Saturday, November 30, 2013

Treating a Degenerative Knee Condition - The Problem That Can Make You Want to Give Up

Are your knee(s) painful?

While osteoarthritis or degenerative knee conditions are not always an emergency condition, it is a severe condition that can cause debilitating pain and gets progressively worse over a period of time. In a worse case scenario, the joint can get severely deformed as alignment problems advance and can eventually cause someone to lose the ability to walk.

A.) Symptoms of A Degenerative Knee Condition

The symptoms of degenerative knee condition include:

1.) Pain in the knee when moving or standing still

2.) Stiffness in the knee joint

3.) Swelling around the knee

These symptoms usually bring the person who is suffering from osteoarthritis to the doctor as the pain worsens and their mobility gets increasingly more restricted.

B.) Diagnosing A Degenerative Knee Condition

Your doctor will confirm that you have osteoarthritis only after examining an X-Ray of the knees. A doctor will rarely make a clinical diagnosis of this condition as the symptoms can also mirror other conditions. Once the diagnosis is complete, you can then discuss treatment options with your physician.

C.) Treatment for A Degenerative Knee Condition

Treatment for this disease can range from over the counter pain medication to wearing a knee brace during flare-ups to getting actual knee replacement. The treatment depends upon the health of the individual, their age and the progression of the condition.

• Cortisone Injections: While cortisone shots are effective for relieving the pain, their effects are not long lasting. With these shots, you can expect to get relief from pain for anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks. These shots can also be expensive and will require regular visits to the doctor administering the shots.

• Knee Surgery: Knee surgery is usually considered the last resort and is only recommended for those who have a severe case and for whom the success rate is potentially high. Surgery, which entails rebuilding the knee joint, is an invasive procedure. It can be very expensive and also takes months from which to recover. Rehabilitation will be a large part of recovery and can be indefinite, causing another dent in your finances. You should discuss this option thoroughly with your doctor and weight the risks as well as the benefits before opting to undergo full knee surgery to treat your degenerative knee condition.

• Knee Braces: Using a knee brace is the least invasive way to treat the condition. Let's face it, sometimes you need surgery, but these braces can be the one thing that helps take away your pain like no other! When you take your knee stability to the next level, you can feel relief as soon as the brace wraps snugly around the knee. Many people find this the preferred treatment option as it offers them relief from pain without hampering their mobility as they go about their daily tasks.

If you are concerned that you may have degenerative knee condition, you should seek a firm diagnosis from your doctor. While this is an incurable condition, there are millions of people who suffer from this type of chronic inflammation and who treat it with the use of over the counter pain pills and by wearing a knee brace.

Knee Pain Solutions

Knee Pain:

We use our knees all day long from the moment we wake up til we go to sleep at night. Running, jumping, walking, and stair climbing can all contribute to pain. In this article, we will discuss the basic anatomy of the knee and ways to keep them healthy, supported, and pain free!

The knee is the most complicated joint of the body and supports almost all of a person's body weight. There are many ligaments and tendons involved which are why there are so many reasons why knee pain may occur from misalignment, overuse and degeneration. Common injuries include tendonitis, ligament tears, arthritis, or iliotibial band syndrome. (The IT band is a ligament extending from the pelvis to the lower leg that tightens as we walk or run).

Common Causes of Knee Pain

We spend most of our time sitting, either at a desk or in a car, and as a result, the IT band gets tighter and tighter, resulting in a lack of mobility in the hip and the knee joint. In addition, when we sit for long periods of time, the muscles essentially dry out like shrink-wrap, tightening and limiting mobility. Too much sitting contributes to weight gain, which can cause knee pain as the excess weight of the body is funneled through the small joint. The patella houses the thickest layer of cartilage in the body, protecting it from the pressure of the quadriceps when the knee is flexed, as in stair climbing. Stair climbing can put as much as six hundred pounds of pressure on the patella, not to mention the added weight created by obesity.

On the other hand, some people overuse their joints. Athletes build strength with physical motion, but also create tightness in the muscles. Overuse of the knee can create a variety of problems: ligaments tear and muscles strain, especially from twisting motions. Irritation and inflammation develop resulting in tendonitis. Bursitis is caused by inflammation of the fluid filled sacs (bursae) surrounding the knee brought on by trauma, gout, or arthritis.

How To Cure Knee Pain

Taking care of your knees starts with taking care of the muscles around them. Yoga is one of the best ways I know to keep pain away. Hip limitation directly affects knee pain, so the more available your hips are, the greater amount of mobility you will have in your knee. Massage can also alleviate tight muscles, especially the thigh and IT band, allowing for freedom in the knee. Foam rollers can be purchased for under $30 and massage yourself by rolling away the tightness!

Prevent the Onset of Knee Pain

A lot of people tend to ignore the immense stress that knees endure on a daily basis. This way, we hurt our knees unknowingly and then suffer knee pain and discomfort. Therefore take care of the knees from a very early age and this will help you to avoid knee pain or knee surgery in future. The knee joint has great functionality, but it can only bear stress to certain level. As time passes, the knee gets worn and knee pain starts surfacing due to various reasons. Knee surgery becomes the only option. Consult a doctor if the knee pain lasts more than 48 hours as this may be a serious issue. Nevertheless, it is better to take preventive measures to avert the knee pain than to proceed to knee surgery. Remember knee surgery is the last recourse and there are several other means to counter knee problems.

Stretching is a very important exercise that one should to do before onset of exercise as this can prevent you from sustaining any long term knee injury. This can help you to prevent knee injuries and also make your work out routine more comfortable. When you get stiff hamstrings, a lot of pressure is put on knees and this often leads to knee injury. Hence stretching becomes imperative to relax your knee muscles and prevent them from any form of knee injury. Do not overdo it and make it a point to do these exercises under proper guidance as this will allow you to combat knee pain. This way you can avoid knee surgery.

Getting the right pair of shoes is also vital as it can be instrumental in helping you prevent knee pain. If the shoes that you're wearing are not comfortable and are extremely worn, then it's a good idea to discontinue with them. The main function of the shoe is to provide proper cushion and comfort to the leg. If the cushion impact is absent in your shoes, your knees and legs are directly affected and as a result you suffer from knee pain. The knee is the main joint in the leg that facilitates movement, so it becomes essential to take proper care of them. A great way to ensure this is to get a pair of shoes that offers support to your leg when you walk or run. It is advisable to change your shoes after using them for 500 miles of running. All these collective measures will help you prevent knee injuries and consequently you can avoid knee surgery.

Frequently, the cause of the knee injuries has been due to a sudden increase in one's work out pattern. The sudden increase in the running or exercise adds extra strain to legs and knees which may cause injury. Therefore, ensure that you increase your work out regime gradually so that your body is able to adjust. It is recommended to add at most five percent to the running distance to prevent any kind of injury. It's also a good idea to consult a trainer or expert to understand what kind of work out routine you should opt for that does not put strain on your knees and helps you prevent any form of knee injury.

The knee joint plays a major role in our day-to-day life, so it is very important that we take extra care of them. Whether you have knee pain now or not, plan ahead to avoid it by following the right steps as it is a very important joint in the human body.

ACL Surgery Exercises - Top 5 Exercises For The First Week

In the first week after ACL surgery it is imperative to the long term stability of the injured knee that exercises are done that promote range of motion and stability of the knee. The knee after an ACL operation is still able to move, however, if it is left in its neutral "comfortable" position the range of motion can decrease and ultimately may require another operation. It is for this reason these exercises are very important (critical!) in the first week.

5 important ACL Surgery Recovery Exercises

1. Heel lift
Place a towel under the ankle of the injured leg and let the leg lay straight so that there is a stretch under the knee stopping the knee from going to 0 degrees. The purpose of this exercise is to improve the range of motion on the knee.

2. Quad sets
While sitting on the floor extend your legs out as straight as possible. Place a towel or pillow under your injured knee and tighten you quad on your injured leg trying to push the knee into then towel or pillow. Hold the quad flex for 10 seconds and then relax, repeat this ACL surgery exercise 10 times.

3. Heel slides
While still on the ground lie flat on your back. With your leg flat slowly move your heel along the rug while bending your knee. The goal here is to get the heel as close to your butt as possible. This post ACL surgery exercise is intended to increase the range of motion and get the hamstring muscle working again.

4. Prone knee flexion
Prone knee flexion as an ACL rehab exercise is used to increase the range of motion of the knee. Lie flat on a carpet or bed and slowly bend your injured knee to the limits of it's range of motion. As the bending knee reaches it's limit hold it at the limit for 5 seconds.

5. Ankle pumps and rotation
An ACL operation can cause a lot of swelling. This swelling can significantly slowdown the healing process. In order to accelerate the removal of swelling from the leg it is a good idea to do 20-30 ankle pumps(like you are pushing the gas pedal) and 20-30 ankle rotations regularly. This ACL rehabilitation exercise can help blood circulation and get the swelling to dissipate quicker

Building Muscular Endurance Around Your Knee After Surgery

Building not only strength in our legs after surgery is important when the knee has been operated on but, muscular endurance as well has to be added into the exercise component for total rehabilitation success.

Strength building after a surgery will help the patient regain the ability to use the knee as its designed to during our activities of daily living. The knee will strengthen quickly after surgery of course depending on the patient and, their overall prior level of function. The muscular endurance however will take more time to recover and may be the last aspect of knee surgery rehabilitation to be completed.

Building muscular endurance surrounding the knee includes concentrating on the quadriceps and the calf muscle. Both play a major part in the proper functioning of the knee. Having one or the other muscle group not up to par as far as muscular endurance is concerned will affect either your ability to walk sufficient distances or, could cause knee buckling which will result in a fall.

Building endurance can be done with several easy exercises.

1. Walking. Yes as simple as this sounds many patients after surgery need to initiate a scheduled walking program as soon as they have been medically cleared to do so. Walking not only will assist in building muscular endurance around the knees but will assist in building overall strength in your entire body. Starting a walking program is easy starting with household distances then slowly expanding the distances to outdoors.

