Thursday, October 31, 2013

Symptoms and Treatment of an Unstable Kneecap - Get the Knee Stability That You Deserve!

Symptoms And Treatment Of An Unstable Kneecap

Often, people who participate in a lot of heavy duty sports suddenly find themselves afflicted with an unstable kneecap. This condition is characterized by abnormal movement of the kneecap and a sensation of not being able to balance well. This is due to the kneecap not sliding properly within its central groove on the femur. In order to properly comprehend an unstable kneecap however, it is necessary to first understand the structure of the kneecap.

Structure Of The Kneecap

The kneecap actually covers the end of the thighbone. It sits atop the end of the thighbone with a layer of cartilage in between. This allows the kneecap to slide smoothly over the bone. In a normal kneecap, there is a central groove in the kneecap that fits over the end of the thighbone. This keeps the kneecap sliding straight up and down, allowing the knee to function normally. With an unstable kneecap, however, the kneecap no longer slides normally.

Symptoms Of An Unstable Kneecap

o Kneecap slides to the side
o Knee is no longer able to support weight and buckles
o Knee catches and locks when being moved
o Cracking or creaking of the knee
o Swelling
o Stiffness

If you suffer from one or more of the above symptoms, then it is possible that you have an unstable kneecap.

Dangers Of An Unstable Kneecap

For some people, an unstable kneecap is no more than a minor inconvenience. In others, it can be a problem that causes excruciating pain and leaves them bedridden. For those who do not suffer to such a severe extent, however, having an unstable kneecap poses great dangers. In a normal knee, where the kneecap sits firmly atop the end of the thighbone, it is quite difficult for the kneecap to move in any other direction.

With an unstable kneecap, however, the normal mechanisms that keep the kneecap in its proper place have already failed. This means that the kneecap is very easily dislocated. A dislocated kneecap is a very serious injury that also causes unbearable pain. This can occur if a twisting force or large impact is applied to the knee joint. Often, this happens as a result of a fall.

Necessary Precautions

One of the precautions that many doctors will deem necessary, if you suffer from an unstable patella, is to wear a knee brace. Braces can vary in complexity from a simple cloth sleeve that is worn over the knee to complex devices constructed from some lightweight metal, cloth, drtyex and other materials. The type of knee brace you choose to wear should depend on the severity of your condition. The main purpose of wearing a knee brace, in this situation, however, is to prevent your kneecap from slipping too far out of its normal position.

A knee brace will support your knee and perform some of the function that is usually performed by the knee. This takes some of the pressure of supporting your body weight off your knee. If you have an unstable knee, then this is very important to prevent your kneecap from becoming dislocated. It also helps to prevent your knee from sustaining other serious injuries.

If you have problems with a dislocating knee cap then you should seriously consider a knee brace today. These supports can really help to keep your patella aligned.

Luxating Patella in Toy Poodle

You and your Toy Poodle is at the peak of your excitement playing fetch when suddenly, Fluffy yelps in pain, pulls his one leg off the ground and limps in agony. But after around ten agonizing minutes, he is back to normal and again on-the-go to play with you. This seems some sort of a joke but this is not something to be taken for granted because your dog is definitely suffering from knee joint abnormality.

Luxating patella is one of the most common knee joint abnormalities in dogs. Also called trick knee, subluxation of patella or floating patella, luxating patella is a condition in which the patella or kneecap dislocates and moves out of its normal location. This patella or kneecap should be located in the center of the knee joint but moves out of place because of traumatic injury or congenital deformities. Sometimes, only one knee is involved, but this disease can affect both knees. Toy and miniature dog breeds especially Toy Poodles are more likely to develop luxating patella. This disease usually develops in dogs between four to six months old but may also affect new born puppies.

The signs of the disease vary depending on the severity of the condition. Affected dogs usually exhibit lameness, intermittent skipping gait, pain and stiffness of the hind limb. A dog affected with luxating patella may show only one or all signs. Some can tolerate the problem for many years, some for all their lives.

Luxating patella should be addressed as soon as possible to prevent osteoarthritis from developing. This weakness in the knee may also result to other injuries such as torn cruciate ligaments. In order for the disease to be treated, the four grades of patellar luxation must be determined. The treatment is then prescribed based on the diagnostic grade. Grades III and IV, and most grade II cases are treated surgically. During the surgery, the alignment problem is corrected, the groove in the femur is deepened so the patella will stay in place (sulcoplasty) and the capsule around the joint is tightened.

Ten to fourteen days after the surgery, your pet should be touching the toes to the ground and should be using the limb well after two to three months. To help your dog recover after the surgery, additional help can be given with the use of pet ramps, stairs or steps.

Degenerative Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease. The cartilage, which is a protein that cushions the joints, faces an eventual loss, causing this disease. There are more than 100 types of arthritic conditions but degenerative arthritis is by far the most common. The spine, feet, hands and other areas that bear the load of the body like the knees and the hips are most affected by this condition.

When the cause of arthritis is not known it is called primary arthritis, like erosive osteoarthritis, and after the cause is known it is called as secondary arthritis. The common example of which would be traumatic or post-traumatic arthritis.

Primary osteoarthritis is mostly caused due to aging. Secondary osteoarthritis on the other hand, maybe caused due to another disease or condition. Obesity, diabetes, gout, repeated surgery or trauma may cause this condition. The disease does not affect any organ of the body other than the affected joints. The main symptom of the disease is constant pain in the joint, especially during the later part of the day. Certain patients become greatly enfeebled due to pain, while in other cases there might be a greater case of degeneration of bones without as much pain.

X-ray is the most important method for the diagnosis of osteoarthritis. An x-ray is always followed by blood tests to find out if the condition is the consequence of any other disease. According to the x-ray reports, a decision regarding surgery is taken. Other effective means of diagnosis are arthrocentesis and arthroscopy. Arthrocentesis involves the extraction of fluid from the joint for analysis. It also helps relieve inflammation, pain and swelling. In arthroscopy, a viewing tube is inserted into the joint space by the doctors.

Avoiding exerting activities and reduction of weight are the only two ways that can slow down the process of cartilage degeneration, besides the use of medication and surgery.

How Does a Knee Brace Help With a Meniscus Tear?

The Meniscus of the knee is actually made up of two C-shaped pieces of tough cartilage, which function to cushion and absorb the shock of the body during weight bearing.

The Meniscus functions between the femur or thigh bone and the Tibial or leg bone. The smaller fibula does not articulate with the thigh bone. The inner Meniscus is referred to as the medial Meniscus and the outer Meniscus is referred to as the lateral Meniscus.

By absorbing and distributing the body weight across the knee joint, the Meniscus ensures even pressure against the tibia.

Athletes usually tear the Meniscus by a traumatic impact or twisting movement. Football players, tennis players, soccer players and basketball players are all notorious sufferers of Meniscus tears. Some athletes may also suffer from collateral ligament tears and ACL ruptures that occur concomitantly with a Meniscus tear.

Many tears can be minor and heal on there own with rest and a period of immobilization. More severe tears may induce a "locking up" of the knee joint, and may require arthroscopic surgery to remove and repair the damaged area.

How can a knee brace help a patient with a meniscus tear?

Many surgeons and clinicians will utilize a knee brace for immobilization following surgical repair or after an injury. In cases of prevention, patients and athletes with unstable knees or athletes that participate in sports that induce abrupt turns and side to side movements, can benefit from a dual hinged style brace.

The goal of a knee brace is to reduce abnormal rotational and side to side movements that occur in certain sports.

There are simple non-adjustable hinged braces that can provide the minimum amount of stability. There are more advanced adjustable hinged braces and professional carbon fiber and aluminum framed braces for those athletes that require maximum support and stability.

Whichever brace you choose, remember that the goal is to stabilize the knee so that it functions normally. A simple slip on sleeve type of brace may provide compression of the knee joint, but does not have the strength to withstand the environmental stress that is placed on the knee joint during athletic activity.

Please consult with your treating doctor or surgeon to determine if you are suffering from a Meniscus tear, and for the appropriate treatment of this painful and disabling condition.

How to Manage Osteoarthritis Pain

Millions of people suffer with osteoarthritis pain and many spend their later years in chronic pain because of osteoarthritis, believing painkillers to be the only solution. So can sufferers expect an improved quality of life and at least reduce their osteoarthritis pain or will they to just have to knuckle down and make the best of it.

Advice from the medical profession varies so much. One GP can be an angel sent from heaven and another can be a complete waste of time. I have personally spoken to hundreds of people who have been suffering with osteoarthritis pain and some say the doctors are marvelous and others just throw away lines like, it's just wear and tear, it's your age, there's nothing you can do but take pain killers.

Since I am not a doctor nor am I willing to stand in judgment I have to believe that most doctors are diligent hard working, caring people, who are doing their best to cope with a massive workload and they just don't know all the answers. None of us knows all the answers but I believe we are all free to look for alternative ways to improve our own situation, especially where our health is concerned.

I am happy to tell you that my own father is alive and well and looking like emulating his father who reached the grand age of 93. Unfortunately Dad is going to reach that age without all his original parts. When he was in his mid fifties he had a painful calcium spur on his shoulder. His doctor told him he had too much calcium in his blood. They would do keyhole surgery and take the spur off but he must cut down on calcium.

Even then with my limited knowledge of alternative therapies and remedies I knew this was the opposite of the truth. I said Dad, you have too little calcium in your blood, not too much and its leaching what it needs from your bones. But my Dad comes from a generation who believe the doctor is next to God in terms of wisdom and is one of the few people in society that cannot be questioned. Believe it or not his bank manager is another. Well he cut down his already low calcium intake despite my advising him to supplement his diet with Calcium, Magnesium and Vitamin D for maximum absorption. By 65 he was the recipient of two new knees and since they were done 6 months apart he hardly walked for best part of his retirement year. And do you know Dad is eternally grateful for the wonderful job the doctors have done even though he fully expects to have them done again when 10 years has passed. And he still thinks he's got too much calcium in his blood!

