Saturday, August 31, 2013

Sharp Knee Pain Symptoms - What You Can Do to Support Your Knee

When you have knee pain it can be terrible to deal with!

Are you having sharp knee pain currently?

Regardless of your age, gender, or athletic fitness level, many people will have knee discomfort at some point in their lives. This is mostly a result of the knee joint taking on a lot of stress due to your daily activities.

Think about it: running, walking, climbing steps, bending, kneeling, dancing, jumping, and sometimes, even sitting in one position for too long, all can put a strain on the knee joint. It's not a shock that so many people, at some point, suffer through sharp knee pain symptoms.

There are times when the knee discomfort has a momentary effect and it can leave as quickly as it came. Other times, the sharp knee pain symptoms have more staying power, and they worsen over time. These are the symptoms that may signify a real problem that can become debilitating if left unchecked.

Discomfort can range from occasional throbbing pain symptoms, to a never-ending sharp stabbing sensation. They can occur in any area of the knee joint, such as the outside (lateral) part of the knee, the front of the knee, the inside (medial) part of the knee, or the back (posterior aspect) of the knee. The location, intensity and duration of the sharp knee pain symptoms can give clues as to the cause of the pain.

There are many conditions that can cause sharp knee pain symptoms, such as arthritis, subluxation of the patella (kneecap), trauma to the ligaments and cartilage inside the knee, bursitis, and even infection.

It is important to have your symptoms evaluated by a qualified medical specialist in order to determine their cause. But, whatever the cause of your sharp knee pain symptoms, there's no doubt that if you are in pain, your first priority is to get relief from the discomfort.

Aside from rest, ice packs, and over-the-counter pain relievers, there is an alternative available to you that may help ease your sharp knee pain symptoms: a knee brace. These effective supports should definitely be considered.

A knee brace, when used properly, helps support and stabilize the knee joint, helping to relieve the stress that often exacerbates sharp knee pain symptoms. Moreover, when in place, a knee brace can help keep the knee and kneecap (patella) properly aligned, helping to alleviate a common source of sharp knee pain symptoms.

Many people assume that knee braces need to be custom made, are difficult to use, and cost way too much to be practical. The truth is, typically, an effective knee support does not need to be custom made to be useful; nor are they cumbersome and hard to use.

Just think about it. If a knee brace was so big and bulky, no body would use them and all the knee brace manufacturers would have been out of business a long time ago.

A knee brace just may be the answer you have been looking for. Some people have referred to knee supports as a "pain pill" due to the pain reduction they can help provide!

Soccer-Related Injuries Often Require the Attention of a Knee Specialist

Much to the dismay of soccer or "football" fans around the world, their favorite sport is often plagued with injuries that can bench their favorite players for an entire season. Collisions, running accidents, and repetitive kicking motions often leave players with injuries that can only be fixed by a skilled knee specialist.

One particularly gruesome and painful soccer-related knee injury is a dislocated kneecap. This condition can occur for a number of reasons, but is common in the soccer world because of collisions between players and the powerful kicking motions involved in the game. Such an injury is extremely painful, and requires immediate medical attention. The kneecap, medically referred to as the patella, can end up as far as the side of the knee.

It is possible for the kneecap to pop back into place on its own, but it will probably have to be repositioned by a knee specialist. A dislocated kneecap is treated much the same way as a broken bone. The piece is put back in place, and then placed in either a cast or immobilizing brace so that it can settle into its proper place and heal naturally.

Another category of injuries with which sports fans have become familiar are injuries to the ACL, PCL, MCL, and LCL. These are injuries that occur in the four ligaments located in the knee. Rough physical activity causes tears or ruptures in these ligaments. Injuries to the ACL and PCL, the anterior and posterior ligaments, are more severe injuries that often require surgery and up to a year of physical therapy. Surgery involves reconstructing the ligament by grafting similar tissue from other body parts because the ligament cannot merely be stitched together.

Many people argue that ligament tears and ruptures do not really require surgery. This may be true for the average person, but for someone who plays soccer on a professional, college, or even high school level, surgery is the only way to ensure the injury will not get worse when the player steps back onto the field.

MCL and LCL injuries involve the side ligaments of the knee. They are less common and less severe than ACL and PCL injuries, and do not usually require surgery. Treatment for this type of injury only involves icing the area and treating it with anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce the swelling, followed by physical therapy to regain strength and mobility in the ligaments.

It is important to find a knee specialist qualified in sports medicine. The main criteria to look for when choosing a doctor for any surgery is how many similar cases the doctor have dealt with before. You would not want to go under the knife for a kidney transplant by a doctor that specializes in liposuction. That may be an extreme example, but the same rule applies. A sports medicine doctor or surgeon will be not only very familiar with your particular injury, but also experienced in the necessary follow-up care that will allow you to get back out on the field as soon and as safely as possible.

Knee Pain Relief - Meniscus Tear Information - Knee Braces That Help

Have you injured your meniscus?

Read on for some helpful information regarding your knee pain and ways to help support your knee in the future.

The femur (thigh bone) and shin bone (tibia) are protected from impact by a tough cartilage covering called "menisci". There are two menisci in the knee. One protects the lateral aspect of the knee and one the inner portion (medial aspect). If you were somehow able to be born without meniscus, your weight would lie squarely on the bones of your thigh and tibia, causing fractures and a lot of pain.

Even a minuscule tear in the meniscus can cause pain, which is why the overall health of your knee relies heavily on functionality of the meniscus. A meniscus tear often happens as a result of a sporting injury. If the knee joint is bent and twisted, this can lead to a meniscus tear. Older people who have brittle cartilage can also suffer from a meniscus tear.

Symptoms include:

Knee pain


Movement of the knee joint is limited

Popping and/or clicking noises made within the knee

Tenderness if pressed on


Doctors will typically have a look at your history, and use an X-ray or MRI to assess whether or not you are suffering from a meniscus tear. Once your doctor can see the damage, a treatment plan will be made for your recovery. In most cases, surgery is not required, unless the damage is extensive.


Icing the injured area can help reduce the swelling and relieve pain. By reducing the swelling, it also allows the body to heal faster. Stay away from activities that cause you pain.

Immobilize the knee and allow it to heal naturally. Knee braces are often used by patients who suffer from a meniscus tear. Knee braces can help reduce pain and provide added support to the knee area. If you're an active person, using a knee brace when you are healthy may help to prevent a meniscus tear. They are a very useful adjunct to your health care.

Surgical Repair

Surgery is the last resort. There are two types of surgical procedures that are typically used to correct a meniscus tear:

A meniscus repair is used to repair the damaged meniscus, but is used less often than the meniscectomy, which is a procedure that removes the damaged part of the meniscus.

If you suffer a meniscus tear, you're more likely to have further complications, such as arthritis in the future. Prevention is the best method. Making lifestyle choices that help prevent this condition are recommended. For instance, making sure you stay in shape so that your knee does not have to carry extra weight, and wearing a knee brace while engaging in sporting or daily activities is just two of the ways that people can help prevent a meniscus tear.

Stopping Your Dog From Jumping Up

Many dogs jump up when greeting their owners, friends and other pets, but in many cases this is not behavior that should be encouraged. You, as the dog's owner, may not mind, but guests may well be annoyed, frightened or simply worried about hygiene issues of having a dog's face close to their own.

Some trainers have advocated kneeing a dog in the chest to stop it from jumping up. I DO NOT advise this - it may hurt the dog or your knees and it will almost certainly not cure the behavior. We need to look at the reason the dog responds and tackle the problem from its root.

The behavior usually begins with a trigger, such as a knock at the door or a doorbell ringing. The dog will be immediately alert and ready for a visitor - he thinks that it is his job to welcome a guest, to check a stranger, to keep the pack and the territory safe. This is where the problems begins, because it should be the owner who has the responsibility of welcoming, checking and maintaining safety, not the dog.

So, when the trigger occurs, put your dog away in another room. You have effectively controlled your dog's behavior and can now welcome your guest in your own way. You will have raised your status in the pack and reduced your dog's, showing him that you are in control of who enters the house and in what manner they are greeted. You will also have saved your guest from being jumped on!

When your dog is allowed through to see your guest, do this in a controlled manner and don't allow him to jump up. As soon as his behavior is anything less than acceptable, banish him to another room. He will soon realise that he must follow your rules if he wants to stay with you and the guest.

If your dog jumps up at you yourself when you come back home, there are two strategies for dealing with this. The first is to ignore your dog for a good five or ten minutes when you the enter the house. Don't look at him, don't speak to him and don't react if he does something to get your attention. Just turn away and ignore even bad behavior. He will be very confused at first, especially if you're in the habit of making a big fuss of him on entering the house, but after five to ten minutes he will settle down and maybe even lay down quietly. Then you can call him to you, praise him and give him a little treat.

If your dog jumps up at you, it's because he has been rewarded in some way for this behavior. Even being told off or shouted at can seem to be a reward to a dog that's desperate for attention. So when he jumps up, hold his front paws and keep him standing up on his back legs. Don't let him down and stretch him upwards a little. He will wriggle and want to get down, even mouth your hands to make you let go of his paws. Let go and reward him when he is back on the ground where he belongs.

If he jumps up again, go through the same procedure until he learns that jumping up produces a situation he doesn't find rewarding. You must be firm, kind and consistent to ensure that the message is being received loud and clear.

Top Ten Things to Build a Bridge and Get Over

God must love Top Ten lists because she made so many of them. They crowd my Inbox daily. They're right up there in popularity with offers to refinance my house and stock up on Viagra. Top Nine Lists are few and far between and Top Eleven lists unheard of. But for seem reason there seem to be ten nifty answers to pretty much any problem or life situation you can come up with.

In search of my own Top Ten favorites I had a hard time coming up with something that hadn't already been worked over. There seems to be a plethora of Top Ten lists designed to pump us up; increase our confidence and build self esteem. I thought it would be nice to let some of the air out. So here are my:

Top Ten Things to Build a Bridge and Get Over.

