Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Total Knee Replacement Revision

Total knee replacements are one of the most common orthopedic procedures completed today. More adults at a younger age are having the procedure done to help with their mobility and quality of life. The procedure is done to decrease someones pain and restore knee function. Having a knee replacement therefore can ultimately lead to having to go through a total knee revision if the prosthesis fails due to component loosening, infection, trauma, or other patient related causes such as being overweight.

Most total knee replacements today are meant to last anywhere from 15 to 20 years depending of course on your activity level, body weight, or possible spread of infection in the body. Your orthopedic surgeon also is able to determine how your knee replacement is wearing through X-rays and physical examination during your routine follow-ups.

A revision is usually needed when you begin to experience pain along with a decrease in knee function. This of course again is determined by your orthopedic surgeon. Not all knee pain and loss of function of course means a revision is in order.

Most total knee revisions take longer to perform than the initial operation. Due to the removal of the hardware and cement along with significant bone loss. There also may be a need for bone grafting to fill in the areas where bone was removed as well creating a longer time you may under anesthesia.

From a physical therapy standpoint and post operative care, the follow-up is about the same. Your recovery times will vary with some taking longer than usual. Recovery is slowed to some degree just due to the invasive aspect of a revision. The time generally needed to recover from a revision is 7-9 weeks.

Physical therapy will follow immediately after surgery to get you mobile and to start the knee mobility and strengthening process. There was time in PT that it was common to see someone after a revision lose some flexion mobility in the knee. However today, with he advance in knee prosthetic's this is not always the case.

The strength in the affected leg and knee after a revision will need concentrated therapeutic exercise to re-educate your quadriceps and to help them get back to supporting your body weight. The strengthening process may run somewhat slower than the initial replacement again, due to the invasive procedure of the revision.

Prosthetic loosening is also much liker after a revision if for instance you are overweight and fail to use an assistive device such as cane or walker the first 8-10 weeks out from revision surgery. This also by the way can happen to anyone for that matter so, paying close attention to what our physical therapist instructs you in regards to gait training it is vitally important.

If You follow your rehabilitation professionals instruction and the information shared from your orthopedic surgeon you will restore your strength and mobility in your knee that you need to restore your quality of life.

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