2. Stationary Biking. Stationary biking is a great exercise for building endurance. This so happens to be one of my favorites. This is the one I used after my knee replacement surgery and I found it to pay big dividends. Stationary Biking I feel is the best exercise out there after coming off knee surgery. When starting to bike as with all the exercises you have to pace yourself. Starting with five minutes a day for instance one time a day then slowly building to a minute or two each day should do the trick.

3. Treadmills. Though I do not use them myself they are great for individuals that may need some support walking in a controlled environment. As you get stronger you can slowly increase the incline as well and that will build the endurance you require to keep your knees functioning throughout the day.

Building the endurance is simply getting the muscles that are in question to continue contracting and supporting you consistently in a repetitive manner without tiring and causing fatigue that will shut down the muscles.

Generally muscular endurance and cardiovascular exercise are mentioned in the same breath for most of us however for older individuals that may be returning from a joint replacement or fractured hip after a fall, most forms of cardiovascular work other then walking may be out of the question.

Building both strength and endurance in the surrounding muscles that encase the knees will assist you in a safer more efficient way to carry on our day to day activities.

Knee Arthritis and Foot Orthotics

If you have painful wear and tear osteoarthritis of the knee, a podiatrist is probably the last medical professional that comes to your mind. Most people would think of an orthopedic surgeon or maybe a physical therapist. However, recent studies demonstrate that mild to moderate knee arthritis can be treated successfully using custom foot orthotics. Foot orthotics are orthopedic appliances made from a casting of your feet that enhance your natural walking motion.

Osteoarthritis of the knee is a common condition that can cause knee pain and disability. It is hard to walk, enjoy life, or do much of anything if your knee is stiffer than the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz. Using foot orthotics as an additional treatment option should be good news for patients looking to take less pain pills, avoid injections, put off knee surgery, and struggling to lose weight.

How does a foot orthotic reduce knee pain? It is thought that wedging your foot with an orthotic shifts your weight away from the painful arthritic area of the knee. Also, orthotics can decrease rotational forces on the knee. Future studies are needed to investigate whether or not orthotics can really slow the progression of knee arthritis.

A study by Rubin and Menz found pain reduction in almost all subjects with the degree of pain reduction greater in patients with less severe arthritis. Another study by Butler used motion analysis methods and found foot orthotics reduced joint movements and forces (joint moments).

I perform a lot of walking slow motion video studies in my podiatry practice. Often I observe timing problems with the knee during these studies, which can lead to arthritis over time. Sometimes a knee will rotate inward excessively or it won't fully extend making that limb function shorter. Another example is when patients have their same side knee excessively flexed during heel strike. This has very poor implications for shock absorption.

If you think you may have knee pain from arthritis please see your primary care physician or a good orthopedist like Dr. Anthony Nwakama. We are truly blessed to have such a talented orthopedic surgeon here in Southwest Minnesota. Your doctor may want to take X-rays or blood tests to rule out other types of arthritis.

Now as a podiatrist, I don't really treat knee arthritis. I just treat the foot dysfunction that leads to knee pain or knee arthritis. If your knee arthritis is mild or moderate, then consider custom foot orthotics as a non-invasive drug free treatment alternative.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Knee Brace Use - Osgood Schlatters Disease & Treatment - How to Support Your Knee

What is Osgood-Schlatters Disease?

The Osgood-Schlatter Disease is claimed by some to not actually be a disease, but is rather a collection of symptoms that involves the tibial tubercle epiphysis. (The term epiphysis is essentially a growth center for bone). Discovered in 1903 by Dr. Robert Bayley Osgood and Dr. Carl Schlatter, Osgood-Schlatters Disease is often found among young athletes and children, mainly affecting boys and girls between 10-16 years of age. Osgood-Schlatters Disease can be characterized by inflammation, swelling, and/or painful symptoms at the tibial turberosity. Often times Osgood-Schlatters disease will subside when the individual stops growing, and the tendon becomes stronger. Moreover, the symptoms will be present for younger athletes and children during or after exercise.

What is the cause of Osgood-Schlatters disease?

Osgood-Schlatters disease occurs when the patellar tendon, (which attaches the quadriceps muscle at the front of the thigh and inserts on the tibial tuberosity) is overused. The tibial tubercle is a small bump on the tibia (your shin bone) just below your knee. Inflammation can occur when the patellar tendon tugs on the tibial tuberosity. Osgood-Schlatters disease is also known as a tibial tubercle apophyseal traction injury. Children and young athletes involved in activities that include a high frequency of running and jumping, are more at risk, because these activities put a greater strain on the patellar tendon.

Tests & Diagnosis

Upon visiting with the physician, your child will have a physical examination of their knee. The physician will be looking for symptoms such as redness, pain, tenderness, or swelling in and around the knee joint. He or she will also want to check the range of motion (ROM) in your child's knee. Further tests, such as x-rays may be used to look at the bones that comprise the knee joint and leg, in an effort to more closely examine the point where the patellar tendon inserts on the tibia tuberosity.

What can the athlete do if they have Osgood-Schlatters disease?

Seek the advice of a sports injury professional. Before proceeding with any treatment, it is important to make sure that Osgood Schlatters is causing the pain. Your physician can confirm or disconfirm this diagnosis. Treatment is usually conservative; rest and simple pain reduction measures of ice packs can be of great assistance. The use of a low profile knee brace (with or without a hinge) can also be of help. Typically, these knee braces can help keep the knee warm while also placing subtle pressure on the swollen area. The light pressure seems to relieve pain by compressing the separating physis. A very expensive / deluxe knee brace is probably not indicated for Osgood Schlatters.

How to Avoid Knee Injuries

The knee supports the bulk of ones body weight is subject to the many physical stresses of everyday life. The knee is one of the most important joints of the body, and one of the most complexes. Because of this complexity, the knee is susceptible to many ailments. Among the most common are:

  • Arthritis caused by a deterioration of knee cartilage leading to wear and tear on the bones.

  • Ligament tears due to traumatic contact injuries or hyperextension that is stretching because of a sudden change of direct or pivoting.

  • The kneecap (patella) is connected to the tibia and femur by the patellar and quadriceps tendon. Overuse of the knee can cause tendonitis, an inflammation of the tissue.

  • Between the femur and tibia bones there is cartilage, known as the meniscus which keeps the bones from rubbing together. Repetitious movement or sudden turns of the knee can lead to meniscus tears, often in conjunction with other knee injuries.

  • Bursitis which refer an irritation of small fluid sacs which enclose the knee.

  • Dislocated kneecap while the patella slips to the outside of its usual alignment.

  • Hyperextension is used when the knee bends back away from the hinged lock position.

Fortunately many injuries can be avoided or tempered if one knows how to strap a knee.

Strapping a weak or injured knee provides support. A strong knee resists injury while an injured knee supported by sports tape will heal more quickly.

How to strap a knee

Knee taping techniques are designed to support the knee and to reduce stress on the knee during activity and they can be used for both to prevent knee injuries and for the treatment of existing injuries. Taping a knee is simple and, if done correctly, can be extremely effective.

You will need

  • 38mm rigid strapping tape

  • 75mm elastic adhesive bandage


The ideal angle for the knee when beginning strapping is 10繙. This can be achieved by placing a roll of tape under the heel of the knee to be taped, or by putting a folded towel under the thigh.

Begin with an anchor of 38mm rigid strapping tape around the lower thigh and the upper calf, taking care that they are not too tight as this can impede circulation. Subsequent straps will be attached to these anchors.

Next, make a cross on either side of the knee, starting from the mid-point of the shin and ending behind the thigh as well as starting behind the knee and ending at the midpoint of the thigh. The knee will be surrounded by a diamond shape. Support can be increased by repeating these steps several times.

Vertical straps from anchor to anchor on the inside of the knee add greater support.

Finally, using 75 mm adhesive bandage wrap the entire knee, making sure to cover the rigid tape completely.

Knowing how to strap a knee in the correct manner can provide support for weak knees, allow injured knees to recover faster and, generally, make getting about much easier.

The Dangers of Sharp Knee Pain

Sharp knee pain is experienced not only while moving your leg but also while you take rest. This intense pain, if present for several weeks and is not caused by an injury, may be due to the chronic inflammation of the knee joint. A feeling of sharp knee pain is experienced while bending the leg while you are engaged in strenuous physical activities like lifting large and heavy objects.

Strong hamstrings protect the calf bone during knocks and falls. So it is important to maintain the strength of the hamstring muscles for protecting the knee joints and avoiding sharp knee pain. A serious type of ligament injury restricts mobility and can take a long time to heal. If there is a tear in your ligament which is used in the twisting and forward motion of the knee, you may feel a sharp knee pain with a ripping sensation or perhaps hear a pop in your knee. The knee joint will probably be painful to the touch and may quickly swell up with fluid.

In addition, your knee may give way and feel unstable while you try to stand up. This leads to a loss of confidence in the capability to walk and the patient avoid any attempts to regain mobility. In such cases, the joint and the attendant muscles get stiff and contribute to the sharp knee pain. Please remember that no one is asking the patient to undergo a strenuous exercise regimen, all that the patient needs to do is to walk a few steps every now and then to keep the joints from getting stiff.

A damaged tendon or ligament makes your knee more vulnerable to other injuries. Women experience ligament injuries more than men as they have larger pelvises and therefore have a large angle between the shin and thigh bones placing greater stress on the joints of the knee. This leads to a sharp knee pain, especially in menopausal women. Dietary supplements to increase the bone strength and maintain the suppleness of the muscles are recommended for women who have an issue with painful knee joints.

The first step in treating the pain in the knee is to identify the underlying cause of the sharp knee pain. Once this diagnosis is complete, the medical practitioner can rely on the appropriate treatment modules including laser treatments to repair the affected tissues to ensure that you do not suffer from the problem again in your life.

High-Stress Holiday - Taking the Easy Way Out

This is the time of year when stress levels run extremely high. It's a time when family relationships teeter on the brink of disaster and loneliness is the number one killer. I'd like to talk about that last one.

