Wednesday, June 19, 2013

When Foot Drop Will Go Away - Treatment Options to Consider


Three questions commonly come to people's minds if they have foot drop. First, what is foot drop exactly? Second question is usually, "will this be a permanent condition?". The third question or consideration people will have is "what do I do about my foot drop?". This article will discuss these three questions. In the end, you will have more information to help you walk better again and you can take it from there.

1.) What is Foot Drop Exactly?

Foot drop is when you have trouble lifting your foot up enough when you walk. This will cause a person to drag their toes and can lead to a higher incidence of falls. Not only will a person be more likely to trip and fall, but they will also spend more energy when they walk as well, because they have to compensate for the lack of function in their foot and ankle. This means they may exhibit a "high steppage" gait and this involves lifting your knee higher than normal to clear your foot as you walk.

2.) Is It A Permanent Condition?

Foot drop is not a permanent condition for everyone. Sometimes people will exhibit a "return" on their muscle or nerve function and the foot drop may be eliminated. However, this is not always the case and your doctor will be better able to do an examination as to how you will respond to the foot drop in the future. You will have to have the potential to heal and your physician can best answer these questions for you.

3.) Causes - Injury & Fatigue

A.) Injury

Injury to the nerves in a person's lower spine, or leg can result in foot drop. Moreover, long term nerve damage due to diabetes (otherwise known as neuropathy) can also cause foot drop for people. Nerve damage as it relates to hip or knee replacement surgery can also cause nerve damage and result in this walking impairment.

Pressure to the nerve on the outside of your shinbone just below your knee can also cause this condition of foot drop. This nerve is called the peroneal or fibular nerve. If you ever sit with your legs crossed for too long, you can trigger a temporary foot drop because of compression to this nerve. This is the a temporary problem but it can be worse when injury occurs to this nerve.

The peroneal nerve is a branch of the sciatic nerve, so if there is a "disconnect" in the sciatic nerve the disruption could follow down to the peroneal nerve as well. Why are these nerves important? - The peroneal nerve innervates your anterior tibialis. This muscle is needed to help dorsiflex your foot (aka, helps to bring your foot upward) when you walk.

B.) Fatigue & Progressive Diseases

Various systematic diseases can result in muscle or nerve disorders as well. For example, muscular dystrophy, an inherited disease that causes progressive muscle weakness can contribute to foot drop. ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) and muscular sclerosis (multiple sclerosis) are also diseases that can damage the body's nervous system and create this walking condition as well. In addition, various forms of compartment syndrome can create foot drop issues. This happens because there is a compression of the nerves and blood vessels within an enclosed space. This can result in foot drop.

As simple it may sound, people can get tired and sometimes this causes a foot drop problem. People with certain conditions like ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) or MS (multiple sclerosis) may fatigue more quickly than others and after a walk, they may find that their foot is too tired to pick up like it used to.

C.) Foot Wear & Braces For Walking Better

Foot wear depends on whether you are going to use a walking aid. There are braces called AFOs (ankle foot orthoses) and they can dramatically help you walk better. They can lift the foot up for you, while providing side to side stability as well. This will lead to a lesser incidence of falls and less energy expenditure when you walk because you will probably not need to use a gait deviation to clear your limb as you stroll along. If you get a brace, get it from a brace professional, called an orthotist. They can work with your existing shoes to help the brace work in conjunction with your foot wear. Not every shoe is perfect for a brace, or even a person's foot in the first place. So these brace specialists can help you throughout this process.

Note: This is good health information, but medical advice on bracing should be provided to you by your local, licensed orthotist.

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