1. Nobody knows why anybody does anything. Imagine the time this one will free up. You don't need to figure out what happened to Aunt Bertha as a child to make her so mean and crabby; why your s.o. dumped you; why your neighbor ignores you. We humans are a product of our upbringing; environment, genetics and hormones. We do what we do when we do it. Let it go. Don't take it personally.

2. Nobody owes you a thing. When you think about all the time, love and attention it took to get where you are today you'll see that you can never repay the debt. Your mother and father who raised you; your teachers who pushed and believed in you; your friends who supported you; your community which nurtures you. Question is - what have you given back in return?

3. You'll be balanced when you're dead. Not a moment sooner. Balance schmalanace. We chase it like the Holy Grail. What's the big deal if you work too hard some weeks and goof off others? If you're passionate about something maybe you'd rather have more of it in your life. Your kids won't knock over a bank if you miss a few softball practices. Exercise is overrated and TV's not evil incarnate

4. Multi-tasking is an oxymoron. Don't be intimidated by colleagues who do five things at once. Studies on "Attentional Blink" show that we don't actually do more than one thing at a time. We switch our attention rapidly between projects. A one man band plays many instruments passably but none well. Better to be a maestro than a journeyman.

5. You don't deserve anything you have. See # 2. Entitlement is a very unattractive quality. No matter how hard you worked or how much you planned you were never in control of the outcome of your efforts. God and luck and the support of others, along with your own hard work, played big parts.

6. You're ordinary. Relax it's a compliment. Ordinary people are reliable, industrious and consistent . Superstars are a pain in the rear especially when they read their own press. Who would you rather call at 2 AM when your car breaks down - Tony Robbins or your brother-in-law Al? Imagine the ride home.

7. You're not a victim you're a volunteer. (Unless we're talking about a trainwreck or a typhoid epidemic). The old saw about nobody being able to take advantage of you without your permission is true. If you don't want something to happen in your life don't set it up in the first place.

8. You're right. Life isn't fair. But it's always interesting and instructive if you keep an open mind.

9. There is no meantime. No place where time stands still and standards are lowered and second best is good enough. There's only now. What are you going to do now?

10. Gratefulness is second to Godliness. Cleanliness is waaay down the list. Get down on your knees and look at your life. Oh, the places you'll go!

Patellectomy Or Kneecap Procedure For Knee Replacement

The knee can be divided into three joints; medial or inside, lateral or outside, and patello-femoral or kneecap joint. If the kneecap joint alone is affected by arthritis then an artificial joint can replace this part. Trochlear dysplasia is a common precursor of patellofemoral arthritis and may account, in part, for persistent anterior knee pain. The surgical options for these patients are arthroscopic debridement, patellofemoral replacement, total knee replacement, or, rarely, patellectomy.


1. Degenerative osteoarthritis limited to the patellofemoral joint
2. Symptoms are severe affecting the daily activity referable to patellofemoral joint degeneration, no response to the lengthy nonsurgical options and/or failed prior conservative procedures
3. Post traumatic osteoarthritis
4. Extensive Grade 3 chondrosis
5. Failed extensor unloading procedure
6. Patellofemoral malalignment/dysplasia induced degeneration with or without instability

Procedure of Patellectomy Replacement :

The kneecap is resurfaced with a plastic button, and a metallic shield is placed in the "trochlear groove" of the thighbone. This procedure is reserved for patients whose arthritis is confined to the patellofemoral compartment, i.e. the kneecap and the underlying thighbone. A patellofemoral joint implant is a fraction of the size of a total knee replacement, and therefore allows maximal bone preservation, which is vital, especially in younger patients. There is less of a surgical dissection, the time spent in the hospital is shorter, the motion is better.

Patellofemoral replacement ("kneecap replacement", patellofemoral arthroplasty) is one type of minimally invasive knee surgery. The components are very small compared to a standard total knee replacement.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Hyaluronic Acid Meta-Analysis

In a meta-analysis conducted to test the effectiveness of hyaluronic acid, twenty randomly conducted trials to compare the therapeutic effects of intra-articular injection of hyaluronic acid to treat osteoarthritis of the knee were made. The outcome of pain with activities, pain without activities, and function were all observed and measured to determine the safety and the improvement of the patient by using hyaluronic acid as compared to the placebo treatment.

The test conducted showed that although hyaluronic acid can help maintain the synovial fluid and makes the knee more bendable and the cartilage between the joint more elastic, there was only minimal improvement compared to the placebo treatment. There are very few significant improvements in pain and function outcome with few adverse events. The positive effect of hyaluronic acid as a treatment to osteoarthritis was greatly overestimated. It is theorized, though, that the highest molecular weight of hyaluronic acid may be more effective than the lower molecular weight.

A separate test showed that hyaluronic acid in powder form can be used as the next-generation anti-aging supplement. It can be applied to damaged skin and used to treat rough skin surface and skin dehydration. In fact, with its ability to draw and hold water, it is very effective in hydrating the skin and can be used as a moisturizer. It forms a thin transparent viscoelastic surface film, resulting in healthy skin texture and a very youthful look. It helps the regeneration process of kertinocytes, decreasing wrinkles, lines, darkened spots and other signs of aging.

Hyaluronic acid is also used as an eye drop to aid the healing of the cornea that has been abraded by contact lenses. The eye drops help relieve eye discomfort. It is also used to induce the tissue healing in the eye, especially after cataract surgery.

Why Do My Joints Pop and Crack?

It is not unusual to hear somebodies knee joint crack, or someone crack their knuckle joints, or hear their neck joints pop. Maybe when they walk, their ankle joint cracks, their knee joint grinds or their ankle clicks. There are different reasons why a persons joints will crack, pop and grind like this. This is a general overview of three common reasons why joints snap, crack and pop.

Gas Release

All the joints in our bodies have a water balloon like structure that surrounds them called the joint capsule. The capsule is filled with synovial fluid, which along with containing nutrients for the joints, lubricates the joint and helps reduce friction. Inside of the synovial fluid is a variety of gases including nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide. When the joint is stretched beyond its normal range of movement, the pressure inside the joint capsule changes, this pressure change creates a vacuum effect and forms a bubble from gases dissolved in the fluid. This change in pressure causes the bubble to collapse, and gas is quickly released producing the cracking or popping sound within the joint. The gases must build up inside the fluid again, in order for the joint to make the cracking or popping noise again. This is why your knuckles might crack, but it takes a little while before they will pop again.

Moving Joints

Movement between two bones forming a joint, and the attached ligaments and tendons of that joint can be another source of the joint cracking, popping or snapping. As the tendons and ligaments are in motion and their positions continuously changing, in some people the tendon may click over a bony prominence or outer knee or ankle bone and move a little bit in and out of place. As the tendon moves from one position to another it may 'snap" back to its alternate position. Sometimes after exercise your ligaments or tendons may tighten, and as you begin to move the knee, ankle or other joint, it may crack or make a popping sound due to this reason.

Arthritic Joints

Smooth cartilage surrounds the ends of bones in a normal healthy joint. If the joint surfaces become rough or damaged, some of the cracking or grinding noise may result from the friction between the two bone surfaces rubbing on each other. This can also be painful for some people as the damage becomes worse over time.

Are Cracking Or Popping Joints Bad?

Are cracking joints bad for you? Generally speaking there have not been any conclusive studies saying there are any negative long term effects of cracking your knuckles or other joints. Over manipulating your joints or the feeling that you constantly need to crack your joints may be evidence of an underlying mechanical problem or joint stress.

That said if you are starting to experience pain when you move your joints, and there is snapping, crackling or popping, than you should see a health care professional for a more in depth examination of your specific problem.

One of the positive benefits of increased joint movement may occur after a chiropractic adjustment. The response of certain sensory receptors around the joint, called the Golgi Tendon Organs, sends information back to the brain about joint function and how much tension is on the joint or muscle. Often times an adjustment helps to "reset" this tension and creates the feeling of looseness or relaxation. Some other receptors called mechanoreceptors are in discs, tendons, ligaments and muscles of the spinal joints. The cerebellum primarily functions as a result of input from these mechanoreceptors in the joints and muscle spindles. When this input is decreased, the cerebellum may function at a lower level resulting in the inability to perform precise movements, or maybe lose muscle tone, or maintain normal posture. Chiropractic adjustments may help to restore normal movement and firing of these joint nerve receptors. Proper joint movement and sensory feedback is very important to the healthy function of the cerebellum and nervous system.

This article is meant as a general overview and for informational purposes only and should not be used to replace the advice of a qualified professional. It is my goal goal for the public to better understand their health and general wellbeing. I urge you to consult with a qualified health care provider for diagnosis and for answers to your individual health questions.

Knee Replacement Surgery - Vitamins and Nutrients For Healing Part 3

When I learned I was going to be having knee replacement surgery I started taking a more intense interest in my current health and what I could do to assist my own recovery from surgery. In the following article, I report on some of what I found.

Most people in Western Society eat only a fraction of the variety of foods their ancestors did, just a few hundred generations ago. Our bodies evolved in conditions in which they were exposed to a constant stream of fresh, varied and unprocessed foods. This constantly changing diet provided us with the fuel we needed for optimum health. In contrast, most people in North America are living in a state of chronic nutritional depletion. This is partially due to the increasing intake of simple carbohydrates (sugar and starchy food like flour, rice and potatoes). As we increase our intake of simple carbs, we decrease our intake of protein, vitamins and minerals, since simple carbs tend fill us up while being low in these essential nutrients.

Dr. Emanuel Cheraskin, professor emeritus at the University of Alabama Medical School, has made a career out of determining what an optimal diet for healthy living would look like. He spent twenty years studying what the healthiest individuals ate. By looking at healthy people instead of rats suffering from deprivation induced diseases in a laboratory, he was able to develop guidelines for the best nutritional intake for ongoing health. He has determined that conditions of modern life make daily use of multi-vitamin supplements essential. IN addition, he has come up with recommendations for optimal food choices. His recommendations don't include quantities or calories. He has simply come up with lists of foods to eat a lot of, foods to eat sparingly and foods to avoid.

