Are you interested in how to speed up your metabolism fast and efficiently? If so then you have arrived at the right place. You see in order to speed up your metabolic rate and to burn off those unwanted pounds you must engage in exercise that drastically increases your level of perceived exertion. To do this you have got to include kettlebell training into your workout formula. The following kettlebell exercise is a great drill for you to naturally increase your basal metabolic rate by helping you to pack on lean muscle.
Kettlebell thrusters are a great way to boost your metabolic rate. This particular kettlebell exercise can be performed with either a single or a pair of bells. To execute this particular exercise you will want to properly clean and rack the bell or bells to your chest. From here you are simply going to perform a kettlebell front squat while maintaining the balance and position of the bells in front of your body. As you descend into the squat try to lower yourself to a position so that your elbow or elbows touch the insides of your knees. This will ensure a good squat depth for the drill. As you ascend up out of the squat make sure that you lock out both your hips and knees. Once you have locked out then simply complete the lift by pressing the kettlebell overhead. Lower the bell back to the racked position at your chest to start the process for the next rep all over again. Once you knock out about 5 or 10 reps of these on each side you will quickly understand what I mean about increasing your level of perceived exertion. To further challenge yourself you can advance to doing timed sets when you get used to executing the lift in a comfortable manner.
If you haven't already taken the time to include kettlebell thrusters or other kettlebell lifts into your personal strength program then you are holding up your progress on rapidly speeding up your metabolism. Take the time to access the rest of my articles on the matter for free. Remember that most anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart my friend. Give it a try!
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