Let us study the method in judo of creating centripetal pressure and of invigorating the waist and abdominal region. This is one of the best judo tips to learn.
a. When standing or sitting, keep your body erect without bending in any direction so as to put the center of gravity just above the center of the base.
b. Project the lower part of the abdomen to the front and the hips toward the back by bending the loins at the junction of the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae (arching the lower back).
c. Form a right triangle with your legs and your feet when standing and with one foot and the lower half of the other leg when you have a knee on the ground in a squat-like position.
These conditions are fundamental to creating and preserving correct centripetal pressure.
When you stand in a position with your feet spread about shoulder-width, you are in natural posture, or shizen-hontai. Let us try a few experiments.
(1) Sit with your feet tucked under you, your thighs forming a right angle. Next, by breaking the right angle combination, put both knees together. You will notice that the force of the waist and abdominal region becomes weaker and the body less stable. Even a slight push can knock you down. This is because the muscles of that region cannot contract vigorously and harmoniously.
(2) Next, stand in a natural posture position. Break the right-angle combination, pointing toes in or out. You will find that you are less stable, while the force of your waist and abdominal region becomes weaker.
(3) Stand or sit as you wish, bending the loins forward as well as putting your center of gravity somewhere other than above the center of the base. You will find that you cannot give a strong and harmonious contraction to the muscles of the waist and abdominal region.
(4) Advancing a step further, let us see how we can strengthen the forces of the waist and abdominal region. This is another of the best judo tips you can learn. You can train these muscles if you sit or stand still for a long time, taking the postures described above. But the best method of training is to take advantage of the reaction produced when you step forward and drop one foot to the ground while still keeping the right-angle combination.
(5) Step forward with the knee bent and drop your foot quickly so that toes and heel touch the ground simultaneously. The advanced foot should make a right angle with the other foot. At this moment you can probably shout louder (from the abdomen) than when you are standing still, and the abdominal region becomes as strong and hard as stone. This shout in judo is called kiwi (pronounced "key-I"). The deep diaphragmatic outburst of air creates strong abdominal muscle force.
If you step out with the angle smaller than 90 degrees, the force of your step is weaker. The contraction of the muscles of the waist and abdominal region also decreases proportionately. The more vigorous the step, the stronger the correct centripetal pressure becomes. The less vigorous the step, the weaker the pressure.
By taking advantage of stepping out in this manner, you can give maximum contraction to the muscles of the waist and abdominal region, with the effect that these muscles can be strengthened by training. Eventually you will be able to produce a tremendous force in the waist and abdominal region with ease.
Take advantage of these judo tips, practice these exercises and your judo will improve.
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