Monday, March 17, 2014

Stretching Exercises After Knee Replacement Surgery

So you have discussed knee replacement surgery with your doctor and you both agree that ending your everyday pain is a necessary solution to living life to the fullest. But you probably have concerns and fears about the recovery process and how long it will take. It's true that knee replacement surgery is an evasive surgery with the risk of complications and a possible long and painful recovery. But there are ways to cut the recovery time after your surgery considerably. One of those things are stretching exercises. Stretching is a great way to slowly limber up ligaments and tendons in the knee.

Your physical therapist will have a list of many exercises that will help. You can do stretching in the privacy of your own home to drastically decrease the recovery time after surgery. I just a few minutes a day, you can be preparing your new knee for your new life of pain free living. And stretching exercises can be implemented fairly soon after surgery to help get you back on your feet. The longer you wait to get moving about, the less stellar your results will be. Starting stretching exercises early also prepares your new knee for more intensive rehabilitation exercises.

Don't worry if you have never learned to properly stretch before. Your physical therapist will show you exactly what to do to keep you from putting too much strain and damaging your new knee. You don't want to rush into it too quickly and put yourself at risk. First thing in the morning will be the most productive time for your stretching. This will help you start your day with a healthy frame of mind. Working slowly towards getting your new knee moving again will decrease your recovery time and you'll be soon on your way to a pain free life.

Of course, you need to consult your doctor before starting any kind of stretching or exercise program to keep from damaging your knees. Too much, too soon could set you back, but just the right amount can get you back on your feet in no time! Your main goal is to increase flexibility and range of motion. This will help heal your new knees get used to an everyday life of mobility. Your doctor will help you every step of the way in getting the most range of motion from your knee replacement, but it's up to you to educate yourself on a healthy recovery.

Belly Dancing As Arthritis Treatment

Exercise is usually one of the common prescriptions of doctors for patients who are suffering from arthritis. Although joint pain could be persistent during times of movements, it is still highly recommended so as to increase one's threshold of pain while flexing the bones and muscles to reduce stiffness. It is dangerous to stay stationary when you have arthritis. This will only increase swelling and firmness.

There are various forms of physical exercises that helps ease arthritis symptoms. Tai chi, yoga, and water exercises are the usual alternative physical therapies. But to date, another addition is well liked and advised-belly dancing.

Belly dancing is a traditional Middle Eastern dance that emphasizes the belly through hip movements. Although the focus of the dance is on the hips and pelvic area, this dance involves every part of the body, thus a very good way of exercise for the joints. The head, neck, arms, hands, chest, waist, thighs, legs and feet are all moving while dancing.

Important movements that are involved in belly dancing are the following:

Shimmy - is the shimmering vibration of the hips. This is created by moving the knees past each other at haste. Some dancers also use contractions of the thighs. Shoulders can also be shimmered along.

Hip punches - is the basic move in belly dancing. This is done by alternating the weight on the legs and swinging the pelvis to the right and left like creating punches on the hips.

Undulation - is the rotating movements of the chest forward, up, back and down. This creates an impression of riding a camel.

Aside from these basic movements, there are other actions such as swaying of the arms from the shoulders to the fingers like a snake, bending of the back, rotating movements of the head and turning and pointing of the toes.

Since these movements are non-impact and weight-bearing for many joint parts, belly dancing as an arthritis treatment offers numerous significant benefits such as:

Improves joint flexibility
Increases bone strength
Develops muscle strength
Relieves back pain
Improves cardiovascular conditioning
Improves balance and posture
Prevents osteoporosis
Increase elasticity of knees and ankles

Belly dancing is such a brilliant way of finding alternative treatment against joint pain caused by arthritis. Not only it is a form of exercise that brings a lot of health benefits, but it is also very artistic and enjoyable to do.

Glucosamine For Knee Pain

Having knee pain is not fun and many people have this pain in their knees in vain. Many people are simply lacking enough of the fluid which is inside of your knee to prevent that painful feeling when you walk.

Well, I am going to give you the same advice that I was given long ago and it may just make your knee feel 100 times better in a matter of weeks.

Your knee has synovial fluid which acts as a slimy substance to reduce friction between the bones in your knee. When you don't have enough synovial fluid, your knee will start to hurt a lot. The good thing is that by taking glucosamine you can restore the lost synovial fluid to your knee. More fluid means more cushion and less friction which means less pain for you.

Your body does require some time to build this extra fluid in your knees but simply by taking some glucosamine for knee pain you will see a difference in as little as one month. At the second month you will feel like you had knee surgery and you have a completely new knee.

I got to the point where I couldn't extend me foot while I was sitting because the pain was so great in my knee, now I hardly ever even feel any pain in my knee when running up stairs or jumping. It is a great feeling to be able to run and jump again without worrying that my knee will give out.

Knee Osteoarthritis, What It Is And How To Live With It

Knee osteoarthritis is complicated by the fact that the knee takes all the load-bearing strain of the full body weight, which in turn makes the condition even more painful. This is a degenerative disease. It often feels worse in the mornings with stiffness that takes time to resolve.

Osteoarthritis, often located in the knee, is the most common form of arthritis to be found in the United States. It differs from rheumatoid arthritis in that, should there be any inflammation present, it is usually not severe.

It is not fully known what causes knee osteoarthritis in the first place. Certainly the cartilage and bone being subjected to mechanical stresses through everyday movements, coupled with the disease being present, make this a particularly difficult and painful form of arthritis.

Knee osteoarthritis can be difficult to treat. One of the characteristics of this condition is the loss of articular cartilage. This has a poor ability to self-heal, which merely exacerbates the problem. People who are overweight or obese naturally have a bigger problem as their increased body weight makes it considerably more difficult for the knee to cope.

Any treatment of the condition must primarily seek to relieve the pain. Sufferers describe the pain as being deep-seated with a prolonged aching that can stay constant for long periods of time, often with little respite. Certain weather conditions, such as increased humidity, can cause the symptoms to worsen.

There are a number of treatments available. These typically reduce the pain and inflammation, but often cause unpleasant side effects. For this reason, many sufferers of knee osteoarthritis prefer to use chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine sulfate in preference to other pain and inflammation relieving drugs.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

My Twins and Me - Life After Knee Surgery

2005 had arrived not soon enough for the twin sisters, they had gone through and successfully had rehab done on knee reconstruction surgery in 2004. They continued training harder and harder working on their squat, calves and hamstring area of their injured leg to help build up that support their knee would require with the tough sporting season ahead. This preparation was vital to no more issues with there knee and to mentally get them in that go forward mood and preparing for the up coming challenges of their favourite sport netball in 2005. They had set goals together on where they want to be in the 2005 season.

What goals should be set?

Goal -1 - Stay injury free.

Using the methods learned through their rehabilitation time before and after their knee surgery. The other factor was that they gave more than a 100% in rehab to get back to this stage of their recovery process. Also being mentally and physically fit was a huge bonus as well for their come back trail in the their sport of choice netball. Along with this goal of staying injury free they had to put their knee to the test of physical activity, then and only then can they be confident enough to really push forward.

Goal - 2 - Keep improving training systems.

This is to benefit the recovery progress through their netball season, remembering that your training will help you to excel in your preferred sport but also in your physical being. With this there has to be a balance of how much and how far you push your self with these new systems, remembering that every now and then you will need a break to rest and re-energize. The program you will require will need to be written up by a person who specializes in the particular sport of your choice and with also the ability to input other sporting techniques to improve you on your quest.

Goal - 3 - Make representative teams.

With the training programs you put into place to support your self they should improve your chances of making these representative goals. Obviously over coming your injury so that your are 100% fit will also increase your shot at that level. The other factor is that most representative sports are near the end of a season, so your actions through the season at the top level of play will also contribute to your success. Through the season the top coaches of these teams will do the rounds to select prospects for trials or will have someone attend these fixtures to do it for them. So being prepared and injury free is a big bonus to making the top-level teams.

How do you prevent the injury re-occurring?

By completing your goals you have set up and following through with them religiously and having faith in your body and your abilities to come out on top. Listen to the experts; your physio and surgeon with any advice they have to give you regarding protection of your injury as your build up your physical strength again. Learn about your injury on how it can occur and be prevented from happening again to the same leg or the other. There will times when this injury cannot be unavoidable but preparation before hand will increase your chances of this not happening.

So your goals and aspirations will only happen if you put in the hard work you need to do to succeed, because there will be others who are not coming back from a serious injury that will be training just as hard as you to make it to the next level in their sporting careers. Use the resources available to you and do not be afraid to ask for help.

Locking Joints in Yoga Will Cause Premature Wear

You have heard it a thousand times: "Don't lock your knees." or "Keep your elbows soft." Locking joints, while performing Yoga, means you are overextending the joint and putting yourself at risk for potential injuries. When you lock your knees, the muscles surrounding the joint become passive in the pose, which puts the strain on the ligaments instead.

By continually putting extra strain on the ligaments, cartilage, and connective tissues, instead of the muscles, they will begin to wear faster than they should. Yoga practitioners must be careful to keep all of the joints actively engaged during poses, to avoid premature wear and tear.

Some Hot Yoga teachers have caused a bit of confusion involving the term, "lock the knee." If you have ever taken a Hot Yoga class, you probably heard the instructor encouraging students to "lock the knee," while you are in a balancing posture. Perhaps, you wondered why you would be encouraged to put extra strain on the joints.

This is a classic misunderstanding between teacher and student. What they actually mean when they tell students to "lock the knee," is to tighten the quadriceps muscle of the leg, which slightly draws the kneecap up. This actively engages the muscles surrounding the knee and provides great support for the rest of the body during standing poses. This can take a bit of practice to get it just right, but once you figure it out, without locking the knee joint, it will not cause harm. However, the knee joint itself should have a very slight crack when using this technique and is never to be locked. A Yoga teacher, who feels it is fine to hyper-extend any joint, needs to attend anatomy classes immediately.