I guess what I am saying is, you are your own doctor first and foremost. Nobody knows how your body feels like you do. If you took a supplement for a month or six weeks and it made no difference you may have wasted a few pounds but you could just stop taking it, it certainly won't hurt you. But what if it did make a difference, then you'd feel the benefit and be glad to pay for it, wouldn't you? Only make sure you buy a decent one, you get what you pay for. I pay 40GBP a month for my supplement regime, I have done for years and it has been worth every penny.

So eat right and take supplements. A lot of older people just don't feel like cooking a meal, especially if they are on their own and so the quality of the building blocks they give the bodies to repair itself is often poor. Their circulation system is not what it used to be so the goodness they do get doesn't get to the parts that need it.

The lymphatic system is the wonderful mechanism that keeps our bodies clean right from a cellular level but as we get older and especially if movement becomes painful the whole system slows down. This can leave toxins in the body and as they build up a downward spiral begins. More pain, less desire to exercise, less lymphatic drainage, more toxins. Where toxins are left in the joints they can crystalize and exacerbate the problem.

It is important for osteoarthritis patients to get exercise although they don't always feel like it and often they really can't manage it. The goal is to keep the joints mobile and functioning properly. Regular exercise also wards off muscle loss and may be key to managing osteoarthritis pain. Patients should consult with a physical therapist or qualified personal trainer which they would find at a good fitness centre. They will always tell them to check first with the doctor before starting a fitness program and that is good advice.

One therapy I like to use myself and to recommend to our customers is a powerful electric massage that was invented 62 years ago and has been used all over the world in hospitals and clinics and in hundreds of thousands of private homes too. Because it aids the circulation and increases the throughput of blood in the muscle being massaged it acts as a kind of passive exercise. We have been in the health business for 14 years and mainly providing condition specific herbs and vitamin supplements but when we discovered this massage it revolutionized our business because of how quickly our customers felt the benefits. We regularly have measurable results on the first treatment with further improvements on subsequent treatments if these are done within a few days of each other.

I have personally applied it to hundreds of people some of whom could hardly walk without extreme pain. In a 20 minute massage many have experienced amazing relief. Some have even cried as they told me it is years since they felt that good. Cycloidal Vibration Therapy (CVT) definitely works for at least 80% of osteoarthritis sufferers. It improves the circulation, relaxes the muscles around the joints and enhances lymphatic drainage.

There are a couple of drawbacks though. First it can be a little difficult for a person alone to treat themselves with the hand unit that I use to demonstrate the therapy. Even when there is a couple they tend to do it every day at first but eventually the partner starts to find it tiresome. Of course it loses its benefit if it is not done regularly and the benefits are cumulative if it is. At least 20 minutes three times a day is recommended.

That's why I use Cycloidal Massage built into a specially constructed chair. Many of my clients find it hard to get out of an ordinary chair so there are extra benefits to using a rise and recline chair. The chair has multiple massage motors built into the electrically adjustable footstool, the seat and the back so the whole body can be treated while the client watches TV. The second drawback is the cost of course, they certainly don't suit every budget. Unfortunately cheaper alternatives do not contain the deeply penetrating therapy that Cycloidal Massage provides. It's probably best to take advantage of trial massage at home and then measure the benefits against the cost. Some customers who could not afford the cash price have found it is worth the 25 pounds a week or so that it costs to buy on a finance deal.

Cycloidal Massage Therapy is available in most countries and I am sure there will be someone willing to demonstrate the benefits without obligation wherever the need arises. Certainly I have traveled the length and breadth of Northern England and Southern Scotland doing just that. Our reputation is very important to us, so we do a massage in the customers home and only if they feel a marked difference in the affected parts to we recommend a purchase.

A marked difference means greatly reduced pain or even no pain at all, together with increased functionality and movement in the affected joints.

There are lots of things a sufferer can do to help themselves at least to manage the pain of osteoarthritis. To remain dependent on the medical profession is a matter of choice but our philosophy is to encourage people to help themselves as far as they can, they should seek expert medical advice as soon as symptoms are noticed in order to maintain good health and if the problem does reach crisis level we would hope they don't just go straight for the surgery. They should carefully think through what alternatives are available, look at what others have tried successfully and try it for themselves.

Why Do Legs and Ankles Swell Up?

If you notice swelling in your ankles, it's a good idea to find out what the problem is. Injuries, gout and arthritis are fairly common causes, but obesity, pregnancy and circulation problems are also possible. Treatments differ depending on the root cause of the inflammation.

1) Arthritis: Both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis can attack joints. RA tends to hit small bones, such as those in the hands, wrists, feet and ankles. Osteoarthritis is usually caused by wear and tear. Joints in the hips, knees and ankles are usually affected by it over the course of a lifetime.

RA is best treated by the doctors, as it is an auto-immune disorder. Osteoarthritis can be treated by both a doctor and some home remedies. Topical pain relievers such as capsaicin, willow bark and tea tree oil may be useful, though avoid willow if you are allergic to aspirin. Internally, willow and gotu kola could help.

2) Clots: If the inflammation is only in one joint, it could be the result of a blood clot, also called deep vein thrombosis. This is potentially both life altering and life threatening, and should be treated immediately. If your doctor isn't available, go to urgent care or the emergency room if you suspect a clot.

3) Gout: The buildup of uric acid in your blood stream can lead to crystals that get deposited in your joints. Those of the feet and ankles are usually the first to show signs of it The initial diagnosis should be made by your doctor, and you will probably receive some prescriptions to help control the problem.

Cherry juice may also be suggested, and it is a very good idea. It can help reduce uric acid in the blood and it can help reduce inflammation. Don't use willow bark if you have gout, as it can cause flare ups. It has the same active ingredient as aspirin, which should also be avoided.

4) Infection: Most causes of this condition are of fluid, but that from an infection could be full of pus. Again, it may be only on one ankle, if it is a localized infection. You may need antibiotics to deal with it, and it is important to check with the doctor. Untreated infections can cause a lot of problems, spreading to other parts of the body. Garlic may be helpful internally. Externally, a drawing agent such as baking soda could help.

5) Injury: This is probably the most common cause of inflammation, especially in young people. Sprains, strains and breaks will cause the condition. Treatment depends in part on which type of injury it is, but all of them will respond to RICE, rest, ice, compression and elevation. Hot wraps may be applied after the first forty-eight hours. You can use a decoction of willow bark and gotu kola for this application.

6) Obesity: Being overweight puts a lot of pressure on the joints, especially from the knees down. This overwork can lead to swelling. Besides losing weight, elevation and ice may be helpful.

7) Pregnancy: If you notice your ankles have gotten larger, call the doctor; two lives are at stake...yours and the babies. This isn't always a sign of pre-eclampsia, but it could be. Only your doctor can diagnose it, and the doctor is the best one to treat it. There are several things that can be done, but all require expert medical attention.

8) Varicose veins: This is also a circulation issue, and it's one most people don't appreciate a lot. Besides swelling and pain, they are unsightly. They can be controlled to a certain extent by wearing compression stockings and keeping your legs and feet propped up. You'll want to avoid sitting or standing for long periods of time, and if you're overweight, dropping the extra pounds will help.

Before you start any new herbal remedy or home treatment, check with your doctor and/or pharmacist. Let them know all the supplements and herbal remedies you are using so they can help you prevent harmful interactions between the herbs and any medications you are taking.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Amateur Fight Night Dallas - Don't Mess With Texas

It was a close call whether the fighters in the ring or the spectators around the beer tents were the more hostile.

I had only night in Dallas, but having spent the morning looking around art galleries and visiting the JFK museum (housed in the old school book depository building), I was feeling that this would be quite sufficient time in the city.

I was therefore very happy to take up the suggestion of my host in Dallas (Jennifer) that we go to an amateur boxing contest to be held at the nearby country club.

She explained to me that her friend, Kyle, was one of the boxers who would be fighting later in the evening. Since it was an amateur event, she also added that an extra twist would be added to each fight to provide further entertainment for the crowd.

Kyle was from near New York, so for the purposes of this bout, he was to be referred to as The Yankee. He was paired against a local man from Texas, to be known only as The Southerner. The historical rivalry between the northern and southern state was to give the contest additional spice.

It struck me that that this was a decidedly one-sided arrangement. I expected the home-grown spectators to be thoroughly partisan - and imagined that this Yankee would be booed and heckled at every opportunity.

We arrived at the country club just before seven in the evening. The club was located in a reasonably wealthy suburb of Dallas, and had swimming pools and several sports fields on the site.

Somewhat at odds with this more formal and exclusive atmosphere, was the entirely relaxed dress code. Most of the men wore shorts and t-shirts (many carrying whimsical comments or colorful designs). Women were fewer in number - but made up for this by wearing more flamboyant clothes - ranging from cut-of jeans to skimpy evening dresses and bikinis. Several members of both sexes also sported various tattoos on their forearms, shoulders and legs.

There were a couple of hundred people already in the country club when we turned up. After having my ID checked, I was given a writstband to show that I was good to be served with alcohol - which promised to be in plentiful supply.

An impromptu boxing ring had been set up on the lawns of the country club. There was also a small stage on the far side of the ring where several commentators were sitting. The event was being broadcast on one of the cable channels, so there were also a couple of men standing by the corners holding cameras for filming - while a giant boom reached out over the ring carrying another camera and microphone.

The evening was being sponsored by Corona, so there were numerous stalls set up on the lawns selling beer. This could be purchased by the single can or, for the more determined drinker, it was possible to purchase an ice-bucket filled with half a dozen or so cans, suitably chilled.

