Monday, September 9, 2013

So You Think Your Knee Pain is Not Affecting Your Sex Life?

Well Think Again...

Every time you take a step and experience pain, tenderness, swelling, discomfort, etc. in your knees the rest of your body MUST compensate for that experience. This is a fundamental principle on how your body is designed to function. If you have pain in your knees your body compensates in the hips, lower back, upper back, neck, shoulders, and arms.

You name the body part and your body is holding tension to compensate for your knee pain.

You can compare the body to a bicycle wheel with spokes. If you tighten one of the spokes this changes the tension in the rest of the wheel. The very same thing happens in your body when you have knee pain.

Now with that understanding of the interrelatedness of your body parts, here are some of the ways your knee pain is affecting your sex life.

First of all, from the basic standpoint of not being able easily bend your legs presents a difficulty in itself. This in conjunction with the inability to kneel also plays a large role in depriving you of a more fulfilling sex life.

Second, looking back at the example of the bicycle wheel, your body tenses up to protect your knee from getting injured further. Which causes your hip begins to pull up and compensate for the knee injury. You will immediately start to feel tension build in your lower back as you lean more onto the opposite leg stressing that as well. Much of the tension which goes into leaning to the other side is experienced in your pelvis were there are some very sensitive organs for both men and women. This is the prostate for men and the uterus for women.

These organs also experience the stress and tension that translates up the body from the knee injury. Some of the symptoms that you may experience as a result of the tension in your pelvis are:

In Men:
- Decreased Sex Drive
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Premature Ejaculation

In Women
- Decreased Sex Drive
- Sexual Difficulties
- Severe Menstrual Cramps

These of course can change over time and the longer you take to address your knee pain the worse the situation becomes.

The third affect knee pain has on your sex life has to do with your nervous system.

You see when your body is experiencing knee pain. A part of your nervous system (The Sympathetic Nervous System) is turned on which is designed for the response of either "Fight, Flight, or Freeze." With your body experiencing knee pain it is unable to resolve this conflict to get to a state of relaxation (The Parasympathetic Nervous System). All this tension stuck in your nervous system never allows your body to relax enough to be able to experience the sex life you were born to experience...

How you approach your knee pain has a lot to do with the duration you can expect to experience your knee pain. If you are looking to "put a bandage" on it, meaning take pain killers and pretend it will go away. You are less likely to have long term beneficial results in your body.

However, if you approach your knee pain as an opportunity to learn more about your body and discover the underlying causes associated with your knee pain. You are more likely to not only overcome your knee pain, you are also more likely to live a richer more fulfilling sex life.

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