Wednesday, August 7, 2013

What Is Outpatient Knee Replacement and Can It Help You?

Outpatient knee replacement is a method utilizing fairly recent advances in orthopedic knee arthroplasty (whether total or unicompartmental), that signals itself to be significant in the future of knee replacement procedures. Customarily, this was a variety of prosthetic operation that needed to be performed in a hospital setting. However, advances in techniques like minimally invasive surgery and anesthetics, originated by Dr. Robert Berger, have prominently shortened hospital times, and within the last ten years, have even made it feasible for an increasing number of patients to be discharged on that very day, and actually walk out of the clinic or hospital with no walker, cane, nor any crutch being required. With a steadily rising rate of knee surgery patients being scheduled for same day outpatient procedures today, the usual hospital wait for a total knee arthroplasty has been astonishingly dropped from two weeks just a few decades ago, to about a week by 1998, 4 or 5 days by 2003, and presently it is abnormal even for knee recipients using more traditional techniques to stay more than 3 days in the hospital.

An outpatient procedure of this variety needs everything to be done perfectly by the most qualified surgery team, which should include some knee specialists. Any omission, delay or other mistake on the team's behalf can cause an extended stay to be required for the patient. Not all facilities or doctors will be ready for same day surgery, as this depends on the modern technology together with the most experienced team. In April 2011, Dr. Kevin Stone, a California orthopedic surgeon, finished a knee replacement operation in faster than two hours hospital time, utilizing state of the art robot mechanisms.

The advantages of outpatient operating portend a major lowering in expenses to both patient and hospital, in addition to an accelerated recovery time allowing artificial knee recipients to start doing physical therapy the day after operating. The danger is regarded as minimal; Dr. Berger shows his research concluding a 94% rate of success in same day knee surgery. He has indicated that his minimally invasive method entails a solitary incision between the joint line and the knee cap, avoiding making dislocations or cuts on the quadriceps tendon and muscles.

Another crucial consideration is the presence of a complete team to help the patient in deriving benefit from the optimal therapeutic methods. The popularity of this improved method may signify that nearly all knee replacements will be capable of being finished in a matter of minutes or hours not so far in the future. Dr. Berger is moreover famed for his recent criticism of an artificial knee called the Zimmer knee, manufactured by his former firm, the Zimmer company, that he claimed has a greater danger of post-surgery knee failure; this has ended up in suits and recalls clustered around the Zimmer knee.

Likewise, outpatient hip arthroplasties have been done by Dr. Berger's team beginning in 2001, with the first such outpatient hip replacement in Virginia being done in July 2010 by Dr. Mark McFarland of the Newport News Orthopedic and Spine Center.

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