Once you damage a joint, the domino effect begins to take place within the body. Joint capsules hold the lubricant, which allow the joints to move freely and smoothly. When a joint becomes injured, the body sends a message to the muscles that control the joint to contract. This results in a locked joint. If the locked joint is in the back, other joints around it will begin to overcompensate for the injured one. This can result in further wear, and undo strain, on those surrounding joints. Over time, this domino effect can also cause osteoarthritis.

It is important to keep the joints active and strong to avoid these potential problems. When practiced properly, Yoga postures help keep the joints lubricated and smooth. Yoga instructors should always remind students to not lock the knees, or other joints, by keeping them slightly bent, or by engaging the surrounding knee muscles. Practitioners can also avoid joint locks by being extremely conscious and aware of their bodies and how they feel during each pose.

穢 Copyright 2012 - Aura Wellness Center - Publications Division

Erosive Osteoarthritis

Erosive arthritis affects multiple small joints of the hand. Patients who have never had a trauma or injury and do not have any history of metabolic or inflammatory condition are the ones who are diagnosed with erosive osteoarthritis which is classified as primary osteoarthritis. X-ray of the affected joint is the most effective test for the diagnosis of this condition.

Erosive osteoarthritis is the most prevalent form of osteoarthritis. Though the disease is not uncommon in men and women, but particularly people in their sixties are the most susceptible to this condition. It is believed that it often occurs mostly due to genetic traits. It usually occurs in women after their menopause but no clear relation with the level of hormones in the patient and the onset of the disease has been established as yet.

In the early stages of the disease, the treatment usually aims at reducing the enormous amount of pain caused by the various conditions brought forth by the disease. Attempts are also made towards reducing the load felt by the joints. Using walking sticks and weight loss programs are common methods for doing the same. Mobilization of the joints, through prescribed exercises is also a part of the treatment at this stage.

In the intermediate stage of the disease is osteotomy, which is a surgical operation where a bone is cut to lengthen, shorten or change its alignment. This operation is usually performed for younger patients.

In the later stages of the disease, the incessant pain requires drastic methods of treatment. In such a case, Arthroplasty is performed on patients over the age of 60. It is a surgical process in which a malformed or degenerated bone is either replaced or reconstructed. However, this operation is not suitable for treatment of younger patients as the demands placed on the affected bones physically are much greater and many a times, the surgery is only a temporary remedy.

Knee Arthritis - Do You Know These Solutions?

Knee arthritis

Put simple arthritis is inflammation in the joints cause by the degradation of cartilage which results in bones grinding against each other. Since the knee is basically a joint surrounded by tissue and membranous fluids we can see why this would be an issue. Knee Arthritis is commonly found in individuals over the age of however age aside factors such as obesity and genetics (knee arthritis tends to run in families) can increase one's risk of getting arthritis. The two most common types of arthritis that affects the knee are rheumatoid arthritis and Osteoarthritis.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory disorder that occurs when white blood cell starts to attack body tissue which results in the erosion of two opposing joint bones. This type of arthritis can lead to sever e deformity in bones if not treated early. I must state that there is no cure for this disease however early detection can help to improve quality of life. Symptoms shown by individuals with this disease are but not limited to, swelling and pain in the knee joint, stiffness of joint, fatigue, limited range of motion and tenderness along the joint. If you feel you exhibit several of these symptoms it would be best to speak with your physician as this is not a disease to be taken likely.

It is still not clear what causes rheumatoid arthritis.


This type of arthritis results in the degradation of cartilage. The degeneration is not reversible and when this occurs joints are able to rub against each other causing tremendous pain and discomfort especially when in motion. The symptoms exhibited by an individual with osteoarthritis are similar to those shown by someone with rheumatoid arthritis.

Unlike with rheumatoid arthritis scientist do have some idea as to factors that can cause osteoarthritis. It is believed that diabetes, obesity and mechanical stress on joints are some of the contributory factors. Others include congenital disorder, Lyme disease, Marfan syndrome and weak quadriceps muscles all play a role in the development of osteoarthritis.

Treatment methods

Whilst the damage caused by arthritis is usually irreversible and the disease itself is incurable, there are various treatment methods that can reduce pain and inflammation thus greatly improving quality of life. Some effective treatment methods are as follows:

• Weight loss- reducing the mass which the knee has to support helps alleviate pain

• Lifestyle modification- one should no longer indulge in certain activities like playing football as this can worsen one's condition

• Medication - anti-inflammatory medications reduces swelling and pain relievers helps with the pain

• Physical therapy- strengthening supporting muscles like the quadriceps muscles helps to reduce tension on the knee and thus reducing pain

• Walking aids- clutches helps to relieve the tension place on the joint inflicted with arthritis

• Surgery - this is often a last resort and is usually followed by extensive physiotherapy. An orthopaedic surgeon can replace the entire knee joint or at least a portion of it.

Those are just some of the more effective methods of dealing with arthritic pain. I must emphasise though that early detection is key, so don't be afraid to contact your doctor if you have a genuine concern.

The Importance Of Knee Pain Remedy and Relief

For any individual who is afflicted with knee pain, obtaining relief is essential. Long lasting knee pain can for sure have an impact on your daily life. This type of pain which is more often than not taken for granted makes it tough for individuals to conduct activities. Including the simple and easy act of standing up and moving can be distressing; making the problem worse considering that the joint and surrounding tissue become weak from lack of use thus causing more pain.

It is important to have efficient remedy or treatment options that will provide sufficient relief and make it possible for normal movement. With the exception of some certain cases that the physician says to keep the knee immobile caused by a particular medical condition.

Knee pain relief is very essential and it comes in numerous diverse forms, a few of which tend not to require pills or prescriptions. The application of ice and heat packs work successfully in getting rid of pain and keep the swelling down. There are also creams and ointments for muscles that are used topically on the area to relax the muscles and other support structures tendons and ligaments. Knee pain relief could be acquired by resting the area; on the other hand these creams and ointments usually do not work well to take care of bone pain. Elastic bandages or what we call "ace bandages" and other support wraps might take some pressure off the knee joint. Braces are helpful to keep the knee from moving in the event that the medical professional instructs to keep the knee immobilized. Taking Aspirin, Tylenol together with Ibuprofen, along with these other mentioned methods will provide extensive relief.

Sometimes home remedies are not efficient in the event that the pain bad enough and they don't provide ample relief. In such instances, the physician may recommend stronger pain killers, and also other medications for example antibiotics, steroids, non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs and or other prescription drugs that address the pain and the prime source of the problem too.

These above mentioned methods should offer some relief. However in extreme cases, surgery is needed to tackle the problem that is producing pain. Yet this more often than not occurs if the knee acquired considerable damage that it cannot heal. Just in case this occurs, surgery is carried out to repair the damage or to replace the entire knee joint. The medical professional will perform the type of surgery relying on the damage of the knee.

Knee pain remedy together with pain relief play an essential role because they enable individuals to function effectively each day.

New Treatment for Osgood-Schlatters Disease

Most people don't fully understand the pain associated with Osgood-Schlatters Disease (OSD)... including doctors. OSD is one of the most common causes of knee pain in young athletes. It causes swelling, pain and tenderness just below the knee, over the shin bone (also called the tibia).

Current medical statistics advises to take the patient out of sports for a period of six months.

OSD is a inflammation of the tissue of the tibial tuberosity an area directly below the knee cap. The area of the knee just below the patella (knee cap) is where the main pain generation of pain begins. It usually starts as a tight or grabbing pain and can lead into sharp severe pain. The pain brought about by some type of movement such as running or jumping. The pain can become extremely painful in many cases. The pain normally is diagnosed when a child complains pain while running, jumping in sports or any other types of repetitive movements. Osgood-Schlatters commonly affects boys who are having a growth spurt during their pre-teen or teenage years but can easily as well affect young girls as well. One or both knees may be affected. When the large muscles of the thigh lose their ability to absorb force that force is transferred to the knee which causes a pulling affect to this are causing inflammation and pain.

Upon seeing a doctor an examination will note painful palpation to the area below the knee. That area is usually raised, tender to the touch and inflamed. An X-ray will usually confirm the diagnosis. The doctor will notice on the X-ray a separation of bone on the upper tibia bone which is your shin bone. This separation is very painful upon any type of direct palpation.

New treatment developed can begin to alleviate pain and increase range of motion within the first few treatments. Clinical studies have shown that the new treatments can have the patient back to their sport in a couple of weeks - if not sooner. Many patients have seen complete resolution of pain and disability in one week.

MyoFascial Disruption Technique (MFDT) is a unique manual treatment that has shown through clinical trials to be 95% faster in relieving pain as compared to other current treatments. Co-developed by three doctors, the basis for their discovery using research findings dating back decades. MFDT locates the exact area of damage which can be corrected in an extremely quick period of time. MFDT has been shown to treat many forms of soft tissue injuries with speeds of healing documented to increase the healing the symptoms of Osgood-Schlatters Disease.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Arthritis - Types Of Arthritis

Arthritis is, sadly, a very common and very painful condition. It can make working and even basic living extremely difficult. In order for treatment to prove effective in combating the symptoms and to allow the sufferer to live as normal a life as possible, it is essential to correctly diagnose which type of arthritis the patient has. The two most common types of arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, are very different in character and require completely different methods of diagnosis, as well as very different methods of treatment.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory condition that affects as many as one in every hundred people. It is caused by a malfunction in the body's defence systems and nobody has yet been able to discover why this happens. The genes that are responsible for the problem, have been identified - but the exact means by which the trouble occurs remains unknown. The disease is not hereditary, no increased risk has been found if you have a sufferer in your immediate family. In rheumatoid arthritis extra blood flow causes joints to become swollen and painful and in extreme cases can even permanently damage the joint. It is essential to seek medical help to reduce inflammation, as the damage to joints is permanent and irreversible.