It is important on a daily basis, and even more so when you are under stress or have undergone surgery, like I did when I had my total knee replacement, to focus on foods that contain the nutrients that enhance the body's defense and repair systems. For instance it is known that healing slows if you are deficient in Vitamins C or A. Both of these vitamins are required in sufficient quantity to promote the production of collagen, critical for tissue repair and growth.

Some vitamins, like Vitamin C, are easily destroyed during food processing. For this reason, it is best to choose fresh foods that are locally grown, and not exposed to the nutrient destroying conditions of storage and transport. This isn't always possible, of course. Next to fresh, frozen has the least impact on nutrient degradation. Frozen is followed by canned, freeze-dried and dehydrated.

Foods you should consume regularly are:

Beans (including dried beans)*


Brown rice*






Milk (preferably low fat or skimmed)


Peas (including dried peas)*

Potatoes (Irish and sweet)*





Whole-corn meal*

Whole grains

(corn, oats, rice, rye, wheat)*

Whole-grain breads*

Whole-grain cereals*

Whole-grain flours*

Whole-grain pastas*

*Unrefined carbohydrates.

If possible, consume some fruits, vegetables, berries, seeds and nuts raw each day. The popularity of smoothies or protein shakes makes this easier than ever. If foods must be cooked, steaming has the least impact on nutritional value. Alternatively stir frying, for a short period of time, will have less impact on their nutritional value than boiling, frying or roasting.

Unrefined carbohydrates, such as brown rice and whole grain breads, pastas and cereals are important as a source of calories and fiber. Fiber helps naturally move food through the gut and will help prevent various diseases and conditions that damage your health.

Dr. Cheraskin advises that there are some foods to eat only on a limited basis. Fat is one of the most important of those. Fat should be trimmed from meats. Leaner varieties of meat such as fish or chicken should be eaten more often than beef or pork. If you can, consider grass fed as opposed to grain fed beef, or choose venison or buffalo meat.

Salt, sugar and caffeine are three other commonly consumed items that should be used in moderation. His complete list of foods to limit are:

Animal fat




Hydrogenated fats (margarine, peanut butter [in excess], shortening, coffee whitener, and many convenience foods)


Soft drinks (especially the caffeinated varieties)



Not surprisingly, Dr. Cheraskin's studies have also convinced him there are foods to avoid, because they increase the likelihood of diminished health or they encourage the onset of disease. One large category that stands out, simply because it is so commonly consumed, is composed of foods whose main ingredient is refined, or "white" flour. In this family are all the white breads, rolls, muffins, buns, pancakes, waffles, crackers, pastas (non-whole-grain), pretzels, and biscuits.

In addition to the above, preservatives such as the nitrites and nitrates found in bacon, ham and all kinds of processed meats should be avoided. An example list of the types of foods to be avoided is below:


Artificial coloring agents and artificial flavorings

Highly processed or refined grain foods, (corn, oats, rice, rye, wheat)

Sugar-high foods

"Athletic beverages"

Bran muffins

Cakes and icings


Candied sweet potatoes, (or in syrup)

Chocolate, chocolate milk, chocolate sauce

Coffee cakes

Cough drops


Dessert wines and cordials


Frozen desserts

Fruit drinks, (canned or frozen)

Fruit in syrup, (canned or frozen)

Graham crackers

Hot chocolate

Ice cream or ice milk






Punch drinks


Sweet pickles

Sweet rolls

Sweet syrups

Sweetened applesauce (and other sweetened sauces)

Sweetened breakfast cereals

Sweetened breakfast drinks

Sweetened yogurt

Nutritional deficiencies, as demonstrated by study after study, are all too common in this age of plenty. Our lack of understanding, our natural inclination to follow our taste buds, and billions of dollars spent on advertising by international food companies all conspire to needlessly keep us from enjoying optimal health.

Our modern lifestyle encourages us to eat fast and convenient foods, that current food production and processing techniques have robbed of much of their nutritional value. At the same time we are exposed to conditions of crowding, daily stress and environmental toxins for which we have not evolved defense mechanisms. We CAN fight back. But it takes intelligent food selection, care in preparation of food, and daily supplementation with one or two multi-vitamins pills or capsules if we hope to reach our ultimate level of health.

Golf and Arthritis

Good news! If you're an arthritis sufferer, you don't have to give up your golf game! In fact, playing golf can add strength and mobility to your body overall and improve your range of motion.

Research shows that one of the best treatments for osteoarthritis is exercise. It can improve mood and outlook, decrease pain, increase flexibility, improve the heart and blood flow, maintain weight, and promote general physical fitness.

Usually, osteoarthritis (the most common form of arthritis) comes on slowly. Early in the disease, joints may ache after physical work or exercise. Osteoarthritis can occur in any joint. Most often it occurs at the hands, hips, knees, or spine, all those areas used in playing the game of golf.

No worries, though. Golf actually helps increase your range of motion and your balance as well. And the walking, if you can do it, will benefit your health in numerous ways. In short, golf is one of the perfect exercises for someone with osteoarthritis!

Now here's the key - you are probably going to need some special products to make golf a little easier on your joints.

At, the Arthritis Foundation shares some tips for golfers to help you keep enjoying this wonderful sport and suggests some products that might help you.

For instance, it's a good idea to wear wrist braces and gloves when you play. This will help stabilize the joints in your wrists and hands. Both these items are inexpensive.

Try using a lower compression ball.

Golf shoes without spikes will likely be more comfortable for you.

Ask your local golf store specialist about the latest helps for making golfing easier on your joints. New products are coming out all the time.

Always warm up before you play. Do some basic stretches, take some practice swings. Start out swinging about half strength. Never try to hit the ball too hard. This one goes for everyone - not just folks with arthritis. It's accuracy that counts!

Using tees will help.

Drink water while you're playing. (again, a tip for everyone)

If you feel tired, listen to your body and rest a bit. It's not a mortal sin to play less than 18 holes. The key is to enjoy the game.

Now, if you're feeling sore after play, here are some things to try.

· Take a warm shower.

· Do some gentle stretching exercises.

· Use an ice pack on the sore area.

· Rest the sore joint.

· Try magnetic therapy.

· Try to keep your weight down. Too much weight can make your knees and hips hurt

If playing golf causes pain that lasts for more than 1 hour, it's too much. Work with your physical therapist or doctor to adjust your game when you notice any of the following signs of too much exercise:

Unusual or persistent fatigue

Increased weakness

Decreased range of motion

Increased joint swelling

Continuing pain (pain that lasts more than 1 hour after exercising)

Really, when it comes right down to it, playing golf (along with warming up for your game with range of motion exercises) may be just what the doctor orders for arthritis help!

Copyright 2006 Tyler Powers

Terrible Knee Pain - ACL Tears - Knee Braces That Help Stabilize Your Injury

Do you currently have an ACL injury?

Maybe it made a large popping noise or you can just tell something is wrong because your knee is not entirely stable. If you have this kind of injury, then we suggest you read on. We will discuss the anterior cruciate ligament first, and then discuss At the end how to help support your knee. When you do this you can get great pain relief and meaningful stability that will promote the healing of your injury.

The Anterior Cruciate Ligament:

The ACL is one of the four most significant knee ligaments that you currently have. It helps to provide the knee joint with essential stability and helps to limit excessive joint mobility (in a good way).

The Purpose of the ACL:

Essentially, forward motion of the shin bone (tibia) in relation to the thigh bone (femur) is controlled by the anterior cruciate ligament. This is HUGE! Just imagine this for a second, if you will, if your thigh and shin bone were totally free to move back and forth. If this sliding motion could easily occur you can probably foresee a scenario in which a injury might occur... At the very least, instability in your leg would be highly likely. If you did not have your knee ligaments then the bones might not stay aligned.

When it comes down to it, without the use of your knee ligaments to help stabilize your knee, the knee may dislocate. The problem with an ACL injury is that when you have resulting instability in your knee and various movements like pivoting can becoming more difficult. Cartilage tears and arthritis can also be occur with a higher frequency as well, when you have an ACL tear.

The remaining knee ligaments that work to stabilize the knee joint are the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL), the medial collateral ligament, and the lateral collateral ligament (MCL / LCL).

The Problem With ACL Tears:

People with ACL tears will often state that their knee is not stable, and has the sensation of "giving out on them". This feeling is due to the fact that knee joint is sliding excessively.


The demands that sports can place on our bodies are higher that of our daily lives. (You already know this is true.) ACL tears are more common in sports like football, basketball, skiing, hockey, and wrestling and rugby; as you can imagine how your knees are asked to perform in each sport. People may be able to get along fairly well with a torn ACL in normal daily activities, but it is wise to think about getting some extra support when you have this kind of knee injury.

Knee instability can be both mentally and physically difficult to deal with. When you have problems with instability and your knee feels like it might give out, other problems in your life can become less significant in a sense. If you have problems with your knee, such as increased knee pain or instability you should seriously consider using a well designed knee support. ACL type knee braces can be very helpful for people when you suffer this kind of injury.

Arthritis and Work Simplification

The joint pain and stiffness caused by arthritis can make physical work difficult. Completing even the simplest tasks can end up being time consuming, painful, and exhausting. Techniques exist, however, that help make work easier and less painful, allowing you to get more done during your day. Here are a few ideas on how you can simplify work.

First, alternate heavy duty jobs and light jobs. For example, in a morning you have to carry storage bins up to the attic, dust the living room, vacuum, pay bills, call your doctor, and mow the front lawn. Do the jobs in this order:

1. Carry bins to attic (heavy)
2. Call doctor (light)
3. Mow the lawn (heavy)
4. Pay bills (light)
5. Vacuum (heavy)
6. Dust (light)

Make sure to take a rest break after each job, even if it is light, to conserve your energy. (See the article entitled Arthritis and Energy Conservation.)