This past weekend my sister tried to kill herself...again. Taking large amounts of Vicodin severely damaged her liver and almost ended her life. She did this once three years ago.

What brings a person to that ledge and entices them to look over? Is it all an emotional decision or can some of it be attributed to circumstances or choice? Does the person in that state of mind have a clue of the ripple effect of their choice? If I only had all the answers I could help my sister. I could recommend she read this book or go see this other psychologist who seems to know what they're talking about. But when I reflect on these possibilities, I honestly don't think either is the answer.

What keeps me from losing my mind and making really terrible decisions is a close relationship with a loving, understanding Father in heaven. I'm not being clich矇 about this at all. I've sat many hours listening to a psychologist try to talk my sister down from this latest episode and I'm concerned she's being fed the wrong information. Our circumstances don't cause us to lose touch with reality and make bad choices. When we believe the lies that Satan is trying to feed us and when we do not have a relationship with the One who has all the answers, we lose sight of what is really important in life! That's how we really go off the deep end.

We need to focus on the One who created us and cares for us more than an identical twin sibling or even our parents. He is the living, never sleeping, ever-present God of creation who knows us inside and out and loves us with an undying love that is unmatched. He's ALL these things!

If you're being attacked by the demons of depression right now, shut down your computer, get down on your knees, and get back in touch with the Father of Light, God himself. Read His Word with a passion like a thirsty camel. Drink it in! Seek Him! Stop believing all that Satan wants you to believe. God CAN and DOES change lives if they seek Him!

"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened." Matthew 7:7-8

Strange Shooting Knee Pain - What You Will Need to Do - Knee Braces For Support and Pain Reduction

A strange shooting knee pain can be very troublesome to the individual who suffers from it.

Maybe you can relate...

It can also be very perplexing when it comes to finding the cause of the strange shooting pain. In most cases, strange shooting pain in the knee is the result of a torn or damaged ligament in the knee, which can also cause the knee to sometimes buckle up. It is usually caused by some type of stress on the joint or injury.

Here are some measures you should take if you feel a shooting pain in your knee that continues on and off for more than a week:

See a Doctor

If you have strange shooting knee pain that is persistent, it is important that you talk to the doctor and get a full examination done. While a pain in the knee is not likely to be life threatening, it can have a huge impact on your daily routine. An injured ligament is often the result of a breakdown of the ligament over time or an acute injury. If you are a former athlete, you are more at risk for a torn ligament. Talk to your doctor about recent activities as well as activities that you once participated in. Only a doctor can make a diagnosis so if you have a repeated strange shooting knee pain, make an appointment to see a doctor.

Expect X-Rays and an Examination

Your doctor will most likely ask you to get an X-Ray or an MRI done to see what is wrong with the knee. In addition, the doctor will also do a clinical examination of the knee to see how it hurts and when you feel the shooting knee pain. After the doctor determines the cause of the condition, a proper diagnosis can be made and proper treatment recommended.

Treat the Injury

If you have a torn ligament, you will need to follow the advice of the physician to treat the injury. The doctor will often times advise that you wear a knee brace when you walk and also apply ice if there is any swelling. You may also be advised to take over the counter pain medication if the knee hurts badly.

In some cases, depending on the reason for the strange shooting knee pain, the doctor may also suggest that you perform some exercises to help alleviate the knee pain.

There can be many reasons why you may experience this type of strange shooting knee pain and it is best to get it diagnosed by your doctor and to follow the recommended course of treatment. Leaving the pain untreated or resorting to wrong treatment could be disastrous to the knee. Wearing a knee brace is often times one of the best thing you can do for your knees if you experience any strange shooting knee pain. It will help allow you to enjoy full range of motion (if your physician allows this) with your leg while still restricting the leg and preventing it from any advertent movement that could cause a strange shooting pain in the knee.

Not only do people usually feel the physical support and pain reduction within the first few moments of putting on a knee brace, but many times people will tell us that it helps them mentally too. The confidence that the brace helps to provide (relative to your injured knee) can be an extra bonus!

Colitis - Can Probiotics Help Your Symptoms?

There are many ways to improve Colitis symptoms one of the most effective that I have found is taking Probiotics regularly Did you know there is more bacteria in your intestinal tract than there are cells in your body?

Benefits of Probiotics -
o They reduce diarrhea
o They are anti-inflammatory
o They Manufacture B complex vitamins
o They help regulate bowel movements
o They create lactic acid that balances intestinal pH levels

There are many other benefits from Probiotic's but these are the main ones we are concerned with in Colitis. Probiotics really work by reducing your diarrhea and lowering inflammation levels in the bowel. When I first took the right type of Probiotics in the right quantity I was amazed at the results, they really improved my stool consistency back to normal in a matter of days.

There are several ways of getting Probiotics into your Diet -

Supplements - There are many many Probiotic supplements for sale out there and it can be confusing knowing which one to take. What you need if you have Colitis is a high powered probiotic with multiple strains of bacteria in it. The best types need to be refrigerated, to keep them fresh and ready for action when they arrive in your intestines. I take one sachet of probiotics containing 450billion live bacteria once a day before bed in a small amount of live goats yogurt. This I find very useful in keeping my bowels regular and my stools well formed. If I feel things are a little bit loose one day then I just take an extra sachet during the day and that gets things back on track.

Kefir - Kefir is a cultured, enzyme-rich food filled with friendly micro-organisms that help balance your "inner ecosystem." More nutritious and therapeutic than yogurt, it supplies complete protein, essential minerals, and valuable B vitamins. It really is amazing stuff and the good news is that you can make it at home yourself with very little effort or cost! Kefir provides a virtual Swat team of probiotics which get straight to work cleaning up your intestines. You make Kefir by putting Kefir Grains which look a bit like small bits of cauliflower - and are a living microorganism - into a jar of milk. The Kefir then eats up all the lactose in the milk and as a byproduct produces lots of natural living probiotics which when you drink them help your intestines to function better. I drink a glass of my own home made kefir every morning as part of my breakfast because as well as being an excellent probiotic it is also an excellent nutritious food.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

4 Simple Ways to Cure Knee Pain - Just by Eating the Right Foods

All around the world millions of people suffer from knee pain. Even if none of your friends have mentioned it, at least one of them will be experiencing some kind of knee pain, however mild or not so. You are definitely not the only one suffering, and there are many ways of ending your pain. The medical field suggests many ways of doing so, such as losing weight, surgery, medicines and just generally doing more exercise.

Surprisingly, there are many foods which can help. Examples of these are:

  • Aloe Vera. This plant contains many useful nutrients that help reduce inflammation. It is particularly effective for knee swelling. It can be bought from almost any health food shop. It has a slightly bitter taste, but can be mixed if the taste is not to your liking.

  • Fruits. Some fruits contain high amounts of Vitamin C, an important vitamin throughout your body. Vitamin C helps to lower our risk of developing lesions in the bone marrow. Fruits that contain high amounts of vitamin C include kiwi, papaya, oranges, mangoes and grapefruits, so it is recommended to eat these.

  • Fish and Fish Oil. These often help to soothe pain throughout the joints. Some fatty acids contain Omega-3, which blocks protein that wears down cartilage in the knees. It can however, cause inflammation if you have osteoarthritis, which can be extremely painful, and is very bad for the body. I personally would recommend eating oily face twice a week, but a daily supplement of fish oil can be extremely good for you. The fish containing the most Omega-3 are mackerel and salmon, they contain many fatty acids.

  • Apple Cider Vinegars. This is a well known home remedy, which can treat a number of more common pains and aches. I know many people who will strongly recommend this, as they take one teaspoon of it daily, and it has worked wonders for them. You can receive arthritis pain relief in many parts of the body from taking these. Apple Cider Vinegar tablets will be easy to get hold of, especially at your nearest health food store.

  • Soy Products.These are a less known remedy for knee pain, but work equally well. They contain isoflavones and plant hormones, which are anti-inflammatory. If you consume any sort of soy products for a short number of months, less pain will be felt. Soy products are usually either soy milk or edamames.

However, if the pain becomes unbearable, I will always recommend that you should visit the Doctors', where your Doctor may give you a prescription course of medication.

Pain Relief Options for Osteoarthritis

If you are a sufferer of osteoarthritis I don't need to tell you that the major complaint is - the achy stiffness, discomfort, pain and eventual inflammation. As the symptoms progress and cartilage erodes, the pain gets increasingly worse to the point that in many cases pain relief is required to simply function on a daily basis. This is what drives most people to have the offending joint or joints replaced with artificial ones. However, this option is only open to those with hip or knee problems and does nothing for those suffering from osteoarthritis of the hands or spine.. Even for those who choose to attempt to heal their condition through lifestyle changes, nutritional re-balancing, and re-mineralization will have to continue to deal with the discomfort until their body has had time to return to balance. Depending on the progression of the condition the healing process can take some time. So at the end of the day, whether one is awaiting surgery, dealing with the condition in an area of the body without a surgical solution, or is taking the time and effort to heal their condition, dealing with pain is the common primary concern for those with osteoarthritis.

The standard allopathic response to this issue is naturally a pharmaceutical one. Unfortunately the types of drugs commonly prescribed in these situations are associated with many adverse drug reactions (ADRs), especially after long term use. The group of drugs to which I am referring are among the most widely used in the developed world. They are called NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). These are drugs with analgesic (pain-reducing) and antipyretic (fever-reducing) properties. One report published in Clinical Cornerstone stated that NSAIDs account for 70 million prescriptions and $30 billion in over-the-counter sales in the United States alone. Whether or not these numbers are accurate, the market is obviously huge. Some common names that you may be familiar with in this category of drugs are ibuprofen (Advil and Motrin), naproxen sodium (Aleve), ketoprofen (Orudis KT) and even good old aspirin, to name a few.