Osteoarthritis is a completely different condition, which affects the bones. Unlike rheumatoid arthritis, there appears to be no genetic factor involved with osteoarthritis, although there are several factors that increase the risk of the condition developing. Osteoarthritis is rare in young people, suggesting that in certain cases it is wear on the bones that causes the disease to develop. Overweight people are far more susceptible to the condition, especially with the knee joints, which suggests that excess strain put on a moving joint area will be a major factor in bringing on the condition. Stiff joints are the main symptom of osteoarthritis.

Although these two forms of arthritis account for the vast majority of sufferers, there are in fact over two hundred distinct types, These types affect all sections of the population, young and old alike. Some forms of the condition, such as ankylosing spondylitis, affect more men than women - which is in direct contrast to the two major types, where far more women are affected. Systemic lupus erythematosus, another very uncommon form of arthritis, is found in nine times the number of women than it is in men. One of the most common forms of arthritis, which is usually thought of as a completely different condition, is gout. This extremely painful problem is caused by uric acid and is at least controllable with correct treatment. Sometimes arthritis can be a purely reactive condition brought on by another kind of medical condition. In this case, the symptoms will usually disappear of their own accord, always provided that no permanent damage has occurred.

As arthritis comes in so many diverse forms, it is essential to get a correct diagnosis before attempting to treat the condition. The first port of call is usually the general practitioner, who will often be able to do some basic tests immediately. Usually, however, the patient will need to be sent to a local hospital for blood testing and X rays. In larger medical centres more advanced tests may be available and specialists in the condition may be on hand to advise. Once a correct diagnosis has been completed, there is much that modern medicine can do to relieve the pain of the condition and allow the sufferer to live a normal life, even if the arthritis cannot actually be cured permanently.

Sharp Knee Pain - Knee Braces That Support Bad Knees

Are you currently experiencing sharp knee pain problems?

Would you say that your knee discomfort is more like a sharp knee pain?

When you try move your knees in certain ways, do your knees scream in pain, or make nasty popping, crunching sounds?

Many people, young and old alike, experience knee pain in their knees. For some individuals, the knee discomfort can get so bad that basic knee functions make life a chore. - While avoiding the activities that cause pain may be one way to deal with the issue, it is certainly a difficult way to live, especially if you are an otherwise active and energetic person. Your mobility is limited, your activities are curtailed, and the pain is like a red flag that stops you from doing things you would like to do. This is a difficult way to go through life.

So, what are the choices? How can you decrease your knee pain and get moving again with confidence? You might have looked around and found other possible options to be less than optimal for you. Expensive, unpleasant surgery? Sleeping with a bottle of pain killers at your bedside? Long, time consuming sessions of physical or occupational therapy?

Fortunately, there is another alternative available. If you are one of the silent sufferers of knee pain when actively using your knee, the solution to your problem may be something as simple, convenient and non-invasive as a knee brace.

Knee pain upon squatting or bending can be caused by a number of conditions, and only a qualified specialist can definitively diagnose your condition. However, whether the pain being caused by a misaligned or shifting patella (knee cap), too much stress on the muscles and ligaments in the knee, or any other of a number of conditions, chances are a knee brace can help. Not only can a knee brace offer additional support to the ligaments in the knee, but it can also help keep the knee correctly aligned and help keep the knee cap in place.

Although evaluation by a qualified physician is always recommended, a knee brace, used alone or in conjunction with other medical treatment, could be your ticket to freedom from pain and a return to normal mobility.

Now, if you are thinking that a custom made knee brace is simply out of reach financially, "brace" yourself for some more good news: the support you use does not necessarily have to be custom made. This means that you can save hundreds if not a thousand dollars. There are many kinds of knee support available on the market; some, soft and flexible, others, hinged and more rigid. Consequently, there is bound to be one that is right for you.

Colitis - Can Probiotics Help Your Symptoms?

There are many ways to improve Colitis symptoms one of the most effective that I have found is taking Probiotics regularly Did you know there is more bacteria in your intestinal tract than there are cells in your body?

Benefits of Probiotics -
o They reduce diarrhea
o They are anti-inflammatory
o They Manufacture B complex vitamins
o They help regulate bowel movements
o They create lactic acid that balances intestinal pH levels

There are many other benefits from Probiotic's but these are the main ones we are concerned with in Colitis. Probiotics really work by reducing your diarrhea and lowering inflammation levels in the bowel. When I first took the right type of Probiotics in the right quantity I was amazed at the results, they really improved my stool consistency back to normal in a matter of days.

There are several ways of getting Probiotics into your Diet -

Supplements - There are many many Probiotic supplements for sale out there and it can be confusing knowing which one to take. What you need if you have Colitis is a high powered probiotic with multiple strains of bacteria in it. The best types need to be refrigerated, to keep them fresh and ready for action when they arrive in your intestines. I take one sachet of probiotics containing 450billion live bacteria once a day before bed in a small amount of live goats yogurt. This I find very useful in keeping my bowels regular and my stools well formed. If I feel things are a little bit loose one day then I just take an extra sachet during the day and that gets things back on track.

Kefir - Kefir is a cultured, enzyme-rich food filled with friendly micro-organisms that help balance your "inner ecosystem." More nutritious and therapeutic than yogurt, it supplies complete protein, essential minerals, and valuable B vitamins. It really is amazing stuff and the good news is that you can make it at home yourself with very little effort or cost! Kefir provides a virtual Swat team of probiotics which get straight to work cleaning up your intestines. You make Kefir by putting Kefir Grains which look a bit like small bits of cauliflower - and are a living microorganism - into a jar of milk. The Kefir then eats up all the lactose in the milk and as a byproduct produces lots of natural living probiotics which when you drink them help your intestines to function better. I drink a glass of my own home made kefir every morning as part of my breakfast because as well as being an excellent probiotic it is also an excellent nutritious food.

Top 10 Truths for Sleeping Well at Midlife

Are you in the one-half of Americans who do NOT get a good night's sleep every night or even most nights? Do you get less than the recommended 7-9 hours per night?

According to polls, lack of sleep causes mistakes at work, inefficiency, car wrecks, sex deprivation and problems with intimate relationships (as if less sex weren't a big enough problem in itself!)

When women don't get enough sleep, everyone is sorry! And fatigue is especially dangerous in an age of super viruses because lack of sleep suppresses the immune system we need to fight illness.

Rest is good for you and you deserve to rest well. Give yourself permission to go to bed by putting away that To Do list and making sound sleep your priority.

Here's what else we have learned:

1. Eat supper early and allow yourself to unwind an hour or two before bed.

2. Develop a sleep ritual that signals to your body (and your mind) that it is time for sleep. It needn't be fancy, just soothing, for example: wash face, brush teeth, brew cup of herbal Sleepy tea, turn down the bed, arrange pillows, set alarm, turn off overhead light, read, pray, set book aside, turn off light, sleep.

3. Create a restful haven. Remove piles of clutter and anything that makes you tense (him, too). Freshen bedding, try new or different pillows, flowers and plants. When you sit in bed reading or praying, everything you see should please and relax you.

4. Avoid bright or noisy clocks, radios, or other electronic devices. Cover shining displays or replace them. Set them away from the head of your bed. Definitely get that computer OUT of your bedroom!

5. Buy comfortable earplugs for the nightstand and for travel. Using a white noise-generator to mask sounds may also help.

6. Pass on the alcohol. Alcohol won't keep you awake, but it will wake you up around 2 or 3 am and make it hard to fall back to sleep. If you have overindulged, some experts advise taking an antihistamine (one of the drowsy types) and one over the counter pain reliever.

7. Reading for pleasure is fine, but avoid hair-raising mysteries that keep you turning pages. Spiritual or soothing reading is best. Reading in dim light causes eyestrain and sleepiness, so use a low light setting.

8. Wear comfy loose socks and even silk long underwear when it's cold. Turning over onto cold sheets WILL wake you up. Change your blankets and your thermostat setting with the seasons so you are neither too hot nor too cold.

9. Exercise every day -- early in the day. Do your neck, shoulders, arms, hands, back, or hips hurt and sometimes waken you? Get serious about stretching during the day. Program a meeting reminder in your computer, like: "Stretch arms & hips." When it pops up, do a favorite stretch for one minute while looking away from the computer. Set your reminder to snooze for an hour. When it pops up again, repeat.

10. If you do wake in the night, keep a change of night clothes by the bed if you are having night sweats. If you don't fall right back to sleep, don't lie there tossing, turning and fretting. Instead, get up, fix a light snack (piece of fruit, some yogurt) and read in a dim light.

If that doesn't knock you out, try some progressive relaxation. Lie on your back with a pillow beneath your knees; tense and then relax your toes, then ankles, then shins, knees, thighs. Continue up the front and back of your body, doing arms, shoulders, face, scalp. Breathe deeply.

Nighty, night.

More on the Science of Stem Cells for Osteoarthritis Treatment

Although they originally come from bone marrow, adult (or as they are often called, "mesenchymal") stem cells can be derived from a variety of body tissues. These tissues include fat, the thin lining on the surface of bone called the periosteum, joint lining (synovium), muscle, skin, baby teeth, and cartilage.

Their purpose is simply to act as repairmen to replace and regenerate cells that are lost as a result of injury, normal turnover, and aging. Think of them as the handyman around the house!

There have been attempts at defining exactly what constitutes a true mesenchymal stem cell. Various cell surface markers have been used to describe these cells and mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs)appear to share certain traits and characteristics in common. Finally, it has been agreed that a true MSC is capable of differentiating into bone, cartilage, as well as fat.

Although MSCs harvested from different tissues look the same, it's not clear if they behave the same or have the same capabilities.

One study, for instance, showed that the MSCs most able to become cartilage were stem cells derived from joint lining (synovial) tissue. Other MSCs that showed a good ability to become cartilage were those from bone marrow and from periosteum.