Next, eliminate lifting and carrying when you are able. Instead of picking a box up from a counter and carrying it across the kitchen, slide it along the counter as far as you can and pick it up when you have to. When you do have to pick up and carry objects, break the load up into smaller amounts to decrease the weight and reduce the stress on your joints. If you have access to one, use a rolling cart to push or pull heavy objects rather than carrying them.

Third, keep your body in proper alignment when completing work. When possible, keep your back straight and your hips and knees aligned. Lift an object with your back straight and your knees bent, keeping the object close to your body. Turn your whole body with your feet once you have the object off the ground - do not twist your back. Push or pull objects with your back straight and your body facing forward.

Another tip is to use the larger joints of your body when possible. Push or carry objects with your forearms instead of your hands to spread the weight of the object over a larger area. Lift with your knees instead of your back, as your knees are actually larger joints than the smaller joints between the vertebrae of your lower back. Twist open jar caps with the heel of your hand instead of your fingertips.

Finally, use adaptive devices when you can to help complete work. Large handled and long handled tools, rolling carts, opening devices, and numerous other gadgets are readily available and are inexpensive to obtain. Another article in this series will go into more detail about adaptive devices.

These techniques can be used on a job site as well. Talk to your employer about adapting your job to incorporate work simplification, as most employers would rather allow a few adaptations that go through the expense of hiring a new employee. If you put it in terms of cost savings, most employers are willing to listen to your proposals.

By using work simplification techniques, you will be able to reduce strain on your joints and get more work done during your day. Try these techniques and see if they help save you some pain and aggravation!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Knee Replacements and Social Security

Before undergoing knee replacement surgery you should check with a good disability lawyer about Social Security and disability benefits. Social Security benefits are handled by State authorities, and not all States automatically treat knee replacement arthritis as a disability. You should be able to get benefits, at least for the duration of recovery from knee replacement pain, and potentially after. You will want to learn in advance what the application process is and what you need to do to get a disability award before you have the knee replaced.

It is possible you could qualify for Social Security assistance to help with the cost of knee joint replacement surgery. A panel for the National Institutes of Health reported the cost of total knee joint replacement pain surgery could often be less than paying Social Security benefits over the remaining years of expected life. They went on to say mobility and quality of life could be improved for 90% of the patients. If you have knee arthritis, even if you haven't undergone surgery, you could still qualify for Social Security benefits. You may even qualify for knee replacement arthritis surgery. Speak to a disability lawyer about the range of motion required to qualify and then have your doctor certify how much mobility you have (or have lost) due to arthritis.

If you have already undergone knee joint replacement arthritis surgery and the knee replacement pain is excessive or unbearable, to the point after six months you are still not mobile enough to walk without assistance, you can apply to the Social Security Administration to be classified as disabled. If you have been denied benefits, again, speak with a good disability lawyer. A skilled disability lawyer will understand what you're going through and the processes that will get you the benefits you deserve. They can guide you through the process, often filing papers on your behalf. Should you need to reapply they can do that too. Claims by people with attorneys are granted more often than those who file without the help of an attorney.

Disability is not an advantage, but if you are disabled due to knee joint replacement arthritis or a lack of mobility, you have a right to disability benefits. These benefits are designed to help make your life easier when faced with immobility from knee replacement pain. Don't let the pain and immobility of your knees keep you from getting what you rightly deserve.

Knee Ache Causes - What's Really Going On? - Get the Support to Move On

How are your knees feeling?

Do you have pain now, or does it come and go?

The knee, one of the largest and most intricate joints in the body, is often taken for granted. People use their knees ever day in almost every activity they perform. Yet, they do not usually think much about their knees unless they start to hurt. When the aching starts, the knee suddenly becomes the focus of your attention, and finding and eliminating knee ache causes becomes a priority. - Can you relate?

So what are some of the most common knee ache causes? Of course, only a qualified physician can tell you for certain what is causing your knee ache.

What follows is a short list of some of the more frequent knee ache causes:

1.) Degenerative Arthritis: Otherwise known as Osteoarthritis, this condition results in a wearing away of the cartilage in the knee joint that prevents the painful rubbing of bone against bone upon movement. It usually occurs with age, and is a progressive condition. You can feel the symptoms on one side of your knee, or throughout the joint. This is one of the most common knee ache causes.

2.) Rheumatoid Arthritis: Unlike Osteoarthritis, this condition can occur at any age. It causes inflammation and stiffness within the knee joint, which in turn causes knee ache.

3.) Overuse of the Knee: One of the most typical knee ache causes is simple overuse. Athletes are prone to overuse, but so is the average active person, especially if they are performing an activity not part of their usual routine. Overuse causes the muscles and tendons to become overworked and strained, which in turn results in knee ache.

4.) Chondromalacia Patellae: This condition occurs when the cartilage under the kneecap (patella) becomes softened or worn, and the kneecap consequently fails to move smoothly over the joint as it meant to. It is one of the most well known of knee ache causes.

5.) Bursitis: This condition occurs when the bursae (small fluid filled sacks) that protect the knee joint at various points where the muscles and tendons move over the bone become inflamed. The inflammation can occur from overuse, injury or even infection, and cause pain problems.

6.) Synovitis: This condition, which is an inflammation of the lining of the joint, in not as common as the other knee pain causes, but carries the same symptoms of achiness.

Whatever the cause of your aches and pains, a knee brace, when used properly, can help reduce the friction and pressure on the knee joint, thus reducing pain stemming from any of the conditions noted above, plus the others not mentioned here. A knee support can also help keep the knee properly aligned which will in turn help reduce the stress on the knee joint, knee cap and cartilage underneath. Regardless of the cause of the knee ache, therefore, the use of a knee brace can help relieve your symptoms.

We hope that your pains disappears by itself, but if it does not, the problems can get worse. If you have knee pain, it is time to look it in the eye, and do something to get rid of it. Knee supports are low cost options to helping you deal with your knee issues. They are great because you can start using them right away to help rid yourself of your instability and pain issues. You deserve to get rid of your pain, don't you?

Affordable ACL Surgery in Mexico

Affordable ACL surgery in Mexico is becoming very popular, thanks to the ever-increasing costs of medical care in US.

Why go for Anterior Cruciate Ligament repair in Mexico?

Huge savings: The cost of ACL repair in Mexico is no greater than $9,000 and no lesser than $4,000. Compare this to the exorbitant figure of $30,000 - $40,000 that is charged in the US for the same procedure.

Top quality medical care in Mexico: Anterior Cruciate Ligament Surgery in Mexico is not only affordable, but also of a very high quality. The standards of medical care in Mexico leave no doubt about why it is such a popular medical tourism center these days.

Orthopedic surgeons in Mexico are very experienced in Anterior Cruciate Ligament reconstruction. You will find that a majority of them have been trained in the US and have also worked in the US for a significant period of time. Plus, they all speak fluent English.

The standards and methods of cheap knee surgery in Mexico are the same as in the US: ACL reconstruction is an arthroscopic procedure, but quite a few orthopedic surgeons prefer to do it as an open surgery. (An arthroscope is a narrow telescope-like instrument at the end of which a miniature camera is attached. It is inserted into the joint through small incisions, making the inside of the joint clearly visible. It has the capacity to magnify images up to 25 to 30 times. Images are taken from the camera attached to the end of the arthroscope and displayed on a video screen, which the surgeon sees and performs the surgery.)

When can the patient return to routine activities after knee surgery in Mexico?

For about three weeks after ACL reconstruction, you will have to use crutches to avoid pressure on the operated knee. Rehabilitation will consist of not only some physical therapy but also reduction in swelling, increasing the flexibility of the joint, and regaining strength. Your surgeon will tell you when you can start swimming and cycling - both very good means of building the strength of the muscles around the knee. This is very important to rebuild the muscle mass that has been lost through surgery and to improve stability of the joint. But it can take anywhere between 2-4 months for you to return to strenuous activities like running. If you are an athlete, it might take longer - about 6 months - before you can make a comeback.

Lose Weight For Back Pain Relief

It is found that people who are overweight generally face back pain problems. Nearly 60% of people in America are categorized under the group of overweight because they have a body mass index of more than 25%. It is noticed that chronic back pain is common problem in people who are overweight. You may find it difficult to start an exercise program suddenly when you are already in pain. So here we are focusing on how to loose weight to obtain complete back pain relief.

One may wonder how overweight can cause back pain. The spine supports the entire body so when you are overweight it adds pressure to the spine to carry the extra weight which in turn results to back pain. Can you think how it would relief the spine if you shed out a few extra pounds! In this article we shall deal with weight loss to settle your back pain problems.

A person suffering from chronic pain will know that it takes long to get the situation in control like it happens in case of dieters. One must remember that chronic pain can be for lifetime but obesity does not have to be the same. When you lose weight you tend to look good and fit, it reduces cholesterol, blood pressure, heart problems, makes you more active, overall it makes you feel better physically and emotionally. So you will have back pain relief, if you loose some of those extra pounds.

Obesity causes back pain problems when unnecessary fat puts pressure on the spine. For example high heels sandals puts pressure on the knees and toes causing osteoarthritis similarly obesity causes wear out of joints before time. Back pain related to obesity occurs because of the undue stress excess fat places on the supportive spine. Just as high heeled shoes can cause knee osteoarthritis due to the weight of the body being placing too much pressure on the knees and toes, obesity causes strain to all the joints and wears them down before their time. The best way to achieve back pain relief is to get rid of those pounds yourself.

Back Pain Relief: Get Rid of your Back Pain for Good.

1/3rd of all American population is reported to have musculoskeletal pain which also causes fatigue and breathlessness. All this causes inactivity which in turn causes weight increase hence it is essential to get up to fitness. A five minute walk twice or thrice a day can cause a lot of benefit to health.

