Monday, June 24, 2013

New Hope For Osteoarthritis Sufferers

Hopeful news for a promising new osteoarthritis treatment was revealed in a routine interview of Yvonne Lungershausen, the Senior Director of Clinical Services for CPR Pharma Services. CPR Pharma is a 25 year established Clinical Research Organization that recently performed a phase II clinical trial of a new drug called Ampion to treat 100 patients suffering severe pain from osteoarthritis of the knee. Their pain was so extreme most of them were considering knee replacement surgery. Some had even scheduled the surgery but enrolled in this trial as a last chance for a long shot fix.

Patients were treated with only one injection of Ampion, a naturally occurring substance produced by the human body that is known to control inflammation. Most drugs can cause adverse side effects but Ampion is completely safe and has a 50-year history of safety being administered to millions of patients as Human Serum Albumin (HSA).

In only a few hours after the injection, the results were not what anybody was expecting. They were shocking.

In the interview by Trader Investor Alert, the first thing Lungershausen said was, "In terms of safety issues, there were none". "There were no adverse events and I would say that Ampion had an exceptional safety profile". When asked if there were any surprises she replied, "Yes, CPR has been performing clinical trials for over 20 years." "Some of them failed miserably... some were slightly positive... but Ampion has been amazingly positive." "Patients came in hobbling, limping and depressed but after they received an injection of Ampion, they were literally skipping with joy." "One man completely disabled from his knee pain was finally able to put on his shoes and walk his dog; something he loved to do but was unable to do for the past five years.

Another miracle story recently published on YouTube by an Australian television station is about Norm Johnson who found it very difficult just to walk on flat ground and almost impossible to go up and down stairs. Norm was in so much pain that he was ready to schedule knee replacement surgery; until he joined the Ampion clinical trial. Within one hour after receiving the injection, his pain was completely gone and he was able to walk pain free. Six months later he remains pain free and can be seen climbing up and down a steep ladder. After receiving the Ampion treatment Mr. Johnson cancelled his plans for knee replacement surgery. Watch this short video of Mr. Johnson's amazing recovery.

Lungershausen went on, "Patients were followed up in 30 days and then again at day 84 with pain questions and CT scans and the data just kept getting better and better". The benefits of one injection are lasting far longer than anybody ever expected. "Patients describe Ampion as a miracle drug and want to be involved in future trials."

Dr. David Bar-Or is the inventor of Ampion and also the Director of Research at two of Colorado's three Level I Trauma Centers. During his 30-year tenure in Trauma Centers, he observed that brain swelling from severe head injuries stopped very quickly compared to most swelling and deduced that there must be some natural body mechanism that shuts down the immune response of inflammation. After examining the blood and cerebrospinal fluid of severe head trauma patients, he was able to isolate two naturally occurring amino acids and reproduce them as Ampion. Dr. Bar-Or has developed several other promising drugs for diabetes and sexual dysfunction and is now working on his most exciting discovery; a promising drug for cancer that has demonstrated remarkable results.

Ampio Pharmaceuticals, the developer of Ampion has been granted successful guidance from the FDA to begin a phase III trial with 1,500 patients. Patient enrollment for the trial is 50% completed and results are expected by the end of this year. The company is on fast track with the FDA and expects to have Ampion approved and available to patients next year.

Osteoarthritis affects more than 27 million Americans and there are over 630,000 joint replacements each year in the U.S. alone and the number is growing rapidly. Approximately 1 in 2 people are expected to develop symptomatic knee Osteoarthritis in their lifetime.

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