Another issue is quality of MSCs. How effective will they be under different circumstances? It's clear that stem cells placed in an environment with certain stimulatory growth factors differentiate better. On the flip side, there have been some studies indicating that advanced age may slow stem cell multiplication and division. However, other studies indicate that regardless of age, enough good quality MSCs can be obtained that do have adequate potential to differentiate into cartilage cells. (At our center, we usually use 75 years of age as our cutoff, although a few of our best results have occurred in older individuals.)

The potential application of MSCs to differentiate into cartilage cells and be used to repair cartilage damage in osteoarthritis is a hot topic nowadays.

It is a very complicated process though, and current research has used normal cartilage as the model to emulate. Most stem cell research models of cartilage have a few things in common. First, they use MSCs. Then, a matrix or scaffold is incorporated. This framework serves as a "home" for the MSCs. Finally, the stem cells are exposed to a variety of growth factors used to stimulate differentiation and multiplication.

In many experiments done in laboratory settings, the quality of cartilage derived from MSCs has been disappointing. It appears that the both the quality of stem cell as well as the extracellular environment is critical for the normal development of viable strong cartilage. The exact "key" remains elusive. There appears to be a complex interplay between enzymes and proteins that degrade cartilage such as matrix metalloproteinases and factors that build cartilage such as transforming growth factors, bone morphogenic protein, and parathyroid hormone, to name a few.

One final interesting point is that MSCs have a unique property that is often overlooked. They have immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory functions that have been demonstrated both in the laboratory setting as well as in animal models. This has a lot of potential impact, particularly when considering their use in arthritis treatment.

For a more scientific discussion of the intricacies of MSC biology as it pertains to cartilage regeneration, readers are referred to the excellent works written by Drs. Faye Chen and Rocky Tuan.

How to Stop Your Dog From Jumping Fast

Dog jumping on family members, small children or house guests is one of the most common, annoying and dangerous problems for dog owners. This may be related to feeling of insecurity or simply aggressiveness. Dogs learn jumping faster than any other dog obedience command. We involuntarily teach them, when they are a young puppy, dog owners or other people always invite them up and pays attention and affection. Everyone goes like 'come here puppy, cute puppy' and praise them when they jump up so dog learns jumping naturally. That is the biggest reason why dog jumping up is a very common problem and big problem that 90% of dog owners are having.

Most of the time puppies get confused by commands of people around them. When your puppy jumps up, make sure to use the 'off' command because using 'down' makes your dog confuse it with the 'lay down' command.Never touch your dog or puppy, pet or praise when your dog is jumping up on you or other people. Never get into an eye contact when using the following methods to prevent jumping up.

They have to learn that the greeting has to be calm with all paws on the ground. In order to be effective with any jumping program, you have to make sure everybody comes to contact with your dog is being consistent with the same training method you choose for your dog or puppy. Using different obedience commands may confuse your dog easily. Make sure to have a no jump policy at your home. This applies to all family members and visitors.

Holding Paws

When your dog jumps up on you, simply hold the paws and hang on to them. Not crush or squeeze the paws. Most of the dogs are sensitive of their paws touched and they are not used to it. Do not let it go fast. Hold the paws until it starts to struggle and wants back the paws. That point you can use the command 'off'. When your dog is off, praise your dog or puppy and give a dog treat or another reward.

Using Coins

Puppies cannot handle weird sounds. Put six to seven coins in a bottle, when your dog jumps up, shake this bottle of coins. Your dog associates this weird sound with jumping. After using this method repeatedly, you will see that your dog does not want to jump anymore because does not want to hear that weird noise. This is a very simple method and can be used effectively to any breed type without the need of touch.

Simply Using Your Knees

Another obedience training technique is using your knees. When your dog jumps up, just bend your knees and give the 'off' command, it will try to jump couple times and just leave it because your dog did not see any attention from you. We are not trying to send them on the other side of the room, it is just a little pop to knock them off the balance and get them off. Dogs are jumping to get attention on them. This method is very useful for small breed types.

Avoiding The Attention

Your pet is trying to get your attention. Turning your back for couple minutes when you get into house not paying attention or not having an eye contact, makes them understand and gets off easily. You can also hold your shoulders and look up on the ceiling. This will make them relaxed and calm.

It might be hard in the beginning because we are social and we get excited to see our pets, too. But it is worth to teach your dog how to act properly when someone comes over to your house. There might be a lot of cases in the future that you wish you thought this before. Training your dog is time consuming but being consistent and patient are the keys for fast and consistent results.

Are You Weary to the Bone With Grief?

If you are, you're not alone. The stress of grief is debilitating and it's experienced by many after the loss of a loved one. Grief has the capacity to bring us to our knees physically as well as emotionally. We can feel totally exhausted, knackered, wiped out and depleted. How about spent, fatigued, and crippled with tiredness? There are many more descriptions of the bone crushing weariness that grief and loss leaves in its wake.

It can take us off-guard, this crippling weariness and physical struggle. Every little thing becomes a major feat and a major test of endurance. When you consider what has happened though, it's not surprising. Yet often we do indeed find it most surprising!

This is some or most of what has come before:

Days, weeks, months or years of care-giving.

Days, weeks, months or years of watching a loved one struggle.

An unexpected call or knock at the door telling you of something horrific and unbelievable.

Having to make life and death decisions often at a moment's notice.

Unexpected travel and associated costs.

Surrounded by happy faces in the maternity ward.

Organising a funeral service when you're numb with pain.

Government bureaucracy.

Financial worries.

Unpaid leave or pending unemployment.


The feeling of being so alone and unsupported.

Dealing with the missing and the longing every single moment.

Crying day and night.

Grief triggers.

The paper jungle.

Worrying about everyone else.

And the list goes on. You could add to it I'm sure but it's revealing isn't it?

All of the above is stressful beyond measure. It tests you to the limits of what you ever believed you were capable of enduring and more! Dealing with the emotional fallout of those experiences can be utterly exhausting. It takes over your body and you can feel it creep into the very marrow of your bones.

Then on top of all that you have to find some resources within yourself to keep on keeping on with the routine of daily living. Anna from Pleasant View Schoolhouse writes, "Grief is exhausting. It is the difficulty of existing in two worlds at a time." Amidst the intense pain of dealing with your grief you have to keep a home running, talk with people, get back to work, be alone for the first time in years and much, much more.

Often having this awareness about where you have come from and what you are dealing with on a daily basis is enough for you to take pause. It is enough for you to recognise your great strength in living after loss and it is enough for you to say to yourself, "No wonder I feel tired!"

With that awareness of your circumstances, it may then become easier to accept the need for more rest, for gentleness to yourself, for time out from demanding schedules and a focus on self-nurturing and the restoration of your aching body and hurting heart.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Special Report - How to Find the Best Basketball Knee Brace - Basketball Knee Support Can Mean a Lot

If you are searching for a basketball knee support, you might have noticed that there are a ton of different basketball knee braces on the market. - The vast number available on the market can make the task seem overwhelming. - Once you read through the questions and information below the task will be much more manageable.

You are guaranteed to learn something about knee braces, which will probably save you some serious cash.

The Goal of This Article

Our goal here is, not to advertise a certain brand name to you, but to help guide you with useful questions. This way the decision making is up to you. Once you can answer these questions, then you will know how to find the best knee support possible, when you are playing in any sport.

Here are some great questions to ask yourself, when you are looking for a basketball knee brace. The reason why we ask these questions is that there are knee supports specified for these criteria.

Questions For You To Consider

1.) Do you have a mild to moderate knee injury? (Several types of knee supports are focused on mild to moderate injuries only, usually they are simple knee sleeves, or less costly hinged knee supports)

2.) What is your knee pain on a scale 1-10? (Usually, the bigger the knee pain, the bigger the support needed)

3.) Do you have a serious knee injury, like a complete ACL or an MCL tear? (These usually have a dynamic hinge on each side of the knee with medial and lateral uprights for more support)

4.) Are you protecting against a future knee injury?

5.) Do you need a knee support that will help hold your knee cap in place? (If this is the only issue you are having, usually you do not need a deluxe knee brace, a smaller one will usually suffice)

To make the best choice possible, it is wise to consider your knee issue first, then look to the sport you are playing.

Important Studies

Several studies have shown that people usually do not need custom knee braces. - This might sound a little bit silly, but we like to ask this question: Are all your clothes custom made? If they are not custom made, we are willing to bet that they probably fit pretty well. Do they not? - The same thing happens with non-custom knee braces, non-custom knee supports usually fit great, plus this means that you get to save hundreds of dollars too. - We all could benefit from saving this kind of cash!

How To Help You Sleep After a Knee Replacement

Once your knee replacement is over and you leave the hospital everyone looks forward to getting home and relaxing. One of the biggest obstacles met by many will be the inability to sleep. Those first couple of weeks when you get home, trying to get a decent nights sleep can be difficult. There are several tips however that will help you sleep during those first two weeks you are home.

1. Take Your Medication As Prescribed. There are individuals I have come across during physical therapy that are trying to get of their pain medication too soon. In the hospital you are medicated differently than you will be at home. Your ability to handle the pain during the evening will not be as good as it was in the hospital. It is strongly recommended that you take your pain medication prior to going to sleep each night. Trying to stop the pain medication too soon will set you up for failure in controlling your pain. If you are having trouble with your pain medication and not handling it well, call your surgeon and get something else. This will be better than going without medication.

2. Use TV Or Radio To Help You Sleep. When getting ready to go to sleep you may want to consider having a TV or radio playing softly in the background. During the night the inability to handle the pain can be due to lack of external stimuli around you. During the day you will have the TV going or listening to the radio in the background. There will be cases where friends and family stop by as well. In these instances you have other things that you are engaged in. Your mind does not focus on the pain therefore you do not have the focus on your knee itself. Sleeping with soft music in the background can be comforting and help with pain relief.