One should also decrease calorie intake. You can consult your doctor for extreme diet plans. Less risky diet plans include taking six small meals a day, exercise regularly, check thyroid to cancel any illness that can cause weight gain and last but not the least drink lots of water. If you follow a healthy lifestyle you can achieve back pain relief due to obesity. This will ensure you get permanent relief, cure your back pain and live a happy, joyful life.

Knee Surgery - Top 3 Tips to Know Before You Go

Top 3 Tips to Know Before You Go for Knee Surgery

Knee surgery is one of the most common joint replacement practices. A lot of people suffer from knee osteoarthritis and arthritis but it can be difficult to understand the appropriate time to go in for knee surgery. In addition, there is confusion about what one should expect after the knee surgery. As an individual, you may have various questions in mind that you would like to discuss with your doctor. Amongst the people who undergo knee operations, the success rate has been ascertained to be more than 90 percent. The outcome is fruitful as the patients are able to perform their day to day activity and at the same time get great relief from pain.

The top three tips to know before you go for knee surgery are-

First and foremost, it's very vital to understand and be mentally prepared about whether or not you are ready for knee surgery. Consult your doctor, as he and his team member will take you through the procedure and educate you about the complications that may arise post operatively. They will let you know about the date of surgery so that you can take precautions before going in. So before you go for knee surgery it is a must to prepare your medical insurance documents and go through the pre-surgery medical tests that are required.

Once the entire prerequisites are in order, you will be informed on what to look forward to during knee surgery. You will come to know about the options of anesthesia available, the duration of the surgery, the time period for which you need to stay in hospital. You will also be informed about how long to take rest and the discharge formalities. The doctors will also provide you with a set of instructions that you need to follow after you are discharged. This is a later stage that comes after the surgery is done. As mentioned, it's important for the patient to understand what complications may arise after the surgery is done. However, the complications associated with it are very low and are found in less than 2% of patients, the most common being blood clotting in leg veins. Hence preventive guidelines should be followed to avert these kinds of complications. This generally includes workouts to encourage circulation in the legs, elevating legs, blood thinners and compression stockings.

Before you go in for your knee surgery you should know that you will have to undergo a lot of do's and don'ts. It becomes compulsory for you to strictly follow the guidelines laid by the orthopedics to avoid any form of complications. Do your exercises regularly as prescribed by the physical therapist. Resting is very important and you need to balance you activities thus giving your knees adequate rest. Be cautious that you do not slip or fall as this may increase the pain and complications and last but not least, hold on to the restrictions and avoid anything that may harm your knee.

All About ACL Injury

The Anterior Cruciate Ligament is a vital part of the knee that is used for movement. When this ligament is torn, it can affect a person's ability to perform certain physical activities depending on the degree of the injury. ACL injury is common among athletes who are involved in high impact sports like football and basketball. This type of injury is categorized according to degree.

The first degree involves the stretching of the ligament. Although no tear is found in the fibers, a little swelling and tenderness may be experienced. People who have first degree ACL injury have no problem walking at all. In fact, physical activity may still be possible without compromising the knee.

Once a fiber in the ACL ligament is partially torn, this can be considered a second degree ACL injury. The swelling and the tenderness is worse compared to what is experienced during a first degree and since there is a torn in the ligament, walking becomes a little bit difficult. In this case, involving in physical activity may worsen the problem.

The most serious case of this injury involves a completely torn ligament. At the time of the injury, constant pain may be felt, but after a while, the pain may subside. A third degree causes the knee to swell a lot, and because of that, walking is made completely impossible at times. Typically, a visit to a doctor is required for people who have third degree sprains. The doctor may advise the wearing of crutches, or worse, surgery.

Symptoms may include a popping or cracking sound when walking. Right after an injury, the knee joints may begin to inflame and be constantly in pain. It would also be difficult to stretch the leg that is injured. Usually, ice pack application is recommended to reduce swelling and pain in the injured knee.

For some individuals, a knee brace may prove to be an effective solution for this type of injury. For athletes however, ACL reconstruction is required. The reason for this is that athletes constantly involve themselves in heavy physical activities and only a surgery may reduce the risk for further complications such as arthritis. ACL surgery is usually followed by rehabilitation for physical therapy.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Bill Of Rights Is Wrong ... Since When?

Walter Murrow was my hero, one of them really, when I was very young. I picked my heroes carefully. This small knowledge of picking your "role models" carefully was ensconced by the Boy Scouts of America. My membership in the Boy Scouts was almost mandatory. By my family. Me mum was a Scot.

The Bill of Rights is wrong! Since the last election. One where, I admit, though for the good of this country in a way, at least at first. (yeah, I typed that easy enough:) I thought, although I knew that as a normal rule, the Republican choice, (one of only two for us, but not by law! Too bad.) would be best at this time in America. I was not wrong about that! If the Democrats had been in office during the day of the "twin tragedies" as I have begun to think of them, then we would indeed not be in this war! I am not kidding you here!

The Democrats would not be fighting this war! Correct is this message of hind sight by those Democrats that are looking forward to their prospects during the upcoming election.

However, (you knew there would be one, "din'cha"?) that non-involvement would have been brought about through one of two "programs" they would have placed us under. (under" being the correct term here). Or perhaps both!

One would be a "pay-off". Throwing money towards the enemy sometimes works. It worked against the Iraqi, when our Government paid off the military elite, in order to be seen as "rolling over" the troops on the ground. By actually bulldozing, using tanks equipped with blades, they simply buried thousands alive in their interconnected tunnels and bunkers. The lucky successfully gave themselves up at the sight of the American Troops. Don't get too swelled up! the fact of one is that they had taken a visiting "American" Iraqi, gave him a weapon, and put him, although he protested, into the front lines of trenches. One day he was visiting relatives, the next, he was involved in a war, on the "wrong" side! How's that for a nightmare?

The other Iraqi bragged about how they were going to kill several Americans! Then the radio started telling of the slaughter, and the awesome attack of the Americans. They found out that the "reserves" had been put on the front line trenches. The "regular" army were placed behind them! In trenches of their own. And then the "Commanding Officers" were in trenches behind the second layer. However the truth was, they weren't even back in those trenches! They were either hiding out, until they could "help" themselves. Help themselves to part of the coming wealth during a "reconstruction" of Iraq and its Government! Most were leaving with family and money, and their "stuff" to other countries!

When the Iraqi found out how much of a problem they had. That they had been duped, much as you and I are, they asked the American-Iraqi "How can we fight? What is the best way to fight the Americans?" He told them, "Marines? Are you people nuts?" They pressed him, so he told them the best option. "DIE! Or go out with a white flag! That will give them a moment to hesitate, if they will, of pulling their triggers to kill you. Then you beg, on your knees, to give up! Maybe you will not be killed. Maybe you can successfully give up. Maybe you will live. Doing anything else, even sitting here and doing nothing, will be a certain death!" That was corroborated by the people screaming for help on the military radio they had. (this is the story I remember. If you remember it differently, good!) He was one elected to go out with the white flag, because he was an American, after all. He did, he did not want to, but he did. Telling the Americans that he was an American-Iraqi was received much as the reporters that went ashore in the first Iraq non-war.

They had entered an area on the beach landing within a "fort" made by stacking shipping containers. When they pointed the cameras at Americans, the got a lesson in "Right of Free Speech" themselves! Yelling "I'm an American! I'm a reporter for (CNN/ABC/CBS?CBC/) of any company, got them slammed down hard on the pavement, and their cameras landed hard also. You see, when you are in a war, be it a real war or a "non-war", you develop the instinct of a dog, because you want to live. As well as not caring if the "their guy" lived or not!

The "Demoncrats" would first pay off everyone that would take graft, weather or not they "performed" as agreed later. That might "fix" it.

If not, then they would call in the U.N. and other national governments like the A.U. This was done by the Republicans too, but the "Demoncrats" would want to connect some kind of American "Clerked" program for the ending of hostilities. That would be followed up, however grudgingly, by a "war slapping". Known by the term of "limited warfare", a kind of "Go get them boys!", then search, classify, and number, them all! But don't shoot anyone! That might "breed" others like them!

Where the heck do you think the first ones came from? We already "bred" them for centuries! So now they are getting the upper hand? Now, finally, they have the intelligence and money, and "volunteers" to carry out the "Twin Terrorism" against the U.S.? I think not! I think that is "horse puky"!

Speaking of the South end of a North-bound mule, what would the reaction be of the Republicans? The Republicons? They have showed us their reactions. Their plan went into effect immediately! War was declared! Against us! I ain't kidding you here!

They declared war on us, the Citizens of the United States. And then they sent equipment of a military nature, along with a few thousand maintenance men, and motor pool guards. Ok, I'm kidding your here. Those guards are really our Servicemen and Women that fights for this country, right or wrong. And they are to be backed by us. They are to be aided by us. They are to be defended from any criticism by us. They are also to be protected from senseless actions by the Military Legal System! They do a job. To do that they have to kill people!

Now, before you get angry, if you are not already, let me modify that a bit. Killing is "good". But the killing should be left up to the guy standing in his boots, where the killing is to take place! Or in the air, or in a vehicle or building, where the killing HAS to happen. Throwing men, women, kids, over the bridge railing where they die, is NOT against the Geneva Convention, if; it is accidental, unavoidable; and or necessary; IF the serviceman or servicewoman is under the IMPRESSION that his life, or his friends and cohorts lives, are in jeopardy! Now, that does not mean; Rape; theft; murder; mayhem; torture; is at any times RIGHT! But other than those acts, and the ones that are contained by the Geneva Convention, as they are legal, can and should be seen in the light, and by the testimony of; the American Servicemen and Servicewomen that are the perpetrators, witnesses, and or Commanding Officers; involved and on-scene!