Small pennants and gaudy flags belonging to the sponsors were hanging up in the trees or draped around the iron fences which separated the lawns from the swimming pool. To complete the ambiance, several large electronic speakers had been set up all around the country club, which were pumping out a loud and continual beat of heavy rock music, to create an appropriately aggressive atmosphere.

One of the earlier fights was already in progress when we arrived. As an amateur contest, all boxers were required to wear padded helmets. In addition, the rounds seemed to have been shortened. It was difficult to determine exactly how long the rounds were meant to be, since the bell was almost inaudible and somewhat arbitrary. Each fight consisted of three of these rounds.

As well as having to cope with the punches of his opponent, each fighter also had to deal with the onslaught of sarcasm from the commentators. They kept up a non-stop banter during the entire bout, usually disparaging the abilities of both boxers. One of the commentators was nicknamed The Man with a Laugh like a Telephone. And before he spoke, he would always guffaw raucously - imitating the ringing tone of a traditional telephone.

In between rounds, young women wearing bikinis would parade around the ring, carrying a placard showing the number of the forthcoming round on one side, and the name of a local sponsor on the other.

This ritual caused great excitement amongst the crowd, and cries of "Get that top off" were common. At one point in the evening, one of the commentators on the microphone could contain himself no longer and called out "Aw, come on! Can't someone pull those panties down just a little bit when she goes past?"

At the end of each fight, several girls entered the ring and threw free sponsorship material into the baying mass of spectators. These were usually t-shirts, towels or hats. This was also a popular activity, and many of the audience waved their arms enthusiastically, clamoring for one of the gifts.

Although later in the evening, when beer and boredom had taken greater hold, several of these items were hurled back into the ring with as much enthusiasm as they had at first been received.

As I approached the ring, I saw that the fighters were between rounds, and the commentators were holding forth on the microphone.

- Is that guy being sick? He must have taken a real pounding. Good job the trainer brought along a bucket.

- He's not being sick. He's just spitting out his water. All fighters do that. Haven't you ever been to a fight before John?

The first bout ended with a knockout, and an interviewer immediately entered the ring to talk to each of the boxers. In addition to the honour (and presumably the prize money) for winning the contest, it also appeared that there was some kind of forfeit system in place to be performed by the loser. I initially thought that this would be applied to every fight - but later realized that it was specific only to this fight.

I had no idea how these forfeits had been decided upon, but it must have represented something personal for the two men concerned. The first punishment for the loser was that he had to eat his opponent's choice of breakfast - which comprised a mixture of tuna fish and cheese flavored pretzels.

For the second stage of the punishment, an old Kentucky colonel type, complete with cane and white whiskers, climbed awkwardly into the ring, asked the losing fighter to bend over, and gave him three or four symbolic whacks on his backside with the cane.

- Jeez! This is like some low budget gay porn film or something.

- I wouldn't know Mike. I've never seen a low budget porn film. Sounds like you're an expert though.

The next bout was between a man with bright yellow socks and a man wearing no socks at all. Before the first round began, the man with no socks was asked why he wanted to fight that evening.

- Well, y'know. I've just got through a very bad divorce. And I've been working out in the gym. But I just got to take out my aggression somewhere.

After the bell sounded, albeit faintly, No Socks came out fighting hard and landed a few hard blows on Yellow Socks.

- Wow, John! I reckon it was those socks that got him mad.

- Maybe his wife wore yellow socks too. So he's had plenty to practice on there.

- Woah! Nothing like some domestic violence humour.

- Yeah! That's probably why she wanted a divorce.

Despite a promising opening round, No Socks (and No Wife) could not finish off his man. Since the first fight had been decided by a knockdown, I wondered what would happen in the event of an inconclusive result.

There was nothing so technical as a points decision. The commentators would only voice their opinions on who had won; but they remained divided to keep the crowd interested.

So instead a winner was chosen by popular acclamation. As each fighter's name was called out over the microphone, the spectators were asked to cheer loudly for their favourite. Yellow Socks got some vocal support, but the bigger cheer by far came for No Socks. He had perhaps fought better - but I suspected that sympathies may have been with him on account of his divorce problems.

- Don't spend all that prize money at once, man!

- Hey, Mike. He won't be spending any of that money. His ex-wife is going to get her hands on all of it.

Our friend the Yankee has no chance, I thought. Unless he can knock his man out, there's no way this crowd would declare him the winner.

The next fight was much shorter - finishing with a knockdown early in the second round. This bout was between a business owner and one of his workers. Rather than settle their differences regarding working practices in the courts, they preferred the spectacle and the more historic tradition of a public duel. Since both men, however, were wearing the shirts of the firm concerned, their company was getting well promoted whoever won.

The boss was a thickset heavy, lumbering man - while his opponent was much smaller and leaner. The subtlety of matching fighters based upon their weights was clearly not one of the requirements for Texas rules.

The boss won the fight, finishing off his employee with a well-timed punch on the chin. After landing him unconscious on the canvas, the boss quickly went over to see that he was alright.

- He probably doesn't want the hospital bill on the company insurance.

- Yeah. Or else he's trying to avoid a lawsuit.

- Sure. I hope he's gonna let the poor guy have the day off tomorrow.

- Well, I'm guessing he's not doing much work anyway if he's in a coma.

The vanquished employee was brought to his feet and helped from the ring. Next to enter were two thin and rather puny men with tattoos all down both arms. They were two members of the same music band - and had decided to fight because one was always stealing female groupies from the other.

This contest proved very unpopular - since neither musician had much aggression, and both seemed more afraid of being hit than wanting to land a blow upon his opponent. The crowd began to boo loudly as the pair shadow-boxed carefully around each other - occasionally offering a tentative jab at the other.

- This has to be the worst fight in the whole history of fight night!

- Nah! These guys aren't even fighting. They're just slapping each other with their handbags.

Eventually, half way through the second round, one man fell down. It seemed unclear whether he had been hit or just no longer wished to stand up any more. This brought the sorry spectacle to an end. But despite his victory, even the winner was jeered off the stage.

The master of ceremonies then announced that there would be a short break before the main event of the evening: the long awaited contest between The Southerner and The Yankee. This would be a momentous event he added. A chance for history to be revisited - and rewritten.

While waiting for the fight to start, I wandered amongst the crowd to see what other people had turned up. There were by now just under one thousand people present - though the announcer had multiplied this by a factor of twenty to declare that the official attendance was nineteen thousand.

Most of the spectators were white and male. Though a few were black - and some men had also brought their wives or girlfriends too. There was plenty of beer in evidence too, with ice from the buckets strewn widely over the grass.

The combination of beer and men meant that there were, unusually, long queues outside the gents toilets. This also brought it's fair share of ribald comments from the guys waiting in line.

- Hey! Move along. I'm busting back here.

- Don't get so close dude. I don't want you sneaking a peek at me while I' doing my business in there.

- I reckon we should, like, just go in the ladies. Sure they wouldn't mind.

- I wouldn't touch that beer can man. I think I saw another guy just pissing in there.

- Ahh. I needed that. Better than sex, dude. Better than sex.

Standard dress wear was mostly t-shirts and baseball caps - many of the latter being worn backwards. A few, mostly black men, wore reflective sunglasses. Some cowboy hats were also in evidence.

A blonde girl with fat legs wore a rainbow colored garment with the phrase "Keep Austin Weird" written on it. Other choice t-shirts included the following. A picture of a cow skull above the words "Republic of Texas", "Hike Naked. Add colour to your cheeks", "Is that blood?", a picture of a small bird with the caption "I drop bombs like it's my job", "Vicious without mercy", "Texas Ranger", and a map of Florida shaped like a gun.

At last it was time for The Yankee and The Southerner to fight. The Southerner was greeted by loud and prolonged cheers from the crowd - while The Yankee was booed and hissed. The master of ceremonies began to enthuse the crowd further with a rendition of Dixieland.

After the last strains of "I wish I lived in the land of cotton" subsided, the MC entered the ring to interview The Yankee. When he learnt that he originated from Brooklyn, he started talking to him in a mock Italian-American, wise-guy gangster accent from the Bronx.

- And in the red corner, let me now introduce The Southerner. Born right here in Texas. The land that I still consider to be a separate country. I hope you realise, son, how great the expectations are on you tonight. Everyone here wants you to change the result of the civil war.

But it seemed that the crowd would be disappointed, for The Yankee fought hard in the first round, striking The Southerner several times on the head, though never actually knocking to the canvas.

- I hate to say it. But I have to give that round to The Yankee. That Southerner needs to fight back.

- The Yankee looks to be the quicker man too.

- Well, he's dancing. I'll say that about him. But I think The Southerner has a chance here.

- Yeah. Why's that?

- Well. I just realized. That Yankee has a great big nose.

- Right. Land a few hits on that huge New York schnoz, and it'll be game over.

And the Southerner did fight back in the second round, knocking The Yankee to the deck once, and having him up against the ropes covering up on a few occasions too. He must have taken the commentator's advice - for in the break between rounds a doctor came out to tend The Yankee whose nose was now bloody.

- Ha! That'll teach him to stick his ugly northern face across the Mason-Dixon Line.

- Yeah. Don't mess with Texas. What do you think about states' rights now?

The third round followed the pattern on the second. But despite calls from the commentators - "he's tired", "he's exhausted", "there's nothing left" - The Yankee continued to fight hard. Eventually, by the end of the round, he had received one blow too many, and was given a ten count, slumped up against the ropes.

- You have made history, son. You have changed the result of the civil war. And Texas is proud of you.

The Yankee was still receiving attention from the doctor and tried to leave the ring without further comment. He was not allowed to escape so easily.

- So what do you think about the South now?

The Yankee still seemed a little confused and concussed. Trying to regain some composure and standing with the crowd, he could only say "Well, I just love Texas" before climbing out of the ring with the doctor.

It was now dark, but the entertainment for the evening was not yet over. Large spotlights lit up the stage and lawns as the next two fighters were brought into the ring. The announcer went over to one, a tall man in a blue tank top, and asked him to explain why he was there.