3. Avoid Too Much Activity During The Day. There will be times when you may find yourself getting involved in activities that may be better left for someone else. The first several weeks are critical that you closely monitor your activity level. You generally will not suffer the consequences of overdoing some activity until later that night when you are trying to get some sleep. It is something that everyone will experience from time to time in the initial stages of your recovery.

If you find that you are awaken by your knee during the night, it is generally letting you know to move it. Either pumping your knee while lying down or getting up and walking a little will actually calm the knee down allowing you to fall back to sleep.

Getting a sound nights sleep will be challenging at first when you get home however in time as it heals you will be able to get back to your usual sleeping patterns within two to three weeks.

All About Total Knee Joint Replacement

Total Knee joint replacement is a surgical procedure required by persons suffering from a condition called Knee arthritis, which results in extreme knee pain and inflammation and causing difficulty in any movement of the knee joint.

o Wear and tear of the joint.
o Extreme obesity that the knee is unable to support the body weight.
o Genetic factors.
o Injury caused to the knee.

o Extreme pain.
o Unability to move knee.
o Stiffness or swelling of joint.
o Tenderness along the joint.
o Deformity of the joint (knock-knees or bow-legs).

When other treatments such as medication, therapy and lifestyle changes (weight loss or therapeutic activities) fail, the last option that remains is the Total joint replacement surgery.

Understanding the surgical procedure

During the surgery an 8 to 12 inch cut is made on the front side of the knee after injecting general spinal, or epidural anesthesia. The damaged cartilage of the joint is taken out and is replaced with a metal or plastic artificial joint which is attached to the thigh bone and knee cap using cement or some special material to bind.

With new technical developments in the field of surgery, Minimal invasive surgery is used which requires only a three to four inch cut. When the incision is smaller it is easier during the surgery as less tissues are cut. Hence it also decreases pain and quickens post surgery recovery.

After the surgery muscle strength is recovered with physical therapy though people start to walk with support such as parallel bars crutches or walker, until the joint is not strong enough to bear the entire body weight. After a few weeks people start to walk without assistance and thereafter can pursue most daily activities except heavy physical activity such as running , jumping etc.

An artificial joint usually lasts 20 years and could last even more.

Recovery after surgery

o Avoid using stairs.
o Donot twist leg, keep knee straight.
o Avoid hectic physical activity.
o Avoid squatting and kneeling.
o Use firm straight back chair and avoid recliners and sofas.
o Avoid injury and falling or slipping.
o Return to activities such as driving and exercise only after complete recovery and after being reassured by a doctor.

Risks after the surgery

o Due to restricted movement blood clots could occur which would require blood thinners.
o Swelling could occur in the nerves hence causing discomfort and numbness.
o Bones could get injured or cracked during the surgery hence requiring treatment.
o Infection and bleeding as risks in any operation.
o The replaced parts of the joint could become loose or could break , but this is a very rare condition.

Five Risks of Wearing High Heels Revealed

Over the years, high heeled shoes continue to be a popular fashion trend. So popular, it is causing some women to surgically alter their feet in order to fit into them. Even without this, there are health risks associated with wearing high heels.

1. A high heeled shoe forces the posture into an unnatural position that significantly stresses the joints. The spine, which in flat shoes is reasonably straight, forms more of an 'S' shape with the chest and lower back pushing forward and the hips pushed back. The height of the heel also changes the amount of weight on the forefoot. A 1-inch heel will increase the pressure by 22%; a 2-inch heel by 57%; and a 3-inch heel by 76%. This increased pressure puts the forefoot at risk for injuries such as stress fractures, bunions, and hammertoes.

2. Knee pain is common when high heels are involved. The heel height causes increased strain on the knee joint and associated tendons. The quadriceps muscle group in the front of the thigh works harder, increasing pressure on the kneecap by up to 26%. This can ultimately increase the incidence of osteoarthritis of the knee and quadriceps tendinitis.

3. When the heel is constantly elevated, the calf muscle and Achilles tendon can contract and shorten. Wearing high heels habitually can result in a woman no longer able to tolerate a flat shoe. On occasion, this can even require surgery to lengthen the Achilles tendon. Most often, however, this will increase the chances of Achilles tendinitis or shin splints.

4. The changes in posture and overall imbalance will lead to instability when walking and a resulting risk of ankle sprains. High heels, especially stilettos, will lead to instability and a major increase in ankle sprains result. An ankle sprain is caused from the twisting of the ankle and results in a tear of the ligaments that connect the foot and leg bones and stabilize the ankle. When the heel is balancing on a narrow stiletto heel, if the heel shifts outward slightly a sudden twist may occur to sprain these ligaments. Swelling, bruising and pain will result. At worst, it is possible for the ankle to fracture, a ligament can pull a piece of bone off, or even a bone in the foot can break due to the pull of a tendon.

5. High heels are enjoyed by most women because they are "cute." They are narrow and are contoured to make the foot look slender. The tight fit of many heels will force the toes to conform to its shape. The added pressure on the toes can exacerbate bunions and hammertoes. The pressure of the shoe itself can cause corns to form. Furthermore. The compression of the metatarsal bones can cause pressure on the nerves that run between them. A Morton's neuroma, which is a growth and inflammation of the nerve, can form due to the pressure. Remember, a shoe is meant to fit the foot, not squeeze it relentlessly.

While the overall percentage of women wearing high heels daily has decreased, the percentage reporting physical problems from wearing them has increased. This is likely due to the newer styles that have been introduced. Some have no choice but to wear the shoes for work, however comfort is a priority. Pain should not be a price for style. Be sure to always wear a shoe that is right for your foot. Of course, if the pain continues, be sure and visit your podiatrist.

The VMO - The Key to Patella Tracking, Knee Pain Relief and Knee Joint Stability

The VMO, or vastus medialis obliquus, is the large tear drop shaped thigh muscle, that lies just above and on the inner side of the kneecap, or patella. It is one of the four quadriceps muscles in the front of the thigh, but it is the only one that attaches directly to the inner (medial), upper margin of the patella.

For this reason, it pulls inward on the kneecap and opposes the slightly outer (lateral) pull of the other three muscles. The VMO is most active in the last 30 degrees of extension, meaning that it helps to lock the knee out, fully straight. So, you can see that this one muscle has a strong influence on both the kneecap and knee stability, as a consequence of its anatomy.

Pain behind the kneecap usually results from a direct blow or a fall, or it may result from maltracking, meaning that the kneecap is pulled off its normal path, usually to the outside (lateral side), and often because the VMO is weak and can't counteract the pull of the other three quadriceps. Usually, this is accompanied by tightening or contracture of the soft tissues on the outer side (lateral side) of the kneecap, which makes it much harder to treat and correct the problem.

Some combination of these factors is usually involved in kneecap pain, which can also be accompanied by instability, or giving way of the knee. Over time, these factors can result in degenerative softening of the cartilage under the kneecap, a disease called chondromalacia patellae.

The other major source of pain in the knee comes from within the joint, either from a twisting injury that may injure a meniscus, one of the cushions within the joint, or a sprain of one of the ligaments, or an effusion, or "water on the knee," which results from inflammation of the lining membrane of the joint, the synovium. And, in the older population, degenerative arthritis within the joint is also a source of knee pain and instability.

In every case, strengthening the VMO is critical to relieving knee pain and restoring knee joint stability. So, what exercises are best for doing that? Here again, we take our lead from the functional anatomy. Since the VMO muscle fully straightens the knee, and is most active in the last 30 degrees of extension, we want to load the muscle within that range of motion, to strengthen it.

Isometric exercises, technically defined as muscle contraction without shortening, those done with the knee fully straight, can increase VMO tone and strengthen its tendinous attachments. For example, quad setting is done by tensing the straight leg, contracting the quadriceps, as hard as you can, for six seconds. This is particularly important when you have a fresh injury, or in the first few days after knee surgery. It adds strength, but without any movement of the joint.

Similar in effect is straight leg raising. Lying on your back, with the opposite leg bent up (to straighten your spine, and relieve stress across the lower back), you tense your quads, and, while maintaining the contraction, then slowly raise the straight leg up, to about 45 degrees. Then, slowly lower it again. To start with, try for 3 sets of 15-20 repetitions. This, too, is an exercise that is very useful in the immediate aftermath of an injury, or surgery.

Isotonic exercise is muscle contraction with shortening and what we normally think of as exercise, with overt movement of the joint. This type of exercise can utilize the resistance of bodyweight only, or additional external resistance, like free weights, or an exercise machine.

The simplest exercise is a quarter squat. With or without weights, with your back against the wall, simply squat down just a quarter of the way, approximating about 30 degrees of knee flexion, then stand straight and tense the quads strongly.

Even full range movements, like Full Squats or Hindu Squats, can be converted to VMO strengthening exercises by that isometric tensing of the quads, with the knee fully straight, with each repetition.

My personal favorite for working the VMO is the Hack Squat. In this exercise, you hold a barbell or two dumbbells behind your knees and leaning backward to put maximal stress on the VMO, do quarter squats. It's helpful to have a wooden block under your heels to help with balance.

Machine exercises are also useful, but leg press machines are probably better for your knee than leg extension machines, because the leg press loads your knee from above, and is more physiological (a "closed chain" exercise). This is especially true if you have kneecap disease, like chondromalacia patella, or patellofemoral arthritis. Here again, you can handle very heavy weight eventually, because you're using it for a very short arc, just 30 degrees.

Whatever exercises you choose, you will begin to notice an improvement in your pain and your stability within about 10 days, and real improvement within 30 days. As the VMO becomes stronger, your patella tracking will improve and your knee will subjectively feel more stable. Although this regimen can't cure everything, it can go a long way toward making your knees feel better and stronger. Give it a try.