Why is this to be tolerated? Even supported? Because "it" happens! Yep. Someone backs up and runs over a child? The horror of that should be judged. And sentenced. Appropriately. If a Policeman has to go to a homeowner's door and serve papers, and the homeowner comes to the door with a gun in his hands, anything, any act by the Policeman, from a verbal warning, up to and including killing the homeowner, should be supported. Unless, the Policeman is said by others, that he had done something against the law. Such as "dropping" a gun on the man after being shot. Or some other act that would be illegal as far as his authority permits and limits. Otherwise, you will not be able to "field" any Officers of the Law. (might not be too bad an idea? hugh?)

The Republicons have taken the initiative to gain their goals. They took seized the opportunity and took initiative for sure To reach out and grab the things that needed to be done to "protect" us! While at the same time the Republicans probably created the opportunity in which to seize! I ain't kidding you here!

If you want to know who started, and created, whatever you think they did; you only have to take an intellectual look at events! I am not going to be so stupid as to foster some "criminal conspiracy" upon you, where the "Republicons and the Demoncrats", supposedly "elite" persons within those organizations conspire to cause the "terror on 911"!

I am not that stupid. If you see it, and then believe it; good! If you don't...;good! You see, I am intelligent. (that don't mean I ain't stupid at times!)
I am intelligent enough to know that if anyone tries to "show" me something, and or convince me by yelling and calling me "stupid", then I not only quit listening, I know the very "proof" is now in question, as far as the persons ability to both understand the facts and know how to communicate it! Yeah, I just "dummy up". "Dummy up" is a good thing! When the Communists were killing the intelligent and the teachers and other education and politically savvy, anyone really smart, "dummied up"! Thus they had no job nor reputation where they lived, to place them on the list. (Where you probably are right now! Sorry, I only try to tell the truth. I don't write the "rules".)

Look at the SUBSIQUENT results of the "911" day that "Terrorists" hit the twin towers. I know you are probably tired of hearing of it, that day I mean. But I am not asking you to have a look back at those events. I am speaking of the subsequent event, both within this country and out of it.

Did anything "pop-up" on your radar, some small "thing" leaving a "blip" on the screen of your senses? There are some on mine! The following is a short list. From that, and or, your list, you can find out for yourself if you are being "duped" and also if you are being "dummied down" by yourself if not by others.

Is there anyone (I mean anyone!) saying there is a conspiracy here to challenge the facts?

Is there any persons that could profit by the events? I mean make money?

Is there a reason, that any can show you, that might be used as some kind of "proof" that this days work was done by other than those persons that are have said to have committed this?

Is there NOW some action by politicians, and the monied people and or large companies, that could not be successful if the act itself had not been committed?

Is there anything that the subsequent events, make those same three; (persons; politicians; large companies) Billions of dollars? This too would include any "allied" companies, who are aligned with us both politically and militarily, and or linked by very large national companies/

Here we will leave the Vice President or homesick, anyone that is "harped" and or "hawked" as being complicated by the NEWS MEDIA. The "news' media lies. Period. They do not tell you the truth, by withholding the very things that would put the STORY into perspective. You do not EVER get a proper perspective from the Television, Radio, and large Newspapers. And the small ones do not have the access, not the assets, to do more than "echo" the stories that are of a National scope. They will do, as the National "big media' does, give the "ain't we great and ain't we lucky. Now, don't rock the boat! Or we will affect our community so much we will have to pay more taxes!" Which is all a lie, as much as the story, mostly, they do. That is; if it is a big Political figure or big Company that is local! So, read the "funnies", and forget the rest! Like one man said to me long ago, "I read the paper. But only the "funny paper". I just look to make sure that Dagwood is still married. And then I stop. Keeps me sane." You should do the same, unless you are sitting in a position, where nothing else will occupy your mind. Theres bound to be something, pictures and writing on toilet paper packages the wife brings home, or the tags on your clothes that you can read. Interesting stuff right there!

The answer to all those questions, not even approaching a real listing of such, is YES! No qualifications. No abrogation. No "buts" (really, I ain't kidding you here) The answers are;

That as, there was a "general shut-down" of all aerial protection for Washington D.C. during a "testing of the assets", included everyone, except the "Terrorists"! Right there, you have to wonder...

There was an immediate "letting out of contracts" to large and medium sized companies, both foreign and domestic. You can't fight a war without equipment! But you don't have to "crank" it up BEFOREHAND do you?

There is now a "beachhead" for our politicians in the FAR EAST. That has been wanted for decades.

There were several other "small in comparison, "Terrorist" events! You just have to begin wondering? It is much like a some people that contemplate suicide. Some don't "cry out" for help. Women won't shoot themselves in the face or head. Men don't necessarily shoot themselves in the back of the head. Especially with a shotgun! And most especially if they have an "in" with a President of the United States of America! ( I haven't seen so many people "checking out" since the days of President Johnson!) There are too many people associated with too many outcries effecting too many powerful, to ignore! Unless you want to remain as a "dummy", which you might want to do?

The Oil pipeline, that was to be situated in the FAR EAST and could not become actual, due to political intrigue, is now able to go forward! We don't fight war for oil! We do it for money, from oil. And for pipelines, to deliver oil. Oil is money. Money is power. DO you have any oil or money? Right.

Now couple all that with this; The "terrorists" bodies, or "effects (stuff" has not been displayed. They were able to do a "re-construction' of the bodies of the Hussain's sons, but not the "terrorists"? This country of ours is being made into a Martial Law state. Does anyone know what the powers of a sitting President would be under a Martial Law, one that was Nation-wide? Awesome!

There is so many laws changed, that you cannot live as you once did! You feel powerful yet? "NO-knock"; NO-warrant" search and NO-arrest warrant; and tons of other things are not for your benefit! Believe me. I have seen the real war "theatre", and I know that dang WALL is not being built along the Southern border to keep Illegal Aliens out! A WALL cannot do that. Ever. Never worked for the Romans. Again the second wall didn't stop their losing England! Didn't work for the Communists in Germany! Won't work here. EXECPT to Imprison YOU! That will work. The key here is where they put the barbed wire circles. Inside leaning or outside leaning or both? Either will not be good for you and I, but it will tell us a bit.

Please remember, no person, especially one carrying an atomic bomb or device, can enter this country without it being known by someone. You cannot walk around with one, just like you cannot steal an atomic calibration instrument from a surveyor, as some have found out afterward. It is traceable! If any person was "caught" by either Government doing so, I would be more than suspicious! After all, our Government SMUGGLED aliens, and they were WAR CRIMINALS, into this country. Then SMUGGLED them out again! In order to have them come in, that is without the one or two that could not get a faked or real entry, as documented soon-to-be-citizens!

Mexico didn't smuggle them! Nor did Germany! They didn't escape from some POW camp! They were "handled" by our Government, in a "need to know" secret program. You may think, "Well, after all, it was for our own good! We built a working delivery system for nuke weapons! That stopped war against us!" DID it? Why are we at war not then!?

"Well, we used them aliens in order to build a spaceship and space parts delivery system! How about that?" Sure did! question is; "what did you know and when did you know it?" You see, there is a complete system, identical to the one you know, that you have not seen! It goes places you have not been told about! You been duped!

I know this article is getting too long. But having a lot of information will educate us to the point of being more than skeptical. I hope. If you know such stuff, voice it please. I would be interested. But will not be emailing or writing anyone.

All you have to do, if you are a Christian and still think that "parts of this system and government and people" are Christian based. And despite any machinations, we are a Christian Nation!" I say Good! I think that is awesome.

But when you read your bible, you find out that the King David of Israel, commanded his son not to; "let history head go down to the grave in peace."! He told his son who to let live, and whom to kill! Who to befriend, and who to war against! Right there is the best proof you will ever be shown! Get Ready!

Not for Christ to come. You should be ready for that already! But the next election, that is, if He "tarries", is going to put the nail in our countries' "Constitutional Coffin"!

Self Defense For Teen Age Girls and Young Women When You Have to Fight Off a Sexual Attacker!

Girls and woman listen up, these self-defense tips and advice could save your life. Most sexual attacks, assaults, and rapes occur against woman and girls between the ages of 16-26 years old. Statistics are horrible for attacks approximately 1 out of 4 girls will be raped in your lifetime, and of the rapes that are reported, 77% of the victims knew their attacker.

That means the one who is more likely to attack you could be a male relative, male friend, mother or sister's boyfriend, or a date rape. I don't want you to be a victim, ever. Read this article and pass it around to all your friends so that you can survive, and you can help someone else.

The first thing that you need to do is get prepared. Any environment could be a moment of attack so be aware. Be aware of WHO is around you. I repeat this for you! It could be a male relative, so do not assume, just because you are alone with your friend's dad that you are safe, if you are sitting on the couch in your bra and panties, or you just stepped out of the shower in their house. Most rapists or sexual predators are opportunistic in nature. They see an opportunity and they jump on it, knowing that they won't be caught. A sexual attacker or predator is banking on your embarrassment, and being too embarrassed you won't speak up. NEWS FLASH! When you do have the courage to speak up, probably you are NOT going to be believed anyway! It will be your word against his. Let's suppose that he is an older more distinguished appearing gentleman, if anyone holds it to be true, they will assume that you wanted it, and you instigated the sexual seduction.

Since this previously happened to me by a male relative, I will tell you straight up that nobody believed me either. Even not knowing your name, I believe that it happened to you, and it might happen to your friend too. Right now, I'm going to give you some self-defense tips that will knock your attacker on his _ _ _!

Every moment from now on, I want you to become more aware of where you are, with whom you are with, and what if any are some of the tools that you can use for your own self-defense. First off, do not present opportunities for these perverts! Cover up, and do not flaunt everything you got, when in male company even gay males. Wherever you find yourself, look around, and discover where any exits are and notice if they really work? Windows, doors, fire escapes etc.

