Monday, May 27, 2013

The Greatest Sciatic Pain Treatment Exercise Ever

Are You Looking for Fast Sciatic Pain Treatment?

Of course you are, this stuff hurts. Up until now, you have probably thought that you were going to be stuck 'riding it out' when that pain hit. That you would just have to grin and bear it until the pain decided to take mercy on you and leave on it's own.

This is no way to live. Thankfully, you don't have to live this way anymore.

Yes, this pain is almost unbearable. Yes, this is the kind of pain that you plan your life around. Yes, this pain completely and utterly stinks.

But there is a light at the end of this miserable tunnel. There is a way to stop this pain when it starts. A way to find real and fast relief. And the best part is that you don't even have to leave the house for it.

That sure beats going to the doctors or pharmacy for pain medicine doesn't it?

The Fast and Easy Sciatic Nerve Pain Exercise - guaranteed to knock your socks off and scare your pain away.

1 - lie on your back (how many exercises start off this nicely?)

2 - have your knees bent and feet on the floor

3 - bring your knees up to your chest as far as you can (don't be a superhero, if your pain gets worse, don't go any further. The worst thing you want to do is find yourself in more pain).

4 - use your abs to raise your booty off of the floor slightly.

Your aim is just to raise and lower. This will stretch out your back muscles without making them angry. Stretching these muscles is very important because it takes pressure off of the sciatic nerve.

Try to start with 5 -10 reps. You can add more or do less depending on what your pain level requires.

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