Knee Arthroscopy

Undergoing knee arthroscopy involves the use of a miniature camera, along with other surgical instruments, to view and assess knee joint tissue. Knee arthroscopy also go by the names Knee scope, an arthrospic lateral retinacular release; Synovectomy, and Patellar debridement

Describing the Procedure

After inserting a miniature camera, less than a fourth of an inch in diameter, into an incision in the knee, it is attached to a monitor to allow the surgeon a view of the knee tissue. In some cases, the patient can also opt to observe the surgery from this monitor.

It is a simple surgical procedure requiring only local or regional anaesthesia to numb the operation site. Throughout the surgery, the patient remains lucid and responsive. However, extensive surgery will require a general anaesthetic, rendering the patient to sleep without pain.

To expand the joint and help stop excessive bleeding, a saline solution is pumped under pressure consequent to the camera insertion. A tourniquet may also be applied to halt bleeding, as well.

After probing the knee to assess the damage, the surgeon will make up to four other additional cuts for the insertion of other instruments like:

· a blunt hook - for pulling on the knee and cartilage tissue
· a shaver - for the removal or smoothening of damaged and uneven soft tissues
· a burr - used to remove uneven or jagged particles of bone
· a heat probe - to eradicate synovitis (inflammation) from the joint

When surgery is completed, the saline solution is drained from the knee, the incisions are stitched closed, and a bandage or dressing is applied. A majority of surgeons document the procedure through pictures from the video monitor so the patient can see the steps undertaken during the surgery.

Reasons for the Surgery

Arthroscopy is undertaken for knee disorders which include:

  • repair or removal of a torn meniscus

  • mild forms of arthritis

  • removal of loose fragments of bone or cartilage floating within the knee joint

  • repairing a torn or damaged anterior cruciate or posterior cruciate ligament

  • inflammation or damage of the synovium (joint lining)

  • alignment of a skewed patella (knee cap)

Risks of Surgery

Anaesthesia risks include:

  • allergic reactions to the anaesthetic

  • respiratory impairment

Surgery risks include:

  • excessive bleeding

  • onset of infection

Other risks involve:

  • Hemarthrosis, or bleeding into the joint

  • cartilage, meniscus, or knee ligament damage

  • symptoms remain unresponsive despite surgery

  • stiffness of the knee

Prognosis (Outlook) of Arthroscopy

Arthroscopy has:

· eliminated the need for surgically opening up the knee joint
· diminished pain and stiffness
· minimal complications
· earlier recovery time
· shorter hospital stay

When a patient unencumbered by other arthritic complications undergoes surgery to repair a meniscal tear or to remove loose fragments of bone or cartilage, the procedure is simple and full recovery is expected. The presence of arthritis can greatly diminish arthroscopy effectiveness, and almost half of all patients do not experience improvement even after the surgery.

However, removal of the synovium in an arthroscopic synovectomy procedure has proven to improve symptoms in patients suffering from Rheumatoid arthritis. Arthroscopic-assisted surgery for the repair of the meniscus or knee ligament involves a more complex procedure and results in longer recovery time, with varied outcomes.

Recovering from Surgery

Recovery from a simple debridement (meniscal cleaning) procedure is quick, although crutches are required to keep the weight off the knee and lessen pain. Painkillers are also prescribed for pain control.

Other complicated surgical procedures involving repair and reconstruction will result slower recovery time and the inability to walk for up to several months to a year.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Power Cleans Vs Box Squats For Explosive Football Power

Funny how the football training pendulum swings.

A decade ago, only the top College Football schools used the Olympic lifts in their programs. Then, if filtered down to the point where just about every high school football player in the country was at least doing Power Cleans. However, over the last few years there's been a backlash against using the Olympic Lifts in football weight training programs.

The biggest argument for not using the Olympic lifts comes from the Powerlifting world where Box Squatting is king. It is said that Box Squats actually produce more explosiveness than Cleans.

Once and For All, What's More Explosive - A Power Clean or a Dynamic Box Squat?

A Power Clean starts on the floor, where the bar is picked up in a controlled manor, once the bar passes the knees, the athlete explodes the bar up and catches it in a 1/4 Squat.

In a Dynamic Box Squat (using chains or bands) the athlete un-racks the bar, sits back (pre stretching the hams and glutes), descends while getting pulled down by the force of the bands, sits and relaxes some muscles while keeping others tense, then has to activate all of those muscle fibers at once to explode the weight up.

From the description alone you should see which is better for football training!

Remember, we are after explosive football training here, the goal is not just to be strong but strong and fast.

Even when doing speed training for football, we are concerned with explosiveness rather than just straight-ahead speed. We need to build the muscles to be able to cut quickly or to deliver a shot that will knock the fool out.

However, this does not mean that Power Cleans shouldn't be done!

They will still build explosiveness, but from a different path. They are hugely helpful in bulking the upper back and traps as well.

For the hip-explosiveness gained from Power Cleans alone the effort to learn at least basic form is well worth it. Use them as an alternative Speed exercise or use them as your heavy leg movement. Keep the reps low, the sets high and get the bar moving as fast as possible!

So, should you use Box Squats or Power Cleans for Explosive Football Gains?

Actually, you should use both.

Box Front and Back Squats should be the foundation of your heavy leg training and Power Cleans should be used in certain periods to build your hip explosiveness and add mass to your traps and back.

If you choose to use Power Cleans, go with multiple sets of low reps, i.e., 6 - 8 sets x 2 - 3 reps.

You can also use Power Cleans right after Box Squats. But, you'll need to use a bit less weight on the cleans and concentrate on explosiveness.

Ginger - A Miracle Food and Drug, More Than You Think

Ginger has been touted consistently as a miracle food and drug. Are the praises heaped on ginger real and scientific?

Ginger: Topnotch Kitchen Staple
Ginger is native to South Asia, where it has been a part of the diet for over 3,000 years. Ginger was regarded as a rare, valuable treatment in Europe when Marco Polo first brought it back from Asia. Truly, ginger can do a lot more than put a snap in your cooking. It can take the crackle and pop out your joints. A new, rock-solid scientific study has proved the zesty spice is as good as prescription medicine at conquering arthritis pain.

Ginger: Alternative cure for Osteoarthritis
Ginger has played a major role in traditional Chinese medicine and in Indian Ayurvedic pain treatments for more than 2,500 years. Olympic track champion Carl Lewis, at one time the fastest man on Earth, claims ginger supplements are helping him with his battle with osteoarthritis, the most common form of the disease.

Now, researchers have compared the effects of concentrated ginger capsules with that of conventional painkillers in treating the inflammation of osteoarthritis, caused when the cartilage pads between joints gradually wear away.

During a six-week trial, 250 patients suffering moderate to severe osteoarthritis of the knee were given either a specific ginger extract or a placebo, a substance that has no medicinal properties. The ginger extract group took two 225-milligram pills daily. Both groups were allowed to take everyday acetaminophen pills if their pain grew too severe. By the end of the trial, two out of every three patients in the ginger group reported a market decrease in the crippling agony of arthritis. More importantly, the group suffered none of the severe side-effects-gastrointestinal upset, tissue damage and even internal bleeding--known to occur with powerful prescription arthritis remedies.

The ginger extract, according to the result, reduced significant pain. The pain after walking was almost twice as good an improvement as the placebo. The effect is similar to that seen with trials using conventional drugs.

The Many Uses of Ginger
It is used as seasoning to some baked goods like cookies, biscuits, pies, gingerbread, and to ad flavor to vegetable and meat dishes. It is also used as an ingredient of ginger tea, ginger ale, and other beverages. Ginger oil is used in perfume making and as an alternative medicine for certain common ailments like toothache and stomachache.

Knee Pain Relief - Tips and Advice

If you have ever suffered from pain in your knee then you are probably aware of how debilitating it can be. Doing any physical activity that requires the use of your knee becomes a chore that is dreaded. No matter what you do, your knee joint is one of the most commonly used joints in your entire body. Ensuring that you have knee pain relief is essential in learning how to manage your pain. Depending on the cause of your pain, there are many treatments that are available.

People who have injured their knee in an accident should consider getting a knee brace or crutch to help relieve the pressure of the knee. Sometimes the best thing you can do if you have a serious knee injury is to rest. By resting your knee you can give your body a chance to go through the magical process of healing. When you are nursing and acute knee injury, icing is a very good way to help keep down some of the swelling. By regularly icing your knee off and on every 15 minutes, you will act to restrict the blood flow to the knee. This will help reduce some of the swelling that you may experience.

For people who have chronic knee issues, you should consider finding a good treatment program to help you manage your pain. Knee pain relief is possible if you get a good program the puts a strong emphasis proactively treating your problem. Exercises like daily stretching and strengthening your surrounding muscles can help you alleviate some of the pain that you experience.

Common Forms of Knee Injuries and Proper Treatment

The knee is a joint, and it is the largest joint in the body. Your knees provide stability and flexibility for your body and allow your legs to bend, swivel, and straighten.

The knee is composed of the lower end of the femur (thighbone), which rotates on the upper end of tibia (shinbone), and the patella (knee cap), which slides in a groove on the end of femur. Large ligaments are also present in the knee. They help control motion by connecting the bones together and by bracing the joint against abnormal types of motion. The meniscus is another important structure of the knee. It is a wedge of soft cartilage between the thighbone and shinbone that acts as a knee cushion and helps the knee absorb shock when in motion.

Knee Injuries

The parts of your knee are all working as one. A stress or damage to any parts of your knee is generally considered as knee injury. Your knee joint's complex design and its active weight-bearing characteristic make your knee one of the most commonly injured joints.