- We've been friends since we were seven.

- So why do you want to fight him then?

- Well. He's always been like competitive. But he always beats me at everything. But I reckon I can beat him here in the boxing ring.

- So, if you're best friends, how many times have you seen his penis?

Tall Tank Top seemed unsure what to say to this question.

- Hey, it's just a question. No need to be embarrassed. John here on the mike with me is my best friend. And I've seen his penis a thousand times.

Tall Tank Top still remained silent, so the MC went over to the other corner to interview his opponent - a small wiry man in a white t-shirt.

- So you're best friends. Anything you can tell me about him?

- Yeah. He has a small wiener. Small and kind of fat.

- Guess this is what got you guys so competitive in the first place!

Tall Tank Top must have been angry at these words, for he came out of his corner whirling his long arms and pummeling away in the direction of his friend - though more often than not he connected with nothing more solid than air, as his opponent nimbly dodged the swirling fists.

- He could do some real damage with those long arms of his.

- Right. If he could actually hit something with them.

White T-shirt was knocked to the ground once, but managed to survive until the end of the round.

By the second round, though, Tall Tank Top was beginning to tire visibly, and his friend started to gain the upper hand, landing several blows on his body in quick succession.

- He's taking forever to throw those punches now. He's leaving himself wide open.

As the round ended, Tall Tank Top was breathing heavily, bending forward with his hands on his knees to recover his breathe. Even after the break, he was slow to climb out of his chair, and still panting hard. After a flurry of punches from White T-shirt, he covered up and shied away, turning his back on his opponent.

- You see that. He doesn't want to fight. He turned his back right there towards him.

- Must be just like being seven years old again. He'll be bending down next for sure.

But Tall Tank Top did not give in. He gained further time to recover after the fight was temporarily halted when White T-shirt's gumshield got knocked out. Although barely able to move across the ring at times, he refused to give up. He survived the final round, but seemed almost unable to find his corner, as he staggered in exhaustion around the ring.

The crowd was almost equally divided between those who recognized White T-shirt as the better fighter, and those who thought that Tall Tank Top had shown good fighting spirit. After two calls for a public acclamation, it was impossible to decide a result. A large proportion of the spectators began to chant for 'One more round!"

- We'd love to have one more round. And I know you would like it too. But looking at Tall Tank Top over there, I reckon that would be classified as cruel and unusual punishment. And Mr Obama won't let us do that no more!"

Eventually the result was declared by the referee. He showed no sympathy for Tall Tank top, and announced that White T-shirt was the winner.

Further fights were scheduled into the night, but some of our group wished to go out to a local bar to commiserate with the defeated Yankee - while others wanted to turn in for an early night.

As I was leaving there was a fight in progress between The American and The Mexican. The Mexican did not seem to be very popular with the crowd - but by no means as unpopular as The Yankee. The announcer went over to interview him before the contest began.

- I'm sorry Mr Mexican. But I have to ask you this. It's a new law. What exactly is your immigration status?

The Mexican seemed unwilling to provide any kind of answer to this question, so the announcer continued on a different subject.

- So what tactics will you be using to fight The American?

- It's called the American shield. It means that he has to knock me out to win. I'll never give up. I'll never quit.

- So Mexicans never quit. Is that right? Apart from the ones I employ to do my garden, heh? I don't know why. Seven dollars an hour seems a fair wage to me.

I left before the fight ended, so I did not learn whether The Mexican or The American was victorious. The crowd was cheering loudly as we went - so I guessed they were clearly enjoying the contest.

Stop My Divorce and Save My Marriage

Stop my divorce! If you are going through a difficult time in your marriage and you still have some hope, it's never too late, plead to God- "stop my divorce," and He shall make a way. The Lord declares "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. - Matthew 7:7

If there is something God disapproves of, it's divorce. He despises the word Divorce. For many of you who made a covenant before God and received His blessing over your marriage then you really have some thinking to do before breaking off your marriage.

Have you gotten on your knees and asked God restore your marriage? Have you asked God to change the areas in you that are affecting the marriage? Have you seek professional Christian counseling? Have you thoroughly thought about ending your marriage?

If you answered No to at least two of the questions above then start to find someone to help you, "stop my divorce!"

Begin to seek God and beg him for a revival in your relationship with God and then your marriage. Commence to communicate with your spouse, that you really want to save your marriage. Express to your spouse that you have been praying over your marriage and waiting on God. This will allow your spouse to see that you're depending on God and not making decisions based on emotions only.

God wants us to solely depend on him. He wants us to count on him no matter what. When times are tough it becomes difficult to trust God and seek him. The devil finds this opportunity to destroy and devour what already belongs to God. When times are tough begin to seek God with all your heart, He wants a relationship with you. God is our true counselor; he heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds. - Psalm 147:3

In order to love and truly forgive we have to allow God to work in our life. Make him the Lord of your life, build a relationship with him and He shall direct your paths. You will truly learn to love and forgive through Christ Jesus. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believe in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John 3:16 Receive God's love and you shall learn to love spouse as He loves us.

If you truly surrender to God today he will make a way- to save you marriage. Declare- stop my divorce in the name of Jesus and it shall be!

Benefits Attached With a Stability Ball Chair

The stable office chair on which you sit for long hours can impose various health problems in your life. Zero exercise habits and sedentary life is the harbinger of diseases. Therefore, to beat the sedentary posture, you can use the stability ball. Stability ball also known as core ball or the exercise ball that can be an excellent replacement of office chairs. While using the stability ball chair, you should use the right kind of ball size and your sitting posture should be correct as well. The thighs should be at a parallel position and they should be kept just above the floor. Considering the right size of the ball and practicing proper posture, several benefits can be attached with it.

The core strength: The right position should be maintained while sitting on the stability ball chair. Since the core muscles of your back and the abdomen is mostly utilized, it helps to increase the strength and endurance.

The balance: While sitting at the stability chair, your overall balance of the body can be developed as you will be constantly shifting the body balance by sitting on the ball.

Following Ergonomics: Slouching cannot be done while sitting on the stability chair balls. Since they are considered as a useful training aid, you will find yourself to be in a correct posture.

All day Exercise: You don't have to take frequent breaks while sitting at the computer and working since with stability chair you can conduct short workouts and stretches sitting on the ball.

MMA Vs Traditional Martial Arts

Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) is the fastest growing sport in the world. It has given individuals an outlet to test their skills against other skilled fighters in the name of sport. MMA utilizes a variety of strikes such as kicks, punches, elbows and knees depending on the rules governing that particular event. MMA also enables fighters to take their opponent down using throws or wrestling and once on the ground MMA fighters use grappling in order to submit their opponent or punish them with strikes until the referee stops the fight.

Fights can be won by submission, knockout, technical knock out, or judges decision. I myself have competed in MMA and did fairly well. I won some fights and I lost some fights but I had a blast competing. I personally love MMA and what it brings to martial arts as far as sport. MMA fighters are some of the best athletes in the world and best conditioned. I have great respect for anyone willing to put their body through the grueling training required to be a successful fighter. The problem I have with some MMA fighters is their total lack of respect for the traditional martial arts. These fighters are in the minority in their way of thinking as most MMA fighters have immense respect for traditional martial arts.

These fighters are most often amateurs who do not put in the time nor the energy in training but rather do it solely for the purpose of the label. These guys think being labeled a "MMA fighter" will bring them respect and give them a higher standing within society or at least within the martial arts community. My question is what exactly do these "MMA fighters" think they are doing? Afterall if you break down the moniker MMA it stands for MIXED Martial Arts. MMA fighters are martial artists who train in a variety of styles of martial arts in a hybrid fashion. Sure many MMA schools don't carry with them the traditional values and philosophies of traditional dojos such as discipline, self-esteem, respect, integrity, and honor.........but the majority of them do. The fact is these fighters who lack respect for traditional martial arts are naive. Simply put they are practicing traditional martial arts and they don't even realize it. Albeit it is a watered down version of different martial arts combined hence the "mixed" in mixed martial arts.

They use boxing for hand strikes; Taekwondo, Karate, and Kickboxing for their kicks; Ju-Jitsu for their submissions; Judo and wrestling for their throws and takedowns.........all traditional martial arts. Again MMA is designed for sport NOT self-defense. MMA is regulated by rules such as weight classes, no small joint manipulations, no strikes to the groin, no strikes to joints, no kneeing a downed opponent in the head, no eye gauging, no friends allowed to join in the fight, no rocks, no knives, no chairs, no glass get my drift. Traditional martial arts such as Karate, Ju-Jitsu, Judo, and Aikido etc were developed and designed for life or death situations. The entire point of this post is that I firmly believe that ALL martial art styles need to be respected. Each and every martial art brings a unique aspect to self-defense. Sure we develop our own philosophies, opinions, and way of looking at other martial arts but in the end they all should be respected. This is my opinion and my opinion alone although I am sure many will agree.

Can I Kneel on My Knee Replacement?

I had my knee replaced in the fall of 1999, and I can report to you that I have kneeled on my total knee replacement for close to 10 years now without one problem. So the theory that you cannot do this is highly questionable. Many orthopedic surgeons will tell you not to do it for multiple reasons. Some will tell you try and find out. So there is no hard fast rule that you can or cannot, it will depend on you.

I have been kneeling on my knee replacement now without any problem every day at one time or another due to my work. You can kneel on your opposite leg of course but if your knee was replaced on your dominate leg, you will tend to favor going down on that one if you can kneel without difficulty.

There is no time frame on the exact time when it would be safe. I would like to suggest once the incision is completely closed and you have had the surgery 4-8 months and rehab is completed,you may find at that time trying to kneel on it when in the yard. Your knee though may be tender to any sensation for a number of months after surgery so you may favor it for awhile.