Awareness. Let's talk about your neighborhood for a moment. Be aware of where you're walking ladies. Stop texting or get off the cell phone if you are walking in an isolated or wooded area. Look at the area, and note where someone might hide. Look out for hidden doorways, a patch of woods, or trees, under a bridge, beside an isolated staircase through the woods, behind some hedges or bushes. Be extra cautious if you HAVE to walk through deserted areas. Try to walk in pairs. Be aware of high car traffic areas, and sections of town that are very convenient to cars stopping or direct access to freeways, or turnpikes. Watch out for short cuts across isolated areas, fields, old factories. Those areas present OPPORTUNITY if a sexual predator wants to throw you in his truck or car. Don't go alone if you can avoid it, and don't walk there at night.

What do you have in your purse or on your person that could be a great weapon? Here's a few examples:

Your Keys. Hold the key between your two fingers with the sharp end pointing out. Use it to jab or stab into the groin area, or eye area. Hold on tightly so that you don't drop it.

Hair Spray. Spray in the eyes, and when he is momentarily blinded kick him or knee him as hard as you can in the groin, and follow up with a fist directly into his nose. Don't throw a punch from the side or with a swing.

Punch straight from your chest, or body, because he may see the punch coming if you try a swinging punch, and block it. If he goes down, don't run blindly, you should know to where you are running. Don't run into a dead end, or a trap.

Don't get cornered in an alley. He may not be alone, so be aware of a tag team play with a second or third attacker.

Pepper Spray. If you have pepper spray, spray it in his eyes, and do the same thing, punch or kick him in the groin, or stomp on the instep (highest point on top of foot) with your heel.

Sharp Metal Nail File.  Jam it into his groin or try to stab him in one eye. Use your other hand to either punch him in the groin or grab his balls. If he grabs both your hands, use your knee into his groin and then follow with a foot stomp. If that doesn't work, you jam your heel into his knee cap. Keep focusing on one, since you may have already caused damage and pain there. But hit any one that you can reach.

Head Butt. I don't recommend this unless in a desperate situation. If he has both your hands, and you can't reach him with your feet, use the part of your forehead that starts your hairline. Pull backwards a little and then slam that part of your head, directly into his nose, or chin. Twist your arms and hands in towards your body and then throw closed fists (like hammers) into his nose, followed by: quickly swing your arms and fists out and down to the sides of your chest or hips, and slam both fists into his groin.

The mall poses lots of hazards and opportunities for attacks. Where? Back exit doors that are in a more isolated part of the mall can be a good escape route for abductions. Doors that lead into storage areas of stores, can be a potential target spot. Parking garages. My advice, don't walk alone or end up there by yourself. Tell someone you trust well, exactly where you are going to be even if you are going to the ladies-room by yourself. Make sure that someone comes looking for you after a certain pre-established time. If you go in alone, check the stalls. Check to see if you see legs, and shoes look masculine or out of place. Check to see if the door opens or it seems to lock, or is blocked in some manner. It could be a set up. Don't get into texting while you're alone there, a distracted woman is easy target. In the mall hallways, the bottom of a fire extinguisher, if one is available, and you can loosen it, from the wall, is a nice hard object to slam into his face, or swing up into his groin. Your heavy purse swung hard into his groin can be a temporary determent to your attacker. A closed, flat hard cell phone, slammed into his groin can be very effective, to break away and run.

Other things that you might have on you or in your purse:

Ornamental Hair Pins, with sharp combs or hair-pins. Remember: Eyes, groin, knees, and feet.

Heavy Hair Brush Smash into his nose, and or bring it up into his groin. It may sound strange but some of us girls have silverware in bigger bags to eat our lunch on the go. If that is you, jam the fork into his eye, or into the back of his hand, stick him in the groin, stomach or top of his leg, on the upper thigh close to the groin area. That hurts! Follow with a second blow, or hit. Remember he is attacking you, and he only has a small window of opportunity before you are able to escape or get someone's attention to help you. Listen closely! Once you start fighting him! It's for your life! Don't give up until you are free and safe!

Cars. If you are being stalked or someone is pulling you into a car, fight like mad with all the above techniques. If you are in the car, of an acquaintance or date, who starts something, you still have some tools around.

The cigarette lighter. Push the hot end into his eye or back of hand, or side of neck. If your other hand is free, punch him in the nose. Punch from the chest. Knee him in the groin. Spit in his face, and punch him. Scratch or claw his eyes and face. Use your elbow, and drive it back into his ribs, or groin if you can reach. Swing your elbow up into his chin or nose.

The sharp end of an ice scraper slammed into face, or groin, ear. Whatever you can reach can be a potential tool. If there is a lock-stick for the steering wheel see if you can smash him in the face or over the head. But be careful with this one, because he could use it against you. Tools in the car's glove box like an emergency glass breaking and seatbelt tool. Jam it in his face, or groin, slam it against the side of his head. The point is he is expecting to have the upper hand and the element of surprise on his side. He is probably not expecting you to reach in the glove box or under the seat for a hard or sharp object with which to fight him off. But, that is exactly how you have to think and you have to take action! You have to fight if it comes down to it! Be aware!

React very quickly! Be ready if you are attacked! If you strike, do it hard and fierce! Don't hesitate! If the first blow doesn't take him down or stop him, hit him again! If he falls back use your feet and legs, and drive a well-placed foot or both feet into his groin or body. Keep kicking out. Try to smash the glass with your shoes or feet. If you have something hard in your hands try to break the window. You may break the window and or get someone's attention. I sincerely hope that you never have to use any of these tips, but upon reading this article, memorize every tip that you find here. They may well save your life or your friend's life.

Preparing For a Total Knee Replacement - How a Knee Brace Support Can Help You Before and Afterwards

The Purpose of Knee Replacement

In severe cases, total knee replacement surgery is used to resurface a person's knee, in the effort that the new knee implant will mimic natural function and range of motion (ROM) of the knee joint. Diseased cartilage and bone often times are removed in a total knee replacement surgery. The lower end of the thigh bone (your femur), the upper end of your tibia (your shin bone) and the posterior (back) aspect of the knee cap can all be resurfaced in this surgical procedure.

1.) How Should You Prepare for Surgery?

The total knee replacement surgery is significant, but equally important are the actions you take before the surgery ever begins. If you want to optimize your recovery, you should read the next section for some key pieces of information.

2.) Communication With Your Physician

It is important that you communicate with your physician and his/her support staff what devices you will be needing when you are discharged from the hospital. Many times, your hospital may have a total knee class you can take pre-operatively. At this class you can speak with nurses and therapists regarding your various questions and needs. One key reminder about these recommended products; often times, you can obtain medical products online at much steeper discounts than you would through conventional medical product vendors at the hospital.

3.) Potential Risks and Benefits of Surgery

It is important to note that you should analyze not only the potential benefits of a knee surgery, but also the potential risks. A pre-operative conversation with your physician and his/her team will be very helpful. Moreover, ask to speak with someone else who has undergone the same procedure with the same physician prior to your surgery. Do yourself a favor and ask for this information. Your physical aliments and significant medical history such as fever and infections (etc.) should all be reported to your surgeon. Medications you are taking and medications that you are allergic to are important to communicate to your physician as well.

If there is a loss of blood, which can happen with any surgery, your physician may recommend that you donate some of your own blood several weeks before your surgery. Your physician and his/her team can instruct you about where and when you can donate blood.

Make sure the orthopedist performing the surgery is board-certified, which can be determined by calling the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery at 919-929-7103.

4.) After Surgery, What You Can Do

Once your surgery takes place you will definitely need support. Among the products that your physician and his/her team may recommend is a post-operative hinged knee brace. The purpose of the knee brace is to help stabilize your knee directly after surgery. This knee brace usually involves an adjustable locking mechanism that can either help keep your leg straight, or allow for different degrees of knee flexion. Usually, as you recover, your physician will allow for more knee flexion, but directly after your surgery, the knee may need to be kept in pure extension (totally straight). It is important to speak with your physician about the exact duration of wearing parameters and activity levels with respect to your new knee brace as well.

Hopefully this information taught you something that you did not already know. Good luck!

Knee Pain When Bending: What to Do When Your Age Starts To Catch Up to You

When your age begins to catch up to you, it seems like the pain from all the injuries that have accumulated throughout the years do too.

I like most was once more head strong than smart, with my eyes on the prize during sporting events, and causing trouble to the neighborhood with my incredible stunts, but lately, with everyday that goes by, my body doesn't seem to think the same anymore, especially with the knee pain when bending that I now suffer through.

Don't get me wrong, my body may have aged, but my heart hasn't. I still want to experience canoeing in the outdoors, climbing Mount Everest, or playing soccer with the boys, but my body doesn't seem to have the same thoughts as I do.

Nowadays particularly, it appears as if I experience knee pain when bending just doing ordinary tasks Every step up the stairs, or every time I want to pick up things from the ground, the pain becomes too much to handle.

Normally, I would use it as an excuse to escape from the cleaning and vacuuming that my wife believes is so important even at this age, but lately, it has become so serious that I can't even seem to concentrate or get any work done let alone go out for soccer with the boys due to the knee pain.

The tenderness of the muscle ligaments come alive during the night, and my knee caps feel like they're exploding in spurts of pain. It hurts so much that even trying to bend my knee when I get up becomes a problem.

The knee pain when bending gets so bad that sometimes I have to just lie in bed for the whole day. It is such a waste of time, especially when the weather's good and I would so much rather be out in it.

The pain and injuries accumulated through youth stays with you even when you're old; even though, it appears as if the injuries have healed, the side effects still linger. This is particularly true for knee injuries.

It was becoming such a big deal that my wife started talking to her friends. They may be yappy, but boy, do they have great remedies for pain relief especially for knee pain when bending. I have to thank them all for the pain-free life that I lead today, and the fact that Sundays is now Boys' Soccer Day!

Turns out the remedy for knee pain when bending was simple; in fact, I had the solution right in my backyard. The secret to easing knee pain when bending came right down to water exercises.

