Friday, August 23, 2013

Six Foods That Are Making Your Knee Pain Worse

Did you know that you might be making your knee pain worse with the foods you're choosing to eat? The following six food products should be avoided because they promote inflammation in the body and as a result make knee pain more severe.

1. Starches/Sugar: If the color of the food is white- stay away from it. If you're suffering from chronic knee pain then you should treat foods like pasta, white bread, white rice and foods that contain white flour and sugar like poison and you should avoid them. Not only do starches provide no nutritional value but they are filled with tons of empty calories. In addition, white sugar is the leading cause of obesity. Added weight on the knee joint adds more pressure to the joint which eventually leads to knee osteoarthritis.

2. Vegetable Oils: Most restaurants typically use vegetable oil to cook their food. Unfortunately, vegetable oil has high amounts of omega-6 and low amounts of omega-3. Omega-6 increases the amount of inflammation in the body and therefore increases knee pain. Omega-3 which is found in foods like salmon helps reduce inflammation in the body and may help relieve knee pain and swelling.

3. Dairy Products: Unfortunately, more people are allergic to diary than any other food product. As a matter of fact, 60% of the world's population is allergic to diary. Diary is found in cheese, milk, and yogurt.

4. Trans Fat: Foods cooked in partially hydrogenated oil, vegetable shortening, and margarine all contain Tran's fat. If you want to help relieve chronic knee pain avoid eating fast foods, deep fried foods, and commercially baked products.

5. Artificial Food Additives/Preservatives: Avoid foods containing MSG, dyes, and aspartame. Not only are these additives bad for your overall health, but they promote knee pain by causing an inflammatory reaction in the body.

6. Red Meat: Finally, red meat causes inflammation in the body because it has high amounts of arachadonic acid or omega-6. A healthier alternative is eating organic red meat or red meat from grass fed cows which has higher amounts of omega-3 and has less saturated fat.

If you suffer from chronic knee pain it may be worth your time re-evaluating your diet. Every week make a commitment to yourself to remove one of the listed six food products. This way you're not removing all of them at once, and after six weeks you'll be eating 'clean'. Keep in mind that it takes at least twenty one days to develop new eating habits, so stick with it. Not only will your knee thank you, but removing the above food products from your diet will make a huge difference in your overall health!!

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