If you have your original patella or kneecap left after surgery, in time you may find you can kneel on it. If you have a patellar button that was placed to act as your new kneecap then that will be a different story.Of course you must have good leg strength to get up from that position and balance. Many elderly individuals lack one or the other and in most cases may not have a reason to kneel anyway.

I'm talking to the babyboomers out there who are not ready to pack it in yet as far as outdoor activities are concerned.

So the answer is yes. You can kneel on it without hurting the prosthesis but always before you part ways with your surgeon, check with them just to get their take on it.

Ab Flyer - Get the Svelte Beach Bod You've Always Wanted

If you want to look good on the beach this summer, you've got some expensive choices:

a) Join a gym

b) Hire a personal trainer

c) Be smart - and find products you can purchase once and use at home as part of a regular workout regimen.

One of the most fun and effective home fitness products available is the Ab Flyer, priced at less than $100.

Yes,it is one of those "as seen on TV" products.Actually,the television commercial for the Ab Flyer can give you a good visual on this swinging device that works your core muscles and gives you those perfect,or almost perfect,abdominal muscles that you desire.Best of all, the Ab Flyer takes the strain off your lower back as you work those muscles. That means you won't knock out your back as your achieve healthy abdominal muscles.

This lightweight machine has a padded shelf that you kneel on while holding the handle bar with your arms at a 90 degree angle.Using your core muscles,you swing your knees and exercise your abs.As you are lifting your abdomen,you put very little stress on your neck,back and shoulders.What you are using primarily are your abdominal muscles, which gets them - and you - quickly in shape.

As you swing your knees,you contract your stomach muscles.Using the Ab Flyer's various levels of resistance,you can start easy and build up gradually.

This versatile machine can be used by multiple members of the family,since the handle height can be adjusted.When you're done for the day, fold it up and tuck it away until your next workout.Because it's fairly compact - just 34 inches wide by 48 inches high - you can also leave it out and tucked in a corner of the room.

While the Ab Flyer works on your muscles,you can boost your exercise plan by feeding your body a healthy, nutritious diet.There are lots of for-profit eating plans available. How can you tell which is best?One suggestion is to follow the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, which is jointly produced and published every five years (most recently in June 2010) by the Secretaries of U.S.Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.Every five years, this team reviews the previous five years of research and science to see if updates to its dietary guidelines are warranted.This year,as in previous reports, the Dietary Guidelines finds that "a disconnect exists between dietary recommendations and what Americans actually consume."

That's no surprise,but the study found Americans consume far too few vegetables,fruits, high-fiber whole grains, low-fat milk products and seafood.So what are Americans eating?They consume too many added sugars, solid fats, refined grains and too much salt.In fact, the study found that 35 percent of calories consumed by Americans come from solid fats and added sugar.

Overall, the study came up with four findings that can help all people improve their nutritional intake and meet physical activity guidelines:

a)Lose weight by cutting your caloric intake and increasing your physical activity.

b) Change your eating habits to a diet based on plants - such as vegetables, dried beans, fruits, nuts, seeds and whole grains.The study also recommends eating more seafood, low-fat and milk products and just moderate amounts of eggs, poultry and lean meats.

c)"Significantly reduce," the study said, the amount of added sugars and solid fats you consume.All they do is add empty calories with little to no nutritional value.You should also reduce your sodium intake and try to eat fewer refined grains - especially if those refined grains are high in sodium and combined with added sugar and solid fat.

Names of added sugars you will find on food labels include brown sugar, corn sweetener, corn syrup, dextrose, fructose, fruit juice concentrates, high-fructose corn syrup, honey and glucose.

Solid fats you will find listed include butter, margarine and shortening.You will find solid fats in cheese, cream, whole milk, ice cream, marbled meats, regular ground beef, bacon, sausages and baked goods.

d) Meet the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans.This dictates that adults, ages 18 to 64 should take part in 2 hours of moderately intensive exercise a week or 75 minutes a week of a vigorous aerobic activity - or a combination of both.The aerobic activity should be done in at least 10-minute intervals.The study found other health benefits by boosting your exercise to five hours a week of moderate aerobic exercise or 2 hours of vigorous exercise.It also recommended muscle strengthening exercises, using all major muscles, at least two days a week.

By regularly exercising with the Ab Flyer and consuming a healthy diet full of nutrients and lean proteins,you'll be on the fast track to looking and feeling your very best.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Product Review - The Bauerfeind Genutrain Knee Brace For the Arthritic Knee

The Bauerfeind Genutrain knee Brace is an anatomically contoured knit support that is breathable and stretched by spiral stays on the sides of the brace.  It is a slip on brace with a special knitting technique that make the support extremely comfortable to wear.  The brace is only made in Germany.

The high grade elastic knit material is the hallmark of this brace, and is the reason for its popularity among many patients who suffer from arthritis,tendonitis and chondromalacia of the knee.

This is not your typical store brand elastic knee brace.

A circular viscoelastic donut surrounds the knee cap and helps correct the position of the patella to prevent tracking and patella instability. This insert redistributes pressure away from the knee cap to the surrounding soft tissue. 

As the knee flexes and extends, the visco donut moves with the knee cap, thereby massaging the surrounding tissue, helping to control swelling and inflammation.

This massage effect is ideal for older patients with arthritis and swelling in the knee, and for people that cannot tolerate the more aggressive arthritic hinged type braces.

Another unique feature that Bauerfeind does with all their knee braces is to lower the compression of the brace around the edges of the thigh and calf areas.  This produces a gradual reduction of pressure at both ends of the support and prevents constriction bands from developing in the lower leg. This feature is ideal for patients with diminished circulation.

The brace is low profile and provides exceptional uniform compression.  The Genutrain is very popular for golf and tennis as it does not interfere with mobility, flexibility and side to side movement like some hinged type braces.

The Genutrain is available in black, titanium and nature colors.  It comes in 7 different sizes and is universal for the left or right leg.  The brace is a little pricy due to the US Dollar vs. Euro, but once you put it on, that difference goes away.

It is always recommended that you consult with your treating doctor to determine the correct brace for your orthopedic condition.

Chronic Knee Dislocation - When Things Don't Line Up Right - Knee Braces That Can Help

How is your kneecap (patella) doing? Do you have problems with it being unstable?

Chronic knee dislocation is a term often used to describe a dislocation or displacement of the knee cap. It is different from a traumatic dislocation, which is a very serious matter, usually caused by severe trauma to the knee. With a traumatic knee dislocation, the upper and lower leg bones are separated at the knee, and significant damage is usually sustained to the structures both in and around the knee joint (i.e. torn ligaments, vascular injury, etc.). A traumatic dislocation is extremely painful, generally requires immediate medical attention, and often requires surgery to repair the damage to the joint. If you have any reason to suspect that you have a traumatic dislocation, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible. A chronic knee dislocation, on the other hand, is also quite painful, but in many instances, can be treated more conservatively.

With chronic knee dislocation, the knee cap (otherwise called the patella) slips out of place and generally causes irritation, inflammation and a sensation that the knee is weak or "giving out." Basically, the triangular bone we know as the knee cap is designed to move smoothly over the top of the femur (upper leg bone), staying within a certain groove which nature designed for that purpose. When chronic knee cap dislocation occurs, the cap strays outside of that groove, adversely affecting the other structures (i.e. muscles, tendons, ligaments, etc.) in and around the knee. Consequently, the knee does not bend properly, feels stiff, achy or painful, and may appear swollen. Your knee may also make a "popping" sound upon movement. This condition may come and go as the cap slips in and out of the groove, and the pain from chronic knee dislocation may vary in intensity.

Generally, if the condition becomes severe enough and if it significantly interferes with your activities, you may need to discuss your options, including possible surgery, with your physician. However, in the interim, the use of a brace may help relieve the condition and allow you to function more normally without experiencing frequent chronic knee dislocation.

Knee braces come in a variety of styles and types. Generally, though, one of the main purposes of a knee brace in this instance, is to keep your knee cap in its proper position within the femoral groove. A knee brace can also help lend support to the knee joint so that the pressure and stress that might contribute to chronic knee dislocation are somewhat relieved, making it less likely that the knee cap will be pulled out of alignment. Knee braces do allow for movement, and you can likely perform most, if not all, of your usual activities while wearing one. They are adjustable to fit most knees, are easy to use, and are relatively affordable, especially when compared to other treatment options, such as surgery or extensive therapy.

Seniors Arthritis - How to Stop Arthritis Pain Without Taking Those Dangerous NSAID Drugs

As seniors, we can fall victim to painful and destructive arthritis. It is usually osteoarthritis, a wear and tear type of condition that simply means the protective shock absorber (cartilage) between the bones is wearing away. Cartilage protects from bone to bone contact in the joint. About 75% of all seniors suffer from it to one degree or another.

Osteoarthritis is usually found in the weight bearing joints, such as the knees and hips, but other joints can also be affected. It's a painful condition, and if left untreated, it only gets worse. If it gets to the point where there is no cartilage left, then it comes down to painful joint replacement surgery, or a life of limited mobility.

Many seniors will just allow the condition to deteriorate, until they are forced to see a doctor. Often, if a doctor has diagnosed osteoarthritis, he or she will prescribe an anti-inflammatory drug known as NSAID. While that type of drug can reduce the pain, it's not really treating the condition, only the symptoms. So, while your pain may decrease, you still keep losing cartilage. Doesn't sound like the best solution, does it?

You also have the very real and potentially deadly side effects of NSAID drugs to deal with. You have undoubtedly seen ads for these drugs on TV. The next time you see one, pay particular attention to the side effects listed. There are many and include potentially fatal heart attack or stroke and internal bleeding. This is pretty serious stuff, but fortunately you do have other options.

First of course, you want to stop the pain. You can do that with good, natural osteoarthritis remedies. The right one can also start to regenerate the joint cartilage you have lost. So, no more losing that crucial cartilage and no worrying about those horrible NSAID side effects.

