Saturday, July 27, 2013

Total Knee Replacement Surgery Abroad

One of the ways that some people are looking to cut the overwhelming medical costs or extensive waiting lists (in Canada or the U.K.) is by looking abroad for total knee replacement surgery in India or Mexico. The typical cost for a total knee replacement surgery in India is around $7,000. Compared to U.S. costs, that is very reasonable. How do you go about investigating a total knee replacement surgery in Mexico or India, for example?

There is the old standby of asking around to your co-workers, your family, or acquaintances. Statistically, you will either know someone or be connected to someone who has had surgery abroad. Their experiences can be a testimonial about the care they received, but it is ultimately hearsay. Unless your friend, family member or personal source happens to be a medical professional, their testimony about a total knee replacement surgery in Mexico or india is going to lack important information about the technology being used, the sanitation procedures, and the competence of the staff.

Then there is the seemingly omniscient internet. Without a doubt, it serves a vital function in the distribution of vast amounts of information. It does have certain drawbacks. Unlike the New England Journal of Medicine or the British Medical Journal, the internet is not a peer-reviewed source. Its greatest strength, the ability of almost anyone to acquire a website, is also its greatest weakness. In a situation in which anyone can post virtually anything, most information becomes suspect. Nonetheless, a keyword search on "total knee replacement surgery in India or mexico" or "total knee replacement surgery in Mexico or india" can provide you with a starting place in your search.

If you do choose the internet as your primary search tool, make sure to use due caution. At the very least verify your information from multiple sources. Hospitals are like any other business and will work to put the best foot forward. The only way to be sure that the facility you choose overseas is a safe environment is to make sure that it has JCI accreditation.

The JCI or Joint Commission International, an international accrediting body for medical facilities that has been approved by the International Society for Quality in Health Care, maintains a listing of accredited facilities.

The simplest and probably best way to find safe facilities overseas is to employ the services of Medical Travel Facilitation group. These businesses find facilities and make arrangements with them to provide services such as total knee replacement surgery in facilities in either india or Mexico to prospective clients. They will often assist in dealing with the paperwork and travel arrangements prior to the surgery. Again, it is best to employ some due diligence and make sure the facilities these facilitators work with have JCI accreditation.

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