Simple daily exercises in the pool like walking exercises can help strengthen the tendons, ligaments, and muscles in the knee, and end up easing the knee pain I was experiencing. It takes consistency, but the result was tremendous.

Regular exercising can cause a lot of strain on the knee due to the stress of your body weight, but water exercises lifts up the body weight, and allows the knee to actively exercise underwater. It really is a fairly simple concept!

Help For Arthritic Knees - The DonJoy OA Adjuster Unloader Knee Brace

If you are an active individual, but suffer from knees that are 20 years older than you are, there is some potential help in a type of brace referred to as an "unloader" knee brace.

An "unloader" knee brace does exactly what it describes. The brace "unloads" or "off-loads" the knee in patients suffering from unicompartmental osteoarthritis. This is the wear and tear type of arthritis which comes with age, excessive activity over your life time, and hereditary predisposition to develop arthritis.

There are two compartments in the knee. They are referred to as the medial (inner) and lateral (outer) compartments. In the majority of cases, the medial compartment of the knee bears the brunt of physical trauma over time. The joint actually begins to collapse, losing both joint fluid and cartilage causing an angular deviation in the knee. An x-ray may show a bowing in the knee and leg because of this collapse. When the collapse is in the medial compartment, it is referred to as a varus deformity (bowing). When the collapse is in the lateral compartment, it is referred to as a valgus deformity (knock knee). This causes "bone on bone" contact between the femur (thigh bone) and tibia (leg bone) resulting in pain, swelling and reduced range of motion.

An "unloader" knee brace bends the knee back into a more neutral or straighter position, and reduces the compressive load on that side. This results in less bone on bone contact and less pain and swelling.

The DonJoy OA Adjuster has been used for years as an alternative to knee replacement surgery by off-loading the medial or lateral compartments of the knee.

Commended by the Arthritis Foundation and rated clinically effective in The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, The DonJoy OA Adjuster offers immediate pain relief without surgery or pharmaceuticals.

The OA Adjuster has many benefits over tradition arthritis braces that make it the choice of athletes and physicians.

The OA Adjuster offers easy patient-controlled load adjustment to meet daily needs. Its lightweight (23 oz.), aircraft grade aluminum frame provides a low profile, rigid brace that is comfortable to wear for long term use.

The brace is ideally suited for active, adult patients with moderate to severe unicompartmental osteoarthritis, moderate to severe ligament instabilities, and for post-operative rehabilitation.

Unlike many single hinged arthritis braces, the OA Adjuster provides added knee stability to protect the ACL, meniscus and collateral ligaments.

So if you suffer from arthritis pain in the knee, and want to delay or prevent knee replacement surgery, the DonJoy OA Adjuster may be the alternative you need.

It is important that you consult with your physician before deciding on an arthritis knee brace.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

More Evidence That Glucosamine and Exercise Are Helpful For Symptoms of Osteoarthritis

In Arthritis Research & Therapy, a small trial found that a 30-minute walk taken at least 3 days a week combined with glucosamine supplements and showed some benefits in mild to moderate hip or knee osteoarthritis (OA), This was only a small study of 28 patients and all were given 1500mg glucosamine sulphate. There was no control group which would normally be seen in a research study and there was no xrays taken to see if the OA improved. This trial demonstrated pain relief and improved mobility in those who walked and took glucosamine.

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis and is associated with significant disability because of pain, loss of mobility, and consequently loss of independence as people get older or the disease worsens. Severe joint destruction requires joint replacement.

Non Steroidal AntiInflammatory Drugs (NSAIDS) ie diclofenac, ibuprofen are recognised as effective analgesics in acute and chronic pain. NSAIDs are associated with a number of adverse effects. These include effects on the kidney, and exacerbating asthma in some people, but the most important adverse effect of NSAIDs is that on they cause stomach problems which can become ulcers. These ulcers may bleed, and indeed some people may die of a bleeding ulcer caused by NSAIDs.

As many as 1 in 5 patients with knee arthritis will benefit from using oral glucosamine at 1,500 mg daily. Glucosamine reduced joint space narrowing by 0.27 mm over three years compared with placebo.

Chronic pain resources online are helpful at learning to cope with pain, as opposed to taking away the pain.

Exercise is always difficult and if you have multiple health problems a conversation with a health care professional to ensure you are not going to run into problems is helpful - however all of us feel out of breath, our knees hurt and chest feels likes it is going to explode if we are unfit - I struggle going up the stairs quickly even when I am relatively fit so you do need to persevere.

Strong muscles preserve joints. By strengthening the muscles - this allows the joints to be pulled apart and protect them against the impact of exercise - this often does not make sense especially if pain is associated with the movement of the joint., however it is true.

Trampolining can be a good exercise as this is low impact (but often makes ladies leak!!!) and even hoovering with the music on can help - but low impact, resistance exercise is the way to go with osteoarthritis and help can be sought from experts on the ideal programme for you.


Side effects of Glucosamine

Glucosamine is well tolerated in studies, although side effects complained of are insomnia, abdominal pain, nausea and heart burn.

Glucosamine is made from shellfish, therefore do not take if allergic to shellfish.

There is a theoretical risk of increased risk of bleeding therefore those people that are on warfarin or have a bleeding disorder should not take glucosamine.

In diabetics, glucosamine may contribute to unstable blood sugar levels so should only be considered with advice.

Do you remember glucosamine sulphate contains salt and therefore could contribute to high blood pressure?

Indicators and Treatment for Microfracture Surgery

Introduced over two decades ago, microfracture surgery has proven to be a successful method for those with damaged cartilage in the knee to return to their daily activities or sports without pain. Seventy-five to eighty percent of those that go through microfracture surgery show an improvement in these activities.

Microfracture surgery is an arthroscopic procedure that provides an enriched environment for tissue regeneration on the chondral surface through the body's own healing abilities. When a procedure is done arthroscopically it means that a surgeon will visually assess the problem via a small camera insertion and then performs the procedure with special instruments that are inserted in the knee through tiny incisions.


If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, it may indicate that you have a condition that could be treated with microfracture surgery.

  • Swelling. The swelling may occur intermittently due to loose fragments floating in the knee.

  • Pain.Any discomfort or pain caused by prolonged walking or stair climbing may be an indicator.

  • Giving way.When weight is placed on your knee from everyday exercises, it may buckle or fold under the pressure.

  • Catching or locking.If you feel your knee catch or its motion become limited, floating pieces of cartilage may be catching in the joint.

  • Noise.The motion of your knee can create a noise called crepitus, often described as "snap, crackle, pop."


After an evaluation by an orthopedist, the microfracture procedure may be chosen. However, this depends on age, activity level or the general alignment of your knee. Here is an overview of what you can expect from the treatment:

  • Unstable cartilage is removed from the exposed bone.

  • Remaining articular cartilage is checked on the surrounding rim of the bone for cartilage that is loose or slightly attached. If there is loose cartilage, it is removed leaving a stable edge around the defect.

  • Holes, or microfractures, are made in the exposed bone, three to four millimeters apart. The blood and marrow cells from the holes create a clot that covers the damaged area and becomes the basis for new tissue formation.

  • A rough bone surface is produced by the microfracture technique that the clot more easily adheres to; eventually the clot matures into firm tissue that becomes smooth and durable.

Typically, you can expect a two to six month window before experiencing improvement in the pain and functioning of your knee. Progress can continue for up to two to three years as well. Overall, microfracture surgery is an effective and reliable procedure that can reduce pain and improve your daily life.

Fallen Arches - Are You at Risk For Developing Arthritis?

It may sound like a cliché but our feet, and in particular the arches of our feet, really are the structural foundations of our body. Fallen arches is a term used to describe complete flattening out of the arch. When the arch flattens out the foot loses much of its biomechanical functioning. In addition the biomechanics of the knee, hip and low back are adversely affected when the arch of the foot loses its structural integrity.

The arch of the foot maintains it structural integrity with the help of the muscles, tendon and ligaments. The proper functioning of the arch depends on the proper functioning of all three of these elements. You actually want the arch to flatten out during walking or running so that the foot can act as a shock absorber. However at the end of the step you need the arch to re-lock and turn the foot back into a firm lever arm for push-off. Excess body weight, excessive running, walking or even standing can lead to stretching of the ligaments, tendons and muscles that keep the arch locked. This can eventually lead to complete flattening of the arch.

When the arch collapses the foot is unable to act as a firm lever arm to push-off and propel you forward during walking or running. As a result the muscles of the lower leg have to work much harder in order to propel you forward. This causes pain and fatigue of the lower leg, pain in the foot and pain on the front of the leg. In addition the plantar fascia on the bottom of the foot gets overly stretched and strained leading to the painful condition know as plantar fasciitis.

The foot and lower leg are not the only areas where fallen arches can cause problems. When the arch collapses the rest of the body has to compensate. As a result the other joints become unbalanced and do not function properly. For example, the proper functioning of the knee depends upon the body weight being evenly distributed over the entire joint. When the knee has to compensate for a flattened arch, the outside of the knee is forced to take more of the load than the inside. This overloads the cartilage on that side of the knee, causes pain on that side of the knee and increases the risk for developing arthritis. In addition the muscles, ligaments and tendons on the other side of the knee are stretched and strained which can cause pain and knee instability (for more information see knee pain). We could make similar analysis for the joints of the hip and low back but the point I am trying to make is that the biomechanics of the foot is important for the proper functioning of the rest of the body. Although the explanation of the problem can be somewhat complicated the solution to this problem is relatively simple. A properly designed arch support or custom foot orthotic will hold the correct shape of the arch. This in turn allows the foot to work as a firm lever arm. An arch support will align the joints of the ankle, which in turn balances out the knee, hip and low back. A simple arch support can solve a lot of problems without medications, surgery. Yet it is amazing how many people walk around everyday in pain when the solution is so simple. This simple solution is an arch support.