Also, if you have some extra pounds that you're carrying, now is a good time to lose them. Each extra pound of weight, puts an additional three or more pounds of stress on your weight bearing joints. So, you can see, that just losing a few pounds can have a positive impact.

You may want to review your diet too. A few minor changes, if necessary, can help with weight control, as well as helping to improve your general health. After you have your pain under control, why not try some moderate exercise? Walking is a good one to start with and being a low impact exercise, it's great for arthritic conditions and can give you an extra energy boost.

Supination - What Exactly is it and How Can I Fix It?

What Is Supination?

Supination in the foot occurs normally in the gait cycle when the foot returns to a stable position before push off of. Excessive supination is associated with high arches and is a tendency for the foot to roll outward...or not to move inward (pronate) enough during the gait cycle. As your heel lifts from the ground and the weight moves to the ball of foot area and toes to push the body forward, a natural amount of supination occurs. Over-supination may cause you to appear bow-legged.

The natural movement that is the opposite of supination is called pronation. This occurs when the outer edge of your heel hits the ground and the foot rolls inward. If overpronation occurs during standing, an individual may appear knock-kneed. Pronation and supination are natural movements in your gait cycle, however, with overpronation or over-supination occur, foot problems often follow.

Overpronation is more common than over-supination, but either problem needs addressed. Too much supination causes an issue because the foot is less able to provide shock absorption. It also causes extra rotational force on the feet, shin, knees and thighs, adding further stress on muscles, tendons and ligaments.

What Problems Can Excessive Supination Cause?

Supination places extra strain on both muscles and tendons that stabilize the ankle. This can lead to a number of foot problems which may include:

- Ankle sprains
- Ligament ruptures
- Arch pain
- Heel pain
- Knee pain
- Hip pain
- Back pain
- Corns and calluses
- Achilles tendonitis
- Shin splints
- Stress fractures
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Metatarsalgia
- and more...

How Can I Tell if I Over Supinate?

To see if supination could be a problem for you, look at your feet while you are standing to see if there is a high arch at the inside of the foot that doesn't move toward the floor much when you stand or walk. This is one clue. Also, look at your shoes. If your shoes are worn mostly on the outside of the sole, especially around the ball of foot area, you may have excess supination when you walk.

Another method is to examine a wet footprint. If the area between the heel and ball of foot shows only a thin strip at the outside part (little toe side) of your foot and you see no print at all in the arch area, supination may be occurring. A normal footprint should have a strip that is approximately half the width of the foot. Pronated feet often fill the footprint all the way through the arch.

Can I Prevent or Treat Supinated Feet?

Excessive supination (or pronation) is a biomechanical and foot alignment issue. A pedorthist or podiatrist may complete an assessment and gait analysis to determine the specific alignment and biomechanical problems and prescribe foot orthotics (arch supports) to help you. Foot orthotic insoles work to distribute your weight more evenly and to correct or accommodate abnormal foot posture. They are usually the best option for treatment of supinated feet.

Your choice of footwear is also important when supination is a problem. You should search for shoes that match your foot type. A general rule of thumb is more stability for pronators and more cushion for supinators, but reasonable shoe stability is still important. Make sure they are the most appropriate size and are not too tight or too loose. Try on shoes in the later half of the day because your feet swell a bit as the day goes on and will be slightly larger. Also try both feet, because one will be a bit bigger than the other and you should fit to the larger one. Wear the socks you plan to wear when using your shoes. Feet with over supination often have a high instep, so laces are important for the ability to adjust this area. Running shoes tend to be best for supinated feet to give a good combination of cushion and stability.

These are just a few measures that may be necessary to decrease your risk of injury due to supination. One of the best ways to deal with supination problems is by using arch supports or foot orthotics designed for high arches or supination. These redistribute pressure away from the pressure points of supinated feet and provide better shock absorption. Custom foot orthotics are an option, but expensive. The best over the counter foot orthotics providers offer specifics for different conditions and different areas of pain.

Miami Heat: Not a Good Investment

5/2. Those are the current Vegas Line odds on the Miami Heat to win the NBA Championship. That is a pretty stiff number for a team that hasn't made the Finals in the franchise's 17-year history. What I am curious about, however, is the kind of line I can get on a Miami implosion? I think 7/1, and I'm buying.

"Dallas, you're crazy!!!" ? I can see my inbox filling now.

But seriously, just hear me out.

I recognize all of the obvious facts. Shaq is still there. Wade is a top 10, if not top five guard. The Heat had the best record in the East at 59-23 just last season. Hell, they had the second best home record in the NBA at 35-6. I know these things. Stan Van Gundy has done a fabulous job. He's 101-63 in just two seasons with the club. He had a winning record without Shaq. I agree. And Pat Riley can build a winner. He has rearranged the roster. How can this not work?

Well, I'm glad you asked.

Before I begin my argument, I have to preface it with this: The Heat will be in the playoffs. That is a given. They could even make it as the No. 1 seed, who knows? All I am saying is that I wouldn't be surprised to see them out before the Conference Finals. I don't think they will be hoisting the Larry O'Brien Trophy.

If you are planning on laying at 5/2 odds, please listen. First of all, the Heat roster is worse this year than last. And second, the East is vastly improved over last year. These are the two main reasons why I will be abstaining from those odds.

The Heat have definitely taken a step back this offseason. They will not be as good as last year. Most of the starting five remains the same: Shaq, Wade, and Udonis Haslem. It's the point guard and small forward positions that have had to face the turnover. At the point, Damon Jones and Keyon Dooling are OUT, while Jason Williams and Gary Payton are IN. What this means is that Miami got colder and older. Damon Jones was the spark plug of this offense. He provided high energy and was a clutch performer - a very nice combo. His 225 three pointers was good for second in the NBA (Kyle Korver and Quinten Richardson each had 226) and most of those treys came in crunch times for the Heat. Keyon Dooling logged sixteen minutes per game off the bench, while playing in 74 games last season. He was unsigned and is now battling Jameer Nelson for a starting job in Orlando.

The additions of Williams and Payton, on paper, look fantastic ... until you delve a little deeper. J-Will, aka "White Chocolate", is a year older than Jones, but years behind him in discipline. Williams had 32 more turnovers than Jones last season, while playing in 11 fewer games. He is (usually) too busy playing street-ball in his attempt to be on SportsCenter than he is concerned with making the safe, open pass. And Gary Payton is over-the-hill, at best. After 16 seasons, he is no longer performing anywhere near the caliber of a nine-time All-Star. He averaged fewer than 12 points per game last year, for the first time since 1991 (his second year in the league), and his diminished skills are now a defensive liability, where as it used to be his strength. Do not be surprised if he is passed on the depth charts by the natural two-guard, Andre Emmett, and then becomes a distraction.

I am not as critical on the turnover at small forward, but I do not like the looks of things. Eddie Jones and Rasual Butler were team guys. They understood and accepted their roles. Eddie was a natural shooting guard, who took his lumps against bigger men playing the three. He used his natural ability and speed to work around his bigger opponents. He was yet another clutch performer for Miami, hitting 142 threes last season while averaging 13 points per game.

I do not view Butler as a key loss. He was a young guy coming into his own, but is more than replaceable. Antoine Walker and James Posey may be better natural fits to fill the small forward position, but there are injury questions surrounding both of these men. Walker, who is only 29, has bad knees. He had to have his deal re-worked and most likely will not be physically able to fulfill his obligation. His relegation to the sixth man is not something I foresee him enjoying too much. He is a very selfish player who either can be clutch or a major distraction. Shaq should help keep him in line, but there simply will not be enough shots to go around for him to be a factor.

James Posey is a walking trip to the injured list. His hip, shoulder, and foot problems have cut into his minutes each season since 2001. He is better on defense than Walker, or Jones for that matter, but is only good for 10 points per game and is not known for being much of a shooter.

Overall, the Heat lost their top five three-point shooters from last year, leaving Dwayne Wade's 13 three-pointers-made as tops returning. Adding Williams and Walker can lighten that burden, but not enough to fill the 400-plus missing threes. I do not buy into team chemistry as a reason for success and failure. If you have good players, they find a way to win. But I have my doubts here. Payton, Williams and Walker all have their histories. With Shaq's advancing age, fewer minutes and increased days off, this team could be in for a rude awakening this season. And that doesn't even take into consideration the bigger, better East.

(BONUS INFO) Would have been a second point, but I was already at 1000 words.

* If you cant join 'em, beat 'em. Damon Jones was not welcomed back to Miami, so he took his game to Cleveland. He, along with Larry Hughes and Donyell Marshall, teamed up with LeBron, Z, and Drew Gooden to form one of the most talented groups in the Eastern Conference. At 28-1 odds, the Cavaliers will be a much better play to win their division, and would be my bet to go from the East.

* Detroit lost nothing over the off-season, aside from Larry Brown, and at last check, he didn't make one basket last season. Aside from being another year older, the Pistons have the same nucleus of players back, and 10-1 is still a better investment than the Heat.

* A full season of Kidd, Vince Carter and Richard Jefferson suddenly make the Nets a serious competitor in the East. Kidd wants to win and Vince loves the spotlight. If RJ can get back to pre-injury form, the Nets will be back in contention. At 33-1, it isn't a play I would make, but they can compete with the rest of the East.

* Lastly, the Indiana Pacers are back on track. Assuming another fight doesn't break out, Jermaine O'Neal, Ron Artest, Stephen Jackson and company match-up well with the Heat. A perennial playoff team with 8-1 odds is a team that could very easily knock off "The Big Aristotle."

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The views expressed in this article are not necessarily the views of Doc's NBA picks subscription service.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Do Senior Citizens Need to Exercise?