The main ADRs associated with prolonged or over-use of NSAIDs are well documented and on the increase. One of the immediate effects is on the gastrointestinal system. The molecular nature of NSAIDs is acidic, which causes irritation of the gastric mucosa. This in turn leads to digestive problems including nausea, gastric ulceration and intestinal bleeding, and even diarrhoea. Another area of concern with overuse of NSAIDs is that of renal interference. They impair the synthesis of prostaglandins, which are vasodilators. This in turn leads to the restriction of blood flow to the kidneys, which can cause fluid retention, sodium-potassium imbalance, as well as potential hypertension (high blood pressure). Of particular interest to OA sufferers are the studies going back as far as the late 70s that also indicated an acceleration of cartilage breakdown. Yes, that's right. When you take these pain medications to relieve headaches, migraines, menstrual pain, postoperative pain, arthritis pain, or any kind of pain, you may be actually accelerating the breakdown of your cartilage. If you are currently using one of these drugs to treat your osteoarthritis, you might want to consider potential alternatives for pain control, especially in the case of long term use.

In this area there are a few options that can be used individually or combined that have been shown to be effective in various studies. Given our acquired metabolic strengths and weaknesses, some experimentation may be required to find out which product or combination of products works best for you. In my experience the efficacy of a supplement is often determined by quality, sourcing, and processing, which will speak to issues of bio-availability. In this regard you usually get what you pay for, so caveat emptor.

One of the oldest and most overlooked treatments for joint pain is sulphur, which tends to occur naturally in many hot springs and is probably why people with arthritis find relief after bathing in them. Elemental sulphur used to be present in our drinking water but has been long lost to our diets through municipal filtration. In supplemental form it is usually found as a compound called methylsulphonylmethane (MSM). To my knowledge the clinical trials are scant and inconclusive; however, the ones I have looked at that show marginal success are dealing with pretty low dose ranges. Dr. Al Sears in a recent newsletter was recommending a daily dose of 850 mg for the treatment of joint pain. What MSM appears to do is to improve the permeability or flow-through of your cellular membranes. If this flow-through is impaired, toxins can build up in the cells, contributing to cellular pressure, inflammation and discomfort. When the flow-through is improved toxins are released, pressure is relieved, and inflammation decreases. This form of sulphur also appears to function as an effective anti-oxidant, which is always a good thing.

I suppose glucosamine sulfate needs to mentioned given that it is the most common non-vitamin, non-mineral supplement purchased by American adults. In the case of glucosamine, clinical studies appear to be all over the map with some showing improvement of symptoms while others show it to be no more effective than a placebo. Anecdotally it would appear that some people do experience significant relief of symptoms but only after many weeks or months of use. This probably has to do with the absorbability of glucosamine, which some studies have indicated may be as low as 15-20% of dose. This would indicate that glucosamine is not likely to be of use in the short term for control of pain.

Omega 3 oils have been shown to be a worthwhile investment for their many benefits to health in general. Their anti-inflammatory properties as well as the general metabolic need for omega 3s have been well documented and there are now numerous studies showing improved joint mobility. The turning of our collective diets away from saturated fats to seed and corn oils has led to an over abundance of omega 6s and 9s and fewer omega 3s than would have been present in a more traditional or evolved diet. Over abundance of omega 6s and 9s actually contribute to the potential for increased inflammation. When it comes to supplementing with omega 3s, source and processing will I believe determine effectiveness to a large degree. Although fish oil has been popular in the past, they can easily become rancid through oxidation, thereby losing any anti-oxidant effect they would have in the body. Another more contemporary issue with fish oil is the potential for bio-accumulated toxins like mercury and PCBs. This problem will obviously increase the further up the food chain you go for sourcing. For my personal use I have found the best bang for the buck is with a good quality Krill product. Krill is one of the largest biomasses on the planet; in fact, some large species of whales feed on it exclusively. Since it is harvested from relatively cleaner Antarctic waters, as well as being at the bottom of the food chain, bio-accumulated toxins become a relative non issue. Krill also contains the highest levels of a 'super' anti-oxidant called astaxanthin, which protects the omega 3 oils from becoming rancid and improves bio-availability and activity immensely.

From Ayurvedic Eastern traditions we know that turmeric has long been used as another potent anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory. The most active component of turmeric is curcumin, which is what gives turmeric the intense yellow colour. There are now a growing number of studies as well as anecdotal evidence indicating a significant decrease in discomfort and increase of mobility for osteoarthritis sufferers, described by some as equivalent to the effect of NSAID's. Turmeric appears to be another one of those 'super' anti-oxidants that have many beneficial effects throughout the metabolism and seems particularly adept at helping the body deal with chronic low-grade inflammation. I have been using turmeric myself for some time now and can personally attest to its benefits. The turmeric powder which is used in food and medicinally is ground from the root of the plant. As with any supplement, sourcing is everything and you're probably best to find an organic source raised and harvested in the Ayurveda tradition. After all, they've been at it for 5000 years so they should know what they're doing by now.

One last potential alternative I would like to make mention of is something called Pycnoginol, which is a registered trade mark. I came upon this product quite recently while attending a webinar so I'm still in the process of investigation myself. However, given what I've read so far in the research, this product certainly warrants further investigation. Pycnoginol is an extract made from the bark of a maritime pine tree which only grows on the southwest coast of France. The claims of the manufacturer are backed by 280 published scientific studies and reviews as well as data collected from 7000 patients in 98 clinical studies. I'll leave this one simply as a heads up to provide further options in the pursuit of pain relief.

Given the problems inherent with the long term use of NSAID's, I hope this information, if nothing else, has at least provided options that can be used safely and in the end possibly do more to correct your osteoarthritis rather than contributing to its progression.

Knee Replacement: What to Expect

Knee pain makes it hard to live a full and enjoyable life, and it can keep you from doing the things you love most. If you are suffering as you try to do your favorite activities, talk to your doctor about getting a knee replacement. While it may take some time to recover, you can quickly get back into your routine without the extra pain.


As you prepare for your knee surgery, the doctor may ask you to stop taking certain medications. These may interfere with the medicine you will need after your surgery, or they may cause problems during the surgery. Be sure that you follow all of your doctor's recommendations about medication.

The night before you are scheduled to have your surgery, limit your food and drinks. Your doctor will give you a time period after which you are not allowed to eat or drink anything. If your surgery is scheduled for very early in the morning, you may need to eat an early supper the night before. If your surgery is later in the day, you may be able to eat up until midnight the night before.

During the Surgery

You and your doctor will decide which type of anesthesia will work best for you. You may be asleep during the procedure, or they may give you an epidural to numb you from the waist down. As the surgeon works on your knee, he will bend it so that the joint is fully exposed. The incision will be anywhere from 6 to 10 inches long, and it will allow the doctor to remove the kneecap and damaged areas. The artificial joint is put into place after the surfaces are prepared, and then the doctor will test the joint to make sure it works properly. He will then sew up the incision, and you will be taken to a recovery room. You will stay in the hospital for several days to be monitored.

After the Surgery

Once you are released from the hospital, it is very important that you have someone to help you at home. You will need to use mobility devices to help you move around. A walker or crutches are helpful because they will force you to use your knee so that it doesn't become too stiff. If you rely on a wheelchair or mobility scooter, take some time to exercise your knee properly so that the scar tissue does not prevent your joint from working properly. Take your medicine as directed to minimize pain and prevent infections. If your knee heals properly, you will be able to resume activities in four to six weeks.

A knee replacement can be a wonderful way to improve your life if you are currently suffering from severe knee pain. Once the surgery is over, you will have the freedom to move without soreness or acute pain, which means that you can do more of your favorite activities.

Conquering Arthritis - Mentally and Physically

Common Types of Arthritis

There are many forms of arthritis. They range from severely debilitating rheumatoid arthritis to common osteo-arthritis. Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. Over ninety percent of people over the age of fifty have some degree of oseto-arthritis. It is basically the wearing out of the joints over time, or plain and simple wear and tear. There are a lot of factors that determine when and how severe it will affect you, some factors you can control and some that you can't. Rheumatoid arthritis is less common, but much more destructive. It is a disease which the immune system attacks the joints for an unknown reason. The body treats the joints like invaders and slowly destroys them over time. It is unknown what causes rheumatoid arthritis and it can be severe. It can happen at any age and can stop and go into remission for no apparent reason. There are a lot of other forms of arthritis that are rare, but they all negatively affect the joints.


Osteoarthritis affects every mammal on the planet and every person will eventually develop it if the live long enough. It is the joints wearing out with age. The first sign of osteoarthritis is stiffness in the joints. This is due to the fluid (synovia) that separates the bones of the joints becoming less viable and breaking down. Over time the joints will get closer together and lose the viscosity of the fluid. Calcium will start to form on the ends of the bones and slowly start to form a bridge between the two bones that make up the joint. This process is called spurring. Eventually the joint will lose all the fluid that lubricates the joint and spurs will take over the entire joint. The bones will fuse together to form one big connection. This process takes time and it can start as early as late teens or it can start much later in life.

Causes of Osteoarthritis

There are a lot of factors that determine the age and rate when osteoarthritis will start. Some factors can be controlled and others cannot. Did you ever see people in their eighties that look and move like they're in their forties? Then you see someone in their fifties that look and move like they are ninety. This didn't happen by chance. Many things determined this, but they all occur over time. It's never to late to change, unless your dead! The first factor is genetics. This is handed down by your parents and their parents. You can't pick your parents so this is 100% not controllable. If your parents developed osteoarthritis at an early age, chances are you will too unless you take precautions. Trauma is another factor that isn't exactly controllable. The amount of trauma your body, particularly the joints, has had will speed up the degeneration process of osteoarthritis. Most football players have a high rate of osteoarthritis in their hips and knees at young ages due to the amount of lower body trauma they endured while playing football. Livelihood is not really controlled either, and it is another factor that contributes to arthritis. I'll give a couple of examples. Mail carriers that carry heavy mail bags on their shoulders will develop osteoarthritis in their spines at a much faster rate than most people. Years ago they were taught to switch sides regularly to prevent on side from receiving most of the stress. This helps, but it still doesn't eliminate the increased stress on the spine day after day. Another example are dentists. My father was a dentist and my sister is a dentist. When my father started to age he had a finger that was crooked. It was just his first finger (pointer finger) on his right hand. This was due to the constant pressure he placed on the instruments while working. Rheumatoid arthritis hits all the fingers so it wasn't rheumatism. Dentists also bend to one side all day. This places a lot of stress on one side of the spine. I recommend switching sides, but it is impossible for them to do this because most dentists aren't ambidextrous. Over time this will degenerate the mid back of most dentists. I'm a chiropractor and I stand all day. I'm developing arthritis in my knee. I also had severe knee trauma (surgery) in high school form sports.