Knee injuries are classified into two types:

• Acute injuries - Injuries which are caused by sudden trauma, such as an awkward fall, collision or twist of the knee joint

• Overuse injuries - Injuries which are caused by continuous activity or overload, such as running, jumping, cycling, weight training or bushwalking

Some Common Forms of Knee Injury

• Ligament injury - Injury to the ligaments usually result from trauma or playing sports. It may occur in the inner portion of the knee (medial collateral ligament), the outer portion of the knee (lateral collateral ligament), or within the knee (cruciate ligaments). Ligament injuries may also occur in several forms: a complete tear, a partial tear, a stretch injury, or an alteration in function caused by an adjacent fracture. An injury to the ligament in the knee is usually painful at rest and may be swollen and warm and may worsen with bending of the knee, putting weight on the knee, or walking.

• Meniscus tears - The meniscus can be damaged with the shearing forces of rotation that are applied to the knee during sharp, rapid motions. This is especially common with athletes who are involved in sports which require active body movements. Aging and degeneration may also increase the risk of meniscus tears. A single meniscus may have one or more tears. A rapid onset of a popping sensation can be felt during a knee movement or certain activities that can affect the knee.

• Patellar tendinitis - Tendinitis is inflammation, irritation, and swelling of a tendon resulting from an injury, overuse, or aging as the tendon loses elasticity. Patellar tendinitis occurs in front of the knee below the kneecap at the patellar tendon. This knee injury is most common in athletes whose sports involve frequent jumping, such as in basketball, soccer, and volleyball. For this reason, patellar tendinitis is commonly known as "jumper's knee". The pain is usually found in the section of your patellar tendon between your kneecap and the area where the tendon attaches to your shinbone. Sharp pain can be felt during physical activity.

• Fracture - Excessive pressure in a bone can cause a crack or a split. This is referred to as fracture. Fractures usually happen due to aging, car accidents, falls or sports injuries. When a fracture occurs into or around a joint surface, that joint has an increased risk of developing arthritis because of the injury.

Nonsurgical Treatments for Knee Injuries

The knee is vulnerable to a variety of injuries. Mild knee injuries may heal by themselves. However, it is important that all injuries no matter how mild or severe, should be checked and diagnosed by a doctor or a physiotherapist. Prompt medical attention for any knee injuries increases the chance of having a complete recovery. Many knee injuries can be successfully treated without surgery.

Some forms of knee injuries such as fracture, ligament injuries could eventually lead to osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disorder that can cause joint pain, loss of function and reduced joint motion and deformity due to lack of lubrication. Viscosupplements are used to replace normal component of the joint involved in lubrication. Supartz Joint Fluid Therapy is a viscosupplement used as nonsurgical therapy for osteoarthritis of the knee. It replenishes the fluid in the knee that cushions the bones during physical activity. When a bone is properly cushioned, it is less likely to fracture or grow spurs which can cause pain.

For some athletes who have joint injuries, they look for quick relief through cortisone to reduce inflammation. However, cortisone can be very dangerous. They have an adverse effect on bone and soft tissue healing. Cortisone, as well as other corticosteroids can lead to a decrease in bone, ligament, and tendon strength. Sarapin can be used as an alternative for cortisone. It is equally effective with cortisone in reducing inflammation and providing pain relief. Typical joint conditions such as bursitis (inflammation of the synovial fluid-containing sacs called bursa), arthritis, and tendinitis can benefit from Sarapin. But unlike cortisone, Sarapin is non-toxic and has no damaging effect on cartilages, bones, and tendons.

Rehabilitative physical therapy may be recommended for proper healing of knee injuries. Specific exercises may be provided in order for your knee joint to improve in its range of motion and also to prevent stiffness and scarring as during your knee's healing process. Stretching and strengthening exercises may also be recommended to stretch and strengthen the muscles surrounding the knee.

Prompt medical attention and proper treatment for any knee injury increases the chances of a full recovery. Trying to rush your recovery after an injury before you get the "go-ahead" approval from a health professional just to get back to your usual activities can put you at risk for future injury and may further extend the healing process.

When looking for a treatment, it is best to choose a clinic that uses nonsurgical and nonsteroidal relief for knee pain. A physician that provides non-invasive and holistic treatment can be the most appropriate health care professional to visit. Having a treatment that values overall health and has less risks and complications is a great way to enhance recovery and prevent further injuries.

A Stiff Knee - An Injury Might Mean Big Time Trouble! - Take Your Stability to the Next Level

Why do you think your knee is stiff? Was it due to an injury?

Many people who engage in regular sporting activities do not think much about a stiff knee injury. They simply assume that is part and parcel of leading an active lifestyle. However, this can be a very dangerous assumption to make, as a stiff knee injury can often be an indicator of something more serious.

What Causes A Stiff Knee?

Stiffness in the knee joint is usually caused by inflammation in the knee area or in the surrounding ligaments and tissues. The tissues swell up, making it difficult for the knee to bend normally, leading to a stiff knee. If your knee meniscus is injured, the damaged meniscus can also create a stiff knee sensation. Another cause could be overstrained muscles or ligaments that have been injured and have tightened up. Injured muscles and ligaments can definitely limit the degree of movement in the knee.

Don't Ignore It!

Too many people who simply ignore a stiff knee injury end up with a worsening situation. This is because a stiff knee is simply the body's way of telling you that something might be very wrong with your knee. It is vital that you pay attention to it and figure out exactly what is wrong with it before continuing with your sport of choice. (Speak with your physician about your concerns.)

Overstrained muscles and ligaments could also pose a serious problem for anyone who enjoys sports. Normally, the muscles and ligaments provide support for the knee. They do this by helping to absorb some of the impact of running or jumping, for example. This helps to prevent too much pressure being exerted on the knee. When the muscles and ligaments have been overstrained, however, they are no longer able to perform their function at a high level. This could lead to impact injuries in the knee or even cause the kneecap to be pulled or shifted out of place.

What To Do If You Have A Stiff Knee Injury

The first thing to do is to stop any strenuous activities immediately. and request information from your doctor. This includes any activity that involves running, jumping, or walking long distances. Ceasing the activity that will cause you further problems will prevent you from causing any possible further injury to your knee. You can then determine if your stiff knee injury is really just due to tired muscles or if it is due to something more serious.

The best thing to do now is to let your knee rest and recover. While you rest it, you should also seriously consider wearing a knee brace. A knee brace is an excellent device for helping to prevent further injury in the future. Currently, these supports are very light weight and affordable, and they can help prevent excessive movements that will cause you further pain or injury. If it does not go away of its own accord, however, then it is time to consider the possibility that you may have sustained a serious knee injury and to talk about this with your physician.

Knee braces can really help someone in your position with improved knee stability and a reduction in pain. It is very important to consider a support now, because if you do not then in the future you might look back with regrets. This conservative treatment method could help you avoid an invasive surgical procedure in the future.

Knee Instability and Pain - What Are the Treatment Options? Special Report on Reducing Knee Pain

Do you have knee instability?

How about pain in your knee?

In many cases, someone can have instability of the knee and not feel any pain. In other cases, someone can have a great deal of pain in the knee and not feel any instability. When there is both knee instability and pain, the cause is usually a damaged cartilage or a torn ligament.

When you have injured your knee it is usually due to an accident or injury to the knee. Sometimes these injuries are self inflicted. Some immediate incidents, some come from natural wear and tear.

There are treatments for this type of injury that include surgery. Most doctors will prefer to treat a damaged cartilage of the knees with conservative treatment at first, rather than resorting to drugs or surgery.

Rest and Relief

One of the most common recommendations by doctors for knee instability and pain is rest and relief from the pain. The patient needs to get off their knee and keep it elevated. If the patient has to walk, they should do so by using a knee brace. To ease the pain, and add well needed stability so something bad doesn't happen. Over the counter medication can be used as well as ice packs to keep the swelling down.

Pain Medications

Many doctors will prescribe pain medication for damaged cartilage. Patients need to be aware of the fact that pain medications can be very addictive. If you are in severe pain, you can take pain medications, but be sure to take them as prescribed for the pain and do not overuse them or you will find that you build up a tolerance and need increasing amounts of the medication to get the same effects. (Speak with your physician prior to using any medications.)

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is another way that you can treat an injured knee. A patient needs to go to a qualified physical therapist for this option, however, as exercising the cartilage or injured ligament may result in more knee instability and pain if done incorrectly. Using proper techniques, physical therapy coupled with the use of over the counter pain medications and knee braces are often very successful treatments.

Knee Brace

A knee brace is often recommended for someone that has hurt their knees, as it will help to keep your knee in proper alignment. If you have a damaged cartilage or an injured ligament, most doctors will recommend that you use the knee brace rather than opt for surgery, unless a surgical procedure is the only way to help you. This type of support will often times help to alleviate the knee instability and pain that is often the result of a damaged knee cartilage.


Let's face it. Sometimes surgery is unavoidable. When you have no other conservative options left your physician may require you to have surgery to help treat your knee. Wearing a knee brace after a surgical procedure can also be effective because they can help provide the meaningful support you need.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

What Is 50,000 Units of Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is likely to be the most popular nutritional supplement of the decade. Further studies attempting to further refine its optimal levels in the blood to reach more precise recommendations for daily dose. The fact is that the vast majority of people of all ages not getting enough of this vital vitamin.

Currently, the recommended intake of vitamin D in the U.S.A. Institute of Medicine is 200 UI per day to 50 years, 400 UI - between 50 and 70 years and 600 UI for people over 70 years. "Bearable limit", the same recommendation is 2000 IU per day for children and adults, but newer studies show tolerance and for 10,000 IU per day. People with serious vitamin d deficiency often receive prescriptions for 50 000 units vitamin d weekly until the problem is resolved. It is considering the raising of these recommended daily doses, but many experts expect changes only in the lowest values. Recommended daily intake of 1000 to 2000 units to people who are exposed to the sun, for pregnant women, nursing mothers and for people over 50 years. American Pediatric Academy recommends that breastfed infants receive additional 400 units daily of vitamin D until they are weaned, and then to drink at least a liter of vitamin D-fortified milk.

When may be overdone in obtaining supplies of vitamin D? And what are for the body 50,000 units vitamin D?