Many people ask the question, "Do senior citizens need to exercise?" One of the greatest causes of atrophy to the muscles of seniors is insufficient activity needed to stimulate adequate blood flow to vital organs.

Reasons for an Exercise Program:

Left to the reticence of a senior lifestyle can result in disease, lack of muscle tone, and promote a depressing, non productive lifestyle. I speak from experience as I watched my mother refuse to do her required exercises after her knee replacement surgery. She chose instead to sit in her chair and watch TV the greater part of the day and evening. Because of her inactivity I watched as she became a prisoner in her own body. This had a great effect on not only her physical activity but also her mental condition.


A sensible, regular exercise program that is planned around a person's capacity and needs will help them feel better, live longer and gain independence.

A senior is not someone who is going to engage in a marathon. In planning a healthy, stimulating program start by planning a routine that will provide enough exercise that will generate adequate blood flow to all of the vital organs. You will want to maintain the hard-earned muscles employing cardiovascular exercises, weight training and stretching routines. Consider using resistance bands.

The primary goal is to reach a balance of activity providing just enough exercise to accomplish the goals of maintaining muscle mass, adequate blood flow and a feeling of well-being. If the regimen is extremely strenuous it can cause an adverse effect to the overall condition of a senior. It is imperative that you check a senior's physical and verbal response. Pay special close attention for adverse signs such as excessive sweating, difficulty in breathing, imbalance, droopy eyelids and evidence of mild to severe pain. It these elements occur the activity should be stopped immediately.

A senior citizen's exercise program should be based on their individual needs. If a group regime is put into action there could be the risk of over training. In addition it will be easier to follow the progress of a person if they are following a specific set of exercises that have been developed with only their needs in mind. One person may be able to do more repetitions and a more vigorous exercise than another person. For this reason a program that has been commenced with a senior citizen should be fully documented and a log book maintained noting the details of every workout.

As a senior develops more strength and flexibility their exercise program can be changed. The program should be flexible, keeping in mind that the routines and movements can be increased or decreased on a weekly basis depending on the physical condition of the person.

Execution Procedures:

If you are a family member, or friend caring for the senior citizen, it is recommended that you seek the opinion of a professional to help you develop the exercise plan. They will be able to assist you in selecting a program with the proper intensity and type of exercises that will be beneficial to the patient. In addition to an exercise plan, it is also suggested you engage the services of a dietitians, physical therapist, and a nutritionist. These trained professionals will be able to monitor whether the program is too strenuous or acceptable.

When you commence a program it is suggested that you ask a professional to be present and assist in demonstrating the various moves. An exercise that is executed improperly can cause severe injury to a patient. To achieve the required results you want to be certain that exercises are performed properly. Professionals should also be scheduled to check in various times during the program to evaluate the senior's response to the treatment.

Research Recommendations:

It is important for the person who is going to be initiating the exercise program do their due diligence and research what is available to help them make the right decisions in achieving the goals for physical help to the senior citizen. Below are a few suggestions for developing the best program possible:

繚 Check on the availability of exercise DVD's that cater specifically to senior citizens
繚 Watch exercise videos online
繚 Check forums online for the expertise of others regarding this subject
繚 Visit a senior citizen center to view their typical routine
繚 Be open to listen to and learn from instructors and experts

In Conclusion:

As you and the patient continue in the exercise program you will develop the ability to understand what exercises and amount of intensity works best to achieve the desired results. It is also important to remember that in addition to the proper exercise regimen, your senior needs the right amount of rest and diet program to create a total healthy lifestyle.

XXL Knee Brace - How to Determine Which Support and Size You Need - Special Report on Knee Bracing

Do you believe you need an XXL knee brace? Let's make sure...

Here is the common way to take your measurements.

1.) Taking Your Measurements

A.) Take a circumference of your thigh, in the area that is located 6" above your knee center. 6" is equal to 15cm. This is a very important measurement, so record your answer.

B.) Take a circumference measurement at your knee center. Again, keep this on record.

C.) Lastly, it is important to complete this process by recording what your circumference measurement is 6" below your knee center. (Again, 6" is equal to 15cm.)

2.) Now That You Have Your Measurements

After taking your measurements and recording them, you can go online to many knee brace shops and figure out what size brace you will probably need. - Many times, the measurement 15cm above your knee is all you will need, but having the remaining two measurements will be of great help.

3.) A Custom Knee Support vs. Non Custom

Most of the time you will be able to find a well-designed, "non-custom" knee support that will help provide you with the support you need. These braces are far less expensive than custom knee braces, and most of the time people do not need to spend a ton of cash on a custom knee support. - Just a word to the wise.

Custom made knee supports sound fancy, but you are really going to pay a heck of a premium, compared to what you probably could have of found in a non-custom support. - In the end, it is your choice, we are just trying to make this point so you are aware of your options.

4.) The Benefits of Knee Braces & How They Can Help You

This article does not attempt to provide medical advice. But, if you have knee pain or instability problems a knee support is a great conservative option for treatment of knee ailments. Many times people will note that their pain and instability reduce (greatly) as a result of wearing a knee support. - Make sure to talk to your brace provider if you have any questions because they will be able to help you find the brace you need.

Do not look back wishing you could have done something more for your knee while you had the time. If you have pain or instability problems you should consider a knee support today. They can really help.

Common Causes of Knee Pain

The knee joint is one of the most complex joints in the human body. It plays a pivotal role in facilitating movement and supporting the entire weight of the body. Hence the risk of knee injuries and knee pain is very high and may be caused by many factors. Minor knee injuries mainly occur due to stretching and twisting or any movement that goes beyond the knee's endurance. Sudden movements or jerks can also cause knee injuries, often occurring while walking on uneven paths or athletes training on rough surfaces.

The knee joint has many components facilitating its movement which include ligaments, tendons; cartilage, menisci with knee pain affecting any of these. The convolution of the structure of the knee joint and the verity that it is a weight-bearing joint are issues that make knee problems common and the knee one of the most injured areas.

Snapping and popping within the knee is pretty frequent but this should not be considered as a symptom of any problem. Rather it's a kind of knee injury which occurs when a ligament is torn. So this is one problem that needs immediate attention as else it can cause tremendous knee soreness for the victim. If left untreated for a long time it can cause permanent disability to the injured person.

Other acute knee injuries that may include torn cartilage or ligaments are frequently caused due to sports that involve jumping and running and sudden jerks in turning or stopping. There are many such sports like tennis, cricket, volleyball, basketball, soccer, football, rugby, hockey and wrestling where the sportsperson is in high risk of suffering from knee pain. Overuse knee injury is one of many issues that include tendonitis, bursitis and muscle strain. Initially, the person affected experiences mild and sporadic aches that gradually increase over a period of time.

The rationale behind this is that when the tendons and muscles are overstressed beyond their capabilities, it results in microscopic tears. If not checked, these may lead to chronic problems. Knee pain is recurrently caused by doing too much of physical activity in a short span of time like doing excessive jogging or running after a long period of time.

Osteoarthritis is again a one of the common causes of knee pain. The problem is usually age related and the chances of this increase with age. Osteoarthritis is a type of arthritis concerning disintegration of the cartilage. Exercise is essential to retain flexibility and strength of muscles that provides support to the knee, which lessens the strain on the knee joint.

Runner's knee is a widespread cause of knee pain among youth. The pain is generally spread behind the kneecap. It's very important to be cautious and take extra care of our knees as it is an important part of the human body. Regular exercise and preventive measures can always help one to stay fit and stay away from knee pain. Women, especially, should be careful about knee problems as a recent study reveals that more number of women suffer from knee pain as compared to men.

What is Antler Arthritis?

Antler arthritis causes soreness, aches, and discomfort in one's joints. Antler here refers to the horns on a male deer that is distorted or out of order. Similarly, when antler arthritis is suffered, the joints of the body create joint distention and deformity.

Like any other forms of arthritis, this form has the same causes and origins. It may either be caused by age, weight, bone injuries, infections, illness and many more. The causes mentioned may either directly bring about the arthritis, or just contribute to the worsening of an injury that transpired.

The symptoms of this form are likewise the same as the other forms. It includes stiffness of the knee, swelling of the joint, the feeling that the joint will separate the bones, agonizing pain, and tenderness along the joint. However, the most notable effect of antler arthritis is the deformity of the joints. The classic examples are knock-knees and bow-legs.

When the symptoms stated are already seen, the person suffering must immediately consult a doctor or a health care professional. It is better to assume that one has arthritis at its early stage rather than to suffer the agonizing effects after it becomes worst. The unbearable pain is just one thing, when the condition becomes worst, it may lead to surgery and the taking of expensive medicines.

An example of arthritis surgery is the cartilage replacement surgery. In this surgery, the cartilage is removed or detached from the bones and thereafter, a metal and plastic cartilage will replace the one removed. Surgery is very dangerous, as such, some doctors resort only to this kind of remedy when there are no longer options to fix the ailment. Other available remedy includes physical therapy, joints supplements or Glucosamine, Cortisone injections, and exercise.

Other patients take so many medicines in their desperate hope to alleviate the pain, discomfort and swelling caused. The most common medicine used in case of arthritis is a pain reliever. This medicine obviously does not repair the broken or deteriorated cartilage but only removes the pain temporarily. Also, it does not prevent the ailment from becoming worse.

Antler arthritis may be generally the same as the other forms of arthritis but there is a specific effective remedy when one is suffering from this ailment. The relief based its pattern in the male deer's antler. It is scientifically proven that even if the antler is removed from the male deer, it will be rebuilt and a new antler is created. As such, the main aim of this relief is to let the cartilage heal itself through the use of devices and medications that will imitate the process of the rebuilding of the male deer's antler. This relief is now widely used in Asian countries in order to remedy not only antler arthritis, but also other kinds.

No matter what kind of arthritis a person suffers from, the best way to prevent, minimize or cure arthritis is through regular exercise, water therapy, food supplements, and a balanced diet.