Slow Osteo-Arthritis Down

Regular moderate joint motion is one thing that slows the degenerative process down. A moving joint is typically a healthy joint. Regular daily motion stimulates the fluid (synovia) of the joint and will nourish the joint. It is similar to the difference between a pond (dirty) and a stream (clean). A pond develops scum due to the lack of moving fresh water, but a stream in constantly moving fresh water in and removing the dirty water. The joints of the body act similarly to this. They get their nourishment from the fluid in the joints so if the fluid isn't circulating the joint wont get proper nourishment and will degenerate at a much faster rate. Daily stretching and moving the whole body through a full range of motion is recommended. People that work hard often times don't get enough full ranges of motion in their entire body. They stimulate certain areas too much and other areas not enough and they become imbalanced. There are a lot of methods to stimulate and stretch, but I feel yoga and pilates along with swimming are the best ways to stimulate and stretch the entire body. Proper alignment of the joints, especially the spine is crucial in preventing osteoarthritis. If the bones are mis-aligned it is common sense they will wear out faster. Like making sure your tires are in alignment, the vertebra move and can become mis-aligned. When vertebra are mis-aligned they become fixated and don't allow proper motion in the joints. Muscle spasms are the biggest reason why this occurs. When a muscle goes into spasm, it gets tight and will move the bones or compressing the joint. A pulled muscle can create havoc on the spine, short and long term. Regular chiropractic treatments prevent mis-alignments and reduce muscle spasms. Proper nourishment and fluids are another big factor. Joints have been found to degenerate at a faster rate if they aren't hydrated properly and they also have been found to improve if proper nutrients are given to them. Glucosamine Sulfate, Chondroitin Sulfate, MSM, and Hyaluronic acid along with Omega 3 fatty acids have been found to aid in joint function. I also recommend natural ant-infammatories such as ginger and turmeric for preventing harmful inflammation of the joints and soft tissue.

Conquering Arthritis, Mentally

I don't care what type of arthritis you may have, your mental attitude is the most important factor that will enable you to manage it and help you live a happy productive life. Even the worst cases of rheumatoid arthritis can go into remission. Without positive thinking and positive preparation it usually won't happen. Osteoarthritis effects everyone. Some people let it destroy who they are and others empower it. It doesn't have to become who you are. Everyone has an identity or a story. Don't let the first thing you think of when you imagine yourself be arthritis. If you let it control you it will eventually destroy you. Arthritis is manageable and it is not going to prevent you from enjoying your life. Take preparations and you will be fine. Associate yourself with active and supportive people that enjoy life and don't dwell on the negative things such as their ailing health. Positive thinking and positive living will change your life. Energy breeds more energy. The more energy you use the more your brain and body will produce. You just have to get it started. So get moving, nourish your joints and keep them in align.

Knee Pain Support - Chronic Knee Joint Pain - Well Designed Braces Can Help! Special Report

How are your knees doing lately?

Do you have knee joint pain that never seems to really stop?

Introduction: If you suffer from knee pain problems, then you are not alone. Painful knee issues can be the result of many different internal, degenerative ailments. If it is not degenerative, a knee problem can be the result of a physical incident, that may or may not include contact from another object or individual. We will be discussing some typical knee issues and we will also discuss with you ways in which you can help reduce pain, improve stability and add meaningful protection to your knees.

1.) Knee Problems

Meniscus tears, ACL or MCL injuries are all too common! It seems that it is not hard to injure our knees, especially as we get older. It does not take a physical incident with another individual or an object of some kind to really hurt your knee. All it really takes is for you to bend it in an unusual way, or to twist your knee with your foot firmly planted on the ground, and "poof!", you can have a major knee injury on your hands!

2.) Treatment Options - Rest, Ice, Elevation, Surgery & Well Designed Knee Supports

Many conservative treatment options exist. Rest, ice, elevation and surgery have all been used in the past with different levels of success. They all have their ups and downs, but none of them are quite like the use of a low profile, well designed knee support. - When you get a knee brace, many people instantly note that they feel more secure; both physically and mentally when the support is on. In addition, the knee meaningful knee support can help you to reduce your knee discomfort and offer you protection from future knee injuries! - This is what makes knee braces so helpful.

3.) Doing Nothing vs. Doing Something

In the end, choosing the right knee treatment is more in your hands, than it is out of your reach. Being proactive can help you to prevent further knee problems. Facing your issues now can really help your knee and also has the potential of saving you a lot of your hard earned money. - Do not look back, six to eight months from now wishing that you would have done something more for your knees while you still had the time. (This is a helpful health information article, but you should speak to your doctor about medical advice.)

Custom Fit Knee Replacement

Custom Fit Knee Replacement In South Florida

From standing and walking to running a marathon, the knee joint plays a vital role in most forms of mobility. But when it becomes damaged or suffers from the deteriorating effects of arthritis, any movement can become painful. When knee damage progresses to this point, total knee replacement surgery may be the best option. The success of the artificial replacement joint depends largely on how well it fits into the existing bone structure. Custom fit knee replacement procedures are designed to ensure that the new replacement joint can function as closely to a natural knee joint as possible.

Knee Anatomy

The knee is made up of three main components: the patella (kneecap),femur (thighbone), and tibia (shinbone). Tendons and ligaments that run through and around the joint connect muscle to bone and provide strength and support. The meniscus, a wedge of cartilage, is located in the middle of the joint, serving as a buffer between the femoral head and the top of the tibia. The meniscus also serves as a shock absorber and has a stabilizing effect by helping keep the upper and lower bones in place. A thin, gel-like layer of cartilage covers the femoral head and the top of the tibia to prevent friction between the bones.

Knee Replacement Surgery

During a total joint knee replacement procedure, surgeons remove damaged portions of the femoral head and the top of the tibia. The natural knee joint is replaced with an artificial implant made of metal alloy, plastic, and ceramic components. Metal stems attached to the implant components are inserted into the center of the femur and tibia and are cemented in place. The new artificial joint is designed to closely mimic the form and function of a natural knee joint.

Custom Fit Knee Replacement

Custom fit knee replacement procedures take the fitting of the artificial joint one step further. Using 3D imagery and computer modeling technology, the surgical team takes precise measurements of the remaining healthy bones of the knee joint. In order to create a perfect fit for the artificial knee joint, these extremely precise measurements are used to create custom cutting guides that are then used to trim back the healthy bone. By matching the artificial joint to the exact contours of the remaining healthy bones, surgeons are able to install an implant that feels and reacts exactly as the original one did. This innovative procedure produces more effective results compared a traditional knee replacement surgery.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Natural Products For Achilles Tendonitis

Some Natural Products for Achilles Tendonitis Really Work.

For pain caused by inflammation, the German combination remedy Phytodolor, a blend of ash, poplar, and goldenrod extracts, is backed up with the best scientific evidence. No fewer than ten scientific studies confirm its usefulness in controlling muscle and bone pain with a virtual absence of side effects. This remedy may be particularly appropriate for Achilles tendon pain because it normalizes red blood cells in contact with the affected tissues.

This product is sold in the UK, Ireland, and continental Europe under the trade name Phytodolor; in the United States and Canada it is marketed by Enzymatic Therapy. Because Phytodolor works by reducing inflammation, it is most helpful during the first few weeks after injury. Unlike NSAIDs, it will not aggravate the underlying tissue damage.

SAM-e, best known as a treatment for depression, also relieves pain. Like Phytodolor, it has the advantage of very seldom causing side effects. Various studies have found SAM-e as good or better for pain relief as Advil, Motrin, Naprosyn, and Nuprin. A study involving 20,641 people with osteoarthritis of the finger, hip, knee, and spine found that SAM-e alone was as effective as their ordinary pain relievers.

In the longest-running study involving the supplement, various minor side effects occurred in 20 out of 97 patients from time to time during the first 18 months of the intervention. In the final 6 months of the study, however, no patients experienced any side effects from SAM-e. Patients received relief of morning stiffness, pain at rest, and pain on movement, and depression as well.

Although the use of individual herbs for Achilles tendonitis is not especially well documented, several herbs are likely to be helpful. Animal studies show that boswellic acid extracts (produced from the Ayurvedic herb guggul) stop inflammation, increase glycosaminoglycan synthesis needed to repair injured tissue, and improve blood flow, the latter especially important in the treatment of Achilles tendonitis.

When used at a dosage of 400 mg per day, there are no reported side effects from boswellic acid. The Ayurvedic formula Yogaraj Guggulu has the same effect, as does a modern Ayurvedic product from TheraVeda (Organix South) called Nartana.

Some people should avoid boswellin, boswellic acid extracts, and guggul (guggulu). Both boswellic acid extracts and Yogaraj Guggulu alter the body's production of thyroid hormone. They should be avoided by people who have Graves' disease or other forms of hyperthyroidism. Boswellic acid supplements should be avoided by persons taking beta-blockers, especially propanolol (Inderal, Inderide), or calcium channel blockers, especially diltiazem (Cardizem), for high blood pressure, since boswellic acid can make these drugs less available to the body.

Capsaicin, devil's claw, menthol, and willow bark all offer pain relief. Capsaicin is the chemical that gives hot peppers their heat. As anyone who has cooked with chiles knows, capsaicin can cause burning, redness, and inflammation, especially to the eyes and mouth. The first time it is applied in a cream to the skin over a painful injury, capsaicin causes these symptoms, but the nerve fibers serving the back of the leg become insensitive to it-and to pain.

The product Tiger Balm works through providing a combination of capsaicin and menthol.