The body has a mechanism to terminate synthesis of the vitamin in the skin when it has reached optimum levels. This does not apply to cases when the vitamin is obtained by supplements and goes directly into the liver.Overdose occurs when prolonged and uncontrolled treatment with vitamin D is combined with intense sun exposure and active treatment with UV radiation. Symptoms of vitamin D overdose include nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, constipation, general weakness, weight loss, and dangerously high levels of calcium, which can lead to the formation of kidney stones and irregular heart rhythm.There are healthy people who has received 10 000 units every day for six months without side effects. People with marked failure adopted by vitamin D 50 000 units a week while away their problems. If the amount of the vitamin is proper in your organism, then vitamin D 50,000 units can lead to the described symptoms. So it is important to consult the doctor before using this nutritional supplement.

Trying To Find The Zone At 62

People ask me "Why do you run?"

After years of gymnastics, competing in springboard diving, wrestling, playing football, pole vaulting, and coaching all of the above, I am left with a back that has the L4, L5, and S1 vertebrates fused together, a right knee that has seen four surgeries> three meniscus cleanups, one that attached a modern day torcher rack to the outside of my leg to help the bone grow a small bit every day(High Tibial Osteotomy), and finally a total knee replacement joint that is supposed to let me do all that I desire except kneel on cement for more than 2 minutes. The surgeon told me after the surgery that all I had holding my knee together that time was the skin.

I also have two shoulders that have been separated with rotator cuff tears and then surgically repaired in the earlier days. Now they have bone spurs that allow my movements to ratchet over small stalagmites and stalactites with each little twitch.

The flexibility of this youthful springboard diver has seen its day and is now just crying to get out again.

The quick repair of muscle, tendon, and ligament damage done during any type of workout now takes twice as long as it did before; if it is repaired at all.

The year of my back surgery (2007) the doctor told me I could walk. Walking would be good for me since I had shot up to a plump 205 pounds without my normal activities. Although my first stint at walking was a distance the length of my driveway. It was still a start. As I began to walk farther, I noticed that my lower back would stiffen up. So I would jog a few dozen steps and the back area would totally loosen up.

Pretty soon this developed into more of a slow jog with a few walking zones. I was walking thirteen miles every other day. The other days I would walk six miles. I met all kinds of people along my walks. Neighbors that now come to my house to see if I am okay if they don't see me on that particular day.

The pounds began to melt away. I eventually lost fifty five pounds through my walking routine.

A special young lady that I worked with suggested that I chart the miles I had been walking and running. I thought about this while I was icing down my back for that evening. I determined that I would keep on logging the mileage that I went every day. At the end of that particular month, I would total the mileage and then plot them on a road map of the United States of America. My idea was to run/walk around the entire perimeter of our great country.

While I was doing my walk/runs every day, I was actually training for some "fun runs" that I had not even thought about. As a distance runner I started late in life. I guess I began when I was 58 after I was told by my surgeon that I had to walk.

And you keep asking that totally rhetorical question, "Why do you keep on running?" or better yet "How do you keep on running?"

I run for freedom. I run to clean the cobwebs and gobbledygook that gets sucked in every day doing normal things like at work, or dealing with others. Running correctly sorts and files this mess as each bird's nest is unraveled, classified, and stored, or discarded.

I run for the freedom to breathe deeply the natural smells from the garden, as well as the kitchen smell of breakfast that gingerly waft through the kitchen windows out onto the sidewalk or roadway below. I run to smell the wet dew on the forest path or on the fresh sagebrush.

I run to see a family of wild coyotes romping across the foothills, or a doe and her two fawns as they step out of the ferns. I run to hear the crunch of fresh fallen snow beneath my feet and feel the amazing snowflakes upon my face.

I run to find friendship with myself.

As the ratio between running and walking become a religion to follow, hydration techniques supply the energy needed to complete a run, and my diet is now a 4 to 1 complex carbohydrate to protein ratio; I feel alive.

I feel more alive than I have in years past. I have set up many goals to achieve. I have achieved some of these and yet other goals will take more in depth physical work, and time.

The past four years have seen me enter, finish, and in some cases place in the top three in my age group. I started entering 5K (3.1 mile) races in 2007. I entered five that year. In 2008, I entered three more 5K races. In 2009, I entered five more. In 2010, I must have become rather energetic because I entered six 5k's and three 10k's (6.2 miles). I had never run a 10K in my life before this year.

At the end of 2010, I was diagnosed and treated for a very rare and aggressive form of Melanoma on my forehead and in three of my sentinel lymph nodes. I was in the latter period of stage two of the disease. My doctors treated me with surgery and radiation. Chemotherapy was held as a final option if I progressed any further. My Chemical Oncologist told me the interferon that they would have to use would just tear me up. So I was glad it did not have to be utilized.

The treatments wiped out my fitness levels and my mental aggressiveness. At the end of my radiation treatments my doctor said I could begin running again. Before the surgery, before the radiation treatments, I was in the latter stages of my training for a half marathon.

But as soon as I jumped onto the treadmill I knew what I had lost. I could not even finish a quarter of a mile at 0.0 incline and a speed of 4.5 miles per hour.

I had a long way to comeback. I had a lot of gobbledygook that needed to be cleaned out and a passion rekindled.

And now in 2011, I entered and completed three 10K races and two half marathons. What will I run in 2012? I am not positively sure but there are thoughts of the Robie Creek Half-Marathon in Boise, Idaho in April. It is said to be the toughest half marathon in the west. The one I missed before all of my treatments in 2010.

Then there is the Mayor's Half-Marathon in Anchorage, Alaska during the summer solstice in June. After that we will see. People say I should enter a marathon. I have watched people train to run marathons. No thank you; I want to find my perfect zone not destroy it; that elusive runner's zone.

Yes, I am in pain before and at the beginning of each run or race. Yes, I am in pain at the end of each run or race and even later on. My body knows what ice, ice baths, heat, deep tissue massage, and physical therapy are. My deep tissue massage lady tells me I have the flexibility in my hips of a granite boulder.

But there is a period in the middle of every run that is totally euphoric. Runners will understand when I say that I am in another world. There are times I could not tell you how I got from point A to Point B because I was in this zone. It is probably the greatest feeling in the world and I am alive.

So when you ask me "Why do I run?" I will probably say for my physical health. But in all reality I run because I am addicted to that period of No Pain, No Reality, Just the Zone.

As a footnote, in early 2012 I will have completed my run/walk around the perimeter of the United States of America. I will have run and/or walked 11,600 miles since my back surgery and I am alive.

Others run farther than I do and could have completed this trek in far less time. But this is my journey and I will write it up as one of my great accomplishments. I will check it off my bucket list, as I have with Paragliding from 4500 feet down to sea level in Alaska, as I have with scuba diving the Great Barrier Reef, and as I have climbing Ayers Rock.

As of August, 2011 and six CAT scans later I am now totally clean. I am also crossing this off my bucket list.

I am Alive and forever searching for the next incredible "Zone".

Knee Arthritis - 5 Best Alternative Treatments to Dangerous NSAID's

Knee arthritis can occur at quite a young age, especially in those that have taken care of their bodies and are still in great shape whatever age.

So it comes as a shock when you go to visit your doctor and he tells you that you have osteoarthritis and it's going to be an ongoing part of your life, and then prescribes you NSAID's, which is essentially like burying your head in the sand.

Doctors say arthritis has no cure and that NSAID's are the best form of pain relief - in the West that is - but what you are doing when you take one of these anti-inflammatory cocktails is letting the disease run away and spread throughout your knee and body, while all the time you are just swallowing another pill every time arthritis flares up somewhere.

Some medical practitioners in the West however are finally accepting that this pattern of thinking really has to change, especially now there are new supplements and treatments which haven't just yet provided a cure, but are getting very close and are much more successful at helping to get this disease to go into some state of remission.

So when it comes to seeing your doctor and you ask what alternatives there are to taking something like Celebrex which is now banned in the U.S for the dangerous side effects patients experienced after long-term use - your doctor should hopefully state the following.

5 Best Alternative Treatments to NSAID's

1. Try Glucosamine:

Glucosamine is now found in a few popular FDA registered homeopathic supplements for joint pain and these can be taken with any medication - even NSAID's if you're trying to wean your way off them.

These will reduce the inflammation, restrict pain signals sent from the joint to receptors in the brain and they also contain elements like magnesium which can help rebuild bone density by some 12%.

2. Physio work:

This will help improve your mobility, increase flexibility and strengthen the muscles around the knee..

Physio work can include your own exercise routines such as swimming plenty of laps, as swimming as many people know will help strengthen muscles throughout the body and also reduce the pain naturally the fitter you are.

3. Get plenty of sun:

Doctors will obviously not stress that the sun can help with coping with arthritis in the knee, but many people with this condition swear by that fact that being out and active in the sun certainly has a positive impact on how you deal with this disease in your body.

4. Fish oil and vitamins:

Omega 3, 6, and 9 proteins are also widely known now in the west to help lubricate the cartilage and if you've ever gone on a long walk, 15km plus and you feel your legs seizing up a bit, you know when you take one of those supplements that after a few minutes you start to feel a very subtle warm feeling around the joints, and mobility in the legs becoming less strenuous.

Perfectly natural and also great for longevity, more so when consumed in its natural form like salmon, mackerel and sardines.

Vitamin C and D are also recommended, especially vitamin D in 800mg capsules - both are great at lubricating the joints.

5. Stay positive and keep focused:

If it's knee arthritis that's getting you down, say to hell with it and go abroad if you can afford it, somewhere hot ideally.

If not, do some work in your community, help people out, voluntary work helps you to keep your mind off it, especially if it's abroad where you meet new people and grow as an individual.

Communicate with people on forums or in the community who have the same problem, although make sure they are positive spirits and are not constantly wallowing away.

Live a life worth living!