Tuesday, September 17, 2013

What You Should Know About Lift Chair Recliners

Lift chair recliners, also known as rise chair recliners, are a form of mobility equipment. These chairs were designed for the sole purpose of assisting the weak and disabled who find it difficult to sit in a chair and get up out of it.

There are three settings in it. The user can be assisted into a seated position, an upright position or a fully reclined position. Lift chairs have the same appearance as any other ordinary chair; only, they have a few additional components.

When a person wants to get up out of the chair, a button is pressed which uses the motor to tilt the chair in an upright position. When attempting to sit down, the weight of the body causes the motor to lower the chair. A motor can also activate the foot rest to elevate and place the person in a reclined position. Reclining lift chairs are plugged into an outlet but also have a battery in cases where the electricity goes out.

When people have a hard time getting into a chair or re-assuming a standing from seated position, they tend to become inactive. Inactivity or immobilization promotes further weakness and other secondary complications. Many different population groups can benefit from using lift chair recliners. People who suffer from arthritis will present with increased pain and stiffness when getting up from a chair, especially in the morning. Those with neck and back ailments are also advised to use less taxing ways of getting around. Much of the stress of bearing the body's weight can be reduced in people who underwent hip or knee surgery or have degenerative joint disease.

Lift chair recliners not only benefit the disabled person; it can even help the health care professionals treating the patient. Health care workers such as caregivers and private nurses can use chairs that lift the patient automatically. Even when these professionals are trained to use proper body mechanics when lifting, the labor-intensive task can still cause back pain. Using lift chairs does not cause strain and it also saves time for the health care provider, allowing more time to be spent on other treatments.

It can be ordered in different colors, shapes and sizes. Most sizes range from Small to Extra-extra-large. The largest size can be ordered to accommodate obese individuals. When purchasing a lift chair, it is important to know both the weight and the height of the user. The small size can comfortably fit a person who is less than 5' 4'' in height.

The chairs may also come with additional features like a heat and massage setting for added comfort. Cup holders and areas for storage are available. Some models have hand controls for more convenience. When arranging lift chair recliners in a room, it is important to remember that an appropriate amount of space be provided. The lift chair should be able to operate in all positions without coming in contact with other pieces of furniture.

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