Capsaicin works best when there is good circulation to the skin to which it is applied. Do not apply capsaicin to your legs if you have diabetes and never apply capsaicin to ulcerated skin.

It is also important to keep capsaicin out of your nose and eyes. Allergic reactions to capsaicin are rare but are not unknown, and there have been cases of hypothermia in people who used capsaicin in an especially cold room. It is theoretically possible that capsaicin absorbed into the bloodstream could reduce the bioavailability of aspirin, and when aspirin does not relieve pain, people tend to take too much; if you use capsaicin, use pain relievers other than aspirin.

Devil's claw relieves knee pain, but only if it is taken in an enteric-coated form that protects its analgesic compounds from being digested in the stomach. Do not use devil's claw with NSAIDs such as aspirin and Tylenol and avoid it entirely if you have duodenal or gastric ulcers.

Willow bark is a natural substitute for aspirin. It contains a pain reliever less potent than the salicylates found in aspirin but that does not generally cause bleeding or stomach irritation. Do not use willow bark during pregnancy, if you have tinnitus (ringing in the ears), or if you are allergic to aspirin. Do not give willow bark or aspirin to children who have colds or flu.

Products that are effective for osteoarthritis, such as the cetylated fatty acid formula Celadrin, are not specifically shown to support recovery from Achilles tendonitis. Celadrin will, however, relieve Achilles tendon pain through the action of menthol in the formula, and is clinically proven to relieve pain in the knee, wrist, and elbow with or without menthol in the formula.

Homeopathic arnica is frequently prescribed for Achilles tendonitis by medical doctors in the UK and Germany. Arnica is most likely to help during the first few weeks after injury and when there is redness of the skin over the heel. Never take any arnica product internally, and do not ever apply the fresh herb to skin.

Runner's Knee Pain - Cause, Symptoms and Prevention

Dammed if you do, dammed if you don't.

Runner's knee otherwise known as chondromalacia/patelloformal pain is a condition that occurs when the cartilage found on the under surface of the knee cap known as the patella begins to crack and slowly wears away resulting in inflammation and pain. This layer of cartilage reduces friction between the knee cap and the knee joint, however as this layer of cartilage degrades the under surface of the knee cap is able to rub against the knee joint causing intense pain. Unlike most chronic knee problems that tends to affect the elderly runner's knee predominately affects young athletic individuals, and more so women than men, reasons for which are not clear.

The most common cause of runner's knee are weak or fatigued quadriceps muscles and a tight Illiotibial band, yes these terms sound foreign to me too but there is always Wikipedia. Quadriceps are extensors of the knee joint that assist in the proper tracking of the knee cap, The kneecaps need to move up and down in a smooth motion to insure a balanced running stride. When the muscles in the legs and feet are not in balance then the knees can go off track causing the cartridge to grind away on the kneecap. Pronation of the feet inwards on impact during running can also lead to runner's knee. Worn out running shoes and applying too much tension on the knees are also contributing factors. Runner's knee will become worse if one does not take a break from running after being diagnosed.

Since we are not blessed with x-ray vision a way of diagnosing runner's knee is by looking for the distinct symptoms. Individuals ailing from runner's knee tend to experience pain beneath or on the sides of the knee cap, also there is a grinding or cracking sound when the knee is flexed resulting from the under surface of the kneecap rubbing against the knee joint. Other symptoms include pain after running uphill and swelling at the knee.

Unlike that of arthritis the degeneration caused from runner's knee can be reversed. Treatment of runner's knee is dependent on age, gender, and medical history; however the first and most obvious treatment of runner's knee would be to stop running, not permanently just long enough to give your knee time to recover. Other household treatments include s:

• Applying ice to shin area

• Strengthen quadriceps muscles through various exercises such as squatting

• Avoid lifting weights as this increases tension on the knees and will only worsen the condition

• Keep legs elevated as much as possible and also try sleeping with a pillow between legs

• The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication can also help to reduce the pain and swelling

If symptoms persist then you should consult your physician as surgery might be required.

As is always the case prevention is better than cure. Proper stretching and warming up before physical activity and cooling down afterwards can reduce one's risk of getting runner's knee. Other preventative practices includes, avoiding running downhill and on rugged uneven surfaces, also when undertaking a new training programme do so in gradual progressive steps.

Knee Joint Pain Causes and Treatment - Information That You Should Know

Knee joint is the junction of two large bones of leg in which pain can be caused due to many reasons. The exact location of the pain helps medical experts to diagnose the problem better and quickly for treatment. Like any other joint of the body knee too is prone to the injuries, infections and disorders, in fact in older people complaints for knee pain is more common than compared to any other joint of the body.

The knee joint is formed by two bones femur and tibia supported by four ligaments and a patella also popularly known as knee cap. This whole joint is covered by synovium and is filled with synovial fluid which provides nourishment to the cartilages and keeps them elastic. Synovial fluid inside synovium also keeps cartilages smooth and slippery to ensure friction free and pain free movement of the knee. The knee joint joins thigh and shin bones to make normal activity like walking possible. This joint can bend up to 135 degrees and extend to 0 degrees. It is a weight bearing joint and complex in design which makes it most commonly injured joint of the body.

Injuries can promote pain in the knee. Any traumatic event can cause damage to ligaments attached to the knee joint. As knee has four ligaments attached to it exact area of pain can help the doctor to find out the particular ligament that has been damaged. Pain occurs when weight is transferred on the joint. Swelling of tendons also referred as tendinitis or jumper's knee, injuries caused to meniscus by sharp and quick movements can cause mild to severe pain in the knee joint. The pain due to tearing of meniscus is felt with a popping sensation and locking or feeling of unstable knee. Swelling of tendons causes pain below the knee cap or at the back of the knee joint. All of these knee pains may also occur due to old age or overuse of the knee joint like in sports and other activities.

Osteoarthritis and rheumatic arthritis are other common causes of pain in the knees. Osteoarthritis causes damage to cartilages which eventually exposes ends of the bones to rub each other to cause severe pain and inflammation and also can cause complete immobility of the joint. Rheumatic arthritis makes immunity system attack its own healthy tissues which causes damage to the tissues present in the knee joint causing inflammation, redness, pain and infection in the synovial fluid. Arthritis also promotes secretion of fluid in the joint which gets accumulated in the form of a cyst at the back of the knee joint also known as baker's cyst.

Knee joint pain due to arthritis or any other disease, infection or disorder is treated along with the major problem while joint pain in the knee due to any injury can be treated by hot and cold compresses, massages with warm oil or pain relieving ointments and creams, light exercises like walking and cycling, yoga and aerobics. Knee replacement surgery is the last option medically available to treat a completely immobile and painful knee.

Treating Osteoarthritis Knee Pain Using Supartz

Knee osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease of a knee joint, common in people older than 40 years. It causes pain, swelling and reduced motion in your joint. The cartilage in your joints breaks down if you have osteoarthritis. Cartilage is a rubbery tissue at the end of the bones, allowing your joint to move easily.

A healthy knee contains synovial fluid, a fluid that cushions your knee. Synovial fluid contains a lubricating substance called hyaluronan or hyaluronic acid. When you have osteoarthritis, it can be hard to move your joints due to lack of hyaluronan. This can cause the surface layer of cartilage to break and wear away. The bones under the cartilage rub together, which can cause pain, swelling, and loss of motion of the joint. The joint may loose its normal shape over time.

As a solution to knee osteoarthritis pain, Supartz joint fluid therapy may provide long lasting pain relief. Supartz is a solution which consists of highly purified sodium hyaluronate (hyaluronan). Hyaluronan is a natural substance found in the synovial fluid that helps cushion and lubricate a knee joint.

Supartz injection helps in restoring the cushioning and lubricating properties of synovial fluid. Upon injection, Supartz acts in place of synovial fluid, facilitating smoother joint movement and less painful contact between bones. This can be used for those who have failed to respond to simple pain killers, exercise or physical therapy. It is administered in the form of injection, injected directly into the knee. It is given once a week for 5 weeks, for up to total of 5 injections. To reduce the pain, local anesthesia may be provided.

Supartz is one of the earliest joint fluid therapies approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). More than 200 million injections have been administered worldwide, and it is the most prescribed joint fluid therapy. This only shows that this joint fluid therapy is safe to use and is effective in providing pain relief.

A course of Supartz therapy can help relieve pain and improve mobility. Although it can be given with 3 to 5 weekly doses, some patients experience benefits within the first 3 weeks. The joint fluid therapy can be very effective in delaying or preventing knee replacement surgery. Also, its effectiveness in improving knee pain from knee osteoarthritis has been shown in several clinical studies.

After taking Supartz, the patient may be advised to avoid doing strenuous activities for 2 days after the injection. Strenuous activities may include climbing stairs, jogging and weight training. The doctor may notify some other restrictions which should be best complied by the patient.

Housemaid's Knee - Starts With a Bursa

A bursa is a sac-like membrane filled with fluid that lubricates joints. They are generally located between tendons and bones. "Bursitis" is the name for inflammation of these membranes. The most commonly plagued areas for bursitis are the hips, lower knees, elbows, shoulders and your heels.

The cause of bursitis can be arthritis, trauma, infection or strain. The role of a bursa is to provide a cushion between moving tissues and bones thus allowing friction-free movement. Sometimes the bursae can become a chronic problem if calcified deposits develop around them.

An inflamed bursa can form under the heel or in the back because a tendon is strained and this in turn prevents full range-of-motion encouraging swelling to occur. Bursitis in the heel is commonly caused by shoes that do not fit properly. Take the time and money to invest in shoes or sneakers that fit properly regardless if you are simply going for long walks in the neighborhood, standing on your feet all day, engaging in a strenuous activity, or participating in any sport.

Another form of bursitis affects the front of the knee caps and is called "pre-patella bursitis." When a bursa in the front of the knee becomes inflamed a large egg-like bump will form over the kneecap. You will not miss the bump because it will be inflamed and it will hurt if you press on it. Sometimes a physician will advise draining the extra fluid in the inflamed bursa. Draining a bursa can often have an after effect of even more extreme swelling. The swelling will diminish in a few days and the bursa should return to normal. Constant pressure on the front of the knee causes pre-patella bursitis, for example if you kneel most of the day while doing gardening you may develop mild to severe bursitis.