Massage, Bodywork and Baker's Cysts

Along with an increasing number of new clients many massage therapists are gaining comes an increasing number of health conditions being presented, some that you may not have been previously aware of. Among these diverse health conditions that every massage therapist should know about is something called a Baker's cyst, a swelling at the back of the knee. It is important to understand the basics of this condition prior to beginning a massage, as it may be serious enough to require a physician's referral.

Most Baker's cysts are formed after experiencing a knee injury, when excess fluid builds up in the tissue surrounding the knee joint. They also occur frequently in adults between the ages of 55 and 70, due to osteoarthritis. There may not be any pain or discomfort associated with the cyst, leading many people to believe it is not harmful. However, while most people don't experience any symptoms, some may have slight pain and stiffness, and possibly a feeling of pressure behind the knee. Many physicians choose to relieve the symptoms and drain the excess fluid through surgical/medical procedures, however the relief is often temporary. Massage therapy is a valuable alternative method offering longer lasting relief of swelling, and can even help improve knee flexibility. One particularly beneficial modality to utilize is lymphatic drainage massage.

Before beginning a massage, clients should be evaluated by a physician, since it is outside of a massage therapist's scope of practice to diagnose a Baker's cyst. This will rule out any possible contraindications. Once you have received the green light to proceed, remember to use caution when massaging this sensitive area around the cyst.

Be prepared when your clients approach you for relief of their seemingly innocuous "swollen knee." Find out how massage therapy can relieve the swelling associated with Baker's cysts.

Portable Carpet Shampoo Machines

Sometimes, stains happen at the most inopportune time. It always seems that you knock something over when you do not have the time to clean it up. Either you are in the middle of watching a movie, cooking dinner, entertaining guests, etc. Who has the time to drag out a full upright carpet shampoo machine? There is a solution to this problem and it is a portable carpet shampoo machine. These portable carpet shampooers are small handheld devices that you can use for targeted stain removal and quick cleaning projects.

There are several advantages to having a small carpet cleaner at your disposal. First, they are easy to store. You can fit a portable carpet shampoo machine under your kitchen sink, in a corner of a closet, or even under an end table in your family room or living room. I have end tables that have small shelves underneath then and I store my Bissell Little Green Carpet Shampooer on the shelf of the end table that is between the couch and the wall. You cannot see it unless you are down on your hands and knees right in front of the table. However, I have easy access to it if I spill something. I can reach the machine quickly and easily. Another advantage is that these small carpet steamers can reach into places that regular upright carpet shampoo machines cannot. They typically have long hoses and small brush attachments that make it possible to reach in between pieces of furniture or around table legs much more easily than a large machine. Sometimes, I use my small portable machine after I run the regular carpet steamer over a room to touch up in places that I could not reach.

I have encountered one possible negative to using the portable carpet shampooers. Sometimes, my hose attachments become disconnected during a cleaning. The hoses and attachments are not permanently in place, so it is rather easy to dislodge them. If I am not paying close attention, I can pull the hose too far or catch it on something causing the system to fall into pieces while in use. This leads to spills of both clean and dirty water. You need to be very careful when using a machine that you do not pull it apart. Another possible disadvantage is that these portable machines are not meant for large scale cleaning. You will only be able to use this type of carpet cleaning machine for small stains and hard to reach places. It is necessary to buy a full size carpet shampooer or rent one to clean entire rooms.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Pain Coping Techniques During Labor

Child birth can be a long and painful experience. If you do not plan properly for the pain and how to deal with it, it can become an overwhelming and scary experience as well. If you are pregnant and growing close to your due date, then you will want to discuss your various pain management options with your doctor or midwife. This information on a wide range of pain coping techniques during labor can help you determine what options your feel would be a good fit for your birth plan.

What Kind of Pain Can You Expect?

Initial pain during labor is not that intense. In fact, you will likely experience menstrual like cramps during the first stage of labor and pain management is not generally needed or administered during this time. As your contractions strengthen, you will experience more intense pain in your abdomen, back and groin area as the baby descends and your muscles continue to contract.

When you get ready to push, the vaginal wall and muscles will also begin to stretch, which will cause pain. Intense pressure on the bladder or bowels could also cause ongoing pain in the abdomen or back as well. Some women are better equipped to deal with the pain and may need little to no pain intervention, while others will have a more prolonged and difficult birth experience that may require the use of several pain relieving methods.

Natural Childbirth Pain Coping Techniques

Some women opt to go through the process of childbirth naturally. Just because you choose natural labor, does not mean that there are not pain relief methods available to you. While these techniques will not get rid of your pain, the will help you deal with it and push through it. Most of these exercises are centered on helping you stay calm and work through the pain to give birth to your baby. Some common natural pain management options include:

  • Deep Breathing - Even if you end up choosing other medical pain relief options later on in your laboring process, deep breathing exercises can help you block and manage your pain. By focuses on your breathing, you are redirecting your mind's attention from the pain.

  • Specific Birthing Techniques - There are specific techniques such as the Lamaze and The Bradley Method that are taught in birthing classes to help women deal with the pain of labor. Lamaze is the most commonly taught practice and focuses on items such as relaxation strategies, distraction, massage and breathing to help women block and push through the pain.

These types of well rounded methods are the most popular natural childbirth pain coping techniques.

  • Walking - During early stages of labor, a woman may find walking soothing and a welcomed distraction from the pain. Since you must focus on your steps and staying upright while walking, it keeps your body from focusing only on the feelings of pain.

  • Utilizing Different Positions - From squatting to sitting on a birthing ball or even staying on your hands and knees, there are many different positions that you can use while in labor to take the pressure off of certain parts of your body and help relieve pain. Finding a position that is right for you could take some trial and error, but if your pain is difficult to get through, trying a new position may help.

  • Analgesics - Analgesics or pain medications like morphine are used in a variety of situations during labor. Sometimes, a woman will enter childbirth thinking that she will do it naturally. If a roadblock is met or a complication arises that makes the labor progress more slowly, morphine may be given when an epidural is not an option.

In other cases, a woman have a physical condition that makes the use of a block or other childbirth pain coping techniques unsafe and analgesics are used as an alternative. While not a widely used measure anymore, because of the drugs possible effect on the baby, these medications are still administered as pain relief measures in some cases.

Epidurals and Blocks

By far, epidurals and other forms of nerve blocks have become the most popular form of childbirth pain coping techniques in recent years. More and more women are opting to receive the epidurals in order to numb the pain and go through labor in a relatively painless state. Nerve blocks are also used in the majority of c-sections as well.

A thin catheter is placed into the back and sends a continuous flow of medication into the spinal column in order to block sensation in women from the belly button down. Usually not given before a woman reaches 4cm and is in active labor, epidurals must also have ample time to be prepared. If your labor has progressed quickly and you are past a certain point when you arrive at the hospital this pain management method may not be an option for you.

General Anesthesia

When it comes to childbirth pain coping techniques, this is the one that is used least often. General anesthesia is only used during labor in rare, emergency situations. If you are progressing through labor and a complication arises, such as a baby presenting breach or bottom down instead of head down, an emergency c-section could be ordered. The same is true for when babies or mothers suddenly go into distress due to a variety of other complications.

General anesthesia will put the woman to sleep, but it will often also affect the baby and knock them out as well. That is why it is reserved only for those situations that qualify as an emergency.

If you are facing labor and delivery soon, then it is best to be prepared and determine what childbirth pain coping techniques you would like to utilize. Making yourself aware of the options available to you will help you be prepared for the birth of your child and will make you less apprehensive. The information above can help you sift through the various options and choose a technique that will work best for your needs.

Answering Your Questions About Knee Replacement Surgery

It seems like you've tried everything to get rid of that nagging pain in your knee. You've gone to specialists, used ice packs, hot packs, and both topical and injected pain relievers. Now your doctor is suggesting total joint replacement as a way to relieve your symptoms.

When you need to make a big decision regarding your joint health, look no further than the team of experts available at one of Mercy Health Partners' hospitals. This network of care offers anyone in need of a new knee, hip, or shoulder proven options for a swift recovery.

"Orthopedics is an ever-growing and ever-changing field," says Carol Owens, RN, BBA, director of medical and surgical services at Mercy Hospital Anderson. "When you want to find the best surgical solution\ for your personal needs, having allies like those available through our orthopedic program can help you select the best procedure."

A Look at Your Options

Common procedures performed at Mercy facilities include:

• total hip replacement
• total knee replacement
• total shoulder replacement
• spine surgery

"While our most common procedure, far and away, is a total knee replacement, we offer a wide range of orthopedic services," says Nate Chaney, RN, BSN, orthopedic program director and unit based educator for the Orthopaedic Center of Excellence at Mercy Hospital Fairfield. "Our available options even include computer-assisted and minimally-invasive procedures."

World Class Care

What sets Mercy apart from other hospitals is the commitment to providing personalized care. At all five Mercy hospitals in Greater Cincinnati patients have the option to attend a joint replacement class. Designed to offer future patients a chance to view the facility, get to know the staff, complete important pre-admission testing, and find the answers to all their joint replacement questions, this course is greatly improving outcomes at Mercy facilities.

"The classes are not mandatory at our facility, but many doctors request patients attend them and a few require them," says Chaney. "When we first started offering the classes here, only a quarter of our patients attended, but now we're up to more than two-thirds. Patients who attend leave grateful that they came, and have fewer complications and faster recoveries."

By participating in joint replacement classes, Mercy hopes to educate joint replacement patients and transform them into partners in their own recovery process.

"We certainly encourage the patient and their family to get involved in the joint replacement process," says Owens. "By making a concerted effort to include everyone involved, and to educate those closest to the patient, the recovery process becomes a joint effort. Our proven results speak for the effectiveness of this approach."

For more information about orthopedic care available through Mercy hospitals, visit