program. For many this will consist of everything from strength training at a local gym to walking around the block. To get the most productivity out of your surgery, it is recommended you incorporate weight training as well as other exercises if you wish to keep the muscles around your knee strong to help you improve your quality of life and, to protect the prosthesis that has been implanted.

I recommend my patients and clients to work on an assortment of exercises depending on their age, prior level of function and, expectations. Today, with many younger adults having knees replaced, many of them are expecting to get back into enjoying their prior activities within reason as soon as possible.

The exercises to reverse the muscle wasting process I include in the exercise routine are leg presses, leg extensions, hamstring curls and calf raises. These are exercise I use and continue to use to keep my knee replacement running and operating at a high level. Use a weight that you can initially get between 15-20 repetitions to start with. You first want to build endurance in the muscle. Working with weight that is too heavy will cause a considerable amount of muscle soreness and discomfort and swelling if you are not careful. You start slowly and increase your resistance as you get stronger and more confident with the exercises.

What I instruct patients that are pursuing post rehabilitation strengthening is to start by warming up on a stationary bike for 10 to 15 minutes at a slow pace to loosen the muscle and surrounding soft tissue around the knee. Follow the stationary bike with two sets of leg presses for 20 repetitions using slow controlled movements. Do not take your knees past the 90 degree mark at this time. Follow leg presses with seated leg extensions for 15 -20 repetitions. Then you go to hamstring curls which can be done either seated or in the prone position for the same amount of repetitions. These exercises should be done for two sets each to start with.

As you get stronger in the months ahead you can of course increase your workload as tolerated. Avoid using very heavy weights that might stress the prosthesis. Heavy weights will not be needed to rebuild your leg or legs to get them to an ideal level. Remember after joint replacement surgery, your rehabilitation should really never end.

Also to be sure that you are taking in a good quality protein to help in reversing muscle atrophy and after knee surgery. Taking in quality protein such as skinless chicken breasts, salmon, ground turkey breast and egg whites are just some of the ways to help you increase your protein intake during the recovery phase.

Taking a good quality protein powder supplement also is the key in making sure you are getting the fuel your body needs to help in building stronger muscles not only in your legs but also by reversing the atrophy process throughout your entire body.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Partial Knee Replacement and Obesity

Joints are the moving parts of the human body. Every movement that you make can cause some strain on those joints. Of all of the joints in the human body, the knees work the hardest. In even the most sedentary person's life, the knees are tasked with supporting the whole weight of the body. Over time, excessive strain can cause the knees to wear out leading to the need for either a full or partial knee replacement and obesity is one of the leading causes of that joint failure. Other common causes include sports injuries and repetitive motion strain from some occupations.

The normal, day to day strain that is placed upon the joints of your hips and especially your knees is amplified by any excess weight that you are carrying. Over time, the excessive impact that even just walking can cause may make cartilage weaken and wear down and movement can become excruciatingly painful. If the pain is persistent enough, your doctor may determine that it is necessary to perform either a full or partial knee replacement, and obesity is often the cause. Part of the post-operative treatment for a knee replacement caused by obesity is to lose a substantial amount of weight. Continuing to carry excess weight just leads to continued strain on the joint and can cause the replacement joint to wear out or fail.

It is estimated that 10 to 30 percent of patients requiring knee replacement surgery may be able to get by with a partial knee replacement. A partial replacement may be performed when only one or two of the three compartments of the knee have become damaged. The drawback of having only a partial knee replacement as compared to a complete replacement is that there is a higher incidence of failure in partial knee replacements, and obesity can increase the odds of failure markedly.

There are benefits to only having a partial knee replacement, rather than a complete replacement. In general there is a smaller incision and there is a shorter recovery period. Risk of infection may be decreased and many patients experience a full return to complete mobility, comparable to their pre-operative experience. In general, there is also a much shorter hospital stay required than there is for a total knee replacement.

While there have been great advances in medical technology, a successful outcome is determined by the patient's attitude and willingness to do the necessary therapy. Based on their experience, many doctors have somewhat low expectations for recovery and may not be very encouraging. It is up to the patient to find and follow an exercise program that has already shown proven results. Equally important is finding a trainer or mentor who has a positive attitude toward recovery from knee surgery and who can teach anyone the same mindset. Believing it can be done and working with someone who has already achieved the desired results is the key to returning to normal activities and remaining free from pain.

Painful Knees When Bending - Special Report on Helpful Treatment Options

If you suffer from painful knees when bending, it could be the result of a number of conditions. You could be suffering from arthritis or you could have a torn ligament or torn cartilage.

Who gets Knee Trouble?

Anyone can have knee trouble. You already know this is possible. Though it is commonly associated with advancing age, knee trouble is not something strictly relegated to the elderly. On the other hand, in younger people, painful knees are typically the result of participating in high-impact sports such as running, basketball or soccer (and the list goes on).

No matter how old you may currently be, knee pain can stop you from participating in all the activities that you enjoy.

Why Treat Knee Trouble?

No one wants to endure painful knees. One way people start to deal with their knee pain issues is by diminishing their activity levels. Sometimes, this is not the best answer to dealing with your current knee pain issue. Staying active can be good for your body both physically and mentally (Speak with your physician for medical advice on this topic).

If you have knee trouble, then you should face this problem, instead of hoping it goes away. The good news is you do have options when it comes to treating painful knees.

What Options Exist For Helping To Treat Your Knee Pain Problems?

Some of the most popular ways of helping to treat your knee pain problems is by employing the use of medications, surgery, PT, and knee supports. Each one of these treatment options can help manage the pain, but some are more appropriate than others depending on your condition.

- Medication: Medication can help, but some forms of medication can have addictive properties or are only a temporary answer to your knee pain problems. Many doctors today are hesitant about prescribing pain medication because of their addictive qualities.

- Physical Therapy: Physical therapy is preferred by most doctors but is not always appropriate for all knee problems. If your knee pain is brought on by a tear in the ligament, sometimes an unsupported knee in a physical therapy session would only serve to aggravate the condition.

- Surgery: Surgery is the most invasive of all options. Despite this fact, surgery can be very helpful. It is also costly, may not be successful and has a long recovery period.

- Knee Braces: Knee braces are one of the safest and most effective ways to protect your knees. Knee braces are easy to use and will help support the knees when you are bending so that you do not put unnecessary pressure on the joint. Many athletes use knee braces to prevent serious knee injury, especially when participating in high impact sports.

If you suffer from painful knees when bending, you should not ignore it, nor do you necessarily want to curtail your activities because of the pain. Talk to your doctor about the options that are available to you and use a knee brace as a way to help support your knees when bending.