Other problems that can cause you to develop bursitis on the kneecap are taking a direct kick to the knee or falling and landing on your knee. Years ago this type of knee bursitis was often called "Housemaid's Knee." As the saying goes: "We've come a long way baby." To prevent so-called housemaid's knee follow these guidelines:

#1. Do not kneel on an injured knee,

#2. Do not put pressure on this knee,

#3. Do gentle stretching exercises such as using a Pilates Reformer with low resistance,

#4. Apply an ice bag to to the swollen area.

There are also many other fluid-filled sacs behind the knees which are interconnected with tendons and tissue to provide friction-free movement. If these become inflamed you will develop a swelling that protrudes at the back of the knee. This is usually diagnosed as "popliteal bursitis." Even though this form of bursitis might not be painful, it may limit your ability to move your knee. Popliteal bursitis may be due to a sports injury created by excess friction around the knee or it can be disease related. Your physician may recommend having a surgical procedure to remove the swollen sac. If there is no need for surgery, the best medicine is exercise that stretches your hamstring muscles and quadriceps. Gyrotonic® exercise is also beneficial to improve and prevent poptileal bursitis.

Overuse strains are common for the hip-flexors, especially for athletes. Your hip flexor muscle has a tendon that is attached to the thigh bone. If the bursa between them becomes inflamed, your hip area will become very painful.  The inflammation often results from one of the bursa hidden under the tendons, instead of between the tissues. Treatment would include:

#1. Apply an ice bag to the area,

#2. Rest, especially laying on your back to avoid pressure on the hip area,

#3.  Gentle stretching to regain flexibility; do this with a physical therapist or certified personal trainer to avoid further injury.

Shoulders are very over used and also sensitive to sports' injuries. Between the tendons and tissue in the shoulder, there are many large bursae to allow friction-free movement. They become inflamed when you exercise or play sports using the wrong form. Bursitis in the shoulders is extremely painful even with the slightest movement of your neck, back and shoulders. If you develop shoulder bursitis get it checked out by a physician because very often anti-inflammatory pills or injections are necessary to speed up the healing process.

You can also enhance the effectiveness of any medication, or help prevent bursitis from even developing, by using natural remedies and taking extra precautions. Here are some suggestions:

#1. Always stretch before and after exercising,

#2. Regularly take Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin E and zinc to keep your bursae healthy,

#3. Take Vitamin B-12, when needed, as it has been known to give quite rapid relief from bursitis,

#4. Take bromelain to help reduce inflammation,

#5. Get ultrasound treatments (performed by a physical therapist) to diminish calcium deposits,

#6. Avoid putting too much pressure on your knees by using padding or by standing up and moving frequently, otherwise...Housemaid's Knee!

#7. Use a padded floor mat if you have a job where you are required to stand for long periods of time,

#8. Commit to an exercise program, no matter what your age is. A personal trainer can help customize a program with a well balanced and symmetrical approach appropriate for your fitness level. The right exercise program provides increased strength and endurance, better balance, increased range-of-motion, better circulation and improved posture. All of these attributes help protect your tendons and bursae.

So now that you know more about how bursitis can be prevented and treated, pay attention to these little "sacs" that play a big role in your well being. Start your preventative exercise program today. 

Get Quick Relief From Knee Pain

Knee pain has become a common problem these days. The knee is a complex part of human body. In case, you injure it accidentally or experience knee injury that reoccurs frequently, you should consult a medical practitioner.

There are several techniques available these days to provide knee pain relief. One of the best techniques in this regard is to work towards healing knee injury as soon as it occurs. This technique is known as RICE technique. It is an acronym where R stands for rest, I stands for ice, and C stands for compression and E stands for elevation.

Whenever you injure your knee, it is important to provide it some rest. Never ever take any chance by staying active. Staying active can further injure the knee. The best thing to do is to lie down and put ice on your knee. The ice will cool down the knee and reduces the blood flow. Reducing the blood flow will ultimately reduce the swelling in the knee. For compression, you need to keep a bandage on the area of pain for sometime. The bandage should not be overly tight. Make sure that the injured leg is elevated. This facilitates the healing process and provides great relief to the patient.

If your knee hurts on a regular basis, you need to check with a health care practitioner. You can also go for a lot of over the counter or non-prescription treatments available for knee injuries such as bandages to help stabilize the knee. You can also go for an ointment to keep the knee area hot. This facilitates healing process. Many effective pain relievers are available to help you keep tabs on the discomfort you are facing due to knee injury.

The best thing to do is to consult a pharmacist or orthopedic physician for safe suggestion on knee pain relief.

Over the counter and prescription medications are available in the form of acetaminophen or Tylenol, aspirin and many non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs such as ibuprofen to reduce inflammation and pain in the knee joint. You can also use home remedies such as ice packs and capsaicin. These have similar effect as other prescription and non prescription drugs available on the market.

You can opt for certain natural supplements available to reduce knee pain such as chondroitin and glucosamine. These are popular alternatives to some of the traditional medicines as they do not have many side effects. Both the supplements occur naturally in the body. Chondroitin helps in the development of joint cartilage and the latter fights against degeneration of cartilage. According to the studies conducted, it has been proved that both these supplements are highly effective in providing relief from osteoarthritis joint pain.

Knee activity can also be modified with physical aids including crutches, splints and padding, taking a good rest can also help a lot in taking the pressure away from the knee.

Go for certain exercises meant for knee pain relief such as stretching, biking, swimming and walking. These exercises enhance joint strength and flexibility and facilitate healing as well as reduce the risk of any further injuries.

How Arthritis Cream Can Help You Feel Better

If you suffer from arthritis, chances are that you want to find targeted pain relief. Affected joints can throb and ache especially in weather that is cold or damp. Arthritis cream can be a great way to bring about temporary relief. Because arthritis cream uses medicinal ingredients to provide relief it is important to know about them so that you can avoid drug interactions or allergic reactions.

Arthritis cream is often divided into hot creams and cooling creams. This can be great since different types of arthritis need different care regimens and using the wrong product can make your condition worse.

If you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, there can be heat and swelling in the joints. This is because the body's immune system is attacking the joints and there can be a lot of inflammation. It is this swelling and inflammation that can lead to pain and stiffness. Rheumatoid arthritis sufferers need to be careful of creams which cause the skin or tissues to heat up. This is because added heat can actually harm joints more.

Osteoarthritis does not cause the same heat and inflammation. This is because osteoarthritis is caused by a breakdown in cartilage. Osteoarthritis usually develops as a result of repeated joint use or advanced age although some athletes may develop arthritis in their joints at an earlier age. Joints may feel better as a result of using creams which heat the joints.

Cooling arthritis creams may use salicylate, a drug related to Aspirin to bring on relief from pain and stiffness. People allergic to aspirin should be careful since the drug can be absorbed through the skin.

Arthritis creams which heat the skin and the joints can be a great relief to people suffering from arthritis. They often used capsaicin, the ingredient which gives chillies their heat, to warm tissues and ease pain.

Heating and cooling creams can help in other ways as well. In order to apply the creams they must be rubbed into the skin. This is true whether it is a cream that is squeezed from a tube or put on with the use of a rolling applicator. When anything is massaged into tissues, there is a therapeutic effect. This is because massage will cause increased blood flow to an area which can help to make those body parts feel much better.

Arthritis sufferers who are on specific drug therapies should always make sure to talk to their doctor or a pharmacist before adding any medicines or products to their care regimen. This is because the skin can absorb medications and you want to make sure that there will not be any bad reactions between your cream and the other medications you are using. Finding a way to ease your pain and discomfort can be a valuable tool to managing your disease.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Osteoarthritis and Cartilage Degeneration

In simple words degeneration occurs when cartilage, which serves as the working surface of joint, is replaced by the bone. Synovitis is the inflammation inside the joint capsule in which joint is located. Synovial membrane produces synovial fluid, which acts as a lubricant for the joint. In OA this membrane gets inflamed and quantity of the fluid produced decreases

Aetiology (causes) of OA: External causes - Trauma and micro-traumas of the joint, functional overloading, hypermobility of joints (extra flexible joints).

Pathogenesis (resultant effects): Artificial ageing of cartilage takes place as a result of traumas and overloading. Metabolism in the cartilage is disturbed. Cartilage loses elasticity and becomes rough, and it starts cracking. As cartilage does not absorb (cushion) the load, the load is born by the bone under the cartilage thereby as a result the bone gets compressed. Lose fragments of cartilage inside the joint irritate the synovial membrane, which leads to its frequent inflammation.


1. Pain of joints occurs under the load, which gets severe towards the evening and decreases by the night.

2. During initial stages the pain is felt during first steps, which then disappears.

3. Frequent jamming of the joint accompanied by an acute pain and is caused when dead piece of cartilage comes between articular surfaces. The pain subsequently disappears by a particular movement, which removes it from the articular surfaces.

4. Cracks in the joints.

5. Relatively small restricted mobility in the joint.

After all these agonies, one can say that joints are the most favored places for OA

Treatment: Generally speaking, there is not much one can do to get relief from OA as cartilage degeneration can not be reversed. Anti-inflammatory drugs can get you temporary relief. Physiotherapy is also a good option. One can also try Su-jok therapy and in some people it has shown very good results. Besides all the preventive measures, physical exercises and medications, one must remember that it is very important to get your cartilage metabolism on track and for this there has to be something which can help you. Glucosamine has proved to be a good supplement for not only getting the relief from severe pains related to osteoarthritis and cartilage degeneration, and even helps you get back to a normal life. Liquid glucosamine is much more effective than in the form of capsules.

Osteo Arthritis - Ayurvedic Management with Medicines

Osteoarthritis which is known as sandhigatavata in ayurvedic medicine may occurs due to some particular food, poor blood circulation, dryness, over exertion or a low nutrient supply to the joint. It is an important vata disease described in ayurvedic classicals like Charak samhita and Ashtanga hridaya. It is caused by the inflammation and loss of cartilage and affects the joints of knees, hips, lower spine, fingers and toes.

