Saturday, August 17, 2013

Arthritis And Pain Relief - Preparing For Ski Season

You can ski with arthritis, and many people do. If you have rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, or other autoimmune disorders, getting ready for ski season requires more than your typical fitness conditioning.

Focus first on overall fitness. Condition yourself for the sport of skiing with a variety of leg exercises and upper-body toning. As you train, remember to progress slowly through a program. You might need more than the usual 6-8 weeks of physical preparation time.

Consider the weather elements and ski slope conditions. Your environment will affect *how you ski,* how your body feels about its new challenges, and* how quickly you will recover from your skiing activities. Do you have enough clothing that you can layer for cold, windy conditions or for bouts of sweat as your muscles warm up?

There are many types of arthritis and chronic conditions that zap your energy and make your muscles ache. Two important characteristics of these disorders will influence your skiing experience. For better skiing adventures, align your fitness conditioning with these in mind.

Your immune system activity is one of these influences that can adversely affect your skiing. Autoimmune responses are a factor in these types of conditions. Your immune system may be working overtime, inadvertently attacking healthy tissue. When you focus on the immune system in your preparation, you want to avoid taxing the immune system or increasing its stimulation.

If you get sick, like with a cold or flu, recover completely before skiing. If you get sick while participating in a ski conditioning fitness program, discontinue the program and allow your body to rest and heal. As you recover from illness and resume your program, avoid jumping back into it with the same intensity as before you got sick. Progress cautiously.

Avoid toxins and chemicals as you prepare to ski. Surround yourself with natural products in your house and work.

Eat natural foods that are free from chemicals like artificial sweeteners, preservatives, and hormones. Minimize your dairy and meat intake in your diet and increase your consumption of organic vegetables. As tempting as those ski resorts and towns can be, avoid heavy alcohol or super-rich decadent foods and opt for fresh salads and seafood. Stay hydrated!

The other factor that will influence your body's reaction to skiing is inflammation. Arthritis represents an inflamed physical state (hence the suffix, -it is). In healthy individuals, some inflammatory response to muscle conditioning is good for you. Your muscles will grow and get stronger with new physical challenges.

However, if your body is already in a chronic state of inflammation, your muscles recover differently. Throughout your ski conditioning, and then as you begin to ski, practice active rest to reduce inflammation and speed recovery. Active rest enables your body to recover faster than sleep or inactivity without exerting effort. Types of active rest include sports massage therapy, mild body treatments like salt scrubs and seaweed wraps, meditation, sauna, and ice applications.

In conclusion, if your body feels challenged to ski with arthritis, use extra time and focus in your skiing preparations. Your body will enjoy skiing more than most winters. Your stamina and recovery will improve. And you will want to return to the ski slopes sooner than ever before!

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