It can be managed by

  • Eating lot of vegetables, freshly cooked foods, hot soups of lentils, pulse, moderate quantity of ghee and oils to lubircate the dried joints. By avoiding oily and deep fried foods.Doing a regular mild exercise programme to enable the joint to move and prevent further damages also by noti ndulging in any hard job which may damage the joints. Daily massaging with the mahanaraya oil or specific oils prescribed by an ayurvedic doctor is used to calm down the vata dosha.

  • Ayurvedic drugs aim to reduce the vitiated vata and also improves the kapha and pitha functions. The main drug that is recommended to treat this degenerative disease is Karaskara. Sahachara, bala, devdar, shallaki etc are also used. Main preparations used are qwath, arishta , choorna, tablets and ghrit.

  • In order to cleanse the toxins from the colon Triphala, which is a mild laxative is given. Triphala has specific action to pacify vitated vata.

  • Trikatu is given to enhance the digestive fire and will enhance the equilibrium of pitha dosha.

  • Guggul helps to strengthen the bone tissue. It reduces the inflammation and edema, pacify kapha dosha.

  • In order to control inflammation of the joints, Ayurveda suggests Boswellia gum or phellodendron bark and scute root and it is used in combination with myrrh gum, fang feng root, qin and jiao root.

Commonly used medicines are Sahacharadi qwath, Guggul thikta qwath, Maharasnadi qwath, Rasnerandadi qwath, Balarishta, Dhanwantharishta, Karasakar ghrit, Guggul thiktaka ghrit, Shadpala ghrit. Ashwagandha, Bala, Shallaki, Guggul and Rasna are used in pure herbs form.

What I Learned From Rocky Balboa

What I Learned from Rocky Balboa. I saw Rocky Balboa yesterday with my son Chris. It is a typical Rocky movie and worth the time and money for all you underdog fans, especially you older folks who need a bit of inspiration to get out of that easy chair. (Sylvester Stallone is 60!) By the way, he is working on Rambo IV to be released in 2008!

I won't tell you about the movie but there was three lines that I heard that we can all learn something from.
As close as I can remember they are:

"Life is hard and it will knock you down, but it is not about how hard you get knocked down, its about how far you keep going forward after you get knocked down that matters."

From the minute we are born life is a struggle, it always was and always will be. We start by struggling to breath, roll over and then to crawl. We start to stand and we fall down time and time again until we learn to balance ourselves upright. Then comes that task of walking and running that is accompanied with cuts scraps and bruises. Do we stop? No we press on in spite of the pain, in spite of the struggles, in spite of the falls. Then for most, we tackle a bicycle, roller-skates, and baseball, with more falls, cuts and scrapes. We fight to get good grades in school, we fight for friendships and we fight for love. We fight to keep a marriage together and we fight for our children and when we are old, we still fight off sickness and pain and hurt from the aging process just to stay alive. Good fighters not only have to train for speed and power but they also need to be able to take a hit and keep going. If they get knocked down, they have to get up and keep going until the final bell rings.

Folks, life is going to knock you down, it will deliver you some disastrous blows that will not only knock the wind out of your sails, but it will drive you to your knees. Be it through disappointments, health issues, death of a loved one, or loss of a job, rest assure you will encounter one of life's deadly blows. Everyone does. But it is the ones who get up before they are counted out who have a chance at seeing the victory. These people look toward the prize. They know that failure is not about getting hit and knocked down, that is to be expected when you are in a fight. Failure is staying down and not getting back up before the bell rings.

God will one day ring the final bell for us, it is then when our battle will be over and not until then. If you are still breathing, you should still be fighting. Don't ever give up, be it in ministry, relationships, finances or health. If you have encountered one of life's deadly blows, take a moment to catch your breath and renew your strength and then get up, put your faith in your trainer (Jesus) and press on toward the goal and remember; all around you are people who are fighting, they need someone who has experience to help them get through life as well, why not find someone and teach them what you know?

"You are a fighter, that's what fighters do, they fight."

When you know what you are, it is much easier to do what you need to do. Me? I am a preacher, motivator, and part time writer, that is what I am and what I do. Auto mechanics work on cars, plumbers plumb, Carpenters build and writers write. If you don't accept what you are and the gifts God gave you, you will never be satisfied with your life and you will always be running after something else. I know, I struggled with it for years and it wasn't until I gave up running after everything I wasn't and focused on becoming what I was, did I even begin to be satisfied. I love to sing, but if you have ever sat in front of me in church you will know that I can't sing, Oh I got the noise part down pat, but the joyful part, well that is one gift God hasn't given me. No matter how many CDs I cut, I will never be successful at it, so I don't even try. Folks God has given gifts to men, we all can do certain things that other people cannot do. I cannot handle the things nurses have to handle, my stomach will not tolerate it, so I cannot make it as a nurse. But praise God for the ones who can! Some people cannot stand before a crowd and speak, I have no problem with that. What is it that God has gifted you with?

What comes natural to you? If you want to live a full and satisfying life, you must find out what that gift is, be it raising and teaching children, cooking, writing, serving, driving a truck or running a company. Whatever gifts God gave you, focus on becoming the best at them and be satisfied. If it is a struggle to do what you do, maybe your doing something you shouldn't.

"Who has the right to tell someone they can't do something when they pass all the requirements."

This is one area where we have to be careful. Sometimes in man's desire to make sure things are done right, they often discard those who are gifted and called simply because they haven't met the requirements that man put in place.

I have met many gifted and talented musicians that have never had a lesson in their life, yet if anyone asked us what we would have to do to play a certain instrument we would tell them they would have to find a teacher and take lessons. To which I would respond, yes that is the typical way but not always the only way. Some people have been gifted and qualified by God to do certain things and who are we to say they cannot or should not do them just because they didn't go through mans way of doing them. The bible tells us to examine and test the spirit, not to discard them just because they haven't met our requirements. Just look at every person God used in the bible and show me one whom man would have chosen for the task. We need to see if the person is gifted for the task in spite of his ability to prove it on paper.

How many pastors are there that have all kinds of degrees but can't seem to hold a church together? Yet man still puts them in place only because of some piece of paper they have. You can take this same question and apply it in the work force; we have all kinds of trained and qualified people in positions yet how many times do we run across people who are lousy at their job?

Called people do not need to be forced to practice, study or improve themselves. My oldest son plays the piano and my youngest the drums, they both can play fairly well, yet have never had a lesson and I never had to tell them to practice, to learn or buy music books. They did it all on their own. No one has ever had to tell me keep learning how to be a better pastor or to do research on something that I am gifted in. It is a part of me, it is a pleasure and I want to do it and will do it regardless if anyone tells me to or not.

Bottom line; When you are looking for someone to fill a task, look for the called and gifted BEFORE you look for the ones who have been qualified by man. It will make all the difference in the world.

And you thought Rock Balboa was just a movie about some old has-been getting back into the ring?

How to Strengthen Arthritic Knees

Our knees take a considerable amount of punishment during our lifetimes. The knee is involved in every step we take and the constant pounding can take its toll. Arthritic knees are not uncommon, In fact, if you have been active over the years in sports or just day to day living, there will be some internal micro damage resulting in arthritis which is commonly called osteoarthritis.

Knee osteoarthritis of course is a major problem in the 21 st century due to the fact that we as individuals are heavier. In turn the heavier you are the more force that is driven through the knee with every step you take. To help keep your knees as mobile and as pain free as possible, there are a number of different exercises you can do to help strengthen the knee. The stronger the muscles are that surround the arthritic knee, the longer you can use them and stay active with less pain. Stronger muscles surrounding the knee act like a buffer preventing the knee joint itself from absorbing more punishment then is required.

The following exercises are considered appropriate to help strengthen your arthritic knees,

1. Stationary biking. Biking is a wonderful exercise that not only promotes blood flow around the knee capsule itself but, promotes more range of motion that will help with overall mobility and stamina. Biking whether it is stationary or mobile, is also a great exercise to keep your quadriceps and hamstrings strong. Biking may be considered the best exercise for your knees that you can do.

2. Water Therapy. Water or pool therapy is good at reducing the impact of our bodyweight while completing exercise. Your bodyweight decreases the deeper you are in water therefore, exercise in a pool is more comfortable for many individuals that have arthritis that has progressed to the point that, walking on land has become so painful that their mobility has declined. In water, you have complete control over the amount of resistance you provide your knees by the speed of movement in which you complete the exercises.

3. Weight Training. There are three main exercises that are effective in strengthening the arthritic knee without driving extreme forces through the knee joint itself. Seated leg extensions whether you do them at home with several pounds or, go to a gym in use more sophisticated equipment, this exercise builds strength in the quadriceps which help absorb the shock of your bodyweight each time you take a step.

Hamstring Curls are another exercise that helps build muscle strength and balance within the knee joint also. Weak hamstrings and strong quadriceps will add additional discomfort to the arthritic knee by having unequal forces working against each other applying more stress in the knee. The quadriceps generally are always stronger than the hamstring group as a whole so, having weaker than normal hamstrings does not help the knee joint.

Calve Raises. This is another exercise that can be done effectively in your home or in the gym. This exercise helps build and strengthen the calf muscles which also play a part in protecting the arthritic knee. This exercise can be done without driving excessive force through the knee causing more pain. Strong calves help absorb impact each time we step as well, therefore stronger calves act like a buffer between the surface and the knee joint from below.

This is a sample of the main exercises that are available to a knee where arthritis has advanced to the point that care has to be taken in prolonging the knee and, reducing pain. Your choice of exercises of course will depend on your age, how far advanced the osteoarthritis is and, your overall medical condition. when it comes to an arthritic knee, exercise is highly recommended by both orthopedic surgeons and physical therapists.

Maintaining an exercise program for your knees will help maintain strength and mobility which arthritis is always trying to take away